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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 10:35pm-11:10pm MSK

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my grandfather, who went through the entire war, never liked to remember it, and would certainly never wish such a fate on his children. my grandmothers, who survived this terrible time, prayed that our generation would never know what war is, and the world today is so fragile, it must be protected. it must be protected, protected from everyone who incites hostility between peoples, who does not want people to live in peace and harmony. sister, remember! how you carried me out of the battle to
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the medical battalion, we remained alive, you and i, that time, my comrade brother, for the rest of our lives, we will have enough deeds of glory, victory over... bloody god, for the rest of our lives, for the rest of our lives, the dnieper, neva and volga were burning, the sky and fields were burning, one misfortune, one alarm. one destiny, one land, for
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the rest of our lives, we have enough grief of sorrow, where are those we lost, for the rest of our lives, for the rest of our lives. with sister and brother, mutual faith, we were strong in twins, we walked in love in mercy, in that merciless war, for the rest of our lives, we will remember. brotherhood at the front, like
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a holy testament, for the rest of our lives, for the rest of our lives, for the rest of our lives, we will have enough deeds of glory and victory for us. bloody blood for the rest of my life, for the rest of my life.
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a great victory, it became part of our common national idea. truth and preserve peace in our native land.
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a flight cut short without time, and pain will embrace your soul like a black ribbon, eternity will call you a hero, will write your name in the list of the best, they will keep warmth from your shoulder. friends in the ranks , shoulders locked, you were faithful, comrade soldier, and years will not heal this wound,
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a trace remains, but not everyone will believe it, only the chosen one can do this fate... to leave light so that people on earth can live more honestly, more correctly, better, to leave light in the history of hearts, sooner term for the fate of another, in order to earn a place in heaven, there is always a place under. you can’t recognize the faces in old photos, but your homeland still remembers you, and your friend lives to the end, an unfinished
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story by you, and heaven gives you the best from... having taken away trials, he sends us more often, so that someone can give his son i said the main thing. take the example of real heroes, leave a mark, yes, but not everyone, believe me, only a select few are capable of it, this is their fate, leave a mark so that people on earth can live more honestly, more correctly, better, leave a mark on history in their hearts, burn out before their time for the fate
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of another, in order to earn a place in heaven, there is always a place for an earthly feat, for people on earth, living wrongly is no better,
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let’s leave the light in our hearts to burn out until the deadline for the fate of another, in order to earn a place in heaven, there is always a place for an earthly feat.
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thank you life for the day to come again that bread is ripening and that children are growing up, thank you life for all the dear people living in such a vast world, thank you life for the fact that this generous century sounded in me either generosity or pain for... the expanse of your roads in which man having experienced everything, you become
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yourself, for the fact that you are a river without banks, for every spring, yours and winter, for all friends, and even for enemies, thank you, life, thank you for everything, for tears for happiness on eve, for the fact that you didn’t feel sorry for me, for every moment in which i... live, but not for the one in which i'll stop. thank you life, for the fact that i am indebted to you, for the past tomorrow’s strength, for everything that i can still manage, thank you life, truly, thank you.
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the scars of the earth will hide under the cities and ships will fly. to the sun itself, and until we forget the bitter. she will not return to that war, we will win, we will win everything, if under one sky, a peaceful sky, god’s abode,
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a feasting sky. holy guardian, lord, give us wisdom and strength, to make happy the sky above the world, the sky above the world, we have been given a holy right by inheritance, after all. children's smiles the memory of the heroes lives on beyond the shore, and for the sake of peace it must be preserved, we will win, we will win everything, if under the sky...
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lord, give us wisdom and strength, to make us happy, the sky is above the world, the sky is above the world. at 9:00 pm after the war, we gathered here to honor the memory of our great heroes, liberators, today this beautiful word, victory, will sound from all corners of our
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beloved. yes, events and years go into the past, but the memory, the memory of them will remain forever, because the feat of the people is immortal, in everyone the heart lives with pride for our victory for our country. our army system is coherent and clear, we are your soldiers, the eyes of our native land, in every heart there is courage and honor, we
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are united as never before, yes, yes, yes, forever, flowers according to... fate is fate, and i am always with the dream by you, here above the ground, tomorrow there will be a battle, on the way of the enemy we will all become a wall, if suddenly there is trouble, villages and cities, and my whole country will become yes. yes, yes, forever, all subreddits, my dear, meet your beloved, i meet, war, war. fate is fate, and in my dreams i am always with you,
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when the war ended, there was silence, everyone returned home from that war, and the old one was making money and sitting next to him. may gives victories, meet, beloved, meet, who was beaten, who gave his life, became a legend, became our glory, are! villages of victory and meet my love,
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we will never forget the heroes, a great victory forever, a great victory forever, hurray! flowers to the concert participants from the president of the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko.
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and your work jubilee, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory, i’m sitting on the poles, this is joy, behind the lights in front of our eyes, the day of victory. victory day, victory day,
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hello, mom, we have reborn, let’s run through the rose. we walked half of europe , half of the earth, we brought this day closer as best we could, this is the day of the story, but this is a travail, this is a holiday, everyone is sad, this is, with tears on their heads. zen of pabeda, zen of pabeda, zen of pabeda.
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“of course in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs, our land, we negotiate everything well, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they have revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we cannot leave european markets, the polish government is, of course, our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that the two are actually at war. countries may well do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean, at opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24. let's go...
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over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 52,000 people, and these were citizens not only of belarus, neighboring countries, but also from abroad; the memorial was visited by representatives from myanmar, angola, vietnam, china, great britain, france , usa, and a number of other countries, it must be said that as part of the reconstruction it was created.
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the complex is already a historical monument, but it is necessary to say that on the open part of the memorial a very significant element of the memorial appeared, it was the church that was recreated, the church was lost, as the village was lost during the great patriotic war, the church itself dates back to the end of the 18th century, it was illuminated on november 6, 1794 in honor of the virgin mary, then it moved to the lonno of orthodoxy and was the church of the holy mother of god, when the decision was made to recreate the church, then of course they turned to written sources for this church, this is not the creation of some kind of... church, and not a reconstruction old, yes, exactly a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but in addition to the church itself, the bell tower was also recreated, which was mentioned in the same documents, a bell tower on four pillars, it had three
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bells of different weights, so everything is really this part the village of khatyn, it was truly recreated, well, let’s say , completely down to the smallest detail. very important, they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors, tell us about this project, yes, indeed, in addition to the open parts of the memorial and the repair work carried out there, a new museum was created and opened, a completely new exhibition, and this is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story is told rather than through fact.
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3 years of occupation and but of course this is the emotional part, we influence our museum visitor through emotion and the artistic solution of the museum allows us to do this very authentically and people like schoolchildren , students, youth and adults they celebrate that it really is a complete immersion in those tragic events. well, you have data on the results. last year, khatyn was visited by a lot of belarusians, about half a million, besides, foreigners also came, there are more than 11 thousand people, why do you think our memorial complex is so popular? the memorial itself is such an open book that allows
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you to see the result of any military conflict, any aggression, any war; belarus, unfortunately, has suffered a huge, huge amount, and today thanks to the creation of a new museum this topic. is precisely revealed by new information means, and when a visitor goes to the museum, he sees how important it is to preserve peace, how important it is to know those tragic events so that such tragedies do not repeat themselves, because for our country, for every inhabitant of our country, the great patriotic war was a humanitarian catastrophe, from the moment of the massacre.


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