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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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on saturday before easter, a huge number of people flock to the temple in order to illuminate the products that will take center stage on the festive table. i didn’t take anything with me, and yet i’m very curious to see what’s in these baskets. it is interesting that food for lighting is carried into baskets for a reason, this is one of the folk traditions, while some are just heading to the temple, others are already returning. hello, good afternoon! my name is volodya, what is your name, my name is elena, elena, and what is your name? mark, mark, i see that you are already leaving church, which means that the basket of food has been illuminated, and easter is an important holiday for you, yes, of course, and you are fasting on the eve of easter, well , we are trying very hard, at least on the last day you definitely need to fast, what traditions, easter traditions and from generation to generation were passed on in your family, you definitely need to paint the eggs, this... you can do it like
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onion skins, so that the egg turns out so red, and such a little easter egg, pasting on stickers is already creation child, what is easter cake for you? and easter cake is like bread at the head of everything, yeah, that’s clear, well , cottage cheese easter, just delicious, probably, it’s not just tasty, it’s also symbolic, it’s symbolic, in general, i have a basket in my hands full of traditions, and one of them is familiar to everyone from... i have an egg, whoever has an egg left whole wins and can eat it will be happy happy, let's try, come on, just really hard, wow, i'm lucky today, and you still have 1 2 3 4 5 or six chances to practice. with dad,
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by the way, i found out why it’s really necessary to beat eggs, according to ancient belief, the more eggs you break at easter, the easier and faster jesus will rise, and this is truly a great happiness. natalya, you have already highlighted the products, but some, but what is traditionally present on your holiday table on the bright holiday of easter? of course, an egg, a bulb, and boiled, stewed, definitely jellied meat. potatoes, jellied meat, what else, meat, sorcerers, sorcerers, definitely, definitely, an ideal set of representatives of belarusian cuisine. lighting takes place on specially installed tables in the churchyard, this the ritual is to bless the food so that it becomes sacred and is accepted with gratitude and respect. before you start, you can buy candles and put them in easter cakes. as i see, many did this. the most important. moment for every believer, the priest
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illuminates not only the food, but also, as you can see, the parishioners, if this water gets on you, you will at least be a very happy and healthy person all year, thank you. in some regions there is a tradition of taking salt and horseradish with you for lighting. horseradish symbolizes health and long life, salt - abundance. in addition, they place illuminated salt in front of the icon and sprinkle it on their heads, driving away evil. listen, there is some special mood here, it’s true, it’s not fake, it’s honest, real and very joyful. i don’t know, this is the first time i’ve found myself in such a happy atmosphere, an atmosphere of real happiness, really? in some ways, orthodox easter differs from catholic easter, in some ways they are similar, but first of all, the celebration of easter is the celebration of a miracle, and this should not be forgotten.
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pyotr kotelnikov was forty-one in june only 12. rana was left without parents, grew up in an orphanage, and became a student of a musician platoon of the 44th infantry regiment. buttonholes. we don’t have general infantry uniforms that are so crimson, they made us a pupil of this green color, the quartermaster’s, well, in general, we looked beautiful and were proud of our uniform. they arrived at the fortress at the end of may, when school ended, lived in the same barracks as the garrison soldiers, the boys on the third floor got used to military discipline, and in the evening, on the eve of the war, with the adults.
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nada, shell explosions, mortar fire, all of this shook the earth at once. buildings were destroyed, barracks were on fire, shells were exploding, everything was covered in smoke, fumes and soot. the first wounded who need to be helped, the artillery shelling does not stop, the first lull and together with the soldiers petya runs out into the street, their goal is to leave the fortress and get to the collection point. the units that stood on the border, that is. directly, who were in the fortress, in the event of the outbreak of war, had to leave their place of deployment, go to the point clean up and deploy defense there. according to the order, a day and a half was allotted for this, but here seconds decided everything. by the way, in the event of the outbreak of war, each unit had its own
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instructions, for example, the clerk had to either destroy or remove all documents from the fortress, secondly, transport all equipment outside the citadel, of course, comply with the instructions under continuous... the number of dead became more and more. fire-resistant bricks could not withstand the flamethrowers of enemy airstrikes. the fortress gradually turned into ruins. a scattered group of fighters tried break out of the fortress, but all exits were blocked by wehrmacht soldiers. we took refuge in
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one of the hazimats there. there was a small group of our soldiers and women, also with children. and so in the morning.
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recalled that the faces of these soldiers, seriously wounded and dying, still remained in his memory. after the destruction of the eastern fort, volodya was captured. together with petya kotelnikov, they fled from the camp in belopodlyask, then hid in the villages; in 1942, volodya kozmin was taken to forced labor in germany. after the war worked in the energy networks of the city of shakhty, rostov region. the last time he was in the fortress was in 2015, he died on january 2, 2021. and pyotr kotelnikov was drafted into the army after the war, a retired colonel, lived in brest for a long time, then
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moved to moscow with his wife, he died in april twenty-first. the last defender, who at the beginning of the war was an employee of the garrison, ryshat ismogilov, private of the 455th infantry regiment radio operator. he was called up for service in the fall of 1940. on the eve of the war, his unit was on training exercises, conditions. the conduct of these exercises were close to combat ones, and he returned from the exercises on june 20, and on june 21 he received a leave of absence to the city of brest, he himself recalled that from leave he returned to the fortress at about 9:00 pm, and june 21 is saturday , a day off, all the fighters were doing something, some were writing letters, some were shaving, and later they watched two screenings of films, and went to bed very late, around... night. the unit from mogilov was located in a defensive barracks on the central island
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of the fortress. he woke up from shell explosions. dozens of fellow soldiers died in the first minutes. many didn't even have time to get dressed. having run out into the street, i met several fighters from other units. he fought his first battle in his own barracks. they fired back from the advancing enemy. sergeant osienko took command. the germans were pressing from different sides of the barracks, and it was quite difficult to resist them. there were few people. therefore, sergeant petro ovsienko suggested that a volunteer break out of the fortress, find command in the city, report the situation and bring reinforcements. two died immediately upon exit from the barracks, ryshat went third, through the window to mukhovets, getting over the bridge was unrealistic, he was under massive enemy fire, rishad was getting over in his dress. this transition was very difficult for him, since barbed wire was laid directly in the river by the red army soldiers themselves. and during the crossing, as he himself wrote, that my body was badly wounded, the wounds
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were bleeding, but i managed to cross the river without dropping the rifle into the water, but brest was already burning, near the house train at the kublin fortification, rishad met about forty defending fighters, they went with them to help, the breakthrough failed, many died, from mogilov he was wounded in the head and shell-shocked, but still participated in the battles in the brest area. the second wound for a long time from... on september 3, 2020, the hero passed away. despite the fact that almost 80 years since the defense of the brest fortress entered world history , it was the first step towards victory in 1945. until now
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, remains of people have been found on the territory, for example, during restoration work in the basements of the former white palace , remains were found the child is approximately 7 years old, and no one knows how many people are buried here when this land finally reveals its secrets. in fact, the brez fortress today is a large mass grave, the last soldier who died here... has not yet been found: all the facts, details, nuances of defense are not disclosed, the exact number of defenders of the fortress is unknown, researchers operate only with approximate figures, the size of the garrison on the eve of the war almost 900 people, half managed to get out, about 4 thousand met the war directly in the fortress, there is no data on how many of the young officers did not have time to receive pay, it is impossible to give specific figures, we have card indexes, here we have...
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such, it would seem, here is a nuance, yes, small, and today at the methodological council, employees, research workers, say the defenders of the fortress, who were found, it is a great success when we find, yes, and we can trace the life path of this person, even where he died according to the card and the date of death, the camp, we find the defenders of our fortress. writer
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sergei smirnov, theme of the defense of brest i became interested in the fortress in the early fifties, when i read an essay by mikhail zlaty in the magazine ogonyok. i contacted the author about the defenders of the citadel, learned that his interest had been exhausted, and smirnov began searching. finds several letters from alexander fill, as well as a participant in these hostilities in the fortress. fil writes about the first counterattack, writes about the commanders under whose leadership he was overthrown, this is the same regimental commissar famin, mentions deputy political instructor samvel matevasyan, who was seriously wounded, died, died in the basements. a little later he finds out that matevasyan is also alive, a letter comes and a dismissal.
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i wrote down a notebook, double-checked the facts, actually conducted my own investigation, we had an apartment, a small three room, we had seven people there, what is called the marlin grove on oktyabrskaya street, these people went there in a stream, they came there, god knows, that in some rags, in some
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boots or some shoes, and there are things from someone else’s plaster literally, well, neighbors in general. let's see, there is a stream of some former prisoners. the first time the feat of the defenders of brest the fortress was celebrated in the early sixties, many came to the citadel for the first time since june forty-one. they wandered around the fortress for a long time, even the men could not hold back their tears. vladimir fursov, at the ruins where he fought the first battle on june 22, photo by mikhail ananyev, the curse of war. fursov, a participant in the defense, became a professor, doctor of biological sciences. among the ruins of the eastern fort of radion. found the banner of the 393rd separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion, which he hid during the battles. today it is on display in the museum. smirnov managed to restore names and rehabilitate feat 753 people. today, over 1,200 names of defenders of participants in the defense of the brest fortress are known. in the mid-fifties , the brest fortress defense museum was created.
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military units were withdrawn from the central island, and construction of a memorial complex soon began. the main entrance in the shape of a star became the association of heroic defenders. and today, under the arch of stars, a holy war sounds like a baht. the hundred-meter-long cable bayonet, which is visible from afar from many points in the city, has become a symbol of courage, perseverance and heroism of those who took the first battle in the first minutes of the great patriotic war. and in sixty-five, the brest fortress was awarded the title of hero. not the city of brest, only 4 km of land.
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sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers have not arrived from the bloody fields. they didn’t once die in our land, but turned into white cranes, they still, from those distant times, fly and give us voices, isn’t that why we are so often sad, we fall silent, looking at the heavens.
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they were born in different parts of the world. i came to belarus from syria, came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, very beautiful and mountainous area, i have no one left there.
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very strong, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal
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of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands, i support ukraine, why didn’t it support the inhabitants of the fraternal donbass before, who were bombed by ukraine at the age of 8 , why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, he doesn’t go out into the streets in support of palestine. author's view.


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