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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

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live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, good afternoon, watch this episode. we remember and honor the memory of our ancestors-liberators. as belarus noted, the great victory day, the truth about that war, the priceless peace is now in the president’s capacious address. at what cost did we get our independence? they are writing a letter about belarus. schoolchildren patriotic
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project final study of the symbols of our homeland are pushing russia to create alternative financial systems , a former british official spoke out about the unreasonableness of the west. tough gestures of loyal europe. clubs against during the venice demonstrators in amsterdam , security forces sent equipment directly into the crowd, there were injuries.
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wreaths and flowers were also laid at the monument from the heads of government bodies, the national assembly, the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, public associations, the diplomatic corps, veterans and the clergy. the soviet union saved humanity from enslavement, and individual nations from complete extermination. the price of our freedom is millions of lives cut short. belarusians take an oath to do this. everything to remember the veterans,
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winners have been preserved for centuries, the truth about that war, according to the president, is a symbol of the inextricable connection of generations, one of the foundations of the spiritual unity of the cohesion of the people. the victorious may of '45 brought priceless peace to humanity, but not everyone liked its value, continuous attempts to rewrite history, to appropriate or level out our victory, alas, no work on the mistakes in the world again resuscitates the ideas and methods of the nazis. must do everything to prevent the third world war, otherwise a nuclear apocalypse is inevitable for us, everyone needs to pull together. in its history, humanity once already managed to unite against universal evil, and this led to victory. then we crushed fascism because we were together. russians and belarusians, ukrainians and
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kazakhs, lithuanians and uzbeks, moldovans and tajiks. all the peoples of the great soviet country are against hitler's horde. dozens of other nations of the world fought with us, including europe and the united states. and we haven't forgotten this. we have a good memory, unlike them. our...
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speech is one land, defend it at the cost own life and preserve the memory of the deeds of our ancestors. we will not allow a repeat of what they saw and experienced. using the example of war heroes, we today educate our youth; moreover, it is they who have the main role in preserving the memory of the feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, which we must preserve first of all in families, then no political situation will cross out or weaken spiritual unity generations.
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russian schoolchildren and preschoolers of our country are told during educational and patriotic events letter from belarus. the initiators of the action, the main goal of which is to show love for the homeland and respect for state symbols are the prosecutor general's office and the ministry of education. throughout the year, children
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were taught about the traditions of belarus in educational institutions. in an accessible playful way, people in uniform also shared facts about their profession. the result of the action was a message about our beloved country. from the front line, tomorrow we will go into battle again, forget the sadness of the load, i will return with victory, within the framework of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country, children are actively interested in their history families where their great-grandfathers fought make albums, tell each other, my grandfather served here, share his impressions, show each other albums, some personal things from front-line times, history is alive in them, they want to pass on and share this history with others . prosecutors, in a form accessible to children, not only talk about their profession, but also about the history of our country, its symbols, as well as the events of the great patriotic war that took place on the territory of belarus. it is important to expand dashkalyat’s understanding of the historical past, the exploits of the belarusian people.
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this is the second year that such an event has been taking place in all kindergartens and schools in belarus. 90% of polish mercenaries returned from ukraine in coffins, but there is no such information. where not, dissident and judge tomasz schmidt said this in an interview with our tv channel. let us recall that he had access to state secrets, secret and top secret documents of the republic of poland. however, due to disagreement with the policies of the authorities, which, in his opinion, lead to poland being drawn into the war, he fled the country and is now asking political asylum in belarus. in an interview , he spoke about the methods of work of foreign intelligence services, western media, as well as threats to his life because of his principled position and...
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they returned in coffins, this is not reported anywhere in the media, ordinary poles do not want our country to be is drawn into this conflict, this is completely contrary to our interests, these are primarily the interests of the usa and great britain, but not ours, the attitude towards refugees from ukraine has now changed very sharply in poland. full version of the interview watch the polish dissident and judge tomasz schmidt on our tv channel tomorrow, may 11 , immediately after the panorama. " the former chief adviser to boris johnson called kiev's allies clowns and buffoons. a prominent political strategist, one of the architects of brexit , criticized western leaders in an interview with the british newspaper i for helping kiev. according to him , the west should not have gotten into
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this whole idiotic situation; sanctions against russia had a greater influence on european politics than on moscow. this is not a remake of 1940. " with potemkin zelensky in the role churchill's outsider, this whole ukrainian corrupt mafia state, essentially cheated us all, in the end they will fuck us all. now they have us like this, ex-adviser


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