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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 5:10am-6:01am MSK

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in such a short period of time, this information, which was often discussed by our own american media, is no longer discussed. i would like to draw your attention to an nbc article that claims that the nazi problem in ukraine is real. mr. snyder, do you see this headline? this is the news on nbc news that says the nazi problem in ukraine is real, even if putin's denatification announcement is not. our own american media is talking about this, even if you count nbc or...
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graduates of such institutions are the striking fist of azov, the guy caught in the video died in the chasovo yar area, he was 19 years old. how our beloved ukraine with good-natured people turned into what we see today. let's discuss it with political scientist vladimir kornilov. hello, how do you assess the nature of the appearance of neo-nazi battalions on the territory of ukraine? what is this connected with? well, you understand that ukrainian radical nationalism was cultivated there in ukraine for a very long time, for decades, for which they were created ideological concepts, for which there were significant grants on the territory of western states, all this, i say again , was nurtured in ukraine for a very long time, and accordingly, suddenly, out of nowhere, the so-called bandera members of yaroslav statsko appeared there even then. they began to overthrow
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monuments to soviet soldiers and all this was really nurtured, very actively, significant funds were poured into this, we see the result now. what impact did the native work of nazi units have with ukrainian children? well, they worked with children for a very long time, so i recently found a photograph, i think, 12-13 years ago from lvov, where children, schoolchildren, there, middle schools, so... let's say, they were zigging in these same ones, in t-shirts with the symbols of the ss division, death's head, you understand how old they are now, that's what they are now, and this is the very backbone of the ukrainian nazi battalions, or they were, at least at the beginning of a special military operation, now many of them, of course, are known reasons were disposed of there at various azovstal, but they played a significant role... how did you manage
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to include outright nazis in the pantheon of heroes in ukraine? well, again, all this has been going on for a long time, you remember, that is, where did it start? from the rehabilitation of, say, the seemingly harmless nazi slogan of ukrainian collaborators, who now you know are actively shouting not only in ukraine, but also many western figures, without even thinking about what they are doing, yes, in ukraine everyone understands that this slogan that they are shouting means glory to ukraine and so on, yes, that is, it seems, separately, each the phrase is harmless, not punishable, but everyone understands that this is a nazi slogan, the slogan of nazi collaborators, it started with this, then went on to the rehabilitation of bandera, shukhevych and so on, you understand, i remember, i have a photograph somewhere, eighty-nine, the end of 89, i went there to western ukraine, the soviet union is still alive. the soviet monument in ternopil with
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a tank means the liberator has already been demolished, shukhevych street has already appeared, all this was still being laid. in your opinion, is there a conditional international of nazi movements? in in principle, yes, at the initial stage, in embryo they tried to somehow coordinate the action among themselves and so on, but that’s the trouble, so to speak, with these same nazis.
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everyday life and so on and incite hatred towards russia, but the most important feature of any such ideology is hatred towards one’s neighbors, closest neighbors, and well... that’s why the polish nazis will probably never get along with the ukrainian ones, they have some kind of then common goals, they even sometimes carried out some common actions, but we understand perfectly well that the poles see the ukrainians as, well, untermens, yes, and the ukrainians believe that the poles are there illegally, which means they were oppressed and so on, in the end this always causes a contradiction on historical grounds, so yes... they made attempts to somehow coordinate their ideas, views, trends, but they are very different from each other. thank you very much for your opinion. it is alarming that western politicians, without a twinge of conscience, with a feeling of complete impunity, are promoting openly nazi theses to the masses. what is this if not
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an attempt to demonstrate one’s superiority when the head of european diplomacy declares that they have a blooming garden, and we have a jungle here. for the full picture.
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people, the rest of the participants in the campaign to the east. unfortunately, a huge number of war crimes on our land are the work of our closest neighbors. for a long time we tried not to dwell on this topic in the name of our friendship and good neighborly relations. today, when there is an absolutely tangible prospect of history repeating itself, it is important to talk about this. in june 1941. troops in lithuania was greeted literally as liberators, this allowed the command of the third reich to rely on support and use its mobilization potential. 25 police battalions with a total number of over 800 bayonets were formed from the local population. already in october, the second lithuanian battalion under the command of antan
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saempleviches was transferred to the minsk region to fight the partisan underground. in 1943 , the second lithuanian battalion supported the latvian fiftieth ukrainian.
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heading on horseback to the headquarters of the 314th battalion behind products, under the command of the foreman of the battalion headquarters, i don’t remember his last name now, as part of privates polchevsky ivan and isad micheslav, passing along the road. from the barn we heard a child's raincoat coming from there. having stopped the horse, we went to the barn and the following picture presented itself. there was a fallen horse in the barn, and a child, naked without shoes, about three years old, was sitting on it. sitting nearby on the floor were two more guys of the same age, also undressed, and all of them had
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frostbitten feet. the foreman ordered us put all the children on the sled and take them to the pit. by order of the foreman, we threw the children into the pit. children. among the nazis, the estonian units enjoyed special trust among the nazis, their commanders were appointed from the local population, and only one german observer officer was present. a total of 26 such battalions with a total strength of 10 thousand bayonets were formed; their main use was mainly punitive operations against the civilian population and the partisan underground. estonian ss brigade took part in the bloody operations of heinrich and fritz in the vicinity of polotsk. ukrainian atrocity. 1200 were taken
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into german slavery. today, their actions are actively abound, and the war criminals themselves are elevated to the rank of heroes. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course. online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all
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this and not only in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, we go on a trip to belarus, this town was built from 94 to 96 years ago century. it is unique in that the concept is fully realized here.
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clinging is a priori an element of attack, of course, the phrase “let’s cling” is a call, here is a bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity, but this is different, probably a smagarsk pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, i was probably under emotional pressure then... with the influence of a very strong information flow in general, now there has been a big revaluation
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of values ​​in my life , you can have a constructive dialogue, i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine”, why didn’t she previously support the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, does not go outside in... ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. during the all-belarus people's assembly , the head of the state security committee noted an important thing: everything that is happening today is not something new. the kgb archives record exactly the same approaches,
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only adapted to modern realities. perhaps one of the key reasons is the clear continuity of the power of ideology. on photo by president of latvia edgars renkiewicz. it was back in 2013, rinkevich himself was the head of mit at that time. but we are interested in the second character, with whom edgar is photographed without a twinge of conscience and probably even with '. sss, a war criminal, took part in punitive operations on the territory of belarus. today the baltic countries are taking an active role. did they use any technologies, did they try to recruit those people so that they
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would go over to the side of the enemy, how was this situation built? years great patriotic war, as i understand it, yes, it means that of that period it should be noted that, naturally, the intelligence services of the german reich carried out preliminary work before the start of the war with the soviet union, on the possible recruitment, especially in emigrant circles, of people who were potentially ready to cooperate with the nazi reich, who wanted, therefore, to cause maximum harm to the soviet union, and specifically to soviet belarus, if we are talking about some figures associated with belarus, then after the occupation of the territory of the bssr, of course nazi... occupiers sought to somehow attract the population to cooperate with the occupation authorities, and this was done, which means that people were partially forced to agree to some kind of cooperation with the nazi authorities in order to get some piece of bread, but i would like to emphasize that the fact that in belarus, this collaborationist movement, it was the smallest among all
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the territories occupied by the nazis, if we mean european countries, this is about 20 thousand people, remember in parallel... such forced mobilization was practiced, but these belarusian regional defense, the belarusian youth union, so they tried in every possible way to attract people there too, that means by various methods, including forced such methods, but as a rule, those who were forced, then the forces were forced, means to join here into these formations, they quickly left them and went over to the side of the partisans and
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underground fighters, so i will once again emphasize the collaborationist movement in belarus, of course it did not gain such a scale, like in some european states, which, by the way, is the same france, which today is considered one of the countries that won the nazi reif, in fact, half of the french there were on the side of the occupying nazi authorities, this is also a fact about which we should talk and not be shy , because it was in history, without in any way begging the merits of those french, for example, who took up arms against the nazi occupiers. at the same time, we observe even today attempts to say that the leaders of these collaboration movements on the territory of belarus. in general, they were ardent patriots and generally wanted, well, in fact, they motivated their actions by giving up the status of sovereignty for belarus, forming their own statehood, and so on, in your opinion, how does this actually fit in with the reality that was happening, yes doesn’t fit in any way, everyone knows it, it means the nazi plan was supposed to be done with the belarusians, it means
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they were supposed to be done in one way or another, to destroy means to create unbearable conditions for living, and we are not talking about preserving some kind of belarusian one.
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there will be cooperation with the enemy who poses with any enemy his people and his state, and even more so if he sets the task of destroying, destroying this people and specifically means statehood, therefore these are in no way patriots, in many ways , again, it is necessary among them there were a large number of those who wanted to get some kind of gain from cooperation with the nazi occupiers, to get rich, and so on and so forth things, so this also needs to be understood and this was present, but once again i would like to emphasize that there were such people in our society... very, very few, thank god. do you think it is appropriate today to draw parallels between the collaborationist movements in the repair of the great patriotic war and those detachments and militants who form.
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union state, and naturally, that means belarus, against the russian federation, our parallel here is actually direct, yes, in fact, these are collaborators who act on the side of the enemy, be they citizens republic of belarus or citizens of the russian federation, and antibole, if... they take up arms , then this is already armed collaboration, they are supported by money, yes, from the so-called western countries, that is, they receive financial handouts from them, even the opposition, in let’s take it in quotation marks, because this is not an opposition at all, these are essentially traitors to their people, who have no shame in taking money, which means they advocate for the common people to live as poorly as possible here in belarus, to create as much difficulty as possible in the development of their state, this just traitor, so the parallel, unfortunately, is direct, direct parallel, the only one. what is consoling in this parallel is that neither during the second world war did the collaborators achieve their goals, now i am sure that this collaborationist movement will not succeed in anything at
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the level of error, and of course their meager number compared to the overall number of citizens republic of belarus, thank you, happy upcoming holiday, mutually too, not often, but there were still cases, i had to to face a certain skepticism that revolves around the fact that... that a repetition of those terrible events is simply impossible, they say we have all become terrible humanists, and the inhabitants of a blooming garden would certainly not offend a fly in flight, genocide in modern realities is simply impossible, so, to unfortunately, think those who do not observe anything beyond their noses. the mass extermination of tutsis is, in some ways, the first genocide of the information age, it is in real time. was controlled and directed precisely by the media, of course, if it weren’t africa, the media was technologically backward, we are talking about the famous thousand hills radio. to
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watch tv you need a tv, and it remained an elitist pastime in rwanda. newspapers were published in the country, but to read them, you had to be literate. it was the radio that welded the pogromists into a well-coordinated, disciplined, multimillion-strong army of killers. experts understandably declared the tutsi to be eternal haters of the hutus , pests, although real hatred was born during the massacre. i was a copral, i surrendered and they accused me of treason, because i killed the people i was supposed to protect, me... but i tell you what, healing will take a long time, some people hate tutse, others hate hutus, when the people leave,
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then only the hatred will go away. but this was not the main thing, radio waves delivered a signal for massacres to the most remote corners of rwanda, transmitted the order to exterminate people to each specific community, if you look for analogues, these are exactly the same as today’s social networks. the connection was instantaneous, although, of course, one-way, it was possible to give an order, listen to a report on there is no longer any way to correct its execution, this was one of the reasons for the monstrous scale of the man-killer, rational-minded people controlled the destruction of the place, they would have achieved the goal, maybe they would have called off the pack of killers, but there was no feedback, and therefore everything was done with a reserve in order to exterminate on. .. and it is guaranteed that the hutu elite wanted money from the authorities, they would have received it smeared in blood and dirt, but the genocide was stopped by a military
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defeat from the tutsi rebels. in the tragedy of rwanda there is a lot of monstrous and fantastic, or rather fantastically monstrous, one can remember the un peacekeepers who refused protection to the murdered tutse, although the un troops were sent there for protection. many countries represented here today sent peacekeepers to rwanda, it was not these soldiers who destroyed rwanda, it was the international community that destroyed us, partly out of indifference, partly out of cowardice. it is known that the borders were carefully closed, the border guards of neighboring states calmly watched how on the other side, the imaginary line of state borders, children were being slaughtered and men were being carried away. women are dismembered as much as possible the french army contingent took part in the genocide; it controlled the cities where the massacres took place, and then transported
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the most... counselor killers abroad. in total, up to 1,100,000 rwandans died, that is, every fifth resident of the country was killed. the terrible massacre lasted 100 days. at the end, a completely insoluble problem arose. how to punish all murderers? the tutse victors arrested 120,000 active participants in the genocide, and these were not all murderers, but even less than three of them were tried. calculated that at this rate the processes would be last 200 years, they thought about it and decided that local communities should create courts and deal with local murderers themselves. it’s a great idea, and it was possible to pass more than a million sentences this way. then, however, it turned out that the local courts were controlled by the very murderers who were supposed to be punished. in general, as usual, they punished whoever
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they wanted and how they had to. a special international tribunal was in charge of catching the fleeing organizers of the genocide. it is clear that the most influential and rich ones hid in europe. there were enough of them, for example, in france and belgium. such people, of course, were punished only if they were stupid enough to open their eyes and not hide. here is the website of an organization that is trying to achieve justice. according to her data , hundreds of murderers live happily in germany, canada, the usa and britain. a couple were found in australia, no one is interested in them, and after exposure, seven more are going to be tried in niger, but they just can’t get it together, while the un paid all the accused 30 thousand dollars in benefits, the defendants complained of poverty, in general, it’s quite expected , prosecution of perpetrators of genocide turned into a vile circus performance and a demagogic competition in vulgarity. from
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april to june 1994, horror reigned in rwanda, the anniversary allows the victims to reflect, heal from hatred and turn their gaze to the future. on this day we understand that this is no longer possible either in africa or anywhere else on the planet. what can i say? justice can only be ensured by force, and of course, if force is on the side of justice. the rwandan genocide was controlled and incited using primitive radio, today access to human consciousness is much more extensive, it is round-the-clock and practically unlimited, you and i ourselves wear these devices and cannot imagine our lives without them. at the same time, the manipulation of consciousness and the promotion of radical ideologies has become literally an everyday thing. nazism is raising its head again, and the west is openly rejecting
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our common victory. in the second world war , monuments to heroes are demolished and any initiatives aimed at escalation and confrontation are nurtured. belarusians have repeatedly demonstrated their desire to be masters of their earth. we have learned and mastered the lessons of history well. and we must not forget that our love of peace is not pacifism. that's all for today, this was the trends program, disparate facts packaged into a single concept. until next time.
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they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people.
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match, athletes have to work a lot with their heads to become a champion, they know for sure. what such a success on sports grounds, but still somehow becoming a champion, emotions subside, some realization already comes that we have actually achieved such a significant goal both for the club and for the fans, but what will the result be in a real battle of intellect, as they say a gymnastic apparatus where two parallel bars are installed at the same height, vlad bars, parallel bars, absolutely correct, what does the abbreviation bf stand for? everything needs to be pressed, so you don’t know further, then that’s all alexey, belarusian federation, maybe bc, bc, there is, yellow card, yellow card, the coach who won all these
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titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely correct. portuguese specialist, watch the intellectual sports show “heading game” on our tv channel.
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the chygonachny station at brasse, architectural monuments, like all the monumental monuments at the first glance at these majestic scenes. the front gates of the nekali vyalikay dziarzhava peramozhtsy, budynak, that i ab'yadnau at my own expense baroque, the respect for artdeco and the greatness of roman classicism. what are the secrets of this pompous quintessence of stalinist architecture, the architecture of belarus. in 883 , under the mystery of tsar alexander iii , the future of the station and the brest-tsentralny station was ruined, and just three years ago they were put into operation. designed and published
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by the royal architect lotberg. the facades were carved in a non-aggressive style and were highly reminiscent of ancient beauty. at that time the station at brasse had a chest of cossack pennies. from the treasury to i got it for more than 2 million royal rubles, and this is the price of the tones of pure gold. with these pennies it was possible to buy as many as 30 cruisers for the navy-marskogo fleet of the russian empire. budynak has become super-super-current, abstalyavan water-pravodam, acyaplennyi i elektrichnym sanctified. stations that were in pain in the other half of the 19th century were not just like the new type of urban buildings with such transport and municipal purposes, but they also functioned tsyanalna ў tsely sherag
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new pabudoў this hour, primordial pabudoў, such a pre-thought revaluation, i worked it out by hand, there were no factories, factories, workshops, there were no such things before. and all this requirement was to cover up the search for new constructions and it was time to implement it. metal has become, dears, no longer such gifts as they used to be. iago learned to be a slave. the tanney became available, and the magician iago was a slave to the factories, bringing from iago something to make here in pabudov. chygunka in the 19th century changed the aesthetic senses of the architecture of the russian empire. yana worked on a very different scale, forgetfulness and nomenclature abstalyabyanya. stations, as a rule, were on seven-dimensional plans: a vestibule with toilets . softened pasta, and in the pub
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there are pavilions for drinking, service memory and cash registers. train stations and iron stations indicated a city-like structure. factually, waxy flats have become new nuclei, which are farmed by the development of the structure of the pastel. analyzing changes in the communications of the 19th century, we respect that they are great valuers. then sennya ў chyguntsy changed absolutely all
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geography, and some myastechki, garads, etc. previously, they were significant in magdeburg, but in attacks, when the kagunka squash was gone for a long time, they lost their significance. geta was a genuine revaluation. the station serving passengers and a packet of the first worldly war are not agaty. in 1915, russian troops fell to the nazi troops of kaiser germany. at the end of the war , the station was drilled out, but if the war ended, it would inevitably be destroyed and completely destroyed. then the architecture of brest central and the lynx we know appeared . asnovny ab'yom budynka zastaўsya the earliest. only the central pillars of the façade gallery are visible. it becomes two-legged and leans forward. tsaper budze. there are high figures and attacks of renaissance and
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baroque forms, the heights of the galvanized façade are transformed into double-arched ceilings, which support the buttresses that go to the other roof, the facades of the building became washed out, and the main decor changed in the upper part. hodze has another worldly war, budynak atsaleў. in 1945, stalin was under attack and berlin was at brest to sign the capitulation and order to restart station, kab prademanstravats mots i gonar savetskaga sayuz. the future was carried out three and a half times. the final appearance of the station is an impressive ensemble in the spirit of the stalin empire. above the entrance façade there is a spire with a sharp-eyed framed
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stone. the long columns gave a striking silhouette of encounters with the famous stalinist high ladies in muskve. the district in the ussr looks completely monumental. i would not treat the stalinist empire with any special style. geta was such a part of the savetsky architecture and it didn’t hurt. the other one fell 40kavyh bastards, how to treat, and earlier, yashche and wars, such an arientation of the recession, classical and change to the italian recession, the italian renaissance. dzyarzhava coped with her tasks, which were before her, the former good nobles, the five-year-olds, everything was there, and it was greedy to imprint this in such knotty forms, withered, jumping forms, and yashche da viny geta pachala. and shepherding wars, shepherding peramogі such a significant,
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familiar and peramogі, which some people had an amal lesson, and to tell people about this, patrabny were velma of various forms. at the same time , the reconstruction of the scenes of the bus station station was completed, and instead of all the parameters, a reinforced concrete belt was created. dzyakuyuchi such perarobs, the central hall of the chakannya became larger than the former. i have jumped. typical folding interiors are decorated with different shapes and sizes. the hall was jumping and smearing. the color palette is so varied that the halls of the station can be seen as a museum-mineral. everyone remembers the 50s
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and has such an appreciation of stalinist classicism. please tell the belarusians that you won’t get the chance, because you can come to our capital, the price is on the right side. kab adchuts usyoy as if with a soul, what the hell is. you are not less, eighty agul lynxes, such a needy bachyts, manumentalism, such a navat cyclicality in some sense of these budynka, yana of their ab'yadnovae, abavyazkovy elements, these same vases, calanadas, carved mar muru, all this robіts these budynki nadzvychay daragіmі, rich, і shto, darechy, іdze ў, let’s say, supracvagu, at the cut. extraordinary household life of the savetskaga chalavek, as we already have residents of kamunal, or there were just some people there at the time of the truce, this was the worst contrast, there was a great need for the dyarzhava, because the citizens of gramada were just straightening out this mots, this energy of the stalinist tatalitarian regime, architecture and
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tatalitarianism, i am giving instructions, they are directly transmitted by the program itself pallet system. in the center of the station there are galley buildings, a vault with a spire. frizzle couplings are placed on the entrance panel. central pavilions, which are soft in their own water group, take into account the absolute size of the adnos central vezhy, hell, what a hell, hidden kalanadai wings. the buds are adorned with different types of natural stone. so, the galloping and the jumping and yago carpus were clicking. harvested marmurs and granites. the main materials used were ceramic plates. the decart elements and the jumping beads are carved out of adhesive stone. the imperial forms of the budynka are decorated with sculptural groups and reliefs. as many times as possible,
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then most of them will be removed from the wet pumpkins. yon zakanamerna meў on ўvaz narrow window, at the top there was a sluggish plane of scenes that could be jumped, however, the stalinist empire at the first time had a standardization of everyday life, not looking at the external inconsistencies of the future, styles of socialist non-classicism, after a detailed analysis it is clear that they have been chosen ... and all the elements are not abrasive. a rich history was drawn from the idea of ​​ideological attitudes in architecture during the period of the advent of stalinism. these are the memories, these are the architectural masterpieces, they all come together on asoba. adjuvant to the cyclical eighty of these
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movements and the most important positions, the most important way is that torture does not stop. who are you? are you just part of the agul system? and you are brown only because you are marching from the right nakedness. in general, the savetsk architecture of this period has been pompous, since its beginnings, and its systems, in our opinion, are of the highest quality. and the geta was all wrong in the 20th century. from the roman empire, to whom the great dyktatars were the former emperor, who had greater settlements and ambitions, to whom great remembers let's say hello to yourself. then this side is old, like the light of history, the architecture is well-built , the sacred empire has elements of baroque and the knowledge of classicism, and occasional pomposity, luxury, grandeur and manumentality. this style is characterized by
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elaborate architectural orders with distinct proportions and rich decorations. savetskaya symbolism, workers and kalgas... thus, instead of traditional decarat ornaments, savetskaya symbolism emerged. at the chygunak station you can quote rychard kapuscinsk, karal's repartage, like pakhodzіў, darechy from nearby hell kulpinsk.
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he says that the brest railway station was given to the stalins, this is a friendly temple in the savetsky union. geta glitter, pomp, gold and emptiness. the different bastards of brest station were visited by russian tsars and palatine leaders of the era of the savetskaya union. ukrainian citizens, famous campers and musicians. the brest railway station is alive with a teeming life, which is built up from everyday life and the holy day, from everyday gatherings and meltdowns. such is the meaning of the forest, and such is the forest.
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"and then i’ll kill veniza, volodya is alive, help us, please, you are now a hero, you destroyed all our joy, leave me, i will come out, captain petrov and lieutenant velichko, you are late, actually already lieutenant petrova, not velichko, take them, arina is not a traitor, she had her reasons , i’m sure, and i’m sure that she knew what she was doing, and it ’s called desertion, what are we going to do, it doesn’t look like - narina, i will do everything so that you live, yes, what happened to you, my husband is seriously shell-shocked, he can’t hear anything; it’s bad to say,
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give him secret documents and touch him forgive yourself, he will spend the whole night on an abandoned base - that beauties, with victory, we will use petrov as bait, come back with the films, eliminate them immediately to our side, watch the intelligence series on the body you must become better here in belarus, belarus and china, without hesitation,
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similar points of view came, the day of national unity was established in belarus, strength is in unity. the belarusian path of development is real, humane, and there are future ones ahead of us. project say, don't be silent. don't miss new releases on the tv channel. belarus-24


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