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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 7:05pm-7:41pm MSK

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to the partisans and underground fighters, to everyone who brought victory closer. belarus remembers the heroes, those who gave their lives for our homeland. among them are many who, before the war and after, already in peacetime, wore shoulder straps and served in various law enforcement agencies.
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we remember, belarus remembers and will tell the new generation of belarusians, which, fortunately, does not know the grief of war, will tell about the great victory that we got at a high price, millions of human lives. thousands of belarusians and guests of the capital gathered on victory square, these are representatives of different generations.
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the clergy also take part in today's ceremony. in our multinational country, people of different religions live peacefully. and during the war , orthodox christians, catholics, muslims, jews also heroically fought shoulder to shoulder. today at the laying on we are all together again, united. for us, peace is laid at the foot of the monument from the minsk regional executive committee and the capital's authorities; their colleagues in the post-war years carried out colossal work to restore the heart of belarus from ruins.
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the ceremony is continued by the executive committee of the commonwealth independent states and representatives of the diplomatic corps. the great patriotic war is our common pain , our common victory over the brown plague. victory, just listen! this word,
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how much deep meaning there is in it, no matter how they try in the west in europe to erase this holiday from memory, it still lives. in belarus, this sacred date is saturated with tears of joy and happiness for the homeland liberated from the brown plague. the foot of the obelisk is buried in flowers; public associations, political parties, activists and patriots, as always, a very representative composition. these are people who every day, in word
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and deed, strengthen the image of the belarusian state. dear veterans and valiant warriors, almost 80 years ago, the bloody tornado, the most terrible war in history, was stopped
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by the sacrificial feat of the soviet people. this fact is forever enshrined in the ruins of the reichstag, iwak. on the unconditional surrender of nazi germany. the german war machine crashed due to the unparalleled heroism and courage of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. 4 long years front in the rear, a great victory was forged. the old man stood up to fight the enemy. and little by little, having paid for freedom with the lives of millions of its sons and daughters, our great homeland, the soviet union, then saved humanity from enslavement, and individual peoples from complete extermination.
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today we are proud of our ancestors, veterans, winners. we glorify their feat, standing at the eternal flame, we take an oath that we will do everything to preserve their memory for centuries. remember, we come here so that the terrible past does not repeat itself. let's forget this the past, let's stop coming to the monuments, it will come to us, remember,
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the conclusion reached by humanity, how do you feel about the memory of your ancestors? especially those who gave you life and freedom, this is how future generations will treat you, we are not eternal, we are mortal, remember, please come to the monuments, to the eternal flame, quietly, calmly, without any organization. you can do without flowers, remember, bow to those who gave us freedom if we don’t want to fight. we give
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instructions to our children and grandchildren to sacredly preserve the truth about that war, as the highest value, for us it is symbolic. connections between generations, one of the foundations of the spiritual unity of the people. the great victory is the main key moment in the history of the revival and formation of the belarusian nation. its lessons allow us today, remembering and knowing the past, to look into the future. and the love of life and creative energy of the generation. who restored the country from ruins are an example of how we should live and work. belarus needs peace, tomorrow, in a year,
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always. it is important for us to persevere and not allow ourselves to be drawn into conflicts. time has chosen us chose for us to save. the independence of our land, everything created by many generations before us. everything that we are proud of and admire together. to do this, we develop the economy, strengthen the defense, educate young people as patriots, maintain peace and prosperity in our native land, as our ancestors bequeathed to us. the great victory they won gives us faith that belarusians are able to overcome everything and survive. honor, glory to the victorious soldiers, honor, glory to our dear
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veterans, eternal memory of those who fell on the battlefield, tortured in fascist dungeons and concentration camps. the victorious may of '45 brought priceless peace to humanity, but its value is not for everyone. i liked it, our former allies, in our opinion, the sole
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victors of nazi germany, saw only themselves. as in the early forties, the west is ready to deal with any evil in order to maintain dominance. the terrifying experience of the apologists of the defeated third reich has already found its followers there. it received a new interpretation and a beautiful wrapper. the nazis of our day no longer wear boots and black shirts, but act much more subtly and more sophisticated. without any hesitation , nationalists of all stripes praise and welcome the ss men in europe. the heads of state give them a standing ovation, forgetting the results. without regard to history, morality and law, they again began
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to pit countries against peoples, for this purpose they revived the ideas and methods of the nazis, dialogues of cooperation are rejected from the threshold, and material gain and wealth are put at the forefront of everything. based on the events in ukraine, syria, the gas sector and other hot spots on the planet, every day thousands and thousands of people die around the world, even more remain homeless, live in inhuman conditions, suffer from hunger and thirst. explosions are heard again over the fields of former battles, there is a smell of gunpowder and civilians are dying. today, more than ever, our voice is important, of everyone who speaks out in defense of peace,
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strives for cooperation, who shares the ideals of justice and global equality, but we, unfortunately, do not hear these voices; we know how such silence ended in the last century , today they want to push us into the same abyss again, but we must do everything to prevent world war iii, otherwise a nuclear apocalypse is inevitable; for this we all need to unite. in its history, humanity once already managed to unite against universal evil, and this led to victory. then we crushed fascism.
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europe and the united states, and we have not forgotten this. we have a good memory, unlike them. our memories, however, stand as a reliable shield against the reign of chaos and ideas of superiority in the world, and provide immunity against. living ideas of hidden manipulations becomes a beacon in the horror of challenges and threats of the new time. we are not they knelt before their enemies then and do not intend to bow their heads before them today. the war taught belarusians to sacredly cherish their native land, defend it at the cost of their own lives and
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preserve the memory of the feat of their ancestors. we will not allow what we see to be repeated. and they survived, using the example of the heroes of the war, today we are educating our youth, moreover, it is they who have the main role in preserving the memory of the feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, to preserve, which we must primarily in families, then no political situation will will cross out and not will weaken the spiritual unity of generations. otherwise , talking about friendship and peace, about the fact that we are for everything good, but against everything bad, will make them, and therefore our future, defenseless in the face of the threats of new times. manipulation is useless if people live by their own minds. external challenges and attempts to put pressure on our
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country have led to only one thing: belarus has become stronger. "we will do everything so that no one even has the thought of testing this in practice. dear friends, we bow our heads with deepest gratitude to the courage and perseverance of all those who gave life for the freedom of future generations, for our freedom. and at the same time he speaks." dear veterans, you gave an unforgettable lesson to all subsequent generations: a lesson of courage, patriotism, love of freedom and fortitude, low
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bow to you, the living and those who... from us for this unparalleled feat, valor, courage and faithful service to the fatherland, i wish our respected veterans good health, longevity and prosperity for every belarusian family, happiness, peace and goodness. i congratulate you all on the holiday, on the day. great. victory!
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who do you love? the ceremonial rhythm is picked up by the consolidated company of the honor guard. this march emphasizes the special importance of the moment: the soldiers marching across the square are the personification of the coherence of the belarusian army.
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for more than a quarter of a century, the honor guard company has been the pride of the armed forces of belarus. the company's servicemen visited different parts of the world, got acquainted with the combat culture
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of the belarusian army, military representatives of many countries, and the orchestra of the minsk military commandant's office brings up the rear. it will begin next theatrical musical performance. we remember, we are proud, we will not betray. such important words for each of us. get up, huge country, get up, my mortal, fascist dark force. with the damned horde, let the noble rage arise like a wave,
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the people's war, the holy war, let the noble rage, sepoy. as the waves go, a people's war, a holy war. rise up, people's wars, partisans. and cities, our honor and truth and freedom, our voices have merged into a single house, our homeland is calling us
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with a siren, god bequeaths us brothers and sisters, to war and the sacred right, as one stew we will fight back, in the war and the right. sacred, as one enemy we will fight back. victory day, as it was, will be torn from us, it will burn under the fire under the fire. there were everywhere scorched in the dust, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory is gone, this is
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a holiday, the middle ground is in place, this is joy, with tears in our eyes, a day. victory, victory day, victory day, over na'. silence does not sing, it is the peaceful sky that sings, holy. the country remembers the heroes,
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lives by holy prayer, if we remember and honor the heroes, that means our people will be united, that means we will always conquer everything. we remember, we are proud, do not betray us, silence sings above us, this is your peaceful sky, the land of holy heroes, holy. this
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is zhenya’s prayer, if we remember the stoves, it means our people will be united, it means everything is always victorious, we remember, we are proud,
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we remember, we are proud, we will not betray, a theatrical musical number has ended on victory square, the people’s laying of flowers at the eternal flame is about to continue and to the victory monument, happy holidays belarus, happy victory day. temple-monument of the great victory - holy resurrection cathedral of brest, its height
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is more. evgeniy porfinyuk himself survived the great patriotic war and learned about its beginning even before molotov’s official appeal. the family lived in breshchina and woke up to the roar of german planes and the sounds of explosions. from the moment the first underground and partisan groups appeared, they began to help them. together with his brother, he was active in collecting clothes, food, and so on, helping the partisans, and also those people
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who. were connected. temple of st. archangel michael in ostromechiv. here, at the beginning of the great patriotic war, stefan porfenyuk served as a priest. his son evgeniy was the psalmist. in the first days of the war, the church was damaged by shells, but the priest and his sons restored the temple. in addition to spiritual support for parishioners, they actively helped the partisans with food, medicine, clothing, and took wounded and sick people from the forest.
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the priest's family. for a long time aroused suspicion among the police, they were watched, in november 1942 they captured anatoly’s eldest son, it was in the courtyard of the house, in front of his parents and younger brother, he was shot. for his connection with the partisans, the whole horror was that on the one hand it was in front of the happy eyes, on the other hand, that he was not killed immediately, he died for two more days, it was impossible to approach him, there were those in the house who loved it, it was such vandalism, only a few days later the head of the local gendarmerie allowed anatoly to be buried, only because he was the son of a priest, anatoly was buried near the vastromechev church. after the war , evgeny porfenyuk returned to ostromechyevo, but do not serve in the temple. he graduated from the faculty of philology of belgus university and came to work as a teacher at school. then he became a director, but the dream of spiritual service did not
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leave. evgeniy iksternom graduated from the leningrad theological seminary in 1947 and became a priest. the first place of service is the holy transfiguration church in the village of trostenitsa, very close to stromechego. a real priest, he is a priest with a capital p, because the priesthood, the most important thing, is the service of the liturgy, evgeniy loved the liturgy very much, he loved the service, so if the priest loves the service, he has succeeded as a priest. in the late sixties, father evgeniy was sent to argentina. he builds an orthodox church, upon returning to his homeland, he serves in kobrin, brest, and was a secretary.
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in the modern kamenets region during the great patriotic war, priest evgeniy mesiyu served. village in belovezhskaya pushcha, partisan places. only women and children came to services at the church of the exaltation of the cross; men were at the front or in partisan detachments. people under nazi occupation needed spiritual support. the role of the priest in those years, firstly, was to console people, help people, and overcome this terrible time, in fact, even today, of course, we would, of course, turn to psychologists for the most part, who could give answers to some questions. then
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questions and somehow at least establishing inner peace in the person himself, then this role, of course, was actively occupied by sacred ministers, they consoled people. in the occupied territory , the nazis periodically staged.


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