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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live broadcast of the main news at noon in the studio. olga kalairova, hello, and briefly about the topics of the issue. we are proud to remember, for almost eight decades now. belarus celebrated victory day. festive events took place in every corner of the country. we'll tell you what the first celebration of may 9 was like. “washington is preparing a new tranche for ukraine, and germany, in order to help kiev, is ready to purchase the hymers missile system from the united states. madesphere is not only under the thumb of washington, but also of the north atlantic alliance. most of the german military will come under the command of nato to quickly support allies. the great victory is the main key moment in the history of the revival and formation of the belarusian nation.
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our president announced this the day before at the wreath-laying ceremony at the victory monument. celebrations on the occasion of may 9 took place throughout the country. we are proud of our victory, and today we are doing everything so that the people’s feat is not forgotten. it is important for belarus to maintain peace, to survive and not allow itself to be drawn into conflicts. the main moments of the ceremony at natalia brius. a tradition that we have not changed for many years in a row. 9th may gather together in the center. at the victory monument, we are proud to remember, for eight decades now. the war taught belarusians to sacredly cherish their native land, defend it at the cost of their own lives and preserve the memory of the heroism of the victors. this is nothing less than an unforgettable lesson for all subsequent generations. a lesson in courage, patriotism, love of freedom and fortitude. for valor, courage and faithful service to the fatherland, we bow to you from year to year.
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year, it is always important for us to withstand and not allow ourselves to be drawn into conflict, time chose us, chose us to preserve our independence of our land, everything created by many generations before us, everything that we are proud of together and that we admire, for this we develop the economy,
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strengthen the defense, educate the youth as patriots, maintain peace and prosperity in our native land, as our ancestors bequeathed to us, the great victory that they conquered, gives us faith that belarusians are able to overcome everything and survive. external challenges and attempts to put pressure on our country led to one thing. belarus has become. equality, but unfortunately we do not hear these ideals of justice and global voices, we know how such silence ended in the last century. today
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they want to push us into the same abyss again, but we must do everything to prevent the third world war, otherwise.
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the machine gun fired, it must be kept in good condition, checked, lubricated, and so on, in order for us to be able to use the machine gun, shoot accurately from it, it is clear to everyone, we need to train,
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nuclear weapons are a terrible weapon, we emphasize the russian leadership, not of a strategic nature, god forbid. there is an escalation of tensions, which first of all comes primarily from ukraine, the escalation is not only in ukraine, it is blazing in the middle east, it is already blazing, iran is nearby, further in the pacific region, against
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china, i have already said, more than ever, we are close to nuclear disaster, what to do in this situation? were able to use the wealth that we have in russia for our benefit, if this happens, it will be normal, they lack something, we do not threaten anyone, on the contrary, we protect, alexander lukashenko promised consider the application of the polish judge and because of
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the blatant policies of warsaw, he began to ask us for political asylum, this is an absolutely normal, patriotic pole, absolutely nowhere.
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on the table. after the ceremony, people remained in the square for a long time. the thread of victory has connected all generations; it is our sacred duty to bring flowers, to linger at the monument, to give thanks for the victory. and peaceful sky. natalya brios, veronica buta and andrey novgorodtsev, telenews agency. about how important it is to defend historical truth, to be strong in this it’s not an easy time, said the guests of the may celebrations in the center of minsk. memory is priceless and sacred for belarusians. we need to be strong, because it so happens that today we have to defend the truth and memory.
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