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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 7:40pm-8:01pm MSK

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secretary of novogrudok bishop afanasy martas. even before the priesthood, boris received a medical education, he was a medical assistant. the occupation forced the priest to use his knowledge to the fullest. nearby nalibokskaya pushcha is a partisan zone. father boris actively helped the partisans with medicines, dressings, food, and then in the basement of the church house he created an underground hospital with 10 beds. for many decades there were stories about the exploits of father boris. unknown until
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an article about the priest appeared in the local novogrudok newspaper, which was written by a former partisan, he survived only thanks to his father aris kirik. the priest himself had a medical education, his wife, they cared for the wounded, partisans, provided assistance to the population not only to the partisans, but also to the local population who needed this or that help. several years ago we managed to find out the name of the priest’s wife. ekaterina, her sister elena, also helped save the partisans, thanks to her they managed to get bandages and medicines; boris’s father’s brother pavel often received medicines. to treat the wounded we need there were not only medicines, but also people. residents of yatra, church parishioners, worked in the underground hospital; it was extremely dangerous; one denunciation would have been enough to destroy the village. the priest, he’s not a career intelligence officer, yes, and he couldn’t, well, let’s put it that way. to
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the end - to know all those who are next to him, and how he treats, whether he really sincerely helps to be. such cases when a clergyman, while helping, received in return betrayal from those whom he helped, but one of those who was treated in the underground hospital of father boris kirik, nevertheless, he betrayed the priest; after recovery, the former partisan did not return to the detachment, but went to the police. boris kirik ended up in the koldychevo death camp, one of the most terrible concentration camps in belarus. there were security guards here. policemen of the thirteenth belarusian sd police battalion, out of 150 guards, 148 were local. they were trained at a special training center for collaborators. the police brutally mocked the prisoners, beating them half to death; murders were
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daily here. the executioners ripped open their bellies pregnant women, living babies were thrown into pits, young children were either killed outright or sent to another camp, where their blood was taken for the soldiers of the faith.
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until 1939, pruzhany was under the jurisdiction of poland; for loyalty to the russian orthodox church, the polish authorities deprived father fedor of citizenship; the exile was prevented by the second world war. after the return of this territory to the ussr, fyodor dmitriyuk was sent to serve in the parish of the village of cherevachitsy,
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modern kobrin district. it is known that he helped the partisans, this it is documented that he helped the partisans. there was even a wounded partisan in the house, who was looked after by his relatives, the relatives of fyodor’s father, who also helped the partisan detachment with information, food, and so on. the priest's house became a safe house for the partisans, weapons were also stored here, the entire family of father fyodor participated in the underground movement, distributed leaflets, obtained information, a railway passed near the village, on november 7, the forty-third partisans. they blew up a train with german equipment and weapons and soldiers, and german the punitive forces decided to take revenge, and of course, they took revenge on the nearby villages, in particular the village
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of cherevachtsi. 56 people were shot, 18 houses were burned, and among those affected by the german punitive forces was the family... of father fyodor dmitriyuk. the nazis destroyed the wife, eldest daughter, son-in-law and close relatives of fyodor’s father. the youngest daughter was seriously wounded. the priest was saved by the fact that at the time of the tragedy he was not in the village and returned to the ashes. after the loss of loved ones, father fedor transferred service to kobrin, then to bobruisk. he's in 1955 year he became a monk with the name flovian. in 1958 he was ordained. and we know that from 1966 to 1977, that is, for 11 years, he already ruled as archbishop of the gorky and arzamav department. another priest who suffered at the hands of the nazis,
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nikolai mikhalovsky, is buried at the cemetery in cherevachitsy. during the great patriotic war, he was the dean of a church in the village of ragozna, modern zhabinkovsky district. from the first days of the appearance of partisan detachments in the area, the priest helped them with weapons and food. what he was carrying was tortured it seemed like 3 days in the church, they hung him on bars and even seemed to break his fingers with which he was trying to be baptized, at that moment he read himself the departure prayer of a half-dead man, the old church was the exaltation of the cross, and on the eve of the feast of the cross of the exaltation of christ they forced him to dig it was as if they threw his half-dead grave there and buried his relatives at the site of the death of father nikolai. he was not allowed in for several days, neither his parents nor his wife and small child could approach the grave; later the nazis
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gave the go-ahead for reburial and buried him on the territory of the church, now, and then after the war, this is somewhere in the sixties, his mother, well, buried him in cherevachitsa, where he is now, his grave is located, a sign from the church to the enemy. dmitry of thessalonica, the descendants of father nicholas, three generations, come to the temple where their ancestor served, which was located in a completely different place, in the new church they honor the memory of the shepherd, on the day of his death on september 27, a ponyhid is always served here. priestly duty, priestly oath, because when a priest becomes, well, he is ordained, he gives an oath that he will serve until the end in the place where he is placed, to serve god, to serve people. during
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the great patriotic war , the nazis declared all real estate in the occupied territory the property of the third reich, including the church, on watchtowers and firing points were set up in the bell towers, the temple space was turned into barracks and stables, sacred buildings were used as concentration camp prisons, and captured red army soldiers were kept. the wounded were placed in the temple, the priest's wife was a medic, she provided first aid,
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local residents brought dressing material, secretly in buckets with lids, food was also carried there for the soldiers, the stone pool was covered with straw, because in the ancient temple, which was more than 150 years old and cold in the summer, here in the church they saved wounded, a doctor from likom operated under the altar and... grandfather assisted the doctor, and then people said so, you know, people who are devout believers said that that’s why many were saved, because we, as he doesn’t say, did these operations under icons . surgeon viktor likomtsev is the man who, in forty-three, would save the life of hero of the soviet union kirill orlovsky. it was likomtsev who would perform the arm amputation operation in a partisan camp without anesthesia, using an ordinary saw. and then in the summer of forty- first, likomtsev could have died under his friends. if the priest john had not saved him. residents of ruzhany also owe their lives to the priest; for the murder of a german soldier,
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the police arrested all the men and teenagers, they were threatened with death. father ion novrodsky went to the local german authorities and interceded for them as hostages, offered his family, herself, her husband, mother lidia ivanovna, and two daughters, here lydia was six. it is used as the title page in books, newspaper publications, and essays; in the photo, evsignikrokos, he served in the village of milevich,
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it follows that he was apparently a liaison. at services, despite the prohibitions of the occupation authorities, the priest read out to the parishioners reports from the san information bureau, combat leaflets, and articles from the newspaper pravda. prayed for the victory of the soviet troops, in retaliation the police set fire to the temple with flamethrowers, burned the priest's house, the parishioners built there were not enough dugouts and houses, since punitive expeditions took place here several times. in 1943, the priest suffered from the police, it was winter, because in the month of february
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, february 15, the presentation of the lord, father ivsigny was beaten, a little. the fact that he was beaten outside the village, since he was most likely returning from the forest, apparently some kind of meeting took place with local partisans, he was beaten and even took off his shoes, he would have returned to his dugout in the cold, and unfortunately, from he was no longer able to get out of this dugout on his own; he died. often a photograph father ivsigny is included in the materials, he said. he went to the partisan detachment of the pinsk formation, he even came with the partisans to those villages where they were that were burned, yes, there he performed the funeral service for the dead, for the dead people, and he performed the funeral service
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for the same, well, partisans who probably wanted, although well, it’s not difficult to imagine, because well, according to the soviet... a priest who was not only in the partisan camp, he, on his own initiative, went with the partisans on missions, including reconnaissance, obtained important information, but he did not forget about the main mission of the priest, spiritually supported the flock and performed services. they arrived, civilians from the village asked for a priest, since the local priest didn’t... didn’t want to perform the funeral service for the murdered policeman, so they came to korzh, knowing that romanushka was with him, but korzh said: i can’t force you , it’s your choice, so you can go, or you don’t have to go, and he went, we won’t hold his funeral service, because he is a traitor
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to our homeland and doesn’t deserve a funeral service, as we will sing his rest with the saints, that is , a man who... himself betrayed, not only betrayed, but also killed his compatriots, his own loved ones, that is, how can one kill himself to sing his rest with the saints, stepped aside a little, i think, that he had just prayed, asked god for strength, because in the gospel there are wonderful words that when the lord says that if you are put on trial, don’t think about what to say, the holy spirit will give you that moment, what to say, here , probably the holy spirit gave him such courage, the courage to pronounce these words that morally made these people think. the priest’s lively sermon made the collaborators think. a few days later, many of the policemen went over to the side of the partisans, along with weapons and ammunition. after the liberation of pinsk, alexander romanushka managed all the parishes of the pinsk diocese. i compiled a countdown for his holiness the patriarch for diocesan affairs, how many priests suffered
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during the war, from the nazis, yes, who was killed, who was in prison, that is, he seemed to take his own. hands of this control, and then he had already been appointed, that is, to the city of mozyr, as rector of the mozyr cathedral. during the great patriotic war, the attitude of the political and military leadership of the soviet union towards the institution of the church changed dramatically. on september 4, 1943 , stalin met with the hierarchs in the kremlin, and on september 8 a patriarch was elected, sergius stragorodsky. many military leaders, ordinary officers, soldiers had icons and...
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