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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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come on at night, when our plane arrived, i wanted to interfere, i disobeyed the order, ran away, i’m leaving, i’ll get out, captain petrov and lieutenant velichko, you’re late, actually it’s already lieutenant petrov and not velichko, take them, the germans are all around, we’ll go to germany, why go to germany, it’s necessary, arina is not a traitor.
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he can’t hear anything, he says poorly, thank you, he has a box in his cabin with a top secret inscription, he will spend the whole night alone in an abandoned base.
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damn, he left, i don’t think he would have abandoned the truck, he took the box with him, it’s here somewhere, you think he noticed us, not necessarily, let's go, he probably
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went upstairs, the view is better from there, that's right, yeah, wait, don't worry.
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hands up, step away from the weapon, what are you doing here? calm, calm, i asked what are you doing here? well?
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you can’t even imagine how lucky we are, secret data, just secret, these are lists of people who worked for abvar, here in america, in europe, any intelligence service would sell their souls for them, this is a real treasure, a treasure, what should we do? with this treasure? maybe if this data is ours give it back, will they forgive you? maybe, okay, i myself know that it’s not easy, but in any case, these materials should only get to our people,
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we can’t allow them to get to, i don’t know, suddenly an american, or you can’t walk around the streets with a box of this. it’s good that the microfilms went unnoticed, this is already interesting, these are personal matters, there are not just names here, everything is here, photographs, complete information, perhaps even addresses, 15 films are almost... 500 names, you’re right, these materials need to get into the right hands, i think i know how to do it, say, germany capitulated, well, beauties, with victory,
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with victory, sit down, well, will you pour yourself a drink? listen, this is the end, i mean, well, we won, today, yes, let’s go for our people, for those who are, for those who are not with us today.
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chrysya, you're leaving, chrysya, we have to, you understand, no, don't, like something, we can't stay, if everything goes well, we 'll send news soon, you're leaving me , what are you doing? how are you sister? came out, saved you, but now we have to take care of you, you know, we, we can’t to stay close, it’s really very difficult for us to part with you, but now it’s right, i understand, i don’t understand, i don’t understand why, i don’t
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understand, but well, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, it’s yours... leave what, we hope, what. very soon you will meet your love, you definitely will, the soviet intelligence officer is blackmailing her native country, give her money, swiss passports, as if she grew up in america, she was appointed by prozarovskaya. meeting on the american half of berlin, i think he will come without films, just to make sure that we
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ready for negotiations, at this meeting, we need to capture her, bring her to our side and shake out of her everything that she knows, where she got these films from and where she hides them, comrade colonel general, i have a proposal, allow me, meet colonel varotyn... only petrov’s spouses should meet her, she was with them on several
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missions, what do you think about this, comrade major, i think, comrade general, this proposal is acceptable, the pro-russian petrovs know, my people are not there , we use petrov in as bait, act, holy fathers. comrade kara herself decided to convey her date, but why so strictly? we’ve been together for a year, if only we could have warmth in our relationship, ha, comrade, investigator, you’re accused of betraying your homeland, and your innocence has not been proven, you yourself refused to give evidence, so you won’t get any warmth from me, but who’s testifying? , when he was like a beast, the family was forbidden to visit him, they fed him poorly, again they didn’t give him smoke, well,
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where are they sending me? in intelligence school 2.2 they taught to plus, you are here in front of me you dance, the clothes have been prepared according to the regulations. “so you need it, change clothes, my husband is tired of waiting, kolya!” we use them as bait,
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now the whole of berlin is dismantling the ruins, excellent cover, well, that’s all, nothing more is required from them, my people will take the permit, i’ll fly out today, i’ll pick up the people, i’ll meet you tomorrow. under our heads, we agreed, all the best, how are you, it’s better now, congratulations on your wedding, better late than never, thank you, thank you, and how, katya, she’s fine, i’ll see you tomorrow, just a little time, guys, new task? yes. what is the goal? catch our former
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intelligence officer. the richer you are, the happier you are.
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you still have to contact, you have to, wait, take it. katya, have we agreed? yes, just come quickly, i promise, come on!
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it’s strange that this bear is a toy, a girl would always carry it with her, then her mother gave it away, it was not for her age, it was long past her age, she still carried it with her, let’s go.
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prozarovskaya made an appointment here, on this street they are now clearing out the ruins, a large number of. the population is mostly women, it is very convenient for her, firstly, she can see whether the messengers have arrived, what they have in their hands, and of course, she can visually check whether there is a capture group nearby, it will be very difficult to work here, comrades petrovs will enter american territory under the guise of red cross workers, they will post notices about the time of the expected delivery of humanitarian aid, the capture group will be nearby, task: control of the streets, which prozorovskaya ...
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remember what the prozorovskaya looks like, i remind you that under any circumstances it should not give an alarm, for this you will have the following devices: as soon as the prozorovskaya is next to you, you must open the pin, the needle is impregnated with a paralyzer, in case of direct contact with the blood a person loses the ability to move
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for about 40 minutes, during which time you must manage to bring prozorovsky to our territory. ah... i see, good afternoon, hello! what is the purpose of your transition to american territory? humanitarian assistance to the local population. hello, hello, nicolas. are there any problems? this is mr. and mrs. bonpare, they are red cross workers. we should be in the basement in an hour, we have a mission there. if something is wrong, fine,
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you can pass. thank you. thanks a lot, good bye. hello, can i have your passport? take to the bloody, do it, one, two, united by the idea of ​​patriotism, they provide all the most important events with the participation of the head of state, meet foreign delegations, represent belarus at socio-political and cultural meetings.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrei, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then... it seems that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him up, andrei wrote detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went into tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is an outsider in their theorem. the answer is that a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them, she cleaned up all their mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone
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was tidying up the mansion and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lesha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that's right, watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel.
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nikulya. banju, hello, meeting here to stay, no, the next street is around the bend and be careful with the russian, thank you.
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i was asked to give it to you.
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well, did you figure out who was coming to meet you, your acquaintance, what kind of acquaintance, lieutenant? i
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saw him once at school in kiev, petrov, he’s already a captain, and this, that your apartment was robbed, great, well, yes, strange, i didn’t expect anyone, they didn’t notice you, no, it seems no, that’s good, you trump card, while no one knows about you, they know, you can’t help them catch your eye. we will change the plan, adjust it a little, she read our actions, found a german woman who looked similar to herself and sent her with a note,
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the meeting place is indicated here, today but... well done, at night during curfew there is no one on the street, yes, the territory is foreign, even if the capture group will penetrate there, it will be very difficult, she will notice them immediately, if she is so smart, why didn’t she appoint me right away at night, she wanted to show them, they say i know everything, i see everything, they won’t be able to take me. so you have to work honestly, your suggestions, prozorovskaya she thinks that she has put us in a hopeless situation, she is sure that we will pay the money, so most likely today she will take the films towards us, she will not take them, most likely she will hide them somewhere nearby, of course, even if the courier is captured and interrogated with partiality somewhere - somewhere on
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the american side, she... was taught to endure pain, we have limited time, i suggest that only petrov’s spouses come forward, they know her well, i think i’ll find a way to take away his whining. here are your passports, these are backup ones in the lining, this is pocket money. it was necessary for the two of us to go at once, without any capture groups, as korina asked, she didn’t ask, i
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want to know why she does what she does, she can only reveal herself to you, so i added a little to her demands, fortunately... betrayed them to a secret frequency and no one can check, about revealing herself - that’s good, but she won’t come there to talk, that’s right, the latest development, they shoot capsules with a paralyzer, the range is up to 5 m, maybe i’ll go alone, if he hides, sneaks up from the rear, no, she will calculate this option, she will probably set up noise traps in those places from where an attack is likely, will you hear? will shoot, i agree, so you go openly, meet, she will probably want to know with you or money and documents, she will ask to show them from afar, show them, you are distracting attention, and you
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choose the moment to shoot, of course, after that tie up prozorovskaya, the stunner lasts for half an hour , wait until she comes from... yourself, talk to her, let will explain his actions and tell where the tapes are, if he doesn’t tell you, you’ll force him, okay, then come back with the tapes, eliminate prozorovskaya, immediately come to our side, if arina still needs to be eliminated, why ask her? but i want to understand why she did it, for the future, so that it doesn’t happen again with other agents, and if we find out that she had no other choice, there is always a way out,
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since, what, what do you think, i feel sorry for the collared arina , the devil knows, you can’t see it from him. but it seems to me that it’s a pity, why would he then question the jeweller, he said, for reporting purposes, but he could have sent someone else, and you’ll think that arina wants to see us, maybe he tried for our sake to get us out of prison, but it seems to me that he thought that someone another can spend it in any way, because the order, and we... and what we, and he and i were on missions, we know that someone who, she is ideological, but what are money and documents needed for, to
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start a new life, so, well, only she could start this new life a thousand times, when she married this pilot, went to germany, and what would we do, but nothing, it... that’s how to shoot from this, we have orders, and orders must be followed, which means they must
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be followed. what if the two of them come? “we don’t know this, we don’t know, but petrov is here, a normal person, why do you need it, well, we exchanged a few words in kiev, you’re a good guy, but not a bastard, but the big girl, the war is over, and she’s still on missions . they come out, they trust,
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he and i were on missions together four times, the main thing is to choose the right position, yeah, you should always have a negotiator with you. sight, yes, you may have to shoot at your own people, can you? everything will be fine, okay.
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they brought, hello, arina, where are the films, do you think i’ll believe in an honest exchange, what’s the trick, comrade captain, a new development, shoots a stun gun, in 40 minutes and arrival and after that i have to decide that you can be trusted, yes, you it’s not like she came alone, i think it’s time for comrade lieutenant to join us, how did you find out, captain, volodya, now? you, i’m very glad, don’t the bosses know that you’re aware? no,
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the hotel guessed it, you knew it back in poland, well, since all the cards are revealed, let's discuss what to do next, don't move, the cards are revealed, but we have the aces, why do n't we just shoot you, take your passports and money, you're not like that, you know everything about me . about whom, about whom, about you , i know, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, yes, we all understand what an unpleasant situation we are in, guys, what are we doing, we walked under death together for 4 years, now we are ready to rip each other’s throats out, please, let’s let's talk calmly. it's yours,
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and i'm sorry, i know you don't care, then in forty-first, i didn’t want anyone to die. i wanted to go abroad with katka to school so that she could go, i needed money, i saw a ring, a crow stole a nogan and thought, i’ll scare you and that’s the end of it, the crow cleared everything and well, what happened is what happened, this is for you ? why did you
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decide to let me go? we had orders to liquidate you as soon as we received the tapes. you give us the films, and we report to the unit everything that we liquidated? we will complete the task, and no one will look for you; no one knows about your comrade lieutenant. only the fact that you will return without documents and money is suspicious, hold it, just say that it’s more convincing to me, what about you, and that you will live without money and documents, and we’ll sell the ring, it
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’s worth a lot, we’ll come up with something , well, come on? say goodbye, goodbye, comrade, goodbye, tova, come on, it’s you, don’t disappear, everything should be fine for you, do you hear, thank you.
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well, we can congratulate you on your completed task, that’s right, comrade colonel, how do you know, and johan together. corporation that helped you with american territory to leave. is brazarovskaya dead? yes, we checked. is the archive here? yes, money and a box of metofoil for the day. amazing. i hope there is no need to explain how important it is that these materials came to us. today i will write a report and you will be nominated for government awards. well , accordingly, all charges against you will be completely dropped. well? what are your plans? have you been thinking about reporting and do you think that you have already reported? free until tomorrow evening under my responsibility. thank you, can you figure out how to spend your free time? well we thought go to the reistag and sign the wall. good idea, doesn't stink. and tomorrow evening to moscow, solve the problem. yes. what
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will happen to the intelligence school now? in terms of? well, we won. well, today we won. but you will always find work. both of you. task or instruction, let's see, well, there are 24 hours in a day, time has passed, free, this is my wedding gift to you, thank you, thank you.
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so, 14 microfilms, each with at least 50 names, razgorskaya is dead. in 1941, i studied the case of an attack on the apartment of the prozorovskys, according to papers it turned out that zoya stole stalina’s ring from stalin’s apartment, but this ring was no longer in her things, well, she sewed it into a toy,
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so katya carried it with her all the time. well, please don’t be silent, everything is happening exactly as i expected. maybe he’s not here at all, yes he should be, but i don’t know what he looks like, well then
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it could be anyone, at least this, this, he has a decent thing, he usually changed it, i ’ll try to find out, maybe he knows the one we need.
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disappeared, strange, vladimir, hello, hello arina, this is a trap, where are the others, who? capture group, but there is no capture group, the petrovs said, the thought just flashed that petrova might leave you alive, and zoyka would return the ring that she stole from your apartment, did you hope that they wouldn’t kill me? no, i just assumed and checked, it turns out that everything is so, take the citizens’ documents here. france and a visit to the antique dealer, he will give a real price for the ring, and matilda’s greetings from us,
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remind him of the twenty-first year in crimea, i’ll throw it on top, are they letting us go, say, what if? “matilda genrikhovna came alone, i would have believed that you were letting us go, and since you are here, it means there is some kind of catch, but there is no catch, i just thought maybe you’d want to come back someday, corpses don’t come back, then i’m a traitor, even a traitor always has the opportunity to atone for his guilt, agree, i’ll help you with work in france, live for 2-3 years, look around, get an assignment, and in the meantime i’ll think about how to resurrect you before the bosses, beneficial for you.
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you, the world, are gone, i’ve had enough of your intelligence, i want to live for myself, not for anyone, it’s a pity, only your father. and what does dad have to do with it? your family has extensive connections in france, and a new case has been opened against him. accept my offer and i will figure out how to help him. comrade lieutenant, there is a postcard with an address in the envelope. if she changes her mind, drop a line or two. i’ve recovered and i want to go back. oh, put it in the mailbox. i won’t get better, they know how
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to give your part a surprise, i hate it, manipulators, only ideas per person, don’t give a damn about you, don't care about me, oh well. have you decided?
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white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “let’s get tired of it” is a call. here is the bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, i guess. smogar pro-ukrainian singer. this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka. power changes, words and views change. now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then he was under the emotional influence of a generally very strong information flow, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands i support ukraine, why didn’t it previously support
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the inhabitants of the fraternal donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, doesn’t he go out into the streets in support of palestine? ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live news with you lyudmila kazak, good afternoon, watch this issue. we remember and honor the memory of our ancestors-liberators. as the belarusian noted, the great victory day, the truth about that war, priceless peace are now in the president’s capacious address. at what cost did we get independence, letter and belarus.


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