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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 2:05am-3:28am MSK

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tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. channel belarus24 and discover belarus.
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uncle taras, take the people away, it’s late, son.
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alena, what is this? vasil, don’t, what is this, lord! maxim, tell them, come on, drive, well, bend down. mom, let me go,
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let me go, mom! '
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we thought well, yes, comrade stalin, the chief of the central headquarters of the partisan movement is ready to tell us the region, perhaps. i can name such landings, such areas in any part of ukraine and belarus, in relation to a specific task. in this case, the polotsk-lepel zone. but some people
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doubt the advisability of landing troops. please ask questions, airfields? 10 field airfields, there are new ones for heavy transport aircraft, communications, alarms,
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the zone has the latest radio communications equipment, we will inform your headquarters of the partisan signal system for aviation. there are still questions about how the interaction of troops will be organized. in a short time, we will redeploy individual brigades from neighboring zones, beleyskaya, rossonyskaya, syaninskaya, begomelskaya. this means, if
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the need arises, not only neighboring zones will work to support the operation. yes, comrade stalin, if you... such a need arises, partisans from all over belarus will work to support the operation, they will be able to pin down sufficiently large forces of the army group to the center, this is the most important thing, i hope you understand, if... headquarters pays such attention to the partisans in their plans, it’s not just about the landing operation, you see how we respect the partisans,
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the colonels, the generals are seeing off, thank you, start redeploying the brigades today, clearly, gudalov has already... received our order to go into the zone, it’s clear that the same orders will be given to surovtsev’s and gorbunov’s brigades; immediately upon arrival in the zone, begin construction of borders. so at the front, and now you have a front, a partisan front? stop, please.
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belarus begins with it, father, and you where to the hut, and where is the hut? and if we retreat, don’t retreat, it’s still early, there’s no one there, they haven’t returned yet, and no one dear will return. now here we are, the whole village.
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levon, hey, levon,
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what do you take from the earth, iron, so it turns out, we need to sow, you’ve already forgotten what grain smells like, but no, i haven’t forgotten, well, we need to prepare, so it turns out, we’ll stand, that means, on this here 's the line, how could it be otherwise, this is not approximately, but we just need to fight at once, together and put a commander in place so that there is a head over the entire zone, so we think, who? and gudalovo is dashing kamrik, but not here, he doesn’t know our places,
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it’s tough, he’s a golden man, he’s hot, he won’t be able to restrain himself, he’ll have to be promoted so that he’s all ours , a partisan, and what’s in his hands could hold the whole enormous thing, so that he had strength in his brain, and so that he was patient, where there is not enough strength, so that with patience... yes, the task, alekseevites, pull yourself up!
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that’s what sebenovic, you arrange my people properly, but what if they are arranged like everyone else, well, i don’t know about everyone, but these people have no value, i say correctly, that’s true, and so do we they’re also not cut out to be, but they couldn’t get by without me, no matter how many miles they go, well, other brigades arrive in these parts, yes, but why, everything has its time, they’ll say why? well, let me say, it filled the whole house, great, guys, great, hero, great, you saw
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the germans, they put up leaflets everywhere, you’re already giving 40 thousand for my head, but who’s harsh, great, great, you won’t recognize it, well, honestly i’ll say, why lagun, they would have appointed you as a commander over seminy, no one would have said a word, because when you went to the partisan’s town on foot under the table, but gudalov, why are they worse? that’s right, because victor, don’t be offended by telling the truth, that’s right, i just want to ask, are you a good person, then you should know that commanders are not elected by popular vote, hello, comrades,
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need that, yes and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 103? chickens, who else? you have, ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, this is definitely not there, neither on depression, nor on despondency, and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still
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better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this when we make a reception room here in the future. we are here somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, what we have left is valuable here, we will hang it here, probably an exposition, now it’s fashionable to say it will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with portions of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello. i somehow didn’t think about this. oh, character, he will blurt out, and then look back.
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on the contrary, it is necessary. so what, viktor lenovich? are we switching to positional defense? that's it, the germans need it. what kind of partisans are we without maneuver? they'll clamp it in a ring and blow the lid out of the air. wait, wait. so, wait a minute, troops are arriving, semyon ivanovich. yes, a lot, and some kind of general is in command, take it from the severest people, the punitive operation against our zone will be led by the commander of the third tank army, colonel general rengard, what kind of bird is this, otherwise i didn’t hear the name of the general, semyonovich woke up, how name, but he gave in to me remembering everyone here, general rengard, no need for an address, eh? address, no need, i’ll find it myself, come on, our task is simple, hold the zone, no matter what happens, as this is a different question,
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we’ve gathered for this, chief of staff captain zemenko the plan of the operational group will report on the situation, comrades kamrigi, i ask for your attention, andrei, write it down, write it down, there’s nothing... no need, oh, i forgot, it’s their wedding, go alone, semyon ivanovich, we need to congratulate the young people, so drink they'll force me, it's out of my hands. go, go, and if i’m on my way, i’m healthy, they’re walking,
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it’s like there’s no war, but whose wedding is mine, why are you here? i’m not used to it, i looked for her for a long time, every dead man looked into her face, and when i found out that she was alive here, i didn’t let go of asking the commander, i’m also a man with a concept, he knows how much i’ve walked, all in the rear,
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now i’m standing, i don’t believe that it’s my wedding outside the window, why don’t i remember you, where are you from, it’s not me here, i was teaching in the first place, the war was captured, i escaped, i ended up in the seninsky zone, semyon ivanovich, semyon ivanovich, well, of course , well, how can we do without music, it’s a wedding, so i ’ll send you this, i’ll send you a potiphon, maybe you’ll come in, but no, another time, there won’t be another, and we’ll hang out at the silver one, go, my dears, go, it’s him, the groom is cold, oops, covenant and love for you, let's go, grandfather talash, general? here one came, as he was given to someone else’s memory, i need to meet, yeah, i picked up the guys, you’ll be
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third, okay, uncle blue, give it here, it’s calmer without him, well, go, okay. don’t worry about me, he has to go to school, he went to the germans behind the lines, it’s time for us, listen, toga, you have a wife, you do. there is a beautiful parent, there is another parent, there are two brothers, and there is a child, then you love relatives.
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but he was married, he was beautiful, he lived right, hitler came, there is no need to raise a child, there is no need to feed a parent, what is needed, huh? ivanka, are you married? no, my fiancée has, i don’t know how you don’t know, i had a neighbor, they grew up together, sort of like brother and sister, then they grew up, which means a bride, maybe. i can’t find mine, i’m looking,
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meeting, i see, it’s not like that, listen, why are you called detalash, the girl doesn’t like grandfather, my name is grandfather talash, he’s an old man here, famous, he fought in civilian life. now he’s fighting, although my grandfather is over 100, although the boys persuaded him to fly to moscow, but they decided to leave me in his place.
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go away, run, i forgot my hat, but what kind of hat? i know you all, it used to be like that in the village, as soon as a new guy appears, i’ll go straight to him, to the right,
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full interrogation. who, why, where, to the bridge, come on, sashka the king, you know, how you don’t know , we, you know, and then rumors reached us, the other day he played a wedding, he’s the image, sashka, well, like what, you’re also in charge you don’t know, the war separated them, now they’ve met, they’ll live forever, i’m telling you that for sure, stop! they’ll live a century, i say, let’s go, i caught a partisan, he himself, tell him to come in and give him a treat, i can’t, where you’re taking me, where i need to go, that’s where i’m taking him, he’s currying favor, you know the goose? i don’t know how you don’t
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know, it’s a camprican now, before the war i was a collective farm accountant, what a bore, he wrote me off for five workdays, but for what? how for what? for the cause, the law says, if you see him, tell him, bochilo said hello, a fair man, he took a collective farm penny. forgive me, i clearly blurted out, you understand, this is the kind of work, you often
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have to remain silent, well... go, remember, i stopped you under the mold. air field division, in the ula area, parts of two infantry divisions, of course, military echelons are coming from polosok by rail, so, so, one is already at the wind station, and also, the commander of the third tank army, general renhart got acquainted with the situation and went to the headquarters of the army center group, understand?
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what will colonel general reinhard say to this? following the fuehrer's directives, i am proceeding with the regenshaur operation. the fuhrer called the western dvina the last serious water frontier
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before the threshold of prussia. and we must create a powerful fortified area on the left bank of the dven, which will repel a possible attack by the troops of the first baltic front. but the russians are preparing an offensive.
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es helfe ihnen, gott, da pomożet wam bog.
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wiedersehen, alles klar.
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all assembled, commander. the task, guys, is this: get out on the railway between stations, the main thing is to bypass the garrison unnoticed, clearly, during the day on the rail, at night it will be late, the train has already left the windrow, no, i’m talking about what’s unusual, um, to whom, well, us? and the germans
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will be surprised, okay, calm, calm! friends, you have something to eat, we’ll find it, keep it, thank you. hey, what's wrong with you?
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why did you come, now you’re dying, your bad head, that’s it, go away, oh, are you quiet, you, general reinhardt doesn’t like to delay.
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come, come here, come, come, put away the gun, come up... go, don't slip, give me a hand, don't slip, so, come on, come on, my dear
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, you son of a bitch, you're an optimist, just a minute, i 'll invite mr. general to the apparatus, something happened, captain, nothing interesting for you, mr. colonel. where is it at the station, they're probably bombing, or what? went.
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commander, yes, a bomb fell, a bomb, most importantly a bomb, it’s ours, brother, our eyelids, bosho did the earth hear? the plane is sending, yes, yes, yes, run, run, noisy noise, you are a sumerian, he is a sumerian, okay, yes, okay, retreat quickly, the partisans disabled 15 km of the road, this but they are not partisans, these are russian aviation,
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i am writing to you from polotsk, our battalion, hinausryukin, is leaving in the evening, we will hunt forest bandits, after the operation they promise a vacation, i think that the hunt will be
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a successful russian volkray, i... will send you a petsmantel, a fur coat , everything here belongs to us, the fuhrer said so, the fuhrer said so, the fuhrer said so, and i am praying for him, well, fox, shall we answer? let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that it is completely the concept of a pedestrian zone has been implemented. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon, masha, rings,
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rings. oh, don't even count. i really really miss your bread. but overall, it's very cool what it is. begins to see this face, she always helps. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. in principle , everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is
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to build bridges, to maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west matter now, peril, if you are not lost, if you know who your enemy is, then... you are moving towards victory, this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil and the devil just to win, therefore our path is long, but this is a conscious choice, markov’s project is nothing personal, look at...
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germany berlinde? lives hitler, the son of a dog, adolf possessed by a demon, cursed by all people, lagoon, here, no, where, i don’t know, he went to the printing house, what are they, reading german letters, german, uh-huh, have you started corresponding with them, or what? i don’t know, the commissar ordered, the commissar, to the tripe-shaped goering, the bastard, and
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this one, i forgot the bastard’s last name, but come on, just rub it in your way, in the northern way, so that it will chill you to the bones.
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kostya, kostya, this is not about you, arlov i told you that you’re here, i’m a messenger at headquarters, that you’re working on something, but you don’t want to say anything. how old are you? the twelfth went, so mine were so many, who were yours?
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my little kids, fourth grade b, where are they? i don’t know, war brother. ship. well, what kind of boat is this? mind you, can you do something real? i can, but i don’t want to, why? they’ll see, they’ll laugh, they’ll say, little one, you’re in vain, brother, you know what, come on together, i... in my childhood i built such ships with three masts, frigates for sure, let’s go to the forge, there are boards and water
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hollow, because... warm springs, they will see what kind of scout you are, but we will pass like this, not a single dog will bark, okay, let’s go, but no, listen, it was in daltsy, well, well, here’s maxim’s ahata, well, he stood like that on the edge, he had three sons and a wife, yes, well, when the punitive forces came, maxim said, someone needs to stand between trouble and people.
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i know, i mean, i know everything. the railway is being urgently restored, there are rumors about some kind of tank group, special importance is attached to it, so how are we going to act on rumors or intelligence data?
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understood. according to intelligence data, oh, brothers, we're screwed here, you'll run, don't lose your desk, well, we'll see who's the first to run, but am i the first, of course you, oh, calm down, otherwise it's flying for both of them, personally from me, yes, he’s right, after all, tanks will work, not tin cans, listen, why are you making noise,
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so angry, hungry, met, then met , scuttled, you can’t scurry, there’s a weapon, shoot, there’s no gun, pull out the knife, no , you can’t, you have to go after the bear, he’s right in saying, well, where the hell can i run when in my neighbor’s village of sem gavrikov vyzhino. the weather doesn’t allow it, but what does the weather have to do with it, you run, fritz will catch up, shed your skin, you’ll catch a cold, get a runny nose.
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where is this, oh yeah, how did you ruin things?
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from where, and without a command not to shoot, hello, hello lagun asks to strengthen the left flank.
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the germans are trying to break through the defense at the junction of the guzey and surovtsev brigades on one side and surovtseva gorbunov on the other. if they succeed, then surovtsev will end up in the cauldron. or maybe it’s time to give the brigades some reserves? let's wait. what do you have? the underground reports about a warehouse with flammable. appeared recently at the booster. is guarded, a group of tanks comes out, unfounded rumors about where the warehouse is, in the ula area, in the area, more precisely at the sixth kilometer along the country road to usvitsa, we are going to pogudalov, be careful, put
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it here, guys.
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guys, the replenishment has arrived, alena, ivanka, mine is alive, i was looking for you, don’t believe that i’m alive, i’m glad, and i’m glad, great hero, i met your brother, the two of us are left, father, mother, vasil, died, yours - how, alive, you see, i found her, how much i searched, don’t talk, brother, the main thing is that we met. and now she's from i’m not a step away, really, yeah, he’s my husband, it’s like death is all around here, and i got married, yes, well, i
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’ll go, otherwise they’re waiting for me. what's happened? did the girl squeeze you? this is alena, what is she? oh, trouble! anton!
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what for? here in the context of the tigers and these, ferdinands, let him figure out where they have some weakness and explain to others, the teacher is still clear, this day, that’s all, well, relax with the guys, i’ll be back if you need me.
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so good, how do you like the sword, that’s good, but what kind of flea market is this? well, what kind of flea market is this, your guys are just frozen, we we decided to put together something with the girls, uh-huh, well, thank you, try them on, my husband doesn’t like boots, husband. he won’t need it anymore, boris, where is your cambrik? he left for the crown piercers and studies. well, run, run. went. listen here. vulnerabilities . first, the caterpillar. secondly, the transmission. this is the butt coming out. this is what you call an ass. but in a scientific way. the transmission
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looks like a boar, but what does the boar have to do with it, well, if you grab a boar by this very transmission, then it won’t use its tusks, rather than grab it with its teeth, or what? yes i'm talking about the dog i say, be stupid, when you meet tanks, i ’ll look at you, the main thing is not to get confused, to stand up. it’s fat, it hurts, it hurts, sit down, go out for a minute, kambryk, eat, continue the lesson, continue, volodya, so listen here, are you?
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to the rear, you know, rengort, we’re stockpiling supplies, but why? hey, where did you get it from? who? oh, the fireman, the old man gave one. he himself, he says, is no longer a fighter. take him on horseback, he hid him from the germans for a long time.
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will serve, persuaded, i had to take it, you’re lying, semyon ivanovich, by god, ask the partisans, yes, and your stallion will easily overtake my mother-in-law, he’ll overtake my mother-in-law, but never in his life, but there’s no point in arguing, he’ll overtake him, but let’s go, yes, i’m bad, i’m an athlete, i... well, show me the horse, let’s go, let’s go!
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semyon, for god’s sake, give up the horse, i can’t, i’ll give you whatever you want, a gift. i’ve never asked anyone, do you want me to kneel in front of you? well, well, what kind of nonsense has attacked you? yes, all my life i dreamed of such a stallion, but give in, i can only bequeath it. from now on i don’t know you, well, don’t be stupid, and don’t show yourself to me anymore, i also found a friend, you saw him, but
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you’re lying, it was in pokrovka, and i i say, it wasn’t there, it wasn’t, but where in the world was it, come on? "two families lived in the neighborhood, punishment came, the neighbors decided not to allow anyone to disturb our peace, so they took the fight, heard the noise, whatever it was, if you want the truth, in my village, only at that time i was already i was in the partisans, in the villages it was, in the villages every house was defended, all 40 courtyards, that ... "not a house, then a fortress, that’s how it was, alena, how, but you’re confusing everything, mitrich, in daltsy it’s was, so you say everything correctly, but in daltsy, i i come from there myself, what do you need,
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he calls the messengers to the headquarters there. for what? i don’t know, he called a goose. and what are these geese? i don’t know, for reconnaissance, maybe? what is this? haven't been seen for a long time, he's guarding the road with his armored men, yes, it's nothing, it's tight between the lakes, but we have nothing, you can live, so don't worry, how can you not worry, yes, i've been wanting to tell you for a long time,
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when the war ends, i'll build you a house , so that again with the neighbors. ivanka, now i have someone to build a house for, but this means being with the neighbors again, is it necessary to talk about this? i’ll put up the house anyway, we’re watching for the sporting life of our country.
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belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. the most unexpected couple is in the president's cup final. lobensky metallug and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again. never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series, and we are reviewing the most interesting events. the british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the strongest miracles, locked himself into record, he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase garnier set a new world record for climbing the kanata.
3:17 am
everyone calls it not kulich, if in the whole world there are easter cakes, it turns out to be easter cakes, in everyone’s love these are buns for easter, and we will also introduce the tv viewer to the history of a particular area in... foreign countries go to see the castle, the farny church, everything, what is connected with
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rodivils, by the way, pay attention to the caps with the letter p, which means radivils, look in the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel . look on the left, there’s your pile,
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and hide there, what’s with the mortar? shobovich, fire! why are you dumb? shoot! now! for aunt glasha! well, tell me, eh!
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what do you want, shabovich. volodya, what, what, dear,
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huh? allow me to retreat, not to hold on, what am i saying, not to hold on, i don’t hear, repeat, set aside, cut off the infantry, cut off the infantry, into three self-propelled guns, and you use them with armored, armor-piercing ones.
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armor-piercing fire on self-propelled guns, these are armor-piercing, armor-piercing, come on! surovtsev, retreat to the second line of defense. i
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i order you to retreat to the second line of defense. that's it, this is a mortal risk, you have a choice, prepare your horses, wise men, paper vayaki, the battery is ready towambrick, put it aside. leave ordered retreat abandon this position yes the victors don’t judge let’s blow the orders don’t discuss yes remove the guns to hell oh get ready get ready
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help me horses give horses horses shell shell to headquarters, there’s less wind there, the authorities are closer, i’m more familiar with the masses , and what are you, mirosha, hold out for at least half an hour, i beg you, let’s do it, commander, come on!
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the minsk formation is blocked, the partisans are fighting heavy battles in the lyuban swamps, what about the delivery of ammunition? the plane is still making its way into the zones. may i allow you, comrade general? radiogram laguna, what's there? rengard has entered the zone, where? here in the north, under the threat of encirclement, surovtsev's brigade withdrew. a tank strike is possible. it is necessary to pull rengard away from the zone, it is necessary to force battles on him in
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other areas. pyotr zakharovich, i ask you, prepare orders for begomelsky’s commanders. seninsky, veleisky connections, i will contact you with bogaramyan. wait, won't you finish it, what's your hurry?
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if we blow up the bridge, this group will be cut off from the main forces. “i sent juniors there, what’s the matter surovtsev, i retreated, i’m following your order, but i don’t agree with it, the germans broke into the zone tomorrow they’ll smash us to hell, you understand that, completely, it’s all the same.


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