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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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it is our sacred duty to thank for the victory and peaceful sky. natalya brios, veronica buta and andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency. guests of the may celebrations in the center of minsk spoke about how important it is to defend historical truth and to be strong in this difficult time. memory is priceless and sacred for belarusians. with a peaceful policy, we do not threaten anyone, we do not seek to seize any lands. we want to live at home, calmly, raise our children, and what is happening today, well, you can call it that, the descendants of the vanquished have challenged their descendants winners, they want to take revenge, but they won’t succeed either, let them teach history, we will, as the commander-in-chief demands, clearly confidently preserve our peace, and if necessary, we will give a serious rebuff to everyone who encroaches on our land, this is pride ,
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at least since leningrad, i lived in besieged leningrad as a baby for almost a year and a half. the memory must always be kept in our hearts, because our grandfathers, our grandmothers, our parents accepted, they defended our homeland, and it was a difficult time, of course, so that this doesn’t happen again, because all our relatives gave so many lives in their time, and well, it’s really sad , so we honor their memory. and well, we’ll just
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try to make sure that this doesn’t happen again, we honor the feat of our ancestors. the celebration of victory day covered the whole of belarus , all generations of our independent country. victory marches sounded in all regions. thousands of people gathered in brest, a parade of equipment, a march of military personnel accompanied by a live orchestra. military vehicles drove along the central street of the city in symbolic numbers 79 units. and for the first time soviet. hero, this is always the main location of the holiday in the city; the memory of the defenders of the legendary citadel was honored with a minute of silence. we come here with a feeling of pride, gratitude that we live under such a peaceful, bright, blue sky, thank you very much.
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grandfathers and great-grandfathers unite artists regardless of age status. this year, the essence of the concert on october square was presented through the legendary film from 1944. report by lydia zablotskaya. the hymn to blooming may excites and straightens the backs of everyone, young and old. the invariable culmination of each holiday was written on the thirtieth anniversary of the victory, but as if greetings from the forty-fifth. in belarus she is entrusted to the folk baritone. i would even say so.
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destroyed! thousands of belarusians who were not indifferent to victory united here on october square at 9:00 after the war, just like in the legendary film from 1944, it was this full-length film that once predicted the victory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and today it formed the concept of this concert goal, here too two met on this stage lovers in spite of love, and love has only just begun.
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not only from textbooks, but also from the mouths of my late grandparents, every time i go out on stage on this day, the great holiday of victory, i pay tribute to the veterans, they sang about the resilience of the people in unexpected melodies, oh my fogs, have become foggy. oh, native forests and meadows. most of the vocal reflections were written afterward by the children and grandchildren of the winners. or maybe there wasn’t a war, the germans weren’t driven through the stage, the skin was made of
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shiny leather, and we were blown away. not in paris. when you see what really happened, how they bullied children, how they bullied people, how parents differentiated from children, when you understand that they are trying to take this truth away from you, to take this truth away from your children, of course, this causes a storm of negative emotions, great resentment for those people who gave his life for our lives, so that now someone would just try to erase all this with some strange information. victory with tears in our eyes cannot be achieved without tragic chords, therefore a dedication to those who fell for that very peaceful sky. this is such pain, the pain of all women, everyone mothers, regardless of time, it is through the centuries. the mother recognized her son at the same time, the mini
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rushed into the mother's cree, let's leave it up. it’s been a long time since everyone believed it, the chosen ones came to this fate. our victorious chords gave the go-ahead for the festive fireworks, from its volleys the sky blossomed, as did the social networks of belarusians who were not indifferent to the victory. the concert is wonderful, thanks to our country for our great future, the best, the most touching songs, simply amazing seas of delight, emotions, and also... i constantly congratulate my grandfather on victory day, very beautiful concert, thank you, i liked it very much, a wonderful concert, and most importantly, today is a wonderful holiday, we will sing, we will remember, as long as we remember, the country will live,
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lydia zablotskaya, alexey sosnovsky and yuri tratyuk, telenews agency, joined the victory celebration. mita employees paid tribute to the memory and respect for the feat of the winners from the border agencies of our country. diplomats of the belarusian embassy in bulgaria, together with colleagues from friendly countries, paid tribute to the memory of the winners of the ubratsk grave in sofia, as well as at the monument soviet soldier-liberator alyosha in plovdiv. the geography of memorable events is large, there are dozens of countries on the list, these are azerbaijan, armenia, belgium and the uk, hungary, germany and vietnam, india, georgia, israel, china, spain, italy, the baltic states, poland and moldova and many others. the peoples of these countries, like... will never forget the feat of the soviet people, no matter how much they want it,


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