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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 10:35am-11:01am MSK

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regarding the largest large-scale punitive operations, from 1941 to 1944, until our republic was liberated from the nazi occupiers. in addition, these publications were recognized as the best publications annually, both on the territory of the republic of belarus, and they were awarded a special award, an international and... book fair among the best publications in the cis countries. there are still alive punitive forces who exterminated civilians during the great patriotic war, and today they are abroad. what awaits them? i would like, yes, there are such punitive forces, i would, of course, like for them to have a court, an impartial court, our national court, because an international court, unfortunately, will not consider them.
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we ourselves see, we understand what the international situation is now, we would like to attract them here on the territory of the republic of belarus, we would like to conduct appropriate open processes on them, but unfortunately, these states, to which we sent instructions, requests, to specific individuals, including through their interrogations, these requests are not fulfilled, it’s like the baltic countries, poland, they don’t want to extradite these nazis, they don’t want to interrogate them, they don’t want cooperation, why, first of all, the question arises, it seems like more than a decade has passed , a crime against the peace and security of mankind , a crime against an entire people, at least interrogate them, but they are afraid of it, well, let’s speak openly, they are afraid, this...
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may, in their opinion, affect the national security of these states, but nevertheless, we already have one high-profile court was in relation, albeit posthumously, tell us about this case, but this is essentially the first criminal case filed since the mid- eighties, not even on the territory of our republic, in general on the territory of the former soviet union, there were no more such processes, thanks. .. the fact that -
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changes were made to the criminal procedural legislation, allowing such processes to be carried out in relation to deceased persons in this category of criminal cases, katryuk’s criminal case has finally reached its normal, logical and legal completion, and this is only the first such criminal case against this executioner, not only... khatyn, many associate katriuk with the destruction of this police battalion as part of the 118th ukrainian police battalion, the village of khotyn along with its inhabitants, but there are also a number of other settlements there, this was also assessed by the court, and accordingly , all this was indicated by the court verdict, well, today, in your opinion, i will tell you how to resist modern manifestations of nazism.
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family as a unit of society, starting from raising your child, first of all family, kindergarten, school, tell what nazism is, the reasons for it, the consequences, what is this negative, so we see it all, we understand it, and the general prosecutor’s office last year in twenty-three prepared such a children’s publication from... parts, depending
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on age, we worked with psychologists in preparing appropriate school publications on genocide. of the belarusian people, and everything is essentially written there, what nazism is, how to resist, and it is very important that these manuals are used in schools programs. well, thank you, valery tolkachev, head of the prosecutor general’s office, head of the investigative group for the investigation of the criminal case of genocide of the belarusian people, answered the program’s questions. next in the event program is a single internet portal about the buzniki concentration camps, the premiere of the documentary film hero. war patriotic action in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes.
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this is the events program on belarus24 and we we continue: by victory day , the whole country was thematically transformed. settlements are decorated with numerous festive elements. our columnist elena pontus will tell you what the main avenue and iconic buildings of the capital look like. art objects with scenes from front-line and partisan life, stylized four-meter stars and flags were placed in the city. the central place of the composition is the first military award that appeared during the war, the order of the patriotic war, first degree. exhibition exhibitions are presented on the streets of minsk galleries with archival photographs, from the sports palace to the museum of the great patriotic war, the chronology of the liberation
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of belarus stretched out; a handmade canvas made of 8 thousand multi-colored scraps was traditionally hung on the building of the pedagogical university. this year, in addition to the main task. to make the city bright, elegant, festive, solemn, we also had one very important goal: to fill the city with interesting, important, necessary information, which we gleaned from archival sources, from documentary sources, and posted this invaluable information on all main locations in the form of exhibitions. trolleybuses have been developed, and this is only the first stage and public transport, metro, buses, city decorations, new installations will appear until june, in full parade minsk will appear on independence day. an electronic portal about ghetto prisoners will appear in belarus. a memorandum on the implementation
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of the project was signed in minsk. tell me the details. information about concentration camp prisoners who were located both on the territory of belarus and in other countries will be presented on the prisoners bai website. a the electronic catalog will also include data on those who were deported for forced labor in the period from 1941 to 1945. the creation of an information resource is timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. the initiators of the project are the clergy, representatives of the belarusian peace foundation and the ministry of justice. the villages were burned down together with the population, peaceful soviet people were shot and driven away from slave germany. i believe that memory is not only that, it is an ambassador.
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cinema in memory of heroes. on the eve of victory day, the premiere took place in minsk documentary film return. what is this picture about? this is a film about missing pilots searching for the crash sites of red army planes that took off to fight the enemy in the first weeks of the war. the film is an original narration by director alexander anisimov. it shows the stories of local residents and heroic relatives who, after many years, no longer hoped to find out the places where the pilots died. a lot of work has been done.
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for more than 30 years, filming of a new film about burned villages and concentration camps in belarus. in honor of the common victory , large-scale commemorative events were held at the breakthrough memorial complex in the ushachi district. who was united by this patriotic action? more than 500 people from different regions of belarus and russia took part in it. the memorial complex honored the memory of the heroes of the partisans of the polatskolepel zone, led by the hero of the soviet union vladimir lobank. on the night of may 5, 4th, they broke through the enemy blockade, thanks to which 15 thousand were able to escape from the deadly encirclement
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civilians. the feat of the partisans was immortalized in granite and bronze. the memorial is already more than half a century old, and it is one of the main shrines of the memory of the belarusian people. during the event , a ceremonial handover of the time capsule with video messages from residents of all districts of the vitebsk region took place. the footage will be shown in 2034 on the day of celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the breaking of the blockade. thank you. but the idea of ​​​​creating our project was suggested by fugitive opponents of our government, who
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are abroad, heard our radio broadcast there, and said that how is it so, belarusian propaganda enters the territory of the baltic states, the territory of poland, something needs to be done about it, we recorded this signal, which means that our information and news are reaching the target audience, we decided to develop this. project, well, based on the fact that the residents of poland experience a large information deficit, information about our country, about the events that are happening in our country, almost no one there knows anything about what is actually happening in belarus, we decided to launch such a project the project has begun last year in october, from one such large one, which you called thoughts about poland, the authors of this project are the leaders.
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what is happening in belarus, our project is aimed primarily at poles who are trying not to lose touch with belarus, this is a very interesting response, we constantly receive feedback, the number of views of our content on youtube and other social networks indicates that that the project is in great demand, and polish citizens are sometimes surprised, sometimes touched, some are simply deeply interested,
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the expert community, our group, has gathered , this has already been discussed, plus everything, we
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are determined to increase the efficiency of our work, our program is published constantly, daily, and is repeated several times, because we also understand perfectly well it doesn’t make any sense to force a person to sit listening to the radio at a specific time, plus , we started making video versions, this allowed us to establish a stable reverse.
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lives how the catholic church functions church, also a very interesting moment in the future, we have plans to open an orthodox program in polish, a cultural event, a very wide coverage program, we are planning a slavic bazaar in vitebsk, what an event on a cultural scale that could unite musicians, artists, and in general just people, if not the slavic base.
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to express hopes, and this project, just a few episodes of this program have been released, but there is already a lot of interest in it, well, in which countries do they listen to the radio today? belarus, are you tracking this information? yes, at the moment, one of the most important states is the one where we record the largest number of listening and views, this is , of course, the republic of poland, because this
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is broadcasting in the fm band, this is also online broadcasting, this is the overwhelming majority. by the way, people listen to us in belarus, well, i think that, of course, these are those who speak languages ​​and the poles themselves, plus everything, our satellite and terrestrial broadcasts in polish can be listened to in our national radio player. the united states of america, great britain, norway, germany, the baltic countries, russia, and you know, there is increased interest, especially in the topic of relations between belarus, poland and ukraine. by,
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as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best. marat kozey was born on october 10, 1929 in the village of stankova near minsk. his military biography began immediately after the death of his mother, when he, along with his sister , joined the partisan detachment named after the twenty-fifth anniversary of october, where he became scout. for the battle in january 1943, when
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the wounded marat raised his comrades. attack and made his way through the enemy ring, he received a medal for courage. in march 1943, the young hero actually saved a partisan detachment. when the punitive forces surrounded the partisan village, it was marat who was able to break out of the encirclement and bring help. on may 11, 1944, near the village of haramitski, a reconnaissance group of partisans was surrounded by the germans. group commander. py larin mikhail died immediately, and marat began to shoot back. when the cartridges ran out, the hero threw one at the enemy from grenades. despite the losses, the germans wanted to take him alive. as they approached, fourteen-year-old marat kazei blew himself up with a grenade. for his heroism in the fight against the nazi invaders, morat kazei
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was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup, the most unexpected couple, zhlobin metallurgist and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series.
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i went to the front as a seventeen-year-old volunteer in 1943, trampled, but... more often crawled from my native mogilev region to berlin itself, i was a signalman in an artillery regiment,
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i don’t know how i survived, on may 2 i was the most advanced, and imagine, it’s simple indescribable, at some point the fascists began to come out of hiding, throw their weapons with raised hands, i was then the first... handed over to my fellow soldiers connections, guys, victory, bald spots, many didn’t immediately believe it, a couple of days later the artillery regiment was taken to the suburbs of berlin for rest, there was a german school there, gardens, ponds, beauty, mood, everyone was happy, victory, i took it. he climbed into the pond, stirred up everything there, the fish, disturbed them, so we grabbed huge carp with our hands and threw them ashore,
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on may 9th we had a fish day, and they also gave us 100 g from the front, which i used to always either refuse or exchange for sugar, and... then i decided to drink to the bottom of the victory. in that day the officer-soldiers staged a festive fireworks, fired like crazy from pistols, rifles, machine guns, and rocket launchers until the cartridges ran out. it was the happiest day of my long life. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture.
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