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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 12:25am-1:45am MSK

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i served as a cabin boy in the northern fleet, served on a boat from '42 to '45. the main tasks were the delivery of cargo and ammunition, transportation of the wounded to the ports. we were in the barents sea. on may 9 , 1945, at 2:00 a.m., they radioed that germany had capitulated. the captain immediately woke up the team and told this good news. at 6:00 am, general gathering on deck. once again the captain congratulated us on our victory, and then we undressed. jumped overboard, the water was cold,
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only 3°, but we didn’t notice it, we were on fire one thought, we survived, we won, after swimming we quickly went on deck and rubbed ourselves, the captain took out nz, poured a flask for everyone, i was only 17 years old at the time, i had never tried alcohol, so they poured me 20-25 grams, raised it for victory . everyone drank together, shouted three times hurray and quickly started working, this is the fleet, here they acted clearly, they did not allow liberties, the sea does not forgive mistakes, the path to land and a peaceful life lay ahead.
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the endless epic is trampled by war, the land is like a field of mines on all four sides, on everything four sides lies in front of me. it’s not true,
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it’s not true that i retreated into the grass, i fell head first into the grass, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i’m here, i’m alive. meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i’m here, i live, my village is above pripyat, it’s burned out, and i see, as if in flames, my mother will run out of the hut.
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mom will run out of the hut, but she won’t run into the hut, it’s not true, it’s not true that i stumbled in the grass and fell on my head, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry. meet me mom, i'm here, i'm alive, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i'm here, i'm alive.
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oh, grass, ant, tracks, tracks, tracks, let the crane fall for me! my living for courage, my living for courage, well water, it’s not true, it’s not true that i retreated into the grass, i fell headfirst into the grass, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i’m here, i’m alive, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry,
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meet me, mom, i’m here, i’m alive, hello, funnel! how did you arrive? the best. welcome guests. major koleschnikov. chulba! the detachment is here, not far, we’ll get there by morning. happily. thank you. well, what did you bring? medicines, ammunition, etc. special cargo from the central headquarters of the partisan movement. confidential to the commander. deliver in person. eat, hand it over personally, dig, you have everything ready, everything, come on, when you arrive, tomorrow, what to throw, candy, what, candy, the commander asked for the holiday as a child, at least a little,
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well, bye, mom, oh, mom, oh, ulors, shaars, shaars, ulors. well done guys, let's do it again. mama, alu, mama, ay, patterns, shaars, shaars, ulors. you have something school? they'd go crazy.
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major kolesnikov. notebooks, thank you, notebooks, well, call the boys.
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and the commissar, you’ve been waiting for a long time, was looking for boriska again in the liquor store, you imagined pyotr andreevich, but i saw him myself. he’s on a crutch, why didn’t he bring him, but he fell into the reeds, i followed him, and there was depth, what could i do, but he has a boat, boriska wrote it, it’s not him, who is my hut. i just thought, mitya, anything can happen, it happens, let’s go, reconnaissance,
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according to reconnaissance, the germans removed several units with artillery tanks from the front. and the nadols and the heat are moving, they have an order to destroy the blocked zone, there are family camps there, thousands of women, children, old people, up to a thousand. still wounded, what should we do? your squad must make its way to the zone, start a battle and distract the main enemy forces. you want to say that yes, the breakthrough will be in a completely different direction, select volunteers, we have already done this, when? in '41, my commissar,
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where is petka? in the kitchen, he’s eating porridge, report, he brought it, you can put it on the map, the messenger gave accurate information, mitya, he’ll build it, yes, the order of the red banner of battle. shumsky ivan alekseevich, posthumously awarded the order of the red star to the demolitionist , awarded to the commander of the sabotage platoon kornienko, mikhail andreevich, executed, as yesterday in the regional center, posthumously, awarded a medal for military merit. so what do you
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need to do, go ahead, posthumously, the reconnaissance smoke, pyotr andreevich, is awarded a medal for courage, and what do you want, roll, smoke, pyotr andreevich. what happened, vanya? the squad goes on a raid. lord, again? yes, so, the decision was made to send the children by plane to big land. unfortunately, we won’t be able to see everyone, at least... the little ones, when we leave, as soon as it gets dark, you will go through the airfield
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to the smelting factory, explain the situation to the children, but you don’t even need to explain to them, they know everything too well, yes. scout smoke has arrived on your orders, there is a conversation, petrukha, he is ready to carry out any task, that’s great, sit down, you completed how many classes before the war, two, so what? i'm very behind, you should be in fifth grade, but the war is your commander, in general, it's like this,
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there is a task for you, petrukha, consider combat, scout smoke, squad command is sending you to school, okay? hand over your weapons, thank you for your service, give us your weapons, new student domna filippovna, as they used to say in such cases in the old days, i ask for love and favor, you heard, i ask for love. and there is something for us, but of course, you
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are my most important unit, how is the health of the blast furnace, great, oh, thank you for the good news, my dear, comrade commissar, why go to school? how is this for what? promotion, you will study, good luck to you, and don’t be sad, ok, we'll fight some more. what class did you go to before the war? at ten. razhnovsky, you will go to the third one, but for now you will sit with the little ones on the first one. party okay, it doesn’t matter, why? because donna filippovna, genka can hit him in the neck, right, genka? lapukhin, shame on you, you’ll stay after school, why? and you too, until you understand why, make
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room for the new guy. don't mind them. anyone the new guy couldn’t say it himself, he couldn’t, he’s a coward, no, he’s not a coward, give it to the new guy. a piece of paper and a pen, so, all the classes are ready, the older ones write, the little ones repeat after me, dictation, hurray, what are you talking about, this is a report from the front, let’s write a dictation at once, how many leaflets there will be, from the soviet information bureau, from
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the soviet information bureau, soviet with a capital letter on the twenty-fifth, september, september, 19403, our troops liberated the city of smalensk, smalensk with a capital s, developing. successful offensive reached the approaches to vitebsk, vitebsk with a capital letter, to mogilev, mogilev with a capital letter, was written?
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collect dictations, good afternoon, rakop gavrilovich, come in, did you want anything, it’s a trivial matter, we would be here ourselves, but there’s no time, the guys will help, what’s needed, they know, razhnovsky, a piece of wood, from the old trenches, you need sand. well, as always, there is. don't you offend petka? petka? no, what are you talking about, right, genka? right. look, vitka. goodbye. goodbye. collect inkwells, notebooks,
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pens. big change. hooray! who, well, me, what are you doing, but nothing, who
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called you here, no one, well, just go. what are you guys doing? otherwise, you better tell me why you were kicked out of the squad. what are we going to call him? but no way? there's no way. deserter. well done, little paw. look. it looks like he’s going to beat me, so, shall we fight? no, why? i don't beat fools. well, wait. wow, zat vagu.
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i got ready far away, was offended,
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but let’s go without tricks. it’s clear, but i’ll still run away, i’ll run away from you, i’ll run away from you, i ’ll run away for you, i’ll run away for you, and not... they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite, is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female population? the female population predominates there because
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men have a higher childhood mortality rate. what do you think caused this? various factors. my dad threw me into the river when i was a child, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions. does anyone know why september is called september? not because it's the seventh month, no? this is wonderful, this is the seventh month, september is simply called an ordinal, relatively speaking, number, even adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why the population, it seems to me, cannot be included in the top ten countries in the world. sonya answered correctly, smart girl, she has very well developed logical thinking, and even if she doesn’t know something, she can get to the correct answer, a precedent, and a precedent is some kind of case, incident, i’m very glad that yulia answered . probably, this is exactly the word that we studied with her when preparing for the olympics, and therefore it’s great that it coincided. watch the intellectual and entertainment
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project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel . information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our teachings in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops. are marching like occupiers into lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr right next to our borders, they are accusing us of carrying out some kind of escalation here, listen, we don’t need a pro-russian, pro-belarusian president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe, the implementation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional arms in europe and withdrawal from it is aimed at one goal, so that there is no war, we have always religiously observed international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this won't help - the west will attack us if it sees that it can win. the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong. these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians,
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i emphasize once again, go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones. today we are saving europe from a big war with our competent, independent policy. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 20. four, so what? here you do it alone, i’m studying, i want to learn quickly, i’ll learn, i’ll write a letter mom that i'm alive. can i sit with you,
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look, there are only a's, but who is this? mother? well done, what you saved is not me, well done, it’s dad, when i killed him they found it in my pocket, what’s your name? alyonka, shumskaya, alyonka ivanovna, air!
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mommy is there, mommy, wait, where?
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have a nice trip, dig, eh?
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i’m on my way, i’ve packed medicine for school, yes, and i even wrote a note about what’s what, okay, timosh, just don’t interfere anywhere, that’s it, at least let me hug you, no need, dad, they’ll see, the little ones will start crying, okay, okay, son, well, guys, that's it, sing! dad, dear!
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okay, now let's get the little ones. “listen, i brought you some sweets, as asked , here you go, thank you, prakov, continue loading, defects, delay them, at least for a little while, is there, guys, will help, dismantle the weapons, where,
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i won’t let you go, where?” "levkovich, are you crazy? no, i feel sorry for the boys. load the kids, where, back, ah, moms, boys, onto the plane. the battle is just leaving,
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those moments, back, back, back, follow me, petka, stop, listen, run as hard as you can into the forest, then along the river of the smokurny, when you go through the swamp, there is a pine tree there, hold on her, she’s alone, you can’t confuse her, you’ll pass, well, i understand, come on, and you, take command!
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boriska. boriska, where are you? why are you hiding from your own people? well, who invented
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broom tea? what other broom? born from a raspberry tree, it cures colds and there will be less snot. you should have kept quiet, out of fear you even sowed a bag of food, and he’s also squawking, the germans are crunching the sky, crunching on breadcrumbs, laying on alpukhs, rozhnovsky, what about rozhnovsky, i saw it myself. how the partisans slipped him gifts, but why, our burdock is small, short, burly, wow, how hungry you are, these nibble on the logs, girls, how much do we have left, here's a crumb of bread for everyone, give it all away, but why two? it worked out, yes you eat, eat, petit, how do you know these places,
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tell me for a long time, then somehow, in a village far away, about 10 kilometers or so, and in which direction, in that direction, you just can’t get through in the dark, swamp, lowland . why do you need a new settlement? one of my students lives there, who? i know all the boys there, i can run tomorrow, what can i say? go to bed, i'll keep watch, go, go.
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there were people walking around, if there were any guys to eat. school wake up, get up,
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bread, take your hands off, and come on, go outside. everyone do exercises, wash, then breakfast, lessons, what exercises, what lessons, krauts all around, blockade, what kind of school is there, listen, children, school is us. well, rajon, now no one is bothering you,
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grab it, okay, come on, commander, command, let's go wash. well, well, why are you so depressed? it's not that bad, guys. i was in novosyolki last night, they collected bread, potatoes, even salt for us, just... we need to bring it, we won’t go to waste, oh, but
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they said lessons, i don’t worry, lessons won’t leave you, but holidays, right after the victory, i promise, why hesitate, just eat for the last time.
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what is your name? this is boriska. how did you
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get here? he's hiding somewhere here, the commissar and i looked for him, didn't find him, he's running away. do you want to join us? no. why not, but how did you know that we are here? i’ve been watching for a long time, but why did he show up only now? it became quiet, did you have some trouble? do you want to study? and i would be glad to study, but the grip wouldn’t let me in, are you writing poetry? no, poems! knees, do they have names, what are they? abormota number one, abormota number two, abormota number three, what's the point? it will be easy to cram, it’s a pity that we don’t go through it. read it. well,
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do you read it? they laugh. there won't be any more, please. okay, a long time ago. this was before the war, all the guys were naked, and the duduk got dressed, we run from the apple trees, having eaten enough apples, good, very good, only you will read it to us later, okay, agreed, wait, where are you going, where are you going, in vain, but i didn’t want to offend him. everything he told is true, they told me in the detachment, but that boriska had a brother, shurka, mother called them idiots mine, i loved you very much, but where is this shura? oh,
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sorry, i didn’t know, okay, what’s going on, i’ll go on reconnaissance, everyone stay here, don’t go out, genka, vidka, you remain in charge, and you’re the sentry. let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from ninety-four to ninety-six last year.
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turns with faith to this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he begins to see this face very well, she always helps. look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. conventionally, in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit. we have our need for jobs , our land, we negotiate.
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what a leader can give for the country and its people, balance is the golden mean, on opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism, this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus 244.
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hey, rooster, where are you going, look at reconnaissance, that means what kind of reconnaissance is there, the guys over there have nothing to eat, they need food somewhere get it, wait, i'll share, i found it too, i'll share, there are so many of us. “we ’ll finish off your supplies in one go, don’t scare me, i have a whole field of potatoes, i know a place here, it’s good, but i’ll still take a look, you never know why the germans came to you just now, in new settlements, when the huts were waiting , they kept asking about your school, they were looking for you, i know, the commander said that he was looking for you. come on, they’ll stop looking, that you’re running around in vain, they’re in gorani,
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7 kilometers from here, but now you can’t get through, dirt, if it’s sunny, then so be it . just get out of there when it freezes, things will be worse, any car will pass, when our village was being burned, this bastard came in on a car, who is the only one here, the ss man. he has a team of trucks, where everyone will fly, he was the one who burned the whole village, i know, he’s so fat, he wipes his bald head with a handkerchief, he doesn’t fry, but he’s this bastard, that shurka is the only one without a weapon, that shurka had a lot of weapons, he collected them in he stole the dugout, his dugout is somewhere here, let’s look for it together. we’ll find him, then let him be the bastard of sesov, do you know what he was like, who? my shurka, he himself, the very one, he taught me
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how to make a kite, aerial, world-class, but there was a kite, it flew up to the very clouds, it’s a pity, it burned down along with the hut, then they herded us into a truck and took us, oshurka, jump, and shiganu, i followed behind him, to the river, the bushman, i thought he... would run there, the shurka was all in the field, they killed him, why was he in the field, he distracted the germans from me so that i would go through the bushes, and they shied away from the grenade, now, listen, let's make a snake, i also found the time, don't care, we'll have a party, let's fly the snake, and i 'll write about you... i'll write, abortion number four? no, i’ll call it something else, okay, but
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let’s deal with the potatoes first. jump, you're in trouble, you get up because of the main thing, look, if there was order here, what's ringing, drive, leave, why is the sitor white, what else should it be, the bag is like a bag, petka, we're after potatoes or catching bullets, okay, agent , do what they say, there’s a puddle, take it and wash it, commander, we’ll use our hands to dig up potatoes, who are you here? are you and i going to drag the baby? what kind of baby are you? yes, tell him what he’s singing here, tell him! ok, honey, no make some noise, next time you'll go, no other times, potatoes don't joke, i'll think hard about who to take, but you came, i have to tell you in confidence, i couldn't wait, i couldn't, lapukhin and i came to say that dominapovna
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was sick, she has a cold and her hands are swollen, something from hunger because there is no salt, but how does lapukh know? we helped in the hospital, only lapukh is smarter, he knows better, his grandfather is a doctor, his father is a doctor, and he will be a doctor, he learned all the medicines, but i’m afraid that suddenly domna filippovna will die, how will she die, you think, what are you saying, i have salt, i have it, but there will be plenty of grub, go, guys, blast filippov’s blast furnace, go! you finished the game, oh, you didn’t kill the miracle, you idiots, come
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with me, guys. lie down, follow me. quiet, quiet, guys, with me, one at a time, just quiet, quiet.
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stop sniffing the earth.
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“burdock is coming soon, i’m cooking, the main thing is don’t think about the illness, when i was sick, my mother always told me, so i’ll sit closer to you, tell you something funny and everything will pass, now i’ll say something funny too. remember, i don’t remember , and when i was sick, i they forced you to sleep when you were sleeping, granny said, otherwise you’ll get better, house on filippovna, you try to sleep, be sure to sleep, i’ve never been sick, it’s even offensive, well, that’s okay, after the war i’ll get sick, damn it, what have you got, but after the war... i’ll be a non-orsist, hold me, i’ll be, i’ll be, which they don’t believe, domna filippovna, i think i’ve always read poetry, there is an initial, short but dim
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time in autumn, the whole day is like crystal and radiant evenings , well, i’m already doing well, now it will be even better. thank you boriska, okay, maybe you can come in, i can’t, be healthy, bye. what is a prison? come on, the patients are already at peace, what are they treating you with? oh, horror, pull, do
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n’t pull, turpentine, not turpentine, bitterness, bitterness, oh, terrible, quiet, quiet, blast furnace filippovna, we’re sick calmly, we’ll sort it out now, thank you, vitenka, yes. yes, a rare nasty thing, who did it? then i’ll have to drink it, burdock is no fool, it’s bitter, i can’t, i can’t, there’s no way, well, understand, i can’t. here, take it,
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children. in the regional center, the nazis destroyed the library, so boriska made his way into the collapsed one saved these books. just look at the wealth boriska gave us. these are pieces of wonderful books written by the best writers in the world. i 'll tell you. pages that we don’t have, you see, then we’ll read, and then again i’ll tell you the missing pages, it’s clear, guys, that’s how we’ll
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read these books, blast furnace filippovna, why were the sentries removed from their posts for class, it’s a mess, but i thought, so in the evening we’ll decide who will do what, who’s going, who’s getting firewood, who’s wash? what’s true is domna filippovna, well , that’s right, petya, of course, but nothing at all, we’ll spend the winter, we’ll live, what’s more, we ’ll build a stove, a real one, my father and grandfather taught me, i had my eye on bricks for the village, yeah, so that it’s crazy where to sleep, well, you sit here, don’t you dare, hush, children, rozhnovsky, sit with us, sentries on the way out. “children, you saved your notebooks, and i’m proud of you, only now you need to write little by little so that they last longer, today we are writing
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an essay on the topic of who wants to be who, and what write here, it’s so clear, i want to be a pilot, i want to be, quiet, quiet, children, quiet! what should i do? like what? the same as everything you want to be? give me a piece of paper and a pen, please, please! ouch! only our ink is bad, there is soot on the water, you should get out of here, boriska, it will suddenly explode, with what joy, i unscrewed the head, there are no bottom fuses in these things, competent, how many of them we melted down, shurkatol collected.
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i wanted a partisan, but it’s true that you were a scout, you were, why are you hanging around here, why don’t you rush, but when you leave them alone, they’ll disappear, drag your helmet. why are you pouring boiling water, you're crazy, the explosives will go to waste, why the hell do i need explosives, i cook ink, ink, i thought you needed the tol for business, i thought you were a man, and you are ink.
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the ink and rosary turned out good, but you know, the color is disgusting. that's disgusting, don't cook mines, shells anymore, i won't, but you can pass three classes in one year, you can, you can, but why isn't boriska coming to us, huh? he can’t, he’s looking for a shunt warehouse, where he
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lives, in a dugout, it’s cold and scary there alone, he’s used to it, tell him, let him come, i i’ll give him a handkerchief for his kite, however, i stuck an old map on it, for a history lesson, the handkerchief, of course, was falling out, but nothing, let boriska come, you say, i’ll say, now we’ll try it in the field, listen, rooster, day- two lake will freeze, no, the germans will not get through here. it’s just
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a damned ford, but what if we put an anti-tank mine there? i have it, could you? no, we didn’t go through the anti-tank, we didn’t go through it, you pressed more on the multiplication table, lusha, soap, awl, parasites, well, you’re a brat, it’s a pity that you’re on the crucible, i wish i could hit you, you’re harming me, harming me, you’re afraid, you’re afraid, i think that you and i will find shurka’s dugout, but enough about this dugout, it’s not there, no, it’s there, shurka didn’t lie, i found it, i found it, get out of here, so that my eyes don’t see you anymore, we can do without you, who are we, shura and i, there will always be two of us, i understand, we will never let them hang out in the village again, never, we are them like this. just like that,
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let’s go, i’ll show shurkin’s dugout, take the snake there.
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here is shurkin’s dugout, here are mines, and there are cartridges, that’s all, what do you need more? not enough, yes, but who needs them yours. without a mortar or cartridges without a machine gun, i had a machine gun, shura traded it from me for a rocket launcher, so he gave the machine gun to the partisans, but who
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needs your rocket launcher, just use it to scare girls, and what is that gasoline? i found it on a distant huter, the germans left it, they didn’t have time to set it on fire, why didn’t they have time, they scared the partisans away, you know how timid the germans are now, they just start scurrying away, you want to fire a rocket launcher, but look how it hits.
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we are dealing with expeditions in the depths of our region, which will become full of emotions and all that is ahead. folklore expedition with paradoxical numbers 590. the vitsebsk region has passed away many times before. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let us admire the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school. so let's go to the pragalinka, let 's go to the heights, let's hum in the clear, let's walk in the winter.
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already in middle school, just like that, we developed such an aristocratic interest, we we just watched the flight of large birds of prey, eagles, looked at where their nests were, a project about how modern poleshuks live, love for the homeland, homeland is everything
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that is around us, we must live in it and must love, relate to this is human, this is cohesion, unity, understanding of pain or need. watch on the tv channel belarus 24, hey, pet, wait, shurkin will come in handy, listen, let me look at least once. look, the ice on
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the puddles is crushed, this car went to school, from its native land, from its native hut. die stunde ist aus. raus, raus mit allen, raus mit dir auch du,
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ist es alles, make noise, make noise, spill gasoline, spill gasoline, spill gasoline, now i’m for
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everything, for shurka, for everything.
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boriska, boriska, boriska. boriska, boriska, boriska, boriska, boriska, boriska. boriska, boriska.
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clouds above the ground, smoke on the shore, i am always my native land. i owe you, the best land in the world, my belarus, belarus, belarus, the best land in the world,
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may belarus. belarus, belarus, ours, ours, on the race, on the grass, the stars will come out, the cranes in the blue to the south of the foreland, the best earth in the world. belarus may belarus belarus i am
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for the rivers. the green shore of the poplars you sound for me songs with the nightingale, the best land in the world, belarus.


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