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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. this is a panorama, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of friday, may 10 , hello, nuclear synchronization, the upcoming training, the dangerous situation in the world and the region, as well as the polish dissident and his fictional recruitment. the president commented on the most resonant topics the day before.
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we will show the most vivid images and emotions of may 9 with local flavor and zest and tell how the country celebrated the 79th anniversary of the great victory and european obscurantism, a sacred holiday in the west under a total ban, we will see how the anglo-saxons, their puppets, are afraid of the symbols of victory and close those who honor the memory of the heroes. see also in our issue. we remember and honor the memory of the liberators, belarus celebrated the great victory day, and the truth about that war, priceless peace is now in the capacious address of the president, the anthems of the blooming may that glorify our victory sounded on october square, in the lens of the television news agency the tears of the artists who sang and shared with your emotions, how many kochi natuski do not change? and the result is the same: the largest
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concerns transport their production from poland, a wave of layoffs is sweeping the country. the decline in industrial production and problems in agriculture, and the results of european sanctions, we will talk in detail. pristine nature, rich deposits, modern infrastructure. we'll tell you why people even move to petrikov from the capital. the panorama project is a place to live.
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this is the main point, our president is convinced of this, and therefore the head of state always shares joy and pride in the unparalleled courage of soviet soldiers on this may day with millions of belarusians. it's already 79 years, may 9 is not complete without colorful celebrations and salvos of victory. the capital salutes the heroes and victors who will forever remain in our memory, the liberators of europe, the guarantors of peace. and life on the continent, their feat is immortal, and human memory makes it so; it carefully preserves millions of stories about those who did not spare their lives, stood to the last, died, but did not give up. our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did everything to ensure that life continued, and peace on the planet became the highest value for everyone. it’s a pity that not everyone will learn these lessons, but belarusians sacredly cherish the truth about war. the most striking images of the 9th may day in
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the report by olga anishchenko: apple trees in bloom, the ringing of orders and medals, a clear peaceful sky and the unquenchable flame of fire at the victory monument, eternal, like our memory, and so for 79 years, always surrounded by the main characters. years pass and they say, time heals, but the pain of that war stirs souls even today, and even... strong men, seasoned by military service, cannot hold back their tears, the war took away my family, i was shot and burned into the family, my father died in the partisans, at about 13 years old i was left alone, no one and nothing, which means, well, we had to survive, the veterans of that war are already over 90, there are only a little more than a thousand of them, and for those who cannot sit tight at the home screen, time does not spare... no one and nothing, but not
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memory, they remember in detail their youth under the bombings, as if these 79 years had not happened, and they believe, because today it should always be quiet, calm and peaceful. was born in besieged leningrad, so the memories are small, but i just want to bow to those who saved us, freed us, and we were able to leave, at least at least, since leningrad, i
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lived in leningrad as a baby for almost a year and a half, i was born here, this is my beloved homeland, how can i not celebrate victory day here, everything is fine. the president will tell reporters about what was left behind the scenes upon his return to
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minsk; it seems that she would have bravely endured even the cold, the hardships of war had killed her. this is the person who fought here near baranovichi, she... shot a german, took him prisoner, dragged him, saved a lot of people, villages and so on, when i approached there, oh, she recognized me, she started to sculpt him like this, it’s faster, faster, faster to tell a lot, well, i listened to her, look, well, 101 years old, 101 years old, i sat all the time and envied her, on her feet, strong, it was very cold in moscow, you know that, cold is not the word , i was lucky that merziyoyev brought me this jacket, otherwise i would have come there like that, i probably would have been frozen, although it was very cold, well, i see, this is a woman, a patriotic hero, our actually woman , her jacket was lying there separately, i took this
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jacket, i think it will freeze, it’s cold, i put on the jacket too, buttoned it up and sat it down next to me, 101 year, god grant everyone, and be in such a consciousness, remember, we come here so that the terrible past does not repeat itself, let’s forget this past, stop coming to the monuments,
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it will come to us, remember, the conclusion reached by humanity, how do you relate to your memory ancestors? especially those who gave you life and freedom, this is how future generations will treat you, we are not eternal, we are mortal, remember, please come to the monuments, to the eternal flame, quietly, calmly, without any organization, maybe without flowers. remember bow to those who gave we have freedom if we don’t want to fight. belarus, which has become one living monument to that war, needs peace, this is the absolute truth, it was, it will be, but today it is important not only to defend the truth, not to forget the victory, but also not to be drawn into new
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conflicts, because the value of peace is not to our liking everyone. without any hesitation , nationalists of all stripes praise and welcome the ss men in europe. and the heads of state give a standing ovation, having forgotten the results of the nuremberg trial. without regard to history, morality or law, they started again. persecute countries and peoples, dialogues cooperation is rejected out of the gate, and material gain and wealth are put at the forefront of everything. today we see this in the example of events in ukraine, syria, the gas sector and other hot spots on the planet. today, more than ever, the voice of us is important, of all those who speak out in defense of peace, for cooperation, who share the ideals of justice and global equality, but we, unfortunately, do not hear these
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voices ; we know how such silence ended in the last century. today they want to push us into the same abyss again, but we we must do everything to prevent a third world war, otherwise nuclear... the apocalypse is inevitable, for this we all need to unite. warriors teach to preserve memory, take care of their land, and prevent repetition, sometimes at any cost. and in this modern chaos of ever-new threats and militant rhetoric , belarus is strengthening its defense. but this is not an ultimatum or blackmail. yes, minsk and moscow are ready to work together on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, but not for war, but for the sake of peace. nuclear weapons are terrible weapons.
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we are closer than ever to a nuclear disaster, what should we do in this situation? you have to learn to shoot with a machine gun and keep your gunpowder dry, including this deadly weapon, this is everyone’s weapon of deterrence, everyone says so, but you understand that in russia this is exclusively a weapon of deterrence, something alien to us. russia doesn’t need it, especially, but belarus believes that common sense, our memory, time beyond our control will not become a shield for all
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attempts to rewrite history and kindle the fire of a big war, that’s why all of belarus is buried in flowers on may 9, photo portraits of lost loved ones and quiet prayers for peace, it is priceless to us and came at too high a price. many of these people gave their lives for their homeland, and for them the homeland was not an abstract concept, it was not simple.
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every year we go, every year we cry and remind, we want to live in a peaceful country, in our beloved peaceful belarus, the most important thing in this is that we must remember, if we forget this, it can definitely happen again, so we will remember, they fought beyond human capabilities, fought tooth and nail, like one brez fortress, on the altar of victory there are a million lives for us to live, because today belarusians are following the path not of war, but of peace, not trying to appropriate the victory for themselves, appreciating the contribution of other peoples, forgiving nazism and not forgetting their exploits, no matter how many years have passed since the victorious may. olga onishchenko, anastasia
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benedesyuk and natalya breus, tv news agency. and the musical culmination of may 9 was the holo-concert on oktyabrskaya square; melodies that were beloved and dear to the soul, completely new, but all about heroism, unity and love for the homeland were heard from the stage. grateful chords of victory in the report.
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victory day is not on the square named after her, for the second year in a row on october square, imbued with the stories of veterans. the great patriotic war museum was born here, and even at dusk the stage projected a peaceful sky. germany is completely destroyed. thousands of belarusians who were not indifferent to victory united here on october square at 9:00 after the war, just like in the legendary film from 1944, this full length. once predicted the victory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and today he formed the concept of this concert goal, here also on this stage, two lovers met in spite of, love, and love had just begun, began to bloom again, love through the phenomenal liberation
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of belarus remembered how they stood to the death in the urban village of komarin, to survive to the end. every time i go on stage on this day, the great holiday of victory, i pay tribute to the veterans, they sang about the resilience of the people in unexpected melodies. oh, my fogs, foggy, oh my native weights and meadows. most of the vocal reflections
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were written afterward by the children and grandchildren of the winners. or maybe? there was no war, no persecution there were no germans at the stage, a skinned bluff, and lusamlina a puffed lef, there was no such thing in paris, when you see what really happened, how children were abused, how people were abused, how parents were separated from their children, when you understand that are they trying to take this truth away from you?
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to honor the memory and rejoice in what we have now. the song leaves a mark, it really leaves a mark, in the heart, truly the authors, evgenia oleynik, anna seluk, yulechka, this is the first performer of this song, they left a mark in art, and most the important thing is that these songs remain with us, and i think they will live on for many, many years to come.
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the story of the victory sounded for an hour and a half, with the familiar timbres of a large theater of honored artists. well, not without debuts from the variety youth theater. it seems like the best way to express my gratitude for the opportunity to sing in an independent country. many people already know, if not everyone, that i am a service man, i communicate with officers, and naturally, with their wives, they do not serve on an equal basis with their husbands, and of course, they have a very big responsibility lies on them too, so i wanted to dedicate the song specifically to women who... not being on duty, they carry it every day around the clock. behind the scenes, as in the stalls , it is cold not so much from the temperature readings, but from the nerve of the concert. the word theatrical is inappropriate. rather object.
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our victorious chords gave the go-ahead for the festive fireworks, from its volleys the sky blossomed, as did the social networks
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of belarusians who were not indifferent to the victory. the concert is wonderful, thanks to our country for our great future, the best, most touching songs, just amazing time of delight, emotions, and i also constantly congratulate my grandfather. victory day, a very beautiful concert, thank you, i liked it very much, a wonderful concert, and most importantly, today is a wonderful holiday, we will sing, we will remember, as long as we remember, the country will live, lydia zablotskaya, alexey sosnovsky and yuri tratyuk joined the victory celebration, the tv news agency, you know, is very pleasantly surprised at how unique commemorative events were held in our regions with their own twist. special soul of the holiday. let's start with brest. in for the first time, a soviet tank participated in the parade of equipment, the prototype of which took part in
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the parade of allied forces in berlin in september 1945. the military personnel marched to the accompaniment of a live orchestra, in what is traditionally a ceremonial procession in the legendary citadel. the memory of the defenders of the brest fortress was honored with a minute of silence.
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holiday, it cannot be forgotten. veterans, before our eyes, indeed, are great athletes, creative youth, work collectives, thousands of residents in the gomel colony, as well as a parade of military equipment and processions of military personnel units, law enforcement agencies, patriots, cadet classes, flowers, a minute of silence at the eternal flame of the fraternal burial of red army soldiers and underground fighters, the sound of gunfire in honor of the heroes. a very important person for us in the family is our grandfather, who fought in the great patriotic war, we are grateful to him for his feat, especially on
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this day we love to pick up all the photographs, look at them, tell them to our children, tell our grandchildren, and be at the parade. our direct responsibility is to convey this knowledge to the child, this is the day of victory, why, that such a peaceful sky was always above our heads, thanks to grandfather. victory marches sounded on the streets, in the parks and squares of vitebsk, at the memorial in honor of soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters, fresh flowers were laid at the eternal flame, and the most athletic people joined the race, which passed through the memorial places of the regional center. in grodno they sang songs of the war years, 79 couples twirled in the waltz of peace, the great-grandchildren of the winners, students of cadet classes marched in a solemn march, and also... an exhibition of modern military equipment and weapons, a reconstruction of the battle. in the evening, thousands of townspeople gathered together for the nationwide action let's sing victory day together, in which
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the military also took part. for me, as a citizen of my country, for me, as a man, it is very important that i have the opportunity to sing a song with the whole country, this song is one of the symbols of a great victory, the victory of our people against a threat, together we unite with this symbol. the final chord of victory day in all regions was a festive fireworks display in honor of all participants in the great patriotic war. one of the symbols of our country has become the tenacity of the belarusians, not softness, just
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tenacity. with which belarusians defended their homeland during the war, partisan detachments smashed fascist trains, underground fighters committed large-scale sabotage, and local residents helped with food, medicine, and dressings. on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from fascist invaders, the president signed a decree awarding the pennant for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. nine settlements made a colossal contribution to the victory... the day before they received pennants. about the heroic exploits of the belarusian people and attention to the topic of peace at the state level. report by elizaveta sinyak. may 44 khorominsky village. dozens of fascists and marad kozey, a fearless young boy from the stanky derzhinsky district. he held the defense until
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the last, when... they tried to make sure that their man penetrated every german structure. this was the reason for the arrest in september '42 . nina koteshova, who was a liaison in the committee, also went to prison, she was tortured by the nazis, and the woman died in prison, along with a child whom she carried under her heart. two partisans, brother and sister, vera and semyon bystrimovich, are fighting in the stalin partisan brigade. their mother also did not stand
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aside. she baked bread and passed it on to the partisan detachments through her children, and also supplied the partisans with dressings. there were no screws, there were homespun cloth, a policeman lived next door, when he accidentally came to ask her for something , he saw these screws in the basins, the woman was grabbed, thrown into derzhinsky prison, interrogated, beaten, doused with cold water they beat me again. she died from assault, but did not betray anyone. on the territory of derzhinsky district. 23,000 people were killed, 88 villages were burned, five of them repeated the fate of khatyn. this is the most valuable exhibit dating back to the beginning of the war, that is , the first months, the heaviest blade of one of the soldiers of the 32nd division. it was its fighters who were among the first to take the battle near osipovichi at the beginning of the war. the fascists who occupied the area believed that now their rear was here, they had miscalculated. it was a second front,
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so to speak, only in the rear. permanent sabotage took place in one place and then in another, that is, there was probably no such day when it was calm, let’s say, for the occupation authorities. 19 heroes of the soviet union, four of them are natives of the osipovichi region, their names are forever engraved on granite monuments, including corporal mikhail obrosimov. as part of the 297th artillery regiment, he covered the sky with anti-aircraft guns when 1,500 nazis broke out of encirclement. breaking through group. the bobruisk boiler came out precisely on these batteries. the fight was brutal when they were knocked out almost all the officers, mikhail stood up and led everyone who survived into the attack. the pioneer detachment of the second osipovichi school is named after the hero mikhail obrosimy. here they raise patriots, teach lessons in courage and honor the memory of those who gave their lives for the liberation of the country. in the osipovichi district alone, there are
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over 11 thousand soldiers under... and civilians, drenched in the blood of millions, plundered, dilapidated, our country did not give up, this is what formed the basis of presidential decree number 44 on the eve of: derzhinsk, a worthy example of feat baranovichi, dyatlova, kalinkovichi, lyuban, chausy, as well as the urban villages of obol and osveya became labor and combat troops. this is the case when the award found its heroes. the main criterion in the historical reference was.
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and while in the west the memory of soldiers is being desecrated, in belarus they are preserving the peace won at the cost of millions of lives. elizaveta senyak, andrey yastrebov, tv news agency. it is happiness that we take care of our dear belarus. may 9 is an honor for us, it is a holiday, it is pride. 79 years of clear skies, peaceful skies, this is happiness, they are growing for me too children, and i want them, like me, to live as freely and happily, today i am here
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to say thank you for the victory. this is how we maintain peace and prosperity in our native land, appointed chairman of the russian government. as our ancestors bequeathed to us. mikhail mishustin published a decree about this, published on the kremlin website. the candidacy of mishustin, who. after the inauguration ceremony , vladimir putin resigned as head of the cabinet of ministers, previously approved by the state duma. the president of belarus congratulated mikhail mishustin on his appointment chairman of the government of the russian federation and expressed confidence that
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thanks to the joint efforts and coordinated actions of the governments of the two countries, large-scale tasks, new stages of union construction and the horizons of bilateral cooperation will be significantly expanded.
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but here is another blow, which could become the first knockdown, and not only for the warsaw regime: 9% of polish mercenaries returned from ukraine in coffins, but such information is nowhere
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to be found. the same judge, tomasz schmidt, said this in an interview with our tv channel. let me remind you that he had access to state secrets, secret and top secret documents of poland. however, due to disagreement with the policy.
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is gaining momentum, today i opened the news
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about how many people were detained in prosperous democratic europe because they simply wore symbols of victory, not political ones, they were simply locked up, almost beaten, in ukraine they beat up a ukrainian woman on our screens who was not let me in, can you imagine the courage this woman has, and what happened today in lithuania, what happened today in lithuania, before morning came police, new issue of the editors club today immediately after the panorama. and continuing the theme
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of incivility in the west: in a number of eu countries, the celebration of may 9 has actually become a criminal offense; the police and special services of the baltic republics especially persistently tried to ruin the holiday for people. in lithuania, already on the eve of victory day, arrests and preventive conversations were carried out with people who were suspected. with the intention of laying flowers at memorial sites. an eighty-year-old grandmother was even detained in davgavpils, under whose cloak the police spotted a st. george's ribbon. in latvia, arrests were much more active. here, for example, a crowd of police officers restrained a certain citizen who played a song on his phone: cranes, if anything, what are you doing, my god,
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in the city. in the cities of germany, the celebration
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was truly massive. for example, a procession and car rally took place in cologne. you could meet our compatriots on the streets of the city. we are here in germany, in the center of cologne, on the eperplass, to express our gratitude to all the people who saved europe from the brown plague. we would like to note. the great sacrifice of the belarusian people, who suffered more than others during the great patriotic war. at the memorial in berlin. people gathered who tried to hold a rally, they were banned from using the flags of russia and the soviet union under threat of reprisals. detentions were made for displaying banners and even symbols on t-shirts. a total of 10 people were detained in berlin. for demonstrating symbols associated with the great victory in a number of
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eu countries were punished mercilessly. in estonia and lithuania, this resulted in a fine of 1,200 euros. institute for strategic studies and forecasts ruden evgeniy semibratov. according to him , the eec government is thorough in its actions. turns his own people against himself for the inhabitants, when a person finds himself in a certain information space in a certain information vacuum, now in europe an information environment has been created and there is no way to call it anything other than a vacuum, and a person, finding himself under a flow of very specific information,
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begins to believe in it, those smart people who will understand that the authorities are deliberately going for falsification, they will organize what are called demonstrations... george orwell and created a real dystopia in the information space in their countries, when the truth is presented as a lie, and the lie becomes the truth. the latest victims
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of european democracy on the latvian border. the day before, two men without signs of life were found near a latvian fence in the braslovsky district. the body of one refugee was in a ditch next to the gate, the second 40 meters from the border fence. arriving doctors pronounced the men dead. researchers were on site. since 2021, the belarusian side has recorded the death of 54 foreigners on the border with eu countries, 25 of whom died on the border with poland, nine with lithuania and 20 with. latvia, and you know, the story with judge schmit, who was discussed a little higher, is actually very profitable right now in warsaw. they need a serious informational reason to interrupt the internal agenda, and it is very tense there. poland was hit by a wave of mass
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layoffs, major concerns are leaving the country, and production has become costly due to high electricity prices. the enterprise is planning layoffs. furniture, automotive, clothing, banking segments of the economy and even the service sector and it. on the results of european sanctions, author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency.


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