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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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novgorodtsev, telenews agency. guests of the may celebrations in the center of minsk spoke about how important it is to defend historical truth and to be strong in this difficult time. memory is priceless and sacred for belarusians. during these times and before, we did not change our attitude towards history, we did not change our attitude towards historical truth. for us, this is consistent work, since we simply do not have the moral right to forget that feat.
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was defeated in the great patriotic war, their descendants, granddaughters and great-granddaughters raised their heads and now tried to build fascism again 2:0, bringing some of our own in quotation marks, we take european values ​​and forcing the whole world to live according to their canons, according to their rules, we can definitely say that it didn’t work out that way 79 years ago and it won’t work out like that now, and we came from russia, from veliky novgorod, especially for this holiday, we are delighted.
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some soul rejoices, we teach children to pick up our banner in the future, so to speak, and go and remember our grandfathers, and for belarus and for our entire country, for all the people, this is the most sacred holiday of the year, i want this war to never happen again, for belarus to be, well, to develop everything. more than 15 thousand people took part in the solemn procession dedicated to the great victory day in vitebsk. the colonies include military personnel , enterprise workers, students, and representatives of the sports culture. the final point was victory square. a rally was held at the memorial in honor of soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters. fresh flowers were laid down by the eternal flame. victory marches sounded in the streets, parks and squares vitebsk. freedom square was at the disposal of the artists. the exhibition was open all day.
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completely destroyed, it was built from scratch, and this is also a feat that belarusians remember. the first to accept themselves as the lead line of the fascists, the defenders of the brest fortress. it is symbolic that it is there, on the territory of the kobren fortification, where the 125th infantry regiment was located in the forty-first, that today a republican center for the patriotic education of youth is being created. about the great victory and our future generation. next interview.
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may 9, you know, is not just a date on the calendar, this is some kind of special consciousness of what is in your biography, personal, what is in the history of the country, and what, of course, will invariably live in the future, it is no coincidence that the newspaper pravda wrote on may 9, 1945 that it will never... we should forget this victory day, just as we should not forget the day of june 22, these two dates, tragic victories, they are not disparately connected, because on june 22, 1941, the first step towards victory was taken. now we are walking along
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the road, which is an integral part of the geography of the brest fortress itself, but probably every year it is now takes on some other meaning, this road seems to be into the future, because it... is located directly in the place where the republican patriotic youth center is being created. this is not just part of the fortress, it is an integral part of its heroic defense in june july 1941. the fate of the command of the 125th regiment turned out to be completely different, like the fate of all representatives during the great patriotic war, because many are still listed as missing, their fate is unknown, but these are the guys, who will be here...
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even in terms of ethics, probably all this should be reflected in their stay here. brest has a special status, it has the heroic brest fortress, i think for our country it is a kind of place of power. he reached berlin and remembers his tears of joy.
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germany, their heroism is forever in the heart, awarded the war hero more than thirty awards,
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the words of veterans today are like gold, because there are no fewer attempts from outside to rewrite history, time does not spare the eyewitnesses of the events, their hearts, which almost hundreds of years have been shrinking in pain when that terrible war and victory at the cost of millions of lives became a political instrument of the west. the gala concert is the constant highlight of may 9th. melody kindred spirits. forgotten and new everything about the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers unites artists beyond the status of age. this year, the essence of the concert on october square was presented through the legendary film from 1944. report by lydia zabludskaya. the hymn
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to blooming may excites and straightens the back of everyone , young and old. the invariable culmination of each holiday was written on the thirtieth anniversary of the victory, but as if greetings from '45. in belarus she is entrusted to the folk baritone. i would even say, to honor the memory of all the fallen, and especially since our war did not spare every family, to remember and pay tribute to the memory and feat of our grandfathers and grandmothers. for a year in a row, on oktyabrskaya street, saturated with the stories of veterans, the great patriotic war museum was born here, and even at dusk the stage projected a peaceful sky. germany is completely defeated, thousands of
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belarusians who are not indifferent to victory united here for october square at 9:00 after the war, exactly like in the legendary film and forty-four, it was this full meter that once predicted the victory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. and today it formed the basis of the concept of this concert goal, here , too, on this stage two lovers met, in spite of love, and love has only just begun.
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oh, dear weights and meadows, most of the vocal arguments were written after the children and grandchildren of the victors, or maybe there was no war, the germans were not driven through the stage, a leather sheath was made of leather, blown wood on solina, in paris.
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victory with tears in our eyes cannot be done without tragic chords, because dedication to those who fell for that very peaceful sky is such pain, the pain of all women, all mothers, regardless of time, it is through the centuries.
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our victorious chords gave the go-ahead for the festive fireworks, from its volleys the sky melted, as did the social networks of belarusians who were not indifferent to the victory, the concert was wonderful, thanks to our country for our great future, the best, most touching songs, simply stunning grief of delight and emotions. i also constantly congratulate my grandfather on his day victory, a very beautiful concert, thank you, i liked it very much, a wonderful concert, and most importantly, today is a wonderful holiday, we will sing, we will remember, as long as we remember, the country will live, we joined the victory celebration, lydia zablotskaya, alexey sosnovsky and yuri tratyuk, agency tv news. in grodno, on the central sovetskaya square, thousands of citizens gathered. the people's action will sing victory day together, people paid tribute to all the heroes who
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won freedom and independence for our country. the action was also attended by military personnel of the grudnensky border group. may 9 is an honor for us, it is a holiday, it is
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pride, 79 years of clear skies, peaceful skies, this is happiness, i also have children growing up, and i want them, like me, to live as freely, happily, today i am here, to say thank you for winning. “we maintain peace and prosperity in our native land, as our ancestors bequeathed to us.” in a special row, among those who have a short memory, are the baltic authorities. in latvia, 19 people were detained on victory day, local police said. excited two criminal cases and 59 administrative offenses. people brought to justice laid flowers at the sites of demolished military monuments and placed
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ussr symbols on cars. so, one person was restrained by six police officers on the territory.
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and admitted that nato soldiers are present in ukraine. according to tusk, without the help of the alliance , kiev would not have been able to defend itself for so long. today nato is helping as much as possible; without nato’s help, ukraine would not have been able to defend itself for so long. well there it is few troops, that is, soldiers. there are a few soldiers, observers, and engineers there. but the leader of nato has a slightly different position. in an interview with the italian newspaper republica , stoltenberg. once again stated the military bloc’s reluctance to participate in the conflict in ukraine; according to him, the alliance does not intend to send troops there, since the war should not go beyond the independence. we will tell you about the development of events at noon. let me remind you that the tv news agency’s projects are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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