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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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the television agency of the belarusian radio company continues its big festive information day; we celebrate may 9th together. there are still many congratulations, emotions, the brightest, inclusions from completely different platforms in belarus, in elena sacheva’s studio. hello, today belarus celebrates one of the most important holidays. victories. 799
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peaceful spring means several generations of belarusians who do not know what war, suffering, deprivation, hunger are, if measured in human terms, 79 years is a whole life, a lot. today we honor our heroes, we bow our heads to the memory of the victors, to the tens of millions of people who, with their feat at the cost of their lives, defended peace and tranquility in their native land. and they determined the future of world civilization. in memorable places, in parks, squares, in squares today it is very crowded, the mood is festive, whole families come to capitals all over the country, people congratulate each other on victory day, on victory day we say one thing for all, this is happiness that we cherish our dear belarus. may 9th is an honor for us, it's
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holiday, it's pride. 79 years, clear skies, peaceful skies, this is happiness. i also have children growing up, and i want them, like me, to live as freely and happily. today i'm here to say thank you for winning. “we maintain peace and prosperity in our native land, as our ancestors bequeathed to us. according to tradition, on this holy holiday, victory square became the center of attraction for guests of the capital. less than an hour ago, the ceremony of laying wreaths as part of the patriotic event belarus remembers united thousands of people. victory thread connected all generations, bring.
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it is an annual tradition for alexander lukashenko to personally take part in the laying ceremony. wreaths and flowers were also laid at the monument from the heads of government bodies, the national assembly, and the judicial corps of the security forces. public associations,
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diplomatic corps, veterans and clergy. the soviet union saved humanity from enslavement, and individual nations from complete extermination. the price of our freedom is millions of lives cut short. and today stand by the eternal flame, belarusians take an oath to do everything to the memory of the victorious veterans has been preserved for centuries. the truth about that war, according to the president, is a symbol of the inextricable connection of generations, one of the foundations of the spiritual unity of the cohesion of the people. remember, we come here so that the terrible past does not repeat itself, let’s forget this past, stop coming to the monuments, it will come to us, remember, the conclusion made by humanity. how do you
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feel about the memory of your ancestors, especially those who gave themselves life and freedom? this is how future generations will treat you, we are not eternal, we are mortal, please remember come to the monuments to the eternal flame, quietly , calmly, without any organization, maybe without flowers,
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this is the main, key moment in the history of the revival and formation of the belarusian nation. its lessons allow us today, remembering and knowing the past, to look into the future. and the love of life and creative energy of the generation of winners, who restored the country from ruins, are an example of how we should live and work. belarus needs peace, tomorrow, in a year, always. it is important for us to withstand and not allow ourselves to be drawn into conflict, time has chosen us, chose for us to preserve the independence
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of our land, everything created by many generations before us. everything we are proud of together. which we admire, for this we develop the economy, strengthen the defense and educate young people as patriots, maintain peace and prosperity in our native land, as our ancestors bequeathed to us, the great victory they won instills in us faith that belarusians are able to overcome everything and survive. honor, glory to the victorious soldiers, honor, glory to our dear veterans, eternal memory of those who fell on the battlefield, tortured in fascist, behind the walls and
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concentration camps. in absolute silence , the metronome beats, in memory of every third person who died. the pain of loss continues 79 years later. the victorious may of '45 brought priceless peace to humanity, but not everyone liked its value, continuous attempts to rewrite history, appropriate or level out our victory, alas, no work on mistakes, the ideas and methods of the nazis are being revived in the world again, without any embarrassment in europe ss nationalists are praised and greeted. they are given a standing ovation by the heads of state, following the forgotten results of the nuremberg process, at the head of everything is exclusively material gain. thousands of people die every day around the world. even more remain homeless and suffer from hunger and thirst. ukraine, syria, the gas sector, these are not the only hot spots on the planet today.
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we must do everything to prevent a third world war, otherwise there will be a nuclear apocalypse. in the soviet country , dozens of other nations of the world, including europe and the united states, fought with us against hitler’s horde, and we have not forgotten this. we have a good memory difference from them. our memories, however, reliably
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stand in the way of the reign of chaos and ideas of superiority in the world. they give. immunity against false ideas of hidden manipulations, becomes a beacon in the hilarious challenges of threats of the new time. we did not kneel before our enemies then... and we do not intend to bow our heads before them today. the war taught belarusians to sacredly cherish their native land, defend it at the cost of their own lives and preserve the memory of the feat of their ancestors. we will not allow a repeat of what they saw and experienced. using the example of war heroes, we today we educate our youth. moreover, it is she who is given the main role. role in preserving the memory of the heroic deeds of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, which we must
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preserve first of all in families, then no political situation will cross out or weaken the spiritual unity of generations, otherwise talk about friendship and peace, about what we stand for everything good, but against everything bad, will make them, and therefore our future, defenseless in the face of the threats of new times. manipulation is useless if people live by their own minds. external challenges attempts to put pressure on our the country has led to only one thing: belarus has become stronger. we will do everything so that no one even has the thought of testing this in practice. dear friends. we bow our heads with deepest gratitude to the courage and perseverance of all those who gave their
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lives for the freedom of future generations, for our freedom, and at the same time we say a decisive no to those who are trying to erase the pages of history written in blood, dear veterans, you gave an unforgettable a lesson for all subsequent generations: a lesson in courage, patriotism, love of freedom and strength of spirit. low bow to you, the living and those who have left us, for this unparalleled feat, valor, courage and faithful service.
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memory, respect and pride, i was born here, this is my beloved homeland, how i ca n’t help but celebrate victory day here, everything is fine, thank god, all hope is in you, we give way to the young, everything will depend on you, your fate, the fate of your children is only in your hands.
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so that now the younger generation
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remembers those who brought us this victory, freedom and independence. when you look at it what is happening in neighboring countries, you appreciate differently the peaceful sky, the situation that we have in the republic, when you can calmly walk the streets, when you can work, create, everything is aimed at this. "we should be grateful to our ancestors, who, at the cost of their lives, left us this life, the opportunity to study, work, live, love, create families, because, probably, everyone. the family was affected in our country by the great patriotic war, i have two great-grandfathers on my mother’s side they took part and it’s very an important day in our family, sad and joyful at the same time. we will never forget the feat of the people, so we came here to honor the memory of all who died in this bloody war. “we honor the feat of our
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glorious heroes and glorify victory, the path to it is reflected in songs, we will hear them today at the festive holoconcert, and this is also a good tradition, the culminating meeting place is october square, from where hymns to the blossoming may will be heard. how familiar will the chords be about what the artists will tell, he knows our cultural observer lydia zablotskaya, she has already been staged and is going live. lida, greetings." happy holiday, elena, good evening, and of course, i really want to congratulate you all over the country on this wonderful day, the day of victory, the victory of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers. of course, i really want to sing about their exploits today. well, indeed, as you correctly said, we are on october square, despite the fact that it is already
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getting dark, we will still see a peaceful sky, it will be... this place was chosen for a reason, since it is also saturated memories of our veterans, and this place is imbued with memory, because it was here that the museum of the great patriotic war began its biography, and even though it is no longer here, it seems to me that the earth is simply ablaze with these memories, veterans like me have met here... . said, and here lovers will meet today, let’s remember the film of 1944 at 6:00 pm after the war, it’s called, i remember it for a reason, since it is the plot of this film that will form the basis of today’s concert, the goal of the concert, this is us. we will hear in the script, we will see a love story literally through the liberation of belarus, how
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the urban village of komarin was liberated, how minsk, the hero city, was liberated and of course... we will also hear operations bagration today, but for now i want the directors to show footage of the general run-through, yesterday we were a film crew at a concert, i’ll immediately note that it’s nice that even people passing by here stopped, listened to these songs, listened to them, there were a lot of young people, you can see it right now, of course you asked me, elena, what songs will be played, but today we will hear few familiar songs, although there will definitely be three tankers. this is not a government order, these are people who are forced to say thank you to their grandfathers for that feat and
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for the fact that today they can express their emotions through songs; the program, in principle , will be very rich. who will sing, i’ll also answer this question, these are the soloists of the variety youth theater, these are the honored people’s artists, by the way, with one of anastasia moskvina, the soloist of the bolshoi theater of belarus, we talked a few times ago moments before victory day, let's listen to her comments, her attitude towards victory day, this unites us all so much and says that we remember this war, but we will not allow that...
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and of course, not only anastasia, but all caring artists will go on stage today with such thoughts, we will hear songs of victory for an hour and a half, and of course, in the finale, that same legendary song victory day, yes, even if it was written in seventy -five for the thirtieth anniversary of the celebration of victory day, but to me it seems like you know this as if greetings from '45, the song will accompany the fireworks, we will see them, by the way, around here... i think there will definitely be more, these people are not bothered by the rain that is starting right now in minsk, and the cold too, if you before you get to october square, you can watch this
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concert live, thanks to the bel tv and radio company, this is the camera that is now filming me, and 10 more cameras that surround october square will broadcast live, we will show the concert at 21:30 in real time, it will be the most beautiful picture, you will see each one. vlotskaya, i’ll remind you once again that you can become spectators of the festive concert dedicated to victory day without even leaving your home, at exactly 21:30 on belarus 1 and belarus 24.
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victory day is our common holiday, which was created by the soviets. the people gave us the right to independence. the belarusian leader shared the joy of the great victory today with the presidents of the countries of the post-soviet space. in moscow, a parade took place on red square. this is a tradition that the heroes laid back in the victorious forty-fifth, and even the snow that kept falling from the sky could not extinguish the fiery hearts of the participants in this action. the parade started at 10:00, just exactly with perfect military precision. the weather was a little unlucky -2, they say that... our colleagues, this is the coldest may 9th, but the atmosphere on red square is completely special, because it was here that the victory parade was born in 1945 ; it was held in june, though. nevertheless
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, the stands are full, the press simply has no room, we cannot stand, and such a second of silence until moment until the main action begins. the first to report on the readiness of the troops is the russian minister of defense, a unique historical fact: from here, from red square in november 1941, after the military parade, when the front line was only 18 km from moscow, the soldiers simply went straight to defend the capital. the troops of the moscow garrison are ready for victory. army general shaigu. in total , more than 9.00 people, 75 pieces of equipment, ceremonial processions of honor guards, battalions and various kinds take part in this parade troops of the armed forces. you need to understand that you cannot buy tickets for the parade in moscow; there are only invitees here. veterans are on the central podium, they are the main heroes, there are not many of these people left. in general, those who saw the war. it is important for everyone to preserve the memory of the great patriotic war, the victory, belarus, russia, and we went through this war together, we defended the entire country, and not only
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the country, but the whole of europe was liberated from fascism, and today it is necessary to do this. now it is clear that there are different political currents, but i think for people who grandfathers fought, for whom pradita fought, this is a sacred holiday for everyone. there are three stands in total, left, right, central, where it is located. they left after midnight, but arrived in the kremlin again in the morning. vladimir putin warmly greeted each of his colleagues personally. then the leaders of the countries joined the spectators of the victory parade. in his speech, vladimir putin will talk about how the west is trying. distort the truth about the second world war, but it will live on in the stories of millions of families. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the present
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followers of the nazis, this is part of the general policy of western elites to incite new regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and to restrain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim... humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near
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minsk, smolensk. and kiev, a minute of silence is announced, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, in front of the veterans and guests again the foot crews of all russian troops from the cadets suvorov and nakhimov schools to border guards, marines, tank crews and cossacks. the parade of military equipment was traditionally opened by the legendary t-34 tank, the main combat vehicle of the great patriotic war. armored personnel carriers tigers, anti-aircraft systems triumph, iskanders, the yars nuclear deterrent complex, until recently they did not know whether swifts and vityazis would fly due to the weather, but they flew.
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the voice of many thousands of the russian army will shout from the stands on victory day, here in place, this is an absolutely unique thing in terms of atmosphere, hundreds will try to convey it today channels live, the parade was going on throughout moscow on special screens, the capital is preparing in the evening for a big holiday. another important tradition is the laying of wreaths and flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, together with the heads of other states in the alexander garden, alexander lukashenko. in a small approach, journalists asked questions of the two leaders on the second stage of response measures. belarus does not host strategic nuclear weapons, so this time we invited our friends and allies to take part in one of the stages this exercise, we conduct them regularly.
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this time they are being carried out in three stages, we carried out the first stage, one might say, in a rush, but we made a decision yesterday so that we would synchronize and carry out the second and third stage together. vladimirovich correctly emphasized, this is not the first time, this is our third training, well, dozens have already been there, so we are synchronizing and the general staffs have already begun execution, yes, so there is nothing unusual here, the planned work in general has been going on for the last two days in belarus and russia lives in the same political and on the public agenda, may 9 is a holiday that is written down in our family albums and which has cost two nations very dearly. we love you very much, and the belarusian people are our dear people, god bless you, you have a wonderful president, we have a wonderful president, they are friends, they work in the name of our states, we will live, work and win.
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there is no more important holiday in our lives. especially those who had veterans in the family, survivors of the siege, god grant that this day, this victory, may live in the hearts of people for as long as possible in everything world, and so that the whole world understands, yes, for what and for what russia and belarus are together today, this common history, when they already stood shoulder to shoulder, binds us in many issues stronger than any treaties now, as the descendants of the great victors, absolute evil , which the whole world could not cope with, katerina krutalevich, daria belousovo petrovskaya, olesya vysotskaya, alexander oleshka. the history of the great patriotic war firmly linked the fate of the fraternal peoples who passed along the roads of war, throughout the day addressed to the president the people of belarus are receiving congratulations on the victory. the corresponding messages are sent by the leaders of foreign countries, integration associations, and famous political and public figures. word to yana mendeleva. unity, courage, dedication,
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willingness to fight for peace. the last drop of blood. on may 9, 1945, the red army met in berlin and glorified its battle flags forever. the victory of the ussr in the great patriotic war was ensured by the friendship of peoples. representatives of different nationalities and religions fought shoulder to shoulder for the homeland. and here it is, our common victorious may. this is the day that unites entire nations and even generations. among the first, alexander lukashenko was traditionally congratulated by the president. russia. the memory of their courage, dedication and, of course, the countless sacrifices that had to be made to defeat the nazis will forever remain in our hearts. unfortunately, today there are many in the world who not only justify the bloody atrocities of the hitlerites and their accomplices, but also purposefully nurture their ideological heirs who commit no less serious crimes. in russia they are
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always highly valued. support from belarus and the active participation of minsk in strengthening the security of the union state. friendship and the unshakable unity of the peoples who stood shoulder to shoulder at the front have gone through more difficult times. the trials of the war years will always be a solid basis for strengthening and developing interstate relations, azerbaijani president ilham aliyev is confident. on this bright day, we honor and carefully preserve the memory of the feat of our heroes, all those who defended their homeland at the cost of their lives, we pay tribute respect to all those who, after the war, raised destroyed cities and villages from the ruins. a congratulatory message from tajikistan, the leader of the country noted that may 9 is a glorious date. a symbol of unparalleled feat and valor of peoples. on this day we bow our heads low to the blessed memory of the victims. with a feeling of pride and gratitude , we remember the courage, heroism and dedication of our ancestors, who shoulder to shoulder forged a great victory on the
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battlefields in the rear. the president of kyrgyzstan expressed confidence that historical ties friendship and mutual support of the peoples of the two countries, which have passed the harsh tests of war, will continue to contribute to development. open cooperation. congratulations also came from the president of turkmenistan. on this day we pay tribute to those who won victories on the battlefields on the labor front. this great victory day will forever become a symbol of the heroic spirit and unity of our peoples, who, shoulder to shoulder, defended a bright future for subsequent generations. i am convinced that the friendship and fraternal relations shown during the war years will continue to serve a solid foundation to strengthen our. bilateral relations. the memory of this sacred day is kept in hearts as a symbol of unparalleled heroism and courage, true patriotism and courage of victorious soldiers, says the congratulatory message of the president of uzbekistan.
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the president of pakistan addressed heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of victory day. given the difficult geopolitical situation, pakistan and belarus must work together to maintain peace, stability and...
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the traditions of friendship, brotherhood, cohesion and mutual support that have been strengthened over the years wars serve as a reliable basis for deepening the allied relations of the csto member states, strengthening security and stability in the eurasian space. today we remember together the soldiers who saved the world from nazism. all the songs, thoughts and tears are about the heroes, all the flowers are for them. the generation of winners passed on to us a priceless inheritance of peace. it is now our task to protect him. one of the most iconic places in the capital
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is stella, minsk, the city of hero. festive events take place there throughout the day. one of the first to the monument deputies of the minsk city council came with their families. scarlet flowers lay at the foot of the obelisk.
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i came to the monument to be proud of my ancestors; there are not only belarusians here, but also guests of the capital. we came from russia specifically to belarus, our regiment was canceled, well, of course, for purposes without... there was a breakthrough in a partisan village at the memorial complex, it just takes pride in your country, i work in switzerland, i came especially on victory day to see, we let's continue our happiness here, it's very beautiful, very amazing, it's... very i liked it, for me victory day is
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a special holiday that needs to be celebrated with the whole family, my grandfather fought in the war, he went through it, he returned, i even found him, i still remember him, every family has its own story, heroes, but there is one common victory for all, which unites the peoples of generations. festive celebrations took place throughout the country today, as well as youth flash mobs and exhibitions serving soldiers’ porridge. as belarus celebrates on may 9, andrei yastrebov collected the bright moments of the holiday. brez fortress, hero, symbol of courage and perseverance. an example of patriotism, the legendary citadel today is literally buried in flowers. this is a significant place for each of us, so the words of gratitude to our veterans sound louder and sincere than ever. my grandfather went through the entire war, ended up in berlin, received a medal for the capture of berlin, so for me this holiday is always with tears in my eyes. a feeling of pride, patriotism, admiration for our
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grandfathers, great-grandfathers, everyone who fought, and i try to impart this to my sons and daughters. the ceremonial procession to the brest fortress was traditionally led by veterans, hundreds of belarusians joined them, commemorating the defenders of the brest fortress, and observed minutes of silence at the eternal flame. the bresse fortress will remain a symbol of victory for, first of all, the belarusian people, for the entire people of the world, because the first heroism was born here, we understand what courage is, what memory is and how long it will live, it will live forever. the victory parade opened the solemn procession in mogilev, kindergarten pupils, who wore military uniforms especially for the holiday. in a partisan detachment in the berezensky district on accounted for nine acts of sabotage against the nazis,
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and was seriously wounded near könisberg. no one is allowed to forget this holiday. our generation fought for peace, for freedom, i wish my belarusian people a peaceful sky. we are for peace, we want it to be on our planet, so that there are more smiles, more joy. we remember, we are very grateful to everyone. veterans, all those living today, those who are no longer with us, who remained on the battlefields, for the fact that our children are growing up free in a beautiful country, with gratitude to veterans and a sign of unity in over 4,500 people took part in the festive procession along the main street of mogilev, pervomayskaya. a 2 km festive route from lenin square to glory square to honor the memory of heroes and those who restored the country from ruins. veterans, athletes, creative youth, work
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teams, there are thousands of people in the colony. gomel joined the celebrations, as well as a parade of military equipment, processions of military units, law enforcement agencies, patriots, cadet classes and lyceum students, in this format for the first time. climax at the eternal flame fraternal preservation of soviet soldiers and underground fighters, flowers. on that day we thank our fathers, our grandfathers,
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we live in a peaceful, prosperous country. the mound of glory is a legendary place in the central region. in these parts, in the summer of 1944 , the soviet army surrounded and defeated a group of german troops. the moment became one of the decisive ones in the offensive operation of bogration. may 9 is an honor for us, it’s a holiday, it’s pride. on victory day, residents of the city and representatives of labor collectives took up the baton of memory. public organizations, district leadership and deputies laid flowers at the mass grave of soviet soldiers and lit the eternal flame as a tribute to the heroic feat. today we must give yes.
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in the sphere of different eras , time stops were located on the pedestrian sovetskaya street; here the organizers tried to reflect the four historical periods of the pre-war country, the military and post-war restoration of belarus and the achievements of modern times. and the solemn part seemed to have gathered all the residents of grodno today, the laying ceremony flowers and a solemn march of the great-grandchildren-winners. the cadets also supported the tradition. after the victory, there has been peace on earth for 80 years already. victory marches are heard today on the streets of vitebsk; 1,500 people were united in a solemn procession. during
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the great patriotic war, the city on the western dvina was almost completely destroyed. it was built from scratch, this is also a feat that we are talking about...
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in connection with the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory, the president of belarus sent congratulations to foreign leaders among the addressees of the presidents of russia and azerbaijan. armenia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, as well as the peoples of georgia, moldova and ukraine. in a congratulatory message to the president of russia, alexander lukashenko noted that victory in the great patriotic war became an imperishable connecting thread for the fraternal peoples of belarus and russia, and for belarusians, 2024 is marked by a glorious anniversary, the eightieth anniversary of liberation from fascist invaders. this special date is a good reason to remember. around the world about resilience in the face of common threats, readiness and ability to protect every five native lands, to preserve and defend the heritage of a national feat. today, belarusian-russian unity serves as the main outpost in opposing persistent attempts to rewrite history and
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justify the genocide of nazism. i am sure that in such a partnership our strength, security and... prosperity. congratulating the people of georgia, our president recalled that victory was achieved not only by force of arms, but also by unbending will, steadfastness and unity of fraternal peoples. in congratulations to the people of moldova, alexander lukashenko noted that in this year marks 80 years since the liberation of belarus and moldova from the nazi invaders. i am convinced of the traditions of fraternal friendship and mutual assistance of our peoples, tempered in... the harsh hard times of war and common memory will not allow us to forget about the immortal feat of the victorious soldiers and rewrite the glorious pages of the history of the great patriotic war. in his congratulations to the people of ukraine, president lukashenko stated that may 9 will forever remain
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a day of blessed memory for the residents of belarus and ukraine. the president also congratulated him on victory day representatives of the top leadership of the russian federation and the patriarch. moscow all russia, as well as heads of international and regional organizations. gratitude to the heroes of the great patriotic war has become part of our genetic code. it is our duty not only to honor the fallen, to take care of veterans and children of war, but to preserve the sacred memory of the heroic deeds of the people, passing it on to future generations. senator dmitry baskov, as well as hockey players from the team of the president of belarus and their families, according to good tradition, laid flowers at the victory monument in the morning. we thank our veterans.
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on may 9, victory square always has a special atmosphere, this is the very place where no extra words are needed. patriots of belarus honored the memory of soviet heroes, they organized a car rally, the route took about an hour, belarusians drove along the avenues...
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during the existence of the association, patriots of belarus traveled tens of thousands of kilometers. next to the belarusians on may 9 , the president will certainly be there. it is an annual tradition for alexander lukashenko to personally take part in ceremonial events on this day. let us remind you that tonight at victory square a flower wreath laying ceremony took place. immediately after, the president spoke. alexander lukashenko shared his impressions of the parade on red square in moscow with journalists. before the belarusian leader had time to return from the russian capital, messages had already begun to appear in the media, saying that the parade was no longer the same; in terms of the number of military equipment, it had set an anti-record in the history of modern russia. our president does not think so; in his opinion, everything was organized subtly and thoughtfully. this is not the first question i have been asked today. the first person to ask me this question, oddly enough, was the president.
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not quite similar to those parades that were, listen, well, the time is completely different, you noticed how subtly they seized the moment , they did what needed to be done today, they shouted tanks there, i read these opuses of our bastards, there were no tanks, something else, well, listen, what about the fact that the tanks had to be removed from the line of contact from the front to red square, and also in pursuit.
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they dragged yars, strategic military weapons, i say, whoever thinks, knows how to read, understood, that, guys, let's live together, and if someone's brains are clouded, it's better not to mess with us, everything was as it should be today, they asked the belarusian leader about training nuclear forces, the president once again emphasized that nuclear weapons are for belarus and russia are exclusively weapons of deterrence.
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we need to train weapons, we need to be able to do it, this is our third training, i already
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said this today, with the russians. i have already said, more than ever, we are close to a nuclear disaster, what should we do in this situation? you need to learn to shoot with a machine gun and keep the gunpowder dry, including this deadly weapon, this is everyone’s weapon of deterrence, everyone says so, but you understand that in russia it is
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exclusively a weapon of deterrence. we don’t need someone else’s, russia, especially since we have everything, as long as we work normally and be able to use the wealth that we have in russia and here, for our benefit, if this happens, it will be fine, they, something for them there’s not enough, the dollar is about to collapse, if the dollar collapses, what will happen, they have the whole economy on paper, they need to print it.
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mr. president, because you have united your enemies into one, we will figure it out, i told him like this, you are crazy, why, i say, you will not figure anything out, at least mike, you were late, you were late fortunately, so they didn’t they will figure it out, they
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have made a lot of mistakes, what should they do?
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a huge amount, i didn’t even know, the generals explained to me at the pvs point that this is a colossal undertaking before detonating a bomb abroad, colossal, but as for the iskander missile, which is impossible to intercept, we have these warheads, but they are not vulnerable at all,
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a ballistic missile, so we tell them, guys... we must synchronize in this regard, and i can already say today that there was only one goal, we wanted to see, but as a leading nuclear power all this he’s doing, we’re learning, they’re great, they called the shaigu right away, they called putin, guys, come, the first stage, when we take the warheads, fasten them there, refuel them, put them on the carriers,
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a front-line halt with songs of victory, a field kitchen and a teleport to minsk post-war, so in
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the capital celebrates great may on a grand scale. there are dozens of interactive platforms for guests of the holiday. elena vitko collected the colors, notes and emotions of victory day. one great may, sunny afternoon and such. a bright start, the race of the brave opened the festive relay race in the capital today, the youngest athletes are 4 years old, in total there are thousands of belarusians at the distance, we regularly engage in sports as a family, my wife, my son, we participate in all our public holidays, we are a nation, a nation of winners, and we must know this, remember always, we remember, we are proud, such concert program at the sports palace, may 9 - this is a central location, has for children and a generous fair. what are you serving today? we have pearl barley with stew. have you tried it yourself? of course i tried. and how very tasty. a soldier's porridge, a partisan camp, and
9:00 pm
of course, front-line melodies on such a victorious wave greeted the guests today on the green area along the avenue of winners. i want you to hear, let my voice carry you, we came from kusbas, you already.


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