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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 3:27am-4:51am MSK

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if we blow up the bridge, this group will be cut off from the main forces. i sent the plantain workers there. what's the matter, surovtsev? i retreated, i’m following your order, but i don’t agree with it, the germans broke into the zone, tomorrow they’ll smash us to hell. do you understand this? quite. it’s like swallowing a grenade with the pin torn out, i’m responsible for the zone, no less than you, the order was correct, you’re competent with us, you ’re experienced with us, already in 1941 you went to berlin only under escort, what about severtsev, when were you in i came to the zone, and i’ve been here since the first day, well enough.
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in the large area of ​​lepel senno, the active activity of partisan detachments continues without slowing down. the fierce resistance offered to our attacks in the izoto field fortifications indicates that the partisans are trying at all costs to hold the large area south of the dvena river between vitebsk and polotsk.
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essa shemininis!
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you read rakosovsky’s report on the results of the aerial operation, yes, comrade stahl, rokosovsky, that... such a fortified city as komel was taken with german resistance much smaller than we expected, this should have been expected, it was good, the enemy was strong in maneuver, but here he did not
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transfer a single division to gomel, which means that he considered this offensive to be false, and expected the main blow in another direction. absolutely right, in toltviny, there is a surprise factor, not only for the germans, but also for us. something similar is happening now on the sector of the first baltic front. the headquarters did not expect that the partisans would be able to fulfill that role.
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the rate has finally determined the direction of the main attack for the summer period, it will be belarusian operation.
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okay, idiot. mister general, the partisans blew up a fuel depot. what? a message has just been received. the russians launched an offensive on the front in the direction of polotsk. in addition, neighboring partisan formations intensified their activities.
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let's go, children.
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and this is in 2 hours, yeah, for the team, thank you, victor, i didn’t understand right away in the heat of the moment, yes, yes, thank you, light a cigarette, gurbana, a gift from harner himself, i don’t smoke other people’s, it’s your choice, great, alexey, good then the candle fell ill. and we didn’t yawn here like gorbans,
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successful operation, healthy, healthy, good afternoon, they give everyone a hand, this is what it is, so you explain to me why he needs an excellent horse, when a good one is enough, i give him my stallion mare for his finder, he’s not inferior, no, not concedes, but this is not a solution to the issue, they will bring fuel, however, we have gained time, where
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are the tanks, how many of them, when will they hit, who will answer, no one, we closed our eyes, ears and wait, so, i had a neighbor before the war, he taught everything, ears, he speaks, can hear a mile away, eyes can see five miles away, but for the mind there is no distance, so you walk, he says, on the ground, rely on your eyes, on your ears, but... mom, don’t make a mistake, that’s right,
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my neighbor said, but i’ll find eagles, and yes, titans. some people are lucky, but how is sashka? no, sasha, that’s how it was, they recalled it or what? nothing surprising, they don’t rush guys like that, now they’re probably back in the seninsky zone, what?
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where are the tanks? too small a circle of people knows about this, i’m not part of it, what should you do, look for it, we sent you a document, you’ll walk around the villages, why, ask people, just be careful, look closely, tanks you can’t hide a match in your pocket, i’ll carry it out. no need, at least they give me a break, now,
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now i’ll warm myself up with tea. they ran, and they started shooting, it was so scary, then i ran through the forest, like collecting fish, the guys hid in the bushes, they burned down one of our houses, the bright one was so clean, my poor children, i ’ll feed you milk now, and then
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i’ll give you some bread, what kind of bread from the little black one? to the machine gun.
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chiki, girls, where are you? i'm tired, hurry up, let me in, let me in, there, children, where, children, where, oh, excuse me, how many of them do you have, 19, my dear mother!
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well, victor? you know, explosions all around, smoke, fire, my mother, i think, and i see her, who is she, mother or what? yes, a girl, well, exactly as i imagined, snub-nosed, yeah, with sad eyes, yeah, listen, how do you know, i told you about it myself, six times already, yeah, well, yes. again to the zone, and now listen, you approach the airfield, to the north they were babbling along a rotten swamp, everything has been explored, i understand, yes, for planes
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with a gun, this is something new, but what to do, you know, we are powerless against.. .never in the air, pinch them on the ground it’s possible, why are you persuading me, we’ll carry out the order, just in case, commander, commander, yes, the cartridge is red mark, come on, what, why, red mark, i shot for a long time, the bullet will fly, cook with my head for a long time, there will be no mistake, but this he asks for a tracer, listen, i wanted to know everything from you, where are you from? do you know moscow? well, first moscow, then the urals, barefoot mountain, then i’ll reach tovola, another 3 days on the reindeer, and it’s just a stone’s throw away. oh, far away, and we
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are going even further, there is little hope of returning back. and one hundred, 10%. who doesn't believe in these 10, may stay. personally, i want to get to berlin, we also want to get to berlin.
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anton, wait, anton. come here, we will finish the law, commander, we will catch up, the taiga smells, soon the duck will fly to the north. a lot of ducks, my child, now he’ll take my guns hunting, he’ll go, ten ducks,
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shoot, mom will carry them, mom eat, grandpa eat, eat pub. mosha’s child, nine is ready, hold on, brother, hold on, be here, i’ll be there in a moment, there must be some kind of housing.
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maybe something else, huh? listen, mother said, father said, there is a big river underground, that’s right, there are underground rivers, then he was dying, don’t guard the coffin. take the boat, put it in, it floats hard.
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underground rivers to the north, are you really going to die, is that really a thing, you have to be strong, i’m coming, i’m going to hell with him, with the german, now i’ll warm my brother up. what will best test your erudition and intelligence. that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey. well, there was such a very interesting story. set invited asiris to his holiday. then, it seemed like he either cut it or immediately threw it into the river.
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according to andrey, to write detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because , well, a girl, i’ll call her, came to them.
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jumping, it is important for this hour to work on the walls, columns, columns, pelasters, etc. scenes, but also the appearance of the dastatkova actyna, the eyes of this abavyazkova zachepista, the historical creation of significant cultural objects on the map of the country, the village that became the sweaty meats of zharovich, was not here, there was a roof, a stone, an icon, and a savor ў, і hell of a getaga the monastery itself was developed. in the actions of these ladders , the powers of the saints were destroyed, and as a matter of fact, all the claims of the altara, it was necessary to pay attention to these ladders and the faithful ancestors of this ladder on their knees. cultural-asvetnitskiy project: architecture of belarus. architecture does not fall into disrepair it happens. a little shark there, a little pavina there
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, a little one, here they are crushed. wilted, pavnna was wilted, and there it is, as seen on our tv channel.
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grandma, grandma, have you lost your hair! you’re alive, i didn’t find you, what are you talking about, alena, i went through 15 villages, that’s all.
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no one to ask? where is the forest, the forest, how much, if it were two bags, 5 kilos of lard and 20 loaves of bread, from what village, chervony bor, chervony bor, that 40 loaves of bread, three bags of bulba and half a bag of beetroot, what will you feed your grandchildren with, we have a little boat... we'll get by, thank you, father, yes, thank you, we’re not giving it to strangers, i’m here, and you’re here, well, i’m glad to see you, hello, sergei sergeevich, hello, lion sidorovich, i brought something for our partisans, my old woman
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is collecting various herbs, st. john’s wort, immortelle, plantain, there from myself personally, a jar of honey, before the military one, thank you, thank you, levon sidovich, also thank him for the trigger. damn, he brought some grass, he was generous, but don’t teach me, he’s still young, if you don’t understand politics, sit quietly, you saw that they didn’t share this, but sergeych has nothing to do with it, i so, i hid two bags of wheat, so i won’t give it back, even if you call me hitler, but what kind of wheat, it’s a select variety, our agronomist left it, told us to take care of it more than our eyes, wheat is like wheat, well, what’s the point of talking to a fool with a woman, selected... elite, what, what, like this, that you haven’t even heard of, so you tell him that we’re going to throw him into the ground, and you, as a commissar, will explain to him, he’s dark, even though he ’s disabled, and he’s sidorich, yes, it’s your right, well
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, i heard, yes, i heard, i heard, you can’t argue with you, you see what he’s like, no, but he’s a good worker, but this...
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they crawled around the zone, there was no trace anywhere, i gathered the guys, i went myself, we go, i heard what it was, that this quarry was rumbling, we came closer,
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and there were tanks, well, then the germans noticed us, opened hellish fire, but i saw with my own eyes, three tank, here's an armored fist, three tanks, you say, how much fuel do they need, hell knows, it's not my concern, yes, yes, remember pogudalov's raid? why
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did orengart need so much fuel for three tanks, why was it necessary to keep fuel so far away from the oryol quarry, for some reason this is orlovsky, the need for mines, a lot of them are needed. maybe stepanovich will give you assistants, you should get out of here yourself, out of harm’s way, uh-huh, well... strike in the direction of the edge - this is the second most likely area, maybe i should go there, kolinovsky is there, well, the general has me wrapped around his finger, but this can’t be the case.
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akim akim, are you going to hide or shoot during the battle? well, if you shoot, then you need to cover the hut with sacks, not the barn. check, i’m listening, where are you going?
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what happened, karlich? just got to headquarters renkhada came from an officer in the seaza special tank unit, from ulla. are you going to sit there? ilitnaya, tell me. words commissar,
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well, we’ll live to see the harvest, grain growers, thank you for your kind words, god bless you guys! wait a minute, sergei sergeevich, what about us, what about you, we were ordered to mine, mine! and if you don’t need it,
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you can clean it up yourself, so well, yes, start, guys, come on, come on! a group of armor-piercing soldiers sent the geese, but i’m not sure that they will hold out until the evening, it is necessary, now it depends on him whether we will have time to gain a foothold on the isthmus, but... they threw it there the main reserves, and if in vain we wait
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for a tank attack, how in vain, but if not, no tank group, i don’t think so, the rashnik is mined, i understand, i understand, hello, hello, hello, hello, hush up, hello, hello, hello, the connection with the geese was lost, i don’t know what happened there. it’s difficult, brother, oh, it’s difficult, people were killed,
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it’s scary to count, so tell the colonel. hide it well, you tell viktor levonovich that we will stand until the hour of death, we will carry out the order if we run, the end is over, the whole partisan region is over, i understand that, semyonov, i’m here, tell them to bring a raven, there is one. if you ride it, if i die, give the horse to gudalov, he asked too much, well, live, son, until you are 100 years old.
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here is the enemy in front of us, and there, there are thousands of our
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people, so, here we are... hold obrov, then gorbunov needs reserves? gorbunova has to solve the problem on his own, but he must hold on to it at all costs.
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we can't waste any more time. if the partisans hold out until evening, tomorrow we will have to start all over again. we were already convinced once.
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there was a lull along the entire line of defense, we concentrated our main forces on the isthmus,
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and if they hit, it won’t be there. thank you, gustav, you are on top as always, mr. general, they have passed the seven mark, okay, what’s going on, general? nothing special yet. quiet, minor fighting in some areas, what does kovalenko report?
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where are the tanks? sheik, kovalenko accepted the fight.
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what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together side by side as peace-loving states and peoples striving for...
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contorted, they came to similar points of view: a genie of national unity has been established in belarus, strength is in unity. the belarusian path of development is truly humane; the future lies ahead of us. project say, don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. analysis of the opponent. with mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match: athletes have to work very hard with their heads to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still, what does it feel like to become a champion? emotions subside, some realization already comes that actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will the result be in a real battle of intellect, as
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the gymnastic apparatus is called, where two... parallel bars are installed at the same height. vlad brusya. bars. absolutely right. what does the abbreviation bfvs stand for? you need to press. alexei. belarusian federation. maybe. sun. sun. the coach who won all these titles. so far he is the only one. actually, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer. absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel.
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now the partisans have only one escape route, the railways, and yes, the possibility of breaking into the northern forests. pantilimonich, reconnaissance has noticed a concentration of large forces in this area. naturally, rengard is there waiting for a breakthrough. and lagoon should strike in a western direction. lake sho is safer. break through the tank formations. isn’t the risk too great? in such a situation , the commander cannot be denied the right to take risks, moreover, the factor of surprise, and this is important in our business, then, i know these people, i worked with many of them before the war, they
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created. built a republic, when it comes to its liberation, these people will not look for easy ways for themselves, patrons,
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“listen, i listen, how they, the first and third detachments, retreated to the second line of defense, alive means the brigade is alive, alive, take command , but the fact that i fought back is nonsense, ivanovich, you were our commander, you will remain so until the end, stop, go to them, carry out the task.” let's go guys wait a minute, guys, otherwise, take care of yourself, don’t
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have it. you and i have the right to leave our mother alone, forgive me, uncle sen, that dad didn’t call you, you had a father, you raised me. live long, anton, tell your mother that your father died in full consciousness, did not suffer, tell her, do n’t let her cry, i’ll come back to the brownies, tell me. this task will be completed by korolenka. brigade, semyon ivanovich. sorry, civilian organizations
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. i instruct you. and yet i must say, we are taking a mortal risk. follow the order. mister colonel, general rengard has arrived. there won’t be a few more battles like this and there won’t be a group of tanks, unfortunately, that’s true. i have to give them
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rest until the morning. moreover, there is no doubt that the road ahead is mined. and the commander is with us, they themselves are going, which means they know where, it’s hard to die, you can die here, right, but he’s silent, isn’t it mine, or something,
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he walks nearby all day and doesn’t say a word, he just torments, but in my opinion not everyone is at home , how are the people? “if it were up to me, i would turn everyone back, we would smash the germans, listen, you were silent, you were ringing all the way, this, and this is just for the mood.”
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you will be destroyed every single one. life will be given to you on one condition.
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tanks, hurry into the forest, guys, go away!
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well, wait a minute, guys, the kids came out of the fire, the germans burned the grandfather. we should send them to the rear, but what about the men?
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on the morning of april 29, 16 partisan brigades of the polotsk-lepel zone, numbering up to 15 thousand people, fought intensively with five
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enemy infantry divisions with a total number of up to 33,000 people. 86 tanks and self-propelled guns, in order to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the partisan brigades, the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement, our during the period from march 1 to april 28, the front transferred 215 tons of ammunition and removed one and a half thousand wounded from the partizansky region. considering the difficult, continuously deteriorating position of the partisans, as well as the impossibility of stopping the advancing enemy, having exhausted all methods and types of assistance, the military
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council of the front, in agreement with the central committee of the communist party of belarus, decided to withdraw the partisan brigades of the population from the encirclement area. for this purpose, on april 30, an order was given to the partisan brigades on the night of may 1 to begin a breakthrough in a westerly direction in areas to south and north of lake sho. pass it on, everything necessary has been accepted.
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the germans are waiting for us on the railway, it is in this direction that surovtsev’s brigade will break through, he distracts the enemy, and we with the main forces make a rush in the opposite direction. the brigades of pogudalov and gorbunalo will go ahead, with the wounded, what to do, there are hundreds of them? i think that we will be able to create a corridor to hold it for at least a day, then everyone will be saved, the team of ryazanov and kalinovsky will remain to cover the withdrawal of hospitals, and the uncle will sing. perhaps this it’s true, you can’t run into the attack with a stretcher, the germans pushed us back to the road, there was a vacuum behind them, the former territory of our zone, we must break through the ring to be on
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the left bank of the dvina, we will break through between popern and the new village. i talked to one, to another, to a third, and now it was no longer a column of prisoners walking, but a floor. today i am going into battle with these people. and i believe in victory,
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eagles, we’ll pass the cranes, we’ll have to leave the horses, the targets are too noticeable, that’s it, leave them, they don’t discuss orders. alexey, yes, in 30 minutes you start with gorbanov’s breakthrough, i understand that sukhamlin will hold the corridor, okay, try to stay alive. mothers, fathers, sisters, we are going for a breakthrough, without
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panic, in an organized manner, on command, you will go forward, there is a breakthrough, let’s go, lie down, don’t lag behind me. “it’s scary, but is it really scary, i ’m like, how many of you boys have fought, you can’t count the bruises, why did you fight, they teased you a lot, don’t you remember, and then i was also a guy for...” he fought you, and the guy what are you doing? i forgot to knock out kostus’s boots,
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that’s it, as soon as we run, i’ll castus by the hand i’ll take it, but you hold on to the belt, or what? well, it’s still easier to run. uh, fire, fire.
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alekseevites, forward, forward, hurray, he will assemble a brigade, lyosha, lyosha, go forward, forward, lyosha.
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lesha, go ahead, alyosha!
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june forty-four, partisan formations of belarus again dealt powerful blows to rear communications.
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hey, master, what happened, viktor leonovich, master, look, master!
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belarus, birnya yaluzi, sertsam partaniya urochey.


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