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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] guests of the may celebrations in the center of minsk spoke about how important it is to defend the historical truth, to be strong in this difficult time, the memory is priceless and sacred for belarusians. we need to be strong, because it so happens that today we have to defend that historical truth and that historical memory, unfortunately not on the battlefield, in the information sphere, in the minds of people. we see what is happening in the countries of the so-called collective west, where memorials are being toppled, people are already getting used to this, although it is impossible to get used to it, we we respond to this barbaric attitude with an attentive, kind attitude towards our memorials, towards our memorable places, the war took away my family, my family was shot and burned, my father died in the partisans, at about
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the age of 13 i... and the kurds fireworks. sacred words of gratitude for the peaceful sky above our heads to those who brought the day of victory closer. the fallen heroes were honored on the memory lane of the boravlyansky special forestry enterprise. during the solemn meeting , the names of the liberator soldiers were recalled to the younger generation. forestry staff in this year. they added a new chapel to their open-air victory museum, assembled with their own hands, placed photographs of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers inside, and saluted the soldiers of the immortal regiment. i represent my father, he went to the front with me and ended his war in 1943, just as he said in berlin, for which he has awards, three means
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he has medals for courage. red star, in fact, these are heroes, heroes who need to perpetuate the memory of them and look up to them, a chapel has been restored on the territory of hero alley, the chapel of the immortal regiment of borovlyansky special forestry agency, yes, now there are not so many portraits, there are only 31 of them, but i think by studying the information, working a little with the archives and the information that our employees will present, we will replenish it, this is memory, the memory of what happened. and so that we don’t allow this to happen, it’s a very powerful moment, this immortal regiment, when they brought in the portraits, and you know, this is a very powerful unifying moment for the team, how they prepared, how they looked for their relatives, friends, someone worked in the archives, peace to us, and that each of us contributes to a peaceful work, creative work, to contribute to the preservation of this world, and the women of the bel tv and radio company visited the veteran of the great
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patriotic war. heroism is forever in the heart. the war hero was showered with more cherished words about the surrender of germany; they called him cursed by a bullet, because not all of his comrades in arms had a chance to hear thirty awards, including the order of glory of the third degree and two orders of the red star.
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his name. throw your cap up and shoot at it, let's hug and kiss, it's a man's weakness that when men get up and... crying, this is the honorable mission i want to accomplish, so that a piece of our love, our girls, is also with you on this victory day, thank you, stout, thank you, the words of veterans are worth their weight in gold today, because attempts from outside to rewrite history are not getting less, time does not spare the eyewitnesses of the events, their hearts, which have been pressed in pain for almost hundreds of years, when that
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terrible war asked the remaining heroes to witness those horrors, watch the most nostalgic episode of the teng project in the public domain, suddenly in these using archival footage, you will learn about your heroic loved ones. the tv news agency presents in the public domain. we have no
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secrets from our people. z sirtsam pratykh, who zvaygo not skadava for our happy dzyatstsі, legendary partisan kamandzіr, father
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minai, yes yago pryshnye, this remember on all our lives, four yagos rolled up the fa shystskaya vylyutki, in any case, with such an assemblage, father’s caress iago chulae sir the meetings attacked the skin... geta yans attacked the approaches and maskva and stalingrad fell to death on the bug and dnieper, the peoples of europe caused hell to fascism. 30 years have passed since the victory. but our meetings are so alarming, so joyful, we don’t recognize each other, today we met, how many of their exciting meetings there were in festive minsk, the years of war, which became
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a legendary time, are becoming more and more firmly rooted in the people’s memory, the bastards will pass, alas for the former warriors these days the meeting will be the most daragim i... germany is ready to purchase trersi measurements from the united states for subsequent transfer to kiev. in turn, the states are preparing a new aid package ukraine - said a state department representative.
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the exact timing of the next tranche has not yet been established. previously, washington allocated $61 billion for the needs of ukraine, sent kiev weapons and ammunition worth a billion dollars and placed orders for new military equipment. another 6 billion. germany is not only under the democratic heel of washington, but also the military bloc. most of the german military will come under nato command from next year. stated the frge minister of defense. vistorius noted that berlin is increasing its presence the bundesphere on the eastern flank of the alliance recalled the permanent deployment of a german brigade in lithuania. i note earlier that chancellor scholz, during his visit to latvia, stated that about 3,500 german bayonets are ready to quickly provide support to the allies in the event of an emergency. in the spiritual life of belarus, catholics, orthodox,
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protestants and representatives of others... that they have a traditional icon, a monastery, a manastar, but also a small litany and mother of god, this is such a form of malitva, such a small practice, but of course, this hour, and this history, hell, adzina catalitskaya, that anel appeared, who say that he borrowed the right hand icon of the mother of god and that ўchynyў, as the historical star falls, , recorded, known between others in the archive ў
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krakow, near kasciole ajcou karmelita. belarusian greco-roman wrestler kirill moskevich, holder of an olympic license for the games in paris, in order to win the coveted quota , the athlete had to reach the final of the qualifying tournament in turkish istanbul and in the weight category up to 87 kg. belarus has reached to the semi-finals, where he was stronger than the representative of denmark, turpal ali besultanov,
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5:1. i will note, for maskevich, the upcoming games. assault battalion has been in the ranks of the working peasant red army since 1943 . my seed consisted of 15 souls, 10 children, five boys and five girls. in 1929, his father voluntarily joined the collective farm with his entire family. and we all worked together on the collective farm, studied and
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worked. for the first year of technical school, after passing the last subject, we should have been allowed to go on vacation to visit our mother, but on the 22nd we heard something else, attention,
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says moscow, today at 4:00 am, without any declaration of war on the germans. all armed forces attacked the borders of the soviet union. i decided to participate in the defense of leningrad and i worked. "they made trenches, they made, so to speak, pillboxes, pillboxes, anti-tank ditches, ditches , incendiary bombs were put out, he threw thousands of them,
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the first day he made a raid, 178 there was a fire outbreak, the negligence had to be extinguished, the fires had to be destroyed, people had to be saved , they failed to capture leningrad, hitler to strangle the city in a ring of blockades, when i was on duty in leningrad, i saw this picture, there was a line to get this cellulose bread, so... a huge car with this cellulose bread was approaching, a shell
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hit the driver’s cab. no one took a piece of this bread, this suggests that the city really had a high intelligentsia, they loved their homeland, they loved each other’s people, thus they saved it, called a car, loaded it, took it to the point where this piece of bread should be obtained, staunchly property transferred. the trials and deprivations caused by the enemy blockade strengthened their will to fight, their self-confidence, and their burning
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hatred of the vile enemy. they took me out in 1942 along lake ladoga, when the ice road was already frozen, it was difficult, the finns were constantly shelling from the north. hit a small shell crater, and they hit a large bomb crater, so
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i was left with the living, the road of life, the popular name for the only transport highway across lake ladazhskoye that connected leningrad with the country during the blockade from september 12 , 1941 to march 1943, during navigation by water, in winter... during the operation of the ice road from november 1941 to april 1942 , more than 550 thousand people were evacuated from the blockaded city and delivered 36,100 tons of cargo to leningrad, of which 262 tons were food. we were placed in one of the railway schools, there was a first-aid post so that we could receive treatment and
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food. i prayed, so to speak, i went to the front, and thus i ended up in school, i got
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sapperno, the best soviet youth are going to special schools, preparing to defend their homeland. take the korau, do it, one, two, united by the idea of ​​patriotism, they provide all the most important events with the participation of the head of state, meet foreign delegations, represent belarus at public political cultural meetings abroad. the service of the honorable one is captivating. king in that there are a lot of different events in which he personally took part, the most
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memorable thing was seeing the leaders of the heads of other states. in an elite unit, each unit commander is in his own way a choreographer who consistently organizes certain actions of the military personnel. watch today only on the belarus 24 tv channel. get to know
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belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide resin capabilities. our technology today is actually very reliable; the safety margin built into it is colossal. approach to the task you need everyone strives. we carry out 100% control to ensure that these products comply with technical, regulatory and legal standards. act corresponded to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the project quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel . we are going on an expedition through the depths of our
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country, pragna let the water breathe on the wild meadows, forests and pale forests. the joke was made, good zen at your house, and with the old traditions, there is a new life, a garden, harvested land, unmown grass for projects on
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the tv channel belarus 244. after graduating from the engineering school, i was sent to the fourth ukrainian front , 27th battalion of subnovkas. there we conducted training in combat, and combat missions, how to carry out them, but i already had leningrad experience, i was a little taller than other soldiers who mobilized, they did not go through this, i trained them, i had
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two from kuban, soldier, one is 50 years old, the second is 45 years old. and i was already under fire, i already knew how to fly, how a bomb flies, where it will attack, the earth will explode, i have already studied everything, and so i stayed in this battalion to the end directly with the sapper, with the attack aircraft, crossing, an ordinary word


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