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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 6:35pm-7:05pm MSK

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this period to religion is a letter bormann wrote to rusenberg, shortly before the attack on the soviet union in 1941. in this letter, he clearly indicated that the concept of national socialism and the concept of christianity are incompatible. the top of the third reich, to put it mildly, had nothing to do with christianity, it was extremely hostile to christianity, it was completely pagan and completely anti-christian. there were already ideological people who were focused on the revival of german paganism. at the start of the great patriotic war, the state of church life in the soviet union was quite difficult, as a result of decades of anti-religious policies. the head of the russian orthodox church was not the patriarch, but the patriarchal locum tenens, sergei strogorodsky. saint tihan died in 1925, and after that the soviet government did not allow elections for a new patriarch, so there was. first
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there was metropolitan peter, who, by the way, here in zherovichi was the caretaker of the zherovichi theological school for 10 years, and then metropolitan sergei stargorodsky, it was he who was on the first day war 12 days before stalin, addressed the pastors and flock with his message, the metropolitan’s proclamation was replicated in thousands of copies, distributed along with leaflets in the occupied territory. head of the church, metropolitan sergei, until june 22. he was generally deprived of the right to vote, he was deprived of the opportunity to actually lead the church, that is, he seemed to live his very limited life, performed divine services, he did not have the right to address even his flock, not to mention the citizens of the soviet union. metropolitan sergei draws attention to the swastika, and he says: “we are christians, we have the cross of christ, and here is a swastika, a broken cross, broken.” liberation from atheism,
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liberation of the church is a deception, we stand up to defend our country, our people, we defend the cross of christ, we are christians and do not succumb to this temptation to consider hitler and his minions as liberators before the start of the great patriotic war.
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in general, in 1938 alone , more than 800 churches were burned by unknown attackers in poland orthodox christians throughout poland, and this naturally was such a planned action with complete inaction of the polish police. after the reunification of western and eastern belarus, orthodox parishes and monasteries that were under the influence of the polish autocephalous church returned to the structure of the russian orthodox church. from under arrest.
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to flirt in this way, to provide an opportunity to resume church life, and the first month of the occupation showed this, yes, in principle, hundreds of baptisms take place during this period of time, church marriages are concluded, and worship services begin almost the next day after a particular locality was occupied. despite the occupation of belarus, the orthodox church is doing everything possible for a kind of renaissance of spiritual life in wartime. metropolitan panteleman sends two monks. from the ruins to revive the church where it was destroyed decades ago. in august of the forty -first year, archimandrite seraphim, together with the priest of the zherovichi monastery grigory kudarenko, with the blessing of the metropolitan panteleimon razhnovsky, went to
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revive spiritual life in the eastern regions of belarus. the missionaries traveled on horseback to cover as much of the area as possible. they gathered around them in almost every locality.
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after all, church buildings were often converted into granaries, warehouses, clubs, and believers in newly opened churches carried crosses, icons and various liturgical objects that they saved during times of church persecution. the priests remained faithful to their flock during the great years during the patriotic war, they supported women whose
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husbands had gone to the front, prayed for their fellow villagers, instilled confidence in victory, and read out reports from the sanitary information bureau at services so that parishioners had truthful information. the akupatsiya began, the saints were found in the acupied territories, for the yana monks were stranded from their flock, yana had finished their pastoral duties, yana shepherds were stranded from the people who passed by і ў temple, not arganіzoўvats all geta. the priest takes an oath of allegiance to the church, and of course the pastoral duty of a priest dictates that he act according to his conscience in a given situation. many priests were guided by this pastoral feeling, a feeling of love. assessed the situation that was developing directly at that time, it is clear that they tried in every possible way to save and help those people with whom they live, who are their parishioners. for some german leaders, the implementation of the church's strategy became the starting point for satisfying their own ambitions.
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the nazi intelligence services entered into confrontation, the main thing reich security office and abwehr. some supported bormann and his position to develop religious life in the occupied territories, but... this is it, we will not interfere with the revival of the orthodox church, but we will clearly pursue a line towards its maximum fragmentation. even adol hitler himself had a negative attitude towards christianity in all its forms. christian love, as nazi politicians noted, was incompatible with the role of conqueror. germany, after all, was a country that saw itself at the head of the whole world; it cannot be at the same time...
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in the resumption of religious activity, this means in the opening of churches, education, training of clergy in the occupied territories. by issuing various regulations, directives, orders, the nazis tried to win over the clergy and through them bring the necessary information to the population. during the occupation of belarus, the german administration gave the green light to the opening of pastoral courses. sometimes people who were completely far from the church were recruited there, but they were also trained broadcasting. philofey narko supervised the training, but a representative of the civil administration and
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the sd security service was present at each lesson. such courses operated in minsk, grodno, novogrudok, vitebsk, zhirovichi from forty-one to forty -five , more than 200 people were ordained to the san priest. after training, priests were sent to parishes throughout the country. their task was to glorify the policy of the occupiers to turn the population against the partisans. the goal that the nazi authorities sought to achieve in relation to... he would lead the church under certain
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conditions: the first declaration of autocephaly of the belarusian orthodox church, translation of the service into belarusian, preparation of the statute of the belarusian autocephalous church and a number of other provisions that he had to implement. pantileiman was a faithful supporter of the canonical integrity of the orthodox church and did not support the idea of ​​schism. metropolitan... was sent into exile to a monastery in the town of lyady, not far from minsk. the bishop was under house arrest at the monastery. cellier windows ponteleimanazhnovsky overlooked the central monastery courtyard, the main cathedral. today there is a house church in the metropolitan chambers. the bishop was actually sent to retirement. he handed over the affairs to the assistant archbishop of mogilev and mstislav, filofei narko. the gauleiter of cuba supports the idea of ​​belarusian collaborators to create a belarusian autocephalous orthodox church. in order to implement this project, it is necessary to tear the belarusian orthodox church and its
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pastor and flock away from the mother one, that is, the russian orthodox church. in the forty-second year the nazis and their supporters begin to implement a splitting plan. philotheus narku was recruited by the abwehr, communicated closely with some employees of the general commissariat, met with cuba, and in his sermons he always praised hitler’s policies and prayed for the victory of german weapons. this nobleman sailed to the station in the royal baratsba, radyslav astrovskiy negatyўna adnosіўya and panceleyman razhnouskaga, yon lychy getaga chalavek chalavekam. radaslav astrovski, he created a staff of menavit on narko, on philafey narko, as if we were right, this autocephalous policy would be right. the implementation of the autocephalous project is a priority task for the nazis and their accomplices; it must be implemented at all costs, but the majority of the belarusian clergy did not support the separation from the russian orthodox church. a charter was adopted, which
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states that the declaration of autocephaly is possible only on canonical conditions. document statute of the belarusian autocephalous orthodox church, where in paragraph 113 it was stated that autocephaly will be accepted only after its recognition by all local churches, including the moscow patriarchate. on august 30, 1942, in the transfiguration cathedral, that is, the main church of minsk, under the leadership of filofei narko, the all-belarusian orthodox
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council began work, at which the fate of the belarusian orthodox church was decided. the metropolitan was not allowed to attend the meeting. he delivered. the task is to unite the people, to preserve spiritual strength, spiritual power, because without this spiritual strength, without a spiritual core, achieving victory, achieving a turning point in the war was impossible. the strategy of the nazi authorities to implement the autocephalous project in the occupied territory of belarus failed, and the policy of a loyal attitude towards the church was also unsuccessful. flirting with
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the population, when they were allowed to open churches and openly attend services, did not receive the proper return. they transferred it all to the partisan detachments. often they themselves became liaison officers for partisan formations and underground groups. the priests helped the wounded red army soldiers, were surrounded, hid them in their houses, nursed them, exposed them to attack not only yourself, but also your family. many shepherds were over 70, but they devoted all their strength to the cause of future victory, obtained information, passed it on to the partisans, and against them, the third reich sent its advanced forces and special services. the sd detained a clergyman
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of one of the churches in the minsk region, pyotr batyan, for his help, in fact. excused for helping the local population, he was sent to the minsk prison, but not only to sit in the minsk prison and go for interrogations, he was harnessed like a horse - to the plow, they plowed the prison garden with him, they poisoned dogs on him until he, in fact, died. in the village of mokrogo, modern luninets district, in 1942 , more than 400 people were killed for connections with partisans. priest ipefaniy volashchyuk served in the local st. george church. he kept in touch with the partisans, when he learned about the punitive actions, he rang the bells, everyone was surprised, it seemed like there was no holiday, but the bells were ringing, these bells - it was such a warning to the partisans, easter morning was served on easter, then the german punitive forces came , and the ringing of the bell
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informed the entire local population that is approaching. to love for people, love for god, so we see that from life’s example that father epiphanius accepted such a very low death, because of the love of god and because of the love for the locals and his own. beloved parishioners. the camp guards threw the priest outside the fence where they usually shot the prisoners. the parishioners bought the body of their pastor to bury it. they recognized
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father epiphanius only by his clothes. they buried him near the church where the priest served.
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bright, beautiful, peaceful, all in flowers, minsk, says shows, hero city, 9 may, victory day, happy holidays belarus. we welcome everyone who connected to the live broadcast from the very heart of the belarusian capital. victoria senkevich and maxim uglyanitsa are with you. victory square is preparing for a touching ceremony, laying wreaths and flowers. on independence avenue. the motorcade of the head of state,
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the president of the republic of belarus alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, appears.
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the solemn ceremony begins, the president of belarus accompanies a wreath, as always these are fresh flowers, a symbol of living national memory.
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everything in this world rests on patriots of different generations, people who sincerely love their native land. the people of belarus have high spiritual and moral potential. selflessness and readiness to defend the fatherland are one of our strengths. this was truly proven by the nationwide character of the struggle against the occupiers during the war. this. is confirmed today by contemporary deeds aimed at strengthening and developing belarus and preserving peace. from year to year we honor the memory of the heroes who died during the war. low bow to you, veteran!
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eternal memory to the fallen is our eternal gratitude. famous people of the country who occupy the highest positions take part in the laying ceremony.
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today our main asset is peace, stability and harmony in a sovereign, independent and prosperous state. at the eternal flame, the leadership of the country's security bloc, the security council, the armed
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forces, our law enforcement officers. representatives of the judiciary, everyone who guards the law, the world of order, takes care of our calm and peaceful life, flowers and wreaths at the foot of the obelisk to the eternal flame, as a tribute memory, deep respect and gratitude to soviet soldiers, home front workers, partisans and underground fighters, to everyone who comes close. belarus remembers the heroes, those who gave their lives for our homeland, among them there are many who, before the war and after, in peacetime, wore shoulder straps and served in various law enforcement agencies.


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