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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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my native belarusian land, there, behind the dawns, behind the fogs, in the silence of forests and fields, the secret, unspoken drinks of the neighbor of my land, if there is anything eternal in the world, they do not run beyond their control... hey, you ask me, and i will answer i, this is the heart of my land, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly.
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belarus can be called a country of all religions, and the numbers confirm this, because in our country there are officially 25 confessions, the most the most widespread of them are orthodoxy and catholicism, and easter is considered the main holiday in christianity, so even during the times of the ussr it was secretly celebrated by both believers and atheists. now many will no longer remember why exactly it is necessary to beat eggs, why kulich has such a shape, they will have difficulty explaining what catholic easter is about. differs from the orthodox, so
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today i am going to find answers to these questions and learn about the culinary traditions of the holiday. i get to see how a catholic church is decorated. every detail matters. try the easter bread prepared according to an old recipe, to attend the removal of the shroud, on the saddest day in the church calendar. the word easter comes to us from the greek language meaning deliverance. this is the most ancient christian holiday, which symbolizes the victory of life over death. where can you learn the original traditions of catholic easter, if not in the most ancient catholic church, in the village of vselyub. hello, ksyunov. glad to see you. i won’t lie, i love this place very much, there is a special atmosphere here, very good people. and that's why i came here the day before.
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try to figure out what exactly it is? i have been to this temple more than once, but i have never seen it so beautiful, and a large number of installations that are new to me have appeared here . tell me, what does each of them mean? firstly, each of these installations talks about preparation for easter, that is , the so-called tridum, the first installation is a dungeon, where jesus sat in captivity before the trial, the second is. the moment of the crucifixion,
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the worship of the cross, the third tomb, where jesus was laid in the tomb, well, as the pinnacle of the whole holiday, this is easter, this is a resurrection, the so-called, that is, the solemn proclamation of the resurrection of christ. together, they symbolize the easter triduum and easter itself. prison is maundy thursday. the cross is good friday, the tomb is great saturday, and easter. this is the easter holiday itself. do the traditions in catholicism and orthodoxy coincide, is it possible to see exactly the same installations in an orthodox church or do they have something different? well, there is some difference, there is a cloister there, there is a figure of jesus lying down. well, this is not just an imitation of the holy sepulcher, there are children yes there is, there is the body of jesus, here then people come. after the service they come,
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worship, pray, and almost until easter, they remain in prayer. in general, on the eve of easter , it turns out to be a kind of religious competition, each church tries to make these installations as beautiful as possible, and you also know what’s surprising, you won’t see such an installation anymore, you’ll see another one, because every year they change, every year in their creation all residents of the village participate, from the smallest to the greatest. the most important the symbol in the temple is easter, which is the name of the large candle on which it is depicted.
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and while the church is preparing for the start of the service, i am very interested to see how the parishioners themselves are preparing for the great easter, why not. of course, first of all, i am interested in learning about culinary traditions. in belarus, not a single holiday is complete without a feast, and easter is no exception. he will tell me what they eat on easter.
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good snacks, here, but there are traditional dishes, they are very similar to orthodox christians among the catholics, this is easter, no, catholics don’t prepare this dish for the easter table, here’s the difference between the orthodox easter table and the catholic easter table. catholics don’t have easter, okay, but easter cake is easter, of course, cake is one of the most basic dishes, well, actually the most basic - this.
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tamara petrovna, i need a couple of days at my own expense, or preferably three. i saw them myself, i was riding on the bus, they were walking around the city , walking otashkin’s child. igor eremeev is our doctor, he went to pick up his bride to the sea, and natasha rushed after her, she promised be there in a day, here. what do you have to do with it? oh, how cute. can i give birth to something like this? anatoly, do you think it’s not too late? hello, natasha? where are you? tell me this, vadyukha, what kind of guy is he today? beat one, abandoned the other with his child, where do they come from? i had this happen at work, svetka caught me with igor in the office, she was so jealous, there was such a scandal, you are tender,
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i always want to protect you, natasha, i’ll settle down, i’ll improve my life, i’ll start earning more money, i’ll take him, well, yes. watch the series rare blood type on tv channel belarus 24. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take it! if you hold nuts in your hands, estimate their weight, do not take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out, the minced beef is dark red in color, the smell is pleasant, with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if ... you have a difficult day ahead, and you... you know that you need a huge
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amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do such a cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, we our lymphatic flow is starting, watch the breakfast of champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . in general, i want to note that catholics are very hospitable with pleasure; on the eve of easter they will let you into their home and show you how they prepare for it. oh, easter starts right from entrance, look, a huge tree. easter eggs are hung on it as decorations; in general, this is a wonderful catholic tradition:
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eggs are usually not only hung on trees, but also hidden somewhere for children to look for. today i am also in search, but unlike children, i am not looking for food, but for easter recipes. marina, thank you for your hospitality, for allowing me to become part of your family on the eve of easter. well, since you’re part of the family, why not cook something delicious? and i came to you, i won’t hide the secret of the easter bun, the first step is to knead the dough to prepare the dough, mix 100 ml of warm milk, yeast, a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of flour, after which the dough is infused in a warm place for about an hour, the dough is ready, we move on to the dough , we need to mix 200 ml of milk, three eggs, 5 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, after which... it can also be replaced with
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lemon zest, after which we pour in melted butter and a little vegetable oil, now the dough can be kneaded, i’ll entrust this matter to marina , the woman understands how she is preparing for paska, what is the man doing at this time, the man is doing, the man must prepare.
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we’ve used everything except raisins, maybe we’ll add some, we’ll add the binding, our dough is ready, now we can transfer it into a mold, we first grease it with butter so that the bun doesn’t burn. our easter cake is almost ready, and i would put it in the oven and eat it, but we need to wait until the dough rises, in order to prepare the easter bun. it takes a lot of time, but i'm sure it 's worth it. tomorrow on the bright holiday of easter after the all-night vigil , a huge number of dishes will appear on this table, but today , especially in order to demonstrate to you, here are the main easter dishes and not only dishes, but also some other traditional things. let's discuss them all. the first thing i see that distinguishes the catholic table, the easter table from the orthodox, is the presence.
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the inscription x in christ is risen, then there is a mandatory cross, but that’s not all, what ’s missing here, what attribute from any slavic holiday is alcohol, yes, wine, for example, kogor, maybe, during catholic easter there is no alcohol on the table, i have brewed wonderful aromatic coffee. another important element of the easter table is eggs. this. is familiar to every child from childhood, it doesn’t matter whether you belong to religion or not, you need to fight with them, they deserve it, but why are we worse than children, hold on, let’s try, try, oh, i think i lost, hold the egg, marin , do you know why i gave away the egg, the tradition of beating eggs, it’s not religious, it’s folk, in times of hunger
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times and the children took, the canon of the holiday, they took colored eggs... they went out into the street and fought with them, whose egg turned out to be stronger, he took the egg of his opponent. the children chose the eggs for these fights in advance, they tried to choose the strongest, most powerful ones, that’s why, because such a fight with eggs on the eve of the holiday could feed the family for a whole week, but some were cunning, some were cunning and some dzetsi, and they fought every day. brown eggs, which are the size of the eggs and puffed up the eggs more, and then how the geta gety opens up, how many punches palucha, i certainly wouldn’t do that, after all, an honest victory is much more valuable, but i still admire a child’s invention, the turn has come
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to the main dish of our table today, easter rolls, i look at marina and i got a piece of a cross, which means the whole next year i will be happy, right, yes, the appearance of the easter cake is really incomparable, you see what happened to the dough, it has risen so much that there are a lot of pores, such air bubbles, because of this it will probably be very tender, mm, and there is, i will note that the dough is really different from a cupcake, and from a loaf, and from any bun, because it is... airy, that’s how we tried aerated chocolate, remember how it differs from a regular bar, the same thing here, of course , i would be happy to eat this bun every day, but the fact that it is made once a year is what makes it so desirable. another important difference between easter cake and ordinary baked goods is that it is illuminated. how does this happen in a catholic
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church? we have a dachshund, we jump and chew the cat and we put the cats' whiskers. i can name such products as eggs, the most colored ones, and spoonfuls of bread and spoonfuls of meat, horseradish, salt, eggs, you know, some i used to put lamb in our cassela, but maybe baked, so maybe ts from plaster, and geta taksama semvalizue pakora. i noticed an amazing feature of catholic lighting and orthodox products today in everyone. baskets with food are placed in the altar. in the evening ksenz comes out and illuminates it. for the orthodox, things happen a little differently.
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hello everyone, my name is kai and i'm from china, now i live in minsk and i like to try different foods, i really like belarusian cheese, if possible, i would really like to be at some cheese production, how cheese becomes cheese, every day 700 tons of milk comes here, turn on belarus 24 and you you will learn how milk is checked for cheese. suitability, the colors have already appeared, they have appeared, yes, yes, what is the robot cheese maker doing in production, now it will be noisy, what is the fresh cheese for? takes a bath, it floats down the stream into a container, you can imagine, it’s already romantic, and how long it takes to mature, wow, i didn’t expect it,
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there’s just so much here, this is cheese heaven, the birth of cheese, from milk to the finished product, on belarus 24, this saturday we will organize a master class and tell you how it’s made. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. and what did you know that sunny marysia was hanging out with us at the entrance.
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chula, and i am asked, as yany geta so hutka pubudavalisya, dziva neikae. good zen at your house, hi gastsey budze bagata. and with old traditions, new life. peršy moladzec.
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necessary, it depends on the state of affairs in the countryside the well-being of our people, food security, our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can give new varieties from science that are productive, are resistant to diseases and pests, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel .
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well, now i have to find out how orthodox easter is celebrated. easter is one of the top 3 favorite holidays of belarusians, even without regard to religion, but for believers it is a bright holiday, and probably the most favorite a holiday that father andrei kindly agreed to tell me about. easter is the most important holiday of christians, the day on which we remember that
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the lord was crucified on the cross. although jesus christ rose from the dead, easter is a holiday for each of us personally, because if christ rose from the dead, then at the end of time every person will rise, therefore for us easter is easter, future, it is a holiday of future eternal life, the beginning christ laid down this eternal life. there are a large number of tents around the temple, of which easter cakes are sold until easter, from here father andrey moves on to culinary traditions. this bright holiday, tell us about culinary symbolism? here there are, one might say, two components: the first is purely easter attributes, these are easter cakes, easter cottage cheese, it is interesting that even the shape of the easter cake has a symbolic meaning. after the easter service, such large loaves are illuminated; they are called artos. artas in translation from greek means bread, here
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is the similarity of this arthas among the people... these are easter cakes, easter bread, which we illuminate in memory about the savior risen from the dead, how interesting, okay, but what is cottage cheese easter? the fact is that on easter it is customary to highlight the food from which we abstained during lent, and from which we abstain during lent, milk, of animal origin, that is why easter is cottage cheese, that is, from cottage cheese, from dairy products, believers abstained . and here they illuminate, what do they illuminate? they ask for blessings to use these products again after lent, that’s why this easter, this product consists of cottage cheese. like kulich, easter has this shape for a reason: a truncated pyramid symbolizes the holy sepulcher. to prepare easter, they even use a special form called pasochnitse. the most striking symbol of easter for me
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since childhood is a beautiful painted egg, where did this tradition come from, why the egg? first of all, let's start with color, the original color of the easter egg is, of course , red, red is a symbol of the blood of christ, through which we gained eternal life, that's why red is the color easter, but why an egg? the egg in the orthodox in the orthodox tradition symbolizes this, when we look at the egg, we understand: that life appears from it, while the egg itself is destroyed, and this is a deep symbol of our existence, we will end our earthly life, we will die, leaving our body, but in the future we will be resurrected for eternal life, thus, this is our earthly life as a kind of egg, which, of course, will end its existence, will be destroyed, but this will be the beginning of eternal life, that’s how it turns out, the egg has... very
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deep symbolism . however, it seems to me that this concerns all the attributes of easter. i was lucky enough to be in the cathedral on the eve of easter, on good friday. today, metropolitan of minsk zaslavsky benjamin will perform vespers with the removal of the shroud. we will now find out what this means and how important this tradition is. good friday is considered the saddest day in the church calendar. according to the bible, on this day jesus christ was crucified on the cross. wheat is a piece of fabric on which a full-length depiction of jesus christ lying in the tomb is depicted. essentially, this is a copy of the canvas, in which wrapped the body of the savior. usually the removal of the carnation occurs at 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon; it is generally accepted that it was at this time that jesus died. the shroud is taken out of the altar and placed in the center of the temple on a raised platform, decorated with flowers and covered with incense. the gospel is placed in the middle of the shroud,
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and the morning service begins at the top. after the service , the temple is illuminated and the news of the myrrh-bearing women who came to the tomb is proclaimed. during the service, the cloth is carried around the temple and the holy god is sung. at the end, the shrine is brought to the royal doors and returned to its place in the middle of the temple. there she remains until the late evening of holy saturday, just before easter matins. the shroud is taken to the altar and placed on the throne, where it remains until the last day of easter. on saturday the day before. easter, a huge number of people flock to the temple in order to illuminate the products that will take center stage on the festive table. i didn’t take anything with me, and yet i’m very curious to see what’s in these baskets. it’s interesting that food items for lighting are brought into baskets for a reason, this is one of the folk traditions, while some are just heading to the temple, others are already returning.
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hello, my name is volodya, what is your name? my name is elena, elena, what's your name? mark, mark, i see that you are already leaving the church, which means that the basket of food has been illuminated, is easter an important holiday for you? well, we’re trying very hard, at least the last day we definitely need to fast. what traditions, easter traditions, have been passed down from generation to generation in your family? you definitely need to color the eggs, it's...


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