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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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whether there are similar points of view in belarus , the day of national unity, strength in unity, was approved. the belarusian path of development is truly humane; the future lies ahead of us. project say, don't be silent. don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good morning belarus, good morning, beloved country, olga venskaya, tatyana matusevich, celebrates the new day with you, it’s friday and may 10, well, yesterday , let me remind you that the whole country celebrated a big day a significant day for all our people, a victory day, a day thanks to which. so here it is joyfully, we can wish you a good morning every weekday morning, of course, wake up, smile, embrace this world, calmly go to your favorite job. we once again sincerely congratulate the veterans of the great patriotic war, thanks to whom we have our deepest respects today, thank you very much. well, by the way, on sunday, may 12, belarus will also celebrate a very important day for our country - this is the day of three state symbols, the flag, the coat of arms and the anthem. this sacred
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triad represents today the sovereignty of the national unity of belarus. remember in unity, our strength and. wake up, good morning. i was born here, this is a place of power, my family is here. i was born here, this is my home and this is happiness. every belarusian. we know each other's brother or sister, this is our essence, on the same wavelength, we are together, you and i, connected for centuries, we will do one thing, we do not share it, forever, you are my game, you are my land, my brightest, my belarus .
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their big dreams, we walk the same road, but all the house, connected for centuries, one whole penedividya, light, you are in my pocket, you are my brightest land, my belarus, my menenka. connected forever, one whole, we
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are indivisible, forever, you are my dna, you are my land, the brightest, my belarus, my dna, connected in navika, otnosfe. you are mine, forever, you are mine, tyka, you are the land, my, the brightest, my belarus, my veranda, connected nadyka, one whole would be lost, forever, you are mine, only a molekka, revealing the earth, moyadil. yes,
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it seems to me that it is connected forever, literally by the threads of love, this is our wonderful viewer, and the program is a good morning, belarus has been rising for a generation now, waking up to our wonderful program, let me remind you, good ranice, belarus2. family in the life of society, in the life of the country, about its role in the life of each of us, because the future generation, its views on life, its values
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​​are essentially the future of our country, by the way, this is why in all institutions of general secondary education 15 and on may 16 , a single lesson will be held dedicated to family day, but we need to live. dent matvey lichonok, friends, has prepared a special material on this occasion. in the popular section of the profession, we will see how a senior
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researcher in the museum’s scientific and exhibition department greets his new day history of the great patriotic war, natalya obukhova. how civic qualities are developed in young belarusians in the new capital. it gyrfalcon at the patriotic club, alesya boyarskikh will tell you about it. and naturally, on friday, together with maryana marinkova, we will look at the posters of domestic cinemas. well, we’ll also find out which city svetlana borovska will visit to tell you all on saturday at 9:15, good morning belarus, it’s time to wake up. also, according to the gastronomic tradition of friday, we are waiting for the visit of the most famous nutritionist of our country, svetlana kashitska. we will continue to learn the art of proper nutrition, and of course, nowhere without premieres, in the second part of the program we are waiting for anna trubetskoy to visit, she will present a strong and deep song that was written specifically for victory day under a very clear title, remember, yes, and at the end of our broadcast we are waiting for 25 young stars
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who have already won the hearts of many belarusians, this is the grand arts studio malinovka baispomash, and so the guys will present us with a song that is important these days. peaceful sky, so it turns out, today in the studio will be crowded, children's voices will be heard, friends, is this a misfortune, in general, please turn up the volume, right now let's talk a little about winter, about breakfast, our food blogger anatoly moiseev is ready to announce a new recipe, a small spoiler, we know in this story cannot be complete without lemon, good morning, today is ready... a healthy breakfast, but healthy does not mean tasteless, and i will prove it to you, let's please ourselves and our loved ones with fragrant, tender and rosy lemon curd pancakes, we will need cottage cheese, flour , egg, lemon, sugar,
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vanilla sugar and baking powder. take one large egg and separate the yolk from the white. beat the whites with a whisk. a pinch of salt until soft peaks form, place a pack of cottage cheese in a bowl with the yolk, add sugar and vanilla sugar, grind everything until smooth, grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and add to the cottage cheese, and squeeze the juice from the lemon itself using a fork, add to the curd mass and mix well, add to the dough. beaten egg white, mix gently with a spatula so that the whites do not fall off, the remaining add two tablespoons of sifted flour and a teaspoon of baking powder, knead a homogeneous dough, it should have the consistency of thick sour cream,
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heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, spoon the dough into the pan with a tablespoon, fry the pancakes over medium heat on both sides until golden brown. crusts, place the finished pancakes on a paper napkin to remove excess oil. the pancakes come out with a bright citrusy aroma, the smell permeates... the whole house, the creation makes them richer, gives them a delicate creamy taste and is wonderful combined with lemon zest, and the fact that practically no flour is used for cooking makes curd-lemon boats even more attractive, sweets can also be healthy, bon appetit, have a good day! the tv news agency presents an overview
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of popular print and online publications. may 9 is a holiday date, but at the same time it is a reminder of the terrible losses and human sacrifices during the war. these people were completely considered missing. concentration camp for prisoners of war shtalak-352. after the great patriotic war, families of red army soldiers were still we waited a long time for news from husbands, fathers and brothers. 260 dead soldiers. found peace only after eight decades. in 2023 , their remains were removed from an unknown mass grave in masyukovshchina. during the occupation of belarus, there was a concentration camp where more than 80 thousand people died. memoirs of prisoners of shtalak 352 can be found on the website of the belta information agency. early last week, the president signed a law amending laws on business issues . innovations presuppose. systematic transition from individual entrepreneurs to legal entities commercial organizations. over the course of 30
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years, the state has formed various legal and financial measures to support small medium-sized businesses. it is necessary to continue to create conditions that will help business develop. today the time has come to talk not about the quantity, but about the quality of private initiatives in the country. and at this stage it is necessary to complete two tasks, to find a balance between the interests of the state, society and entrepreneurship, and also to increase the level of participation. citizens in government spending and fair taxation. what will happen next improve this area? the people's newspaper studied the issue. inflation expectations of the population in march of this year improved compared to december 2023. this conclusion was reached by the national bank of belarus. the regulator published information on the dynamics and factors of changes in consumer prices and tariffs in the first quarter of this year. according to the results of the survey belarus.
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the expected growth in consumer prices in the near future is 11%. by the way, in the first quarter of 2023, perceived inflation was much higher - 14.3%. experts note that government regulation in the matter of pricing had a positive effect on curbing inflation. a popular foreign destination for russians, and over the year the demand for excursion trips has increased by 30-50% from various sources. this spring, belarus became the most according to statistics available from the ministry of sports and tourism, more than 5 million russian citizens visited our country last year. they are interested in various directions. sanatorium holidays still hold a leading position and are not being rented out... for 2023 in a year , over 1,100,000 russians visited our health resorts and hotels, which is why they are attracted to
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various areas of belarusian tourism, correspondents of a rural newspaper found out. superfood is a term that came to us from the english language and refers to some food that has... some superpowers, but some superproperties that make our diet very healthy, and accordingly make our health stronger, but it is a mistake to think that superfood is something overseas that has nothing to do with our realities relationship, which costs a lot of money and can only be bought in specialized stores, goji berries, che seeds, chlorella, spirulina, all of these... these products undoubtedly have their own unique properties, but it is important to understand that
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they are not the only superfoods , but there are a lot of normal, healthy, natural local products that grow in huge quantities in our country , including, for example, blueberries, one of the coolest superfoods in the world, i would say, almost as good as goji berries in terms of its oxidative properties, in terms of the content of valuable plant substances, in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, in addition to blueberries , absolutely any berry that grows in our country can be considered a superfood. in the country, with the exception, of course, of those grown with large amounts of chemical fertilizers. superfood is also vegetables, also fruits, and also seeds, including sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, which are widely available here, it is only important that these seeds are not overcooked, not oversalted,
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because then their beneficial properties decrease and some side effects increase. effects, then, why not classify meat as a superfood, for example, if we take some lean meats, then it will be an ideal, just an excellent source of absolutely all essential amino acids, an excellent source of vitamin d, an ideal source of iron, which is the easiest will be absorbed and will protect a person from anemia, thus, all products that do not undergo harsh chemical, thermal... treatment and are not grown under processed conditions chemicals that can be considered superfoods will make your family’s diet healthy, complete and balanced.
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good, good morning, country of the good morning belarus, tatyana matusevich, olga venskaya, this is how we greet this wonderful friday morning, by the way, i remind you that today, may 10, the sun has already risen over our native belarus, it happened at 5:00 12 minutes we, in the matusevich camp, did not sleep through the dawn, we saw, we saw, i would say, the sun rose over the peaceful sky of our country, just like that, yesterday we all celebrated a big holiday, victory day, and i once again want to congratulate all belarusians, all veterans of the great patriotic war, on this, without exaggeration, a great day for each of us, well, really, because it seems to me that there is no family in belarus that would simply not suffered from the war because it was not touched, yes, this is really a holy holiday for all of us, but on june 1, the world will traditionally celebrate children's day, in
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a special way it will be celebrated in the bolshoi theater of belarus, where they will present the premiere, an adapted version of the fairy tale, on the main stage . published the first excerpt of his new film called megapolis. so, the director of the science fiction film almost entirely made it with his own money. in the two-minute segment, adam driver's character, cesar, was. mounted on the edge of the roof of a skyscraper, now we are just seeing these shots, the plot is based on solust’s work about the katelina conspiracy, at its center is an idealist architect who, after a devastating disaster, is trying to rebuild new york, but is faced with a pragmatic mayor. in addition to the driver in the tape starring john voi, justin hoffman, forest
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whittaker, cate blanchett and michelle faffer. kupala wrote the script for the metropolis back in the eighties after releasing his own. the film is apocalypse now, but filming began only in 2022. the director independently financed the project, selling most of his wine collection and collecting a total of about 120 million dollars. megapolis will be available to the public, or rather presented in the competition program of the 77th kant festival in a few days, and then we, the general public, will be able to admire this tape. and that's interesting.
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that the father, angelina jali’s dad, jon voight played in this film, if anything, friends, if suddenly this attracts you to this film, then of course yes, well, by the way, we will probably hear about this film soon one friday in film announcement from maryaana murenkova, she is a well-known film vet, the current selection is right now, let's see, this picture earned more than $60 million in its first weekend of release. and with a budget of 150, but the producers still expected more, because in in the frame of the ken of all times, three-time oscar nominee ryan gosling, he was paired with a screen star and a star, in particular. recent open-gamer emily blunt, as journalists have already nicknamed them, charismatic barbie gamers. i'm sure you guessed that today we will talk about a sparkling action comedy from david leitch, stuntmen. and
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the cast of actors is not the only advantage of the film. the director of the triumphant films faster than a bullet and the second deadpool, this time he also decided to surprise everyone and made a film with many references to many iconic pictures of world cinema. by exposing a little behind-the-scenes life of the film process in a deliberately decent way. made fun of masculinity. so, in the center of cold seavers, he is an unemployed stuntman who one day gets a chance, however, this chance to star in a big hollywood project, where his ex-girlfriend acted as the director, will give the opportunity to the unlucky superhero stuntman to return his love, by the way, for this it will take a little not to save the world, but it’s almost, or rather, to save the local film world. you ask if ryan gosling, who plays stuntman, stuntman. it turns out no, he performed all the stunts personally.
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reading the credits. well, we move on, we will continue our film announcement of phantasmogoria from the frenchman kuntin du puhaud. dali. the intonation is exclamatory. and a little about the author of the new extravagant comedy. quentin dupiot is not only a film director, but also a writer, as well as a dj, known under the pseudonym minsue loison. he became famous for his music videos and commercials, and later branched out into absurdist comedies like wrong cops starring manson's marilyn. real. a fake biographical film, this is exactly the definition given by specialists of the new french comedy. so, in the center of the plot is a journalist who arranges an interview with salvador dali, but still
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cannot take him, since unimaginable surreal circumstances happen in the life of the spanish genius, and the viewer, along with the characters, walks through these labyrinths of fantasies. by the way, the role of dali is played by several different actors throughout the film, namely eduard baer, ​​jonathan cohen, pio marmays, gilles delush and dediev. the filming took place in the parisian suburb of saint louis in the south of france, as well as in spain itself, where a house reminiscent of the famous artists' house portlegat was built especially for the film. director du pieux also revived the pictures in the film, for example, their main shooting took place in the spanish desert. the process lasted 6 weeks, and the world premiere of dali’s painting took place in the fall at the 80th venice film festival.
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friday evening, secondly, it will be accompanied by the academic ensemble of songs and dance of the armed forces of the republic of belarus. yes, the audience is waiting for familiar and beloved songs of the war years, filled with the heroic spirit and feat of our ancestors. from the unique katyusha to the piercing dark night to the greatest and monumental day of victory. and if for some unknown reason you are unable to attend the heritage concert, which is dedicated, let me remind you of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. find out the video version you can see on the belarus 1 tv channel. well, right now let’s talk a little about the weather, we will be happy to tell you what the heavenly office is preparing for today. so,
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in the capital of the republic of minsk we expect up to 14 degrees of heat, while forecasters promise cloudy weather with clearings and rain in places, up to 19 above zero in brest, while dry and cloudy with clearings, we move further north , we go +10 +12 in vitebsk, there are cheeses. gloomy in gomel, perhaps we will see the sun, but nevertheless it will not do without rain there +16 +18, cloudy with clearings and the same damp precipitation in grodno there +13 +15 in mogilev today is no higher than 14, and cloudy with clearings and also rain in places, well, someone will say a little cold for this time of year, but it seems like we already want 27 yes, but on the other hand, friends, if it warms you up, then today it will be a couple of degrees warmer than yesterday. therefore, we are happy about this, but if you are not aware or suddenly did not notice, then frosts have actually returned to the country, they were at night, so it is not worth hiding with a jacket, especially if you go to
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work early in the morning, by the way, the temperature is weekend. but the situation will change a little, the degrees will go up up, but finally, but at the same time there will be rain, albeit short-term, but it will still happen. capricious may, this is how it will go down in synoptic history, but please don’t focus on the weather, it’s better to discover a new line of three-component capsules for. raise your eyes to the christmas maiden, wish for everything you dream of in life before you, i am
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so happy, where. if only for you, you love them so much, these white flowers, i love you to tears, every breath is like the first time, without a tonsa, beautiful fear. this is a cloud of izrok, i will grow with petals, i will cover our bed, i love you madly, madly. i love
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your birch, alluring white skin, your beauty, divine hair, i admire. you are the most precious thing to me, everything with you and i has just begun, i love you to tears, i love you to the bitter end, with every breath for the first time, without
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a ton of beautiful ones. these are clouds of roses, white roses, i will cover our bed, i love you to the stars. i love without thinking, singing beautiful class, prodlaka. or without
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the white coffin, i will populate our bed, i love you to tears, i love you madly, i love you to tears. i love you madly, tamara petrovna, i need a couple of days at my own expense, or better yet three, i saw them myself, i was on the bus, they were walking around the city,
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walking otashka’s child, igor eremeev. this is our doctor, he left for his bride to the sea, and natasha rushed after him, promised to be here in a day, and what do you have to do with it, oh, how cute, and maybe... should i give birth to something like this? anatorius, do you think it’s not too late? hello, natasha? where are you? tell me this, vadyukha, what kind of guy is he today? one was beaten, the other was abandoned with his child, where do they come from? u did this happen to me at work? svetka caught me and igor in the office, she was so jealous, was there such a scandal? you are tender, i always want to protect you.
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this is june 7-8, 19 farmsteads will appear in the city center, a total of 36 nationalities will be represented, including new participants in the festival, this year, it will be the argentines who have reached us, listen, this is cool, this is the scale, yes, and the theme of the festival this year will be family values; the organizers promise to introduce guests to family traditions and rituals of different countries, such as they say, it will be very interesting, well, right now we are inviting you to the ball, the outfits, at which the whole world has been discussing for several days.
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but personally, for example, i liked the dress made of sand that tylee put on, and you know, she couldn’t even move on it, and they just took her by the arms, like that, and moved her along this very carpet , yes , this is exactly what i
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wanted to talk about, that some are discussing outfits, and some are talking about how those same stars are moved along that same carpet path and how many assistants they need in order to show themselves in all their glory, although some commentators call the images... fashion, well, great, really, beautiful, great, inspiring, and in general it’s great that the theme of spring, the theme of the awakening of life, it's always wonderful. well, off the red carpet, let's go to the workplace of our new heroine, and she is a senior researcher in the scientific and exhibition department of the museum
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of the history of the great patriotic war. let's meet natalya obukhova. my name is obukhova natalya, i am a senior researcher scientific and exhibition department, museum of the history of the great patriotic war, are supervised. we are already leaving for work, i’m at work an hour before work, i arrive at the museum at 7:15 minutes or a little later, good morning, good morning, we are there. i open the plan for
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the week, if it’s monday, i look at what needs to be done, there’s a lot of work, because i ’m working on the hall in which wars, internationalists and the modern army are presented, in addition, i’m doing work for the branch, new exhibitions and also supervising the island of tears . “anastasia viktorovna, what do you think we should put in the tenth hall, i ’m guessing that we ’ll put this in the ninth showcase of the captain, because it was the second period of the war, that’s why we have such rare things , he was the one who went on reconnaissance, this is definitely needed, it’s very rare.” their fate is the history of our country, which
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needs to be captured, it needs to be outlined, the history of each person must be left by our generation for many years, so this profession is very important, here we need to have reliable facts, some of the fates of those especially those who died, they bring tears, but today i would like to talk about those who survived. after these wars, who brought us their things, and this can be seen in the exhibition. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. believe me, behind every exhibit in the museum there is painstaking work,
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not a single dozen employees, so they really are, you know, soldiers of the invisible front, but what they do is very important for the history of our country, including, so to natalya and all colleagues at the museum great we wish you a great day to the patriotic war. well, by the way, the belarusian state museum of the history of the great patriotic war hosts not only a large number of thematic events, but also lectures for school students, during which research staff reveal the topics presented, divided by...
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national academic theater of iyanka kupala during the evacuation period. by the way, and even for example, there are front-line photographs of the famous opera singer larisa aleksandrovskaya, who was simply already at this exhibition, and a remarkable fact: the artists, supporting the fighters, coming to the fronts, they came, you know, in full... a little about modern art, because a new exhibition opened in the royal kew gardens in london. there , local visual artist mark ween presented his new work. the master dedicated 17 sculptures made of stainless steel and bronze to flowers that were famous not only for their beauty, but also for their healing properties, for example, the pacific
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yew, from the sap of which a drug for the treatment of cancer or turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory effect, was obtained. some the sculptures are inspired by plants from the famous palm house; visitors will have to try hard to find them among the flowers; by the way, this exhibition will last until september 29. it seems to me that thanks to these even mirror installations, it’s as if you can look a little into the other world, right? and wanted an atmospheric exhibition - that's true. by the way, we will continue the conversation about flowers, how to properly care for them, this is actually a whole science, how to choose an ornamental plant so that one day you can grow a whole garden on your windowsill. for this you need to carefully watch the issue of our buy section right now. today we are choosing ornamental plants for the garden. they turn the plot into a truly cozy relaxation corner, but when planting an ornamental plant, you need to understand how it will look in 2-3 years in order to avoid unpleasant surprises on your plot and maintain a harmonious
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composition. let's figure out how to choose an ornamental plant for the garden. it falls into the category of ornamental plants mainly for the garden. or shrubs, the same the most, like hydrangea, tree-like, different types of varieties, colors, sponge, also different colors, you also need to pay attention, also to the root system, basically they always sell it closed, it’s very convenient, practical, also to the intensity of growth, that is, let’s go they are growing, the flowers have started there, if you buy plants with an open root system, then be sure to check the earthen ball around the roots, it should be well tied, remember that a plant that has... no small roots, but only a few visible there will be large ones it will take a long time to take root poorly, or it will die altogether. the most important thing to observe is the flowering period, the wave of flowering in the landscape is such a wonderful element, since by purchasing one, second, third plant we can create constantly flowering plants on
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the site. take into account the plant's requirements for climatic conditions and the nature of the soil, for example, hydrangeas love sour, but climatises... cannot tolerate it. for the most part, plants prefer sunny, unshaded places or light partial shade. in such conditions, they are especially decorative. not we also forget that our wonderful roses are ornamental shrubs. they are often sold either with an open root system, or closed, sometimes already flowering. when purchasing a grow from an open root system, you must also follow the rules. this: either we soak vipine, zircon for a few there. hours or days, also when planting we must apply root. so, first of all , take into account climatic conditions, lighting, soil fertility, and think about a good neighborhood. in cultures those planted together should have the same growth dynamics, flowering times and changes in decorativeness during the summer. remember that
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plants with a closed root system, those sold directly in a container, take root better. beautiful and quality shopping. they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people. our quality, your safety protection. our company is famous for its traditions, as well as many dynasties.
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you can produce or weld such a machine. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and eventful. all my free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wander around and look at this beauty. we never returned empty-handed as children. and once upon a time there were a lot of fish.
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on the calendar may 10, yesterday we throughout the country celebrated a big and significant day for the belarusian people, victory day, a day
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thanks to which we can joyfully say good morning belarus every morning, great, by the way, traditionally second sunday, let's continue the theme of holidays, on the second sunday of may this year, may 12, it will happen, belarus will celebrate the day of three state symbols, the flag, the coat of arms and the anthem, this sacred triad today personifies the sovereignty and... national unity of belarus. our correspondent, matvey lichonok, has prepared a special material. let's get a look. the national flag, coat of arms and anthem are the main symbols by which the country is recognized in the world. they are the ones who personify sovereignty and national unity. they are with us at the most important moments of life, they determine the appearance of the state. on may 12, belarus will celebrate the day of state symbols. this is an exact copy of the flag. square of the national flag, and the grand opening of the square took place on july 2, 2013 in the city of minsk,
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at the intersection of orlovskaya street and pobediteley avenue, this particular flag participated in the opening ceremony of the square. the state symbols changed several times, but despite all the differences, they had a similar form, it contained the spirit of the people, the historical memory and the genetic code of belarus. january 1, 1919 the belarusian soviet socialist republic was announced and from that moment on it should have had its own state symbols, which became the red flag on which it was written, first ssrb, as our republic was called then, and then the bssr. our flag at that time was not very different from the flags of other union soviet republics, due to the fact that in 1951, when the bssr became a full member and even the founder of the un, a big question arose: what should be the flags of the delegation of the soviet union republics . it's from this moment, the history of the flag
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under which we live now begins. this is a project by artist nikolai gusev. it was a cloth divided into two parts. one of them is twice as large - red. this is a symbol of the blood shed during the great patriotic war; green is a symbol of natural harmony and revival. in addition, belarusians were the first in world history to inflict. after the 1995 referendum, the flag adopted its usual nomoblic design, the ornament became red on a white background, according to the traditions of the belarusian
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fatherhood. here in the national archives the living memory of the belarusian people and, in particular, the holy of holies of our symbols are preserved, these are the standards of the flag and coat of arms of the republic of belarus. standards are those samples that must be followed by all other organizations that have the right to use the state flag, everyone. parameters, all the details, first of all, they must be observed, there should be no liberties, no deviations. in addition to the flag standard, the archive contains a standard coat of arms in three variations: original, silver and gold. in 1919 , the first geb of the belarusian soviet socialist republic, which was in principle similar to the modern one, but unlike the current one, it was in the shape of a solid circle in which the elements were placed... the hammer pie the coat of arms also changed, in 1927 ears of wheat appeared on it, in the ninety-fifth the coat of arms acquired its current form,
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but in 2021 it was slightly transformed. the contours of belarus became golden, they were green, the sun's rays became clearly visible, they were translucent, the globe changed, it was blue and showed the territory of eurasia, now the continents are on it this sandy-orange color shows the territory of europe, where the republic of belarus is geographically located. but the anthem appeared only on july 2, 2002. for 11 years belarus officially lived without him. participated in the final of the future anthem competition. five songs, he was chosen by the whole country, all five versions were heard on radio and television. the national anthem has its own authors, the music for it was written by the belarusian composer nestor sokolovsky, the words are by the belarusian poets mikhats klemkovich and vladimir karizna. the national flag, coat of arms and anthem are the history of our nation, they contain the cohesion and unity of the country, this is belarus, this is the people, this is
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us. we are belarusians, peaceful people. this globe, which is located on the coat of arms of our country, means that we want to live in peace and harmony, and let it be so. well, back to the flag, this is what the colors that are on the flag mean, firstly, the red color, it is a symbol of energy, a symbol of nobility, courage of our people, if we talk about the green color, then it is a symbol of hope, health, it is a symbol of hard work of our people, and if we talk about... the symbols of our country. well, we continue, i remind you that together we are celebrating a new day, this is may 10, and let us tell you what the mood of the weather is in these morning hours. so, attention. so, in minsk it is now +5, +7, and somewhere there is even rain in
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brest, the temperature readings are exactly the same. in vitebsk it is also raining there and in some places the sun is already peeking out, cloudy with clearings and dry, in gomel +5 -7. no precipitation, so far in grodnoy, +6 +8 there, in mogilev no higher than this, in these morning hours cloudy with clearings and dry, this is such wonderful weather, thank you for not being a minus, i want to say, yes, well, thank you for today. a few degrees warmer than yesterday, this is already pleasing, and regarding the rain, this is actually good for nature, because nature is now blossoming, for example, the summer season has opened in the central botanical garden of the national academy of sciences, what does this mean, firstly , the botanical garden is open longer, i was there before evening, you can walk in the botanical garden, it’s wonderful, secondly, this year the summer season happened a week and a half earlier than usual, because despite the capricious may, the weather still
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pleased us, a huge number of exhibitions appeared, for example, a garden in... this is a collection of plants that can grow in the shade, oddly enough, yes, friends, besides, yes, plus everything, there you can see a field of daffodils, on which there are 437 varieties and a collection of roses, of 300 varieties, how fragrant it is, how colorful it is, and tomorrow a decorative strip of woody shrubs, in particular from hawthorn, juniper, that and hydrangea, well , by the way, it’s no coincidence that we’re talking about flowers now, because... saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to sino, let’s see the announcement of her morning broadcast, this is not a fall, but worse, i’ve never heard anything like this ,
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then watch, and then watch, you have to , since you are for... so for now, confirm, a new dance, we are inventing a new dance, which sino group has been performing on stage for more than half a century, how local artists prepare for the slavic bazaar, why the history of the city attracts tourists who is responsible for greek-roman wrestling in the seninsky district, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on the good one.
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yes, friends, singing in a choir is wonderful, in fact, we will have a choir on the site of good belarus, please wait, this will happen in the third part of the live broadcast, this is the end of the first part of the live broadcast, soon we will establish contact with brest, and also, according to the gastronomic tradition of friday , the most famous nutritionist of our country, svetlana kashitskaya, will come to visit us, we will continue to learn the art of proper nutrition, and naturally, nowhere without premieres, after 7 o’clock in the morning anna trupetskaya will come to us, she will present a strong and deep song. well , we remember it especially for victory day under an unambiguous name. yes, friends, well, regarding the choir, which i announced at the beginning, we are expecting 25 young stars in the studio who have already won the hearts of many belarusians, this is the grand
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studio of the arts malinovka bais pomazh, she will present an important song these days, peaceful sky, so don't switch, stay in our awakening company, company good morning belarus. the sun will come out, the clouds will hide, a new
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dawn will come, the day will be good, the world will become better, there is no doubt about it, the whole world will die on a minor note, the voice will stern. peace to those who are for, and even those who are against, but do not run, peace to those who are for, and even those who are against, but do not run, but do not run.
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good morning belarus.
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terenova agency begins, informational morning friday, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, watch the releases. parade of equipment and march of military personnel, ceremonial processions and patriotic actions, goal concerts, festive fireworks. belarus celebrated the day of the great victory.


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