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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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for belarusians, the concert is wonderful, thank you to our country for our great future, the best, the most touching songs, simply amazing seas of delight, emotions, and i also constantly congratulate my grandfather on victory day, a very beautiful concert, thank you, i liked it very much, a wonderful concert, and the most important thing is that today is a wonderful holiday, we will sing, we will remember, as long as we remember, the country will live. lydia zablotskaya, alexey sosnovsky and yuri tratyuk joined the victory celebration. telenews agency. tribute, mit employees from our country’s border agencies around the world paid tribute to the memory and respect of the winners’ feat. thus, the ambassador of belarus to austria andrei dabkiunas and the heads of the diplomatic mission of the cis and csto countries, representatives of austrian public organizations laid wreaths at the monument to the red army soldiers in vienna. diplomats of the belarusian embassy in bulgaria together with their colleagues. friendly countries
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honored the memory of the victors at the bras grave in sofia, as well as at the monument to the soviet soldier-liberator alyosha in plovdev. the geography of memorable events is large, the list includes dozens of countries are azerbaijan, armenia, belgium and great britain, hungary, germany and vietnam, india, georgia, israel, china, spain, italy, the baltic states, poland and moldova and many others. the peoples of these countries, like us, will never forget the feat of the soviet people. as if. places of demolished military monuments and placed symbols of the ussr on cars, so one person was tied up by six policemen.
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use of st. george ribbons and other russian symbols, they are also charged with contrived insult to police officers, and for what were you arrested? why a t-shirt with putin , think about it, for this, i note that this year germany officially tightened the rules for celebrating victory day, banning the display of symbols associated with russia and the soviet union in the most popular crowded places. an alternative and
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efficient type of fuel, which is always in demand in the energy sector: the biltopaz enterprise plans to extract about 2 million tons of peat this year, from this volume a million tons of peat briquettes will be produced, some of these products are exported, including to china. one of the leaders in the industry , the sergeevichskaya enterprise, in addition to production, also supports the social sphere. an apartment building is being built in the village of pravdinsk in the pukhovsky district, and this place also intends to secure its status as a center for the peat football championship. last year, for example, there were 29 teams from all over the republic of belarus, including a team from st. petersburg. this year we will start building a stadium for peat football, right in the village, we will create the so-called village brand. except fuel. for another
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area of ​​work in the tarfin sphere, cover and nutrient soils. the industry plans to produce 150.00 tons of such products for agriculture. in principle, we are ready to provide everyone who grows mushrooms within the country with our own covering material, which is in no way inferior to western analogues, and previously these products were imported to us from abroad. therefore , we have big plans here, i note, today only in the structure of biltop-gas throughout the country 15 peat briquette factories operate. soligorsk shakhtyor continues to fight for the title of the most titled volleyball club in the country. today the miners will play the second match in the final series against gomel energy. they play until three victories of one of the clubs. the southerners, i note, for the first time in their history reached the decisive stage of the championship and started with... a 0:3 defeat from
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a formidable opponent. the miner has taken the main national trophy for 7 years in a row in the current competition and can overtake the builder in the number of titles. both teams became champions. seven times, whether energia will be able to force the miners to fight in the capital's sports palace uruchye, we will find out today from the live broadcast starting at 18:55 on belarus 5. further economic news, let me remind you that the projects of the tv news agency are available in all social networks, as well as in our mobile application by qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you at 8:00. the national bank reports a significant increase in the leasing business in the country. the economic sectors of the meglev region are in the black based on the results of the first
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quarter and are now made in belarus a separate tab on the largest russian marketplace. we will not only talk about this in the coming minutes. you are watching economic news. in the studio of alina loppo. hello. the national bank reports a significant growth in the leasing sector in belarus; from 2016 to january 1 of this year, the company’s leasing portfolio increased fourfold, to 9.5 billion rubles. moreover, this financial service is used not only by legal entities, but by the population. the share of individuals is now almost 15%, when 8 years ago it did not exceed two. the regulator notes that the issues are currently being studied, relating to increasing the terms of housing leasing for citizens. mogilevskaya. the region shows growth in all sectors of the economy in the first quarter; according to the regional executive committee, investments increased by 17% in industry +8. this sector is showing steady growth; the recovery trend that began last year continues this year. exports grew by 7%. for industrial enterprises
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today, the task is to develop a long range, including the asian market. the belarusian cement company launched a route belt from our own delivery wagons. products to russia. the first train was sent from the kostyukovichi plant to the moscow region. 55 wagons delivered almost 4,000 tons of cement. as the company noted, the development of launching its own train solved a number of logistics problems, including a shortage of hopper cars, a decrease in the railway's capacity and increased train time on the road. trading on the currency and stock exchange ended with the dollar rising. the russian ruble and the chinese yuan fell in price. so, american currency costs 3 rubles, 23 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.47, the russian caste is 3.51 belarusian. the geography of foreign users of the belarusian universal commodity exchange has expanded to 15 countries. the czech resident company entered into a deal for the first time on
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the industrial consumer goods market, selling cotton fiber to a belarusian light industry enterprise. in total, this year transactions on this exchange platform were completed by residents. countries in the top three are russia, uzbekistan and tajikistan. share of import-substituting products in the total volume of sales of industrial consumer goods through butb this year exceeds 60%. demand for housing in the capital has hit a record high since the beginning of the year, the number of purchase and sale transactions has increased by almost a quarter, in the regions by 18% compared to last year. these data were announced by analysts. it is noted that with the increase in consumer activity , prices for... square meters have also increased, in particular in vitebsk and gomel at twice the rate than in minsk. in terms of demand growth among regions, grodno is the leader two-room apartments were in demand. the maximum share of two-room apartments was sold in lida, grodno and baranovichi, almost every second apartment. and finally,
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the “made in belarus” section has appeared on the largest russian marketplace. it presents exclusively domestically produced goods. the site positions what buyers can purchase. quality products at discounted prices without intermediaries. all manufacturers are certified by the chamber of commerce and industry and are marked with special markings. the belarusian section is available on the website in the marketplace application. and that's all for me, have a nice day and have a nice weekend. see you. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues with the program zone x. i am yuri shevchuk. hello. i sold the instructions
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for the chainsaw for 1,700 rubles. a passer-by decided to buy an inexpensive but good instrument from a stranger. the seller explained that he was flying out of the country and could not take all the equipment. put it in manually, so i have to sell it. the buyer agreed and handed over almost 2.0 rub. however, instead of the tools themselves, the driver gave the man only documents for them. the traffic police understands the circumstances of the accident on the ring road, which happened the day before,
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when a porsche with russian license plates and an audi collided. the seventy-one-year-old driver of the last car was driving along the outer ring and, when changing lanes, was not convinced of the safety of his maneuver. as a result of the accident , no one was injured as a result of the incident, but the cars now need repairs. in molodechno, rescuers rescued the driver from the car. ministry of emergency situations employees received a signal that it was necessary. their assistance in unblocking a person from inside the car, the vehicle overturned on its side, an incident on vilenskaya street. the rescue service did not specify the cause of the rollover; the renault driver was trapped in the car. paramedics later took the victim to the hospital. i found someone else's card and was not at a loss. a minsk resident contacted the police. the woman reported that money had been debited from her bank card. the lady explained that she had lost the plastic at the market, and soon found out that her savings were missing from her account. operatives went to... the thirty-nine-year-old defendant, it is known that he is unemployed, the man found someone else’s card and
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did not miss the chance, went to the grocery store several times and minus 100 rubles from a menchanka woman who had lost her plastic card. this is the arithmetic, although now the actions of the defendant will be assessed within the framework of the law, a criminal case has been opened for theft of property by modifying computer information. attacked on the streets began to strangle the clarification of the relationship between the former cohabitants and was caught on a surveillance camera. store. the incident happened in soligorsk. as it turns out later the couple met to discuss buying a gift for their joint child. but during the conversation , the man switched to insulting, then completely attacked his interlocutor, began to strangle her, accompanying everything that happened with threats. now the forty-six-year-old troublemaker will have to explain himself to law enforcement officers; by the way, he has a criminal record behind him. rescuers are investigating the cause of a fire in a private house in the miory district. chupe happened the day before. and the incident. emergency situations ministry employees received a signal from the police that a building in the village was on fire alexandrina. when firefighters arrived at
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the scene, there was smoke in the house; it is known that when the disaster broke out, the owner of the home was in the room. even before the rescuers arrived , the man was pulled out of the burning building by his wife, and a neighbor helped her. later, doctors examined the victim, who was poisoned by combustion products, and the man was hospitalized. the flames left a mark on the building, the roof was destroyed and the walls were damaged. this was the project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day, stay on the bright side with us on belarus-1.
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belarus, good morning, country, good morning everyone, olga venskaya, tatyana matusevich, we are celebrating a new day with you, this is friday,
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may 10th on the calendar, yesterday, let me remind you, the whole country celebrated a big significant day for... all of our people's day of great victory, a day thanks to which we can greet every morning so joyfully, say good morning to the country, wake up, calmly go to your favorite job, we once again sincerely congratulate the whole country, we congratulate the veterans of the great patriotic war war, thanks to which we exist today, thank you very much, by the way, on sunday , may 12, belarus will also celebrate a very important day for our country, the day of three states. symbols of the flag, coat of arms and anthem, this sacred triad represents today the sovereignty and national unity of belarus. remember, in unity, our strength and special material for this great holiday were prepared by our correspondent matvey lyachanok. the national flag, coat of arms and anthem are the main symbols by which the country is recognized in the world. they are the ones
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represent sovereignty and national unity. they are with us at the most important moments of life. despite all the differences, it had a similar form, it contained the spirit of the people, the historical memory and the genetic code of belarus. on january 1, 1919 , the belarusian soviet socialist republic was proclaimed and from that moment it should have its own state symbols, which became the red flag, on which was written first the ssrb, as our republic was called then, and then the bssr. our
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flag at that time was not much different from flags of other soviet allies. republics due to the fact that in 1951, when the bssr became a full member and even the founder of the un, a big question arose about what the flags of the delegation of the soviet union republics should be. it was from this moment that the history of the flag under which we live now begins, this is a project of the artist nikolai gusev, it was a cloth divided into two parts, one of them is twice as large, red, this is a symbol about... a symbol of natural harmony and rebirth. in addition, belarusians are the first in world history, a national ornament was applied to the flag. was chosen from 100 projects proposed for consideration by the commission. the winner was the project of peasant matriona markevich from the village of kostilishche, seninsky district. which depicts
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the rising sun, and also bread was added there, in accordance with belarusian folk traditions. true, initially the ornament was white on red, in this form the flag was adopted by a special resolution of the council of ministers and represented belarus on the world stage, only as a result of the 1995 referendum the flag was adopted the usual nomoblik, the ornament became red on a white background, according to the traditions of the belarusian fatherhood. here in the national archive the living memory of the belarusian people is kept and, in particular, the holy of holies of our symbols, these are coupons, flags and coats of arms. standards are those samples that all other organizations that have the right to use the state flag must comply with, all parameters, all colors , first of all, they must be respected, there should be no liberties, no deviations. in addition to the flag standard, the archive contains a standard coat of arms in three variations, original, silver and gold. in 1919
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, the first coat of arms of the belarusian soviet socialist republic was adopted, which. was in principle similar to the modern one, but unlike the current one, it was in the shape of a solid circle in which the elements of the hammer and sickle were placed. the coat of arms also changed. in 1927 , ears of wheat appeared on it. in ninety-five, the coat of arms acquired its current appearance, but in 2021 it was slightly transformed. the contours of belarus became golden in color, were green, the sun's rays became clearly visible, were translucent and... the globe changed, it was blue and showed the territory of eurasia, now the continents on it are of such a sandy-orange color and it shows the territory of europe, where the republic of belarus is geographically located. and... the anthem appeared only on july 2, 2002. for 11 years belarus officially lived without him. five songs participated in the final of the future anthem competition. he was elected by the whole country. all five
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options were aired on radio and television. the national anthem has its own authors. the music for it was written by a belarusian composer nestor sokolovsky, words by belarusian poets mikhas klemkovich and vladimir karizna. the national flag, coat of arms and anthem are the history of our nation. they contain the cohesion and unity of the country, this is belarus, this is the people, this is us. well, right now our brest colleagues, ksenia tsinskaya, andrey polagin, are in direct contact with us, the hero city, the city of brest, we are ready to tell you, good morning, good morning, good morning, good, colleagues, first of all i would like to congratulate you with the great holiday that we celebrated throughout the country yesterday, with victory day, you, dear friends, with victory day. with the same good feelings, thank you very much, we know that in brest, as always, it was crowded, large-scale, in particular in the brest fortress, olya, how many were there, yes, there was a rally in which
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60,000 people took part, we are not exaggerating anything, dear colleagues, in fact , it’s not exactly 60, but about 60, which means that even a little more than 60, this is exactly how we think, maybe our colleagues were interesting at this rally, it’s very interesting how you spent the victory, of course, is great, well, actually, from the very morning we there was a beautiful... parade with military equipment, then the column moved to the brest fortress, there was a laying of flowers, we paid tribute to the memory of our veterans and those people who, of course, gave their lives for our country for the bretz fortress, and then there was a number of events that absolutely every brilliant person enjoyed. yes. dear colleagues, please tell us what will be discussed in the story that you have prepared for us? well, actually in the plot, the fact is that here is another additional moment. dozens of kites were once again hovering over brest, and that’s what we ’re going to tell you about today. the fact is that this festival brought together a traditional city festival called the may victory sky.
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not only andrey and i, but our correspondents watched the colorful action. let's look at the story. thank you very much, let's take a look. for the thirty-eighth time, the brest sky was painted with paper kites of various shapes and sizes. the traditional may victory sky festival this year brought together about a hundred guests, participants, together with the center for additional education of children and youth , we hold a kite festival dedicated to the holiday of may 9, we also remind children about the rules of behavior in everyday life, how to avoid fires, that is, we conduct various interesting interactive games. flying structures participating in the festival were presented in such categories as flat kite, box kite, special effects kite, and original. kite and industrial kite, collective work was assessed separately, family crew, the weather tested the strength of the participants, but despite the gusts of wind,
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many of the guys still managed to lift their kites into the sky. the flight of the model can be considered successful if it stays in the air for 3 minutes. the jury examines, gives this rating, and then watches how the kite flies, and this rating will be the main one for the stability of the flight, because not only is the kite beautiful, it must also... only in this case can it become a winner, this is technical creativity , and children use improvised materials, they they take the initiative, there is a huge field of activity here, that is, there are no specific frameworks, snakes, they seem to be similar, but each is different from each other. alexander svirentsev took second place at the festival last year and decided to definitely take part in this one. i’ve been preparing my kite for about 3 months, it’s beautiful when they fly, the craving for high things, for flight, there’s something in it, it’s relaxing, it’s relaxing, it’s like meditation, flying
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kites. in addition to flying kites, stations with various entertainment games were organized for spectators, everything for so that everyone can find something to do and spend their time usefully. perfection! we change addresses, we change numbers, sometimes they even change us, with other names, with other voices, with other people, with... only the same you and me, the sky above our heads, the same as always. what can you say with your soul in
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this big room, there is no one just you and me, even if here the world goes crazy, i have you, you have me, even if that’s all, there is a lot of affection here. dali, unchanging days, it will be just us, tell me how many stars fell during this night, we just didn’t sleep until the morning, there were so many tears, so many broke us,
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we had to start all over again. it's time, we changed cities, we changed everything around, while the earth rotates, you are always my sister, you are my most faithful friend, i know that you always have me, even if the whole world. you'll go crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here is a vow, unchanged, will it be only us?
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even if the whole world goes crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here is yes. the unchanging world is burning for you, there will be only us, unchanged, there will be only us, thank you.
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it is expected throughout the country, so, attention, let's start with the capital, so, in minsk, this morning +5 +7, the same in brest, but at the same time dry, in vitebsk it is raining, there +4 +6, in gobel 5, 7 with a plus sign, cloudy and dry, up to eight degrees, so far in grodny, mogilev no higher than
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seven, but that’s it for now, so what? it will be daytime too , yes, friends, a small spoiler about the weather, briefly, today during the day it will be warmer than yesterday, and this is what immediately warms us up to +14 in the country, but if we continue the topic of numbers, then please, it’s warmer in brest today only up to +19, in vitebsk today we expect a little more modest +12, in gomel the air will warm up to 18°, in grodno up to +15, in mogilev up to +14. in principle, spring is returning to its warm shores, so to speak, and this is great. friends, in just a few minutes on the concert stage, kindness. belarus we are waiting for the amazing vocalist anna trubetskoy, she will present a very strong and deep song that was written specially for victory day called “remember”. so, friends, please wait for this moment and stay in the company of dobraya ranitsa belarus. hello, today we are using a bodybar, and you know what it is and a bodybar comes in very different weights and 7 kg. and
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five, and three, and so on, so with the help of it we will pump up the entire upper shoulder girdle, let's go! so, the first back exercise is for the rear deltoid, dash, we take the bodybar with a straight grip. take it wide, yes, great, tilt the body forward, knees slightly bent, and now we spread our elbows to the sides, pull our chests, yes, elbows to the sides, like that, great, and pull it down, chin tucked, head hundred, great, we work three or four sets of 15-20 repetitions. second exercise, we’ll work on the shoulders. dash, we take the bodybar, and the wider the wider the shoulders, yes, we pull everything up, behind the head and push it up, we straighten the arms completely behind the head,
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don’t pull our elbows back, our elbows look at the floor and accordingly the body doesn’t sway , we stick it up, excellent, we work three or four sets of 15 dashes of 20 repetitions. and the third exercise: we will strengthen our corona muscles, be careful, do not get too carried away with the bony abdominal muscles, because you thus increase your waist if you swing it too much. but for the purposes of prevention it is possible. everything is quite simple, we just tilt to the right, then carefully tilt to the left, don’t rush, be very careful so as not to get injured. we work three or four sets of 15 -2. signs in each direction, dash, let's go, as you can see, with the help
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of a body bar you can perfectly pump up the upper shoulder girdle, choose the right load, train with your child and be healthy, take the body bar straight wide grip. bring your body forward, knees bent, pull the body bar to your chest, spread your elbows to the sides, now lift the body bar above your head, lower it behind your head onto the trapezius muscles, elbows look at the floor, do not swing your body, place the body bar behind your head , fix it on the trapezius muscles, now bend to the sides, do not rush, in each exercise choose the load according to the child’s strength. we are going on an expedition through the depths of our land, and let us breathe in the water of the watery meadows, forests and pale and a hell of a life in the future. today we are exploring a folkloric expedition that continues many times before in the past
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of vitsebschyna. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. to the great rulers of the village , mikalai khlyuscin would be the lord of any horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. what do you mean? you, that sunny marysia and stas are at the entrance, chula, and i asked, as yany geta so the hutka was published, jiva neika, good day at your hut, and yes to the old traditions of the new life, the garden is squeezed, not cash. my grass immediately with the project on the peratuminal on the belarus24 tv channel begins,
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we continue to wake up and welcome annutra to our concert venue. this is the word, and so that it sounds like this, he says: i understand you, give me some time, then he sends me a text that he, my thoughts, my creative confusion, he imagined into a beautiful verse, for which he then wrote music evgeny kemerovo, for whom the melody did not come right away either, he
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took a timeout and said: “anya, it’s like a child, it needs to be created and given birth.” yes, when he called me, he said: “anh, it seems it worked out, i received a melody, i dreamed about it, it was just real, i even dreamed about it.” process, yes, evgeny kemerovo, a professional with a capital p, he became the author of music, so today i am premiering a song that means a lot to me, is there any particularly favorite line in this composition that touches your soul? “those who were nearby are now cold, but i don’t dare to judge them, god grant that we live without tears of war, god save belarus, god grant that it be so, anya, as i understand it, the war in general affected almost every family in our country, your family was touched in some way, yes, of course, unfortunately, my family also went through the horrors of the war, my grandmother worked in a hospital, my second grandmother’s whole family was shot in front of , because they were jews, and my grandmother was the only one who didn’t look jewish because of her brown hair. and blue eyes, grandfather, both grandfathers reached
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berlin, having won the war and lived a certain number of years, proudly wearing medals, in in general, thanks to such stories, i understand that i, as the younger generation, must pass on history, and must remember, the concert venue is at your disposal, and we olga venskaya, tatyana motaseevich, we are not saying goodbye to you, we will be back soon, see you. it’s so easy not to remember when everyone around you is repeating, in unison, forgetting, our little island, the country where there is good. and the path is paved for us with truth, those who were nearby are now
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cold, but i don’t undertake to judge them, god grant that we live without tears and war, lord save belarus, we remember and this will not save us leave, remember, and we will not go astray. we remember, because memory gives us strength, we are together, a united people, i believe that the memory of our past will melt hearts one day, we will sing a bright song about this, where the world will have no end, the clear sky of our beloved country,
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i pray for its happiness , god grant that we live without the tears of war, lord, save belarus, we remember, and we cannot escape from this, we remember, and we will not go astray, we remember everything... because it gives us strength, we are together, one people , we remember, and we can’t get away from this, we remember, and we don’t... stray from the path, we remember, because memory is for us
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gives strength, we are together, one people, we are together, one people, we are together, one people.


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