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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 9:50am-10:00am MSK

9:50 am
promotions of polish radio, colleagues work quite well, each of them already speaks polish, if natives of poland suddenly listen to us, i absolutely recommend you listen to these broadcasts, they are quite interesting, i even know the belarusian language, sometimes this or that otherwise , i turn it on, i still understand everything that is being said, at least, well, look, after... shmit escaped, a rather interesting event unfolded, firstly, he ended up on the territory of poland, almost the main scoundrel that you can imagine, he has now been convicted of all mortal sins and so on, the headlines are that he is actually a so-so judge, and i don’t know there, and he owes everyone a lot of money there, well, they just rolled on people with the whole skating rink of polish propaganda, why is this an attempt to abandon...
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we leave a new move, for now it’s 1:0, taking into account this is what they say for you, but we also have behind us an active serviceman who crossed into the territory of belarus the year before last, i would even say 2:0, 2:0 in favor of belarus. yuri, something interesting is unfolding event around poland, it, more precisely, continues to develop, the polish state, well, at the moment openly declares its desire to place nuclear weapons on the territory of the country, in general , the stakes around nuclear weapons are being raised quite seriously, belarus and russia are conducting such a test of combat readiness in that including the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. all sorts of techniques are being practiced,
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loading, as i understand it, into the carrier of these charges, in your opinion, what is the reason for this, why have the rates increased so sharply, again, let's do it again, because after all, the topic was quite actively discussed, then it seemed to fade away, so again we see that there is a use of nuclear weapons around, or at least determination and readiness to use that very one... he said a very important phrase: the world is now close to nuclear war, as close as ever. naturally, when the president
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says such a phrase, this is not a european babble, who first say one thing in language, then refuse it, for example, we see a lot of examples, naturally, when the president of russia or belarus speaks, they are all responsible for every word, not just their own word, for every letter, for every punctuation mark, if he said this publicly, information from the military political leadership, and we really observe, very serious, which means it has an array of everything that the polish side and the baltic countries are the main provocateurs and instigators and instigators of this possible nuclear war, and it will be nuclear, because...
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to form a bridgehead and conditions for offensive, it is necessary that the number of your troops exceed the enemy by at least three tier five times, in my opinion, according to nato standards there are up to ten, that’s why they deliver such crushing blows because they outnumber their potential enemies tens of times, so for understanding in belarus at the moment there are about 60 thousand armed forces - this is together with civilian personnel, cooks and so on...
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nato, purely nato military personnel, who are a clearing assembly from all countries, members nato, yes, which carried out exercises for six months and are now located in their bases on our northwestern border, naturally, there is also a powerful polish army, two hundred thousand strong, which, you said correctly, they want to increase to 3000, there are 12000, which means military personnel ukraine, located on the southern border, that is , in fact, if the total...
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amount, it is necessary to take money from the budget, from social services, from medical care, from pensions, from the salaries of our state employees, and so on, so, in my opinion look, in order to neutralize this threat and not get drawn into this brainless, frankly brainless arms race, and that very wise decision was made to place tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, which is precisely intended to strike a huge concentration of living things.
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and we thank the president of russia, who supported the request of president lukashenko to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, because only with the help of tactical nuclear weapons, in the event of aggression from our neighbors, we can inflict on them unacceptable and irreparable military damage, only this can restrain our western , as they say, partners, otherwise they would have already crossed the beech, at a minimum. this means that at the first stage of the response to all this militarization in general, i would like to briefly literally go over the president’s theses: in response, in
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places where nato troops are concentrated in the north-west of belarus , our reinforced tank battalions were withdrawn from their places of deployment, it was... brigades are constantly being produced their rotation.


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