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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 11:15pm-11:26pm MSK

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in afghanistan. a few quotes. once again i want to say that this is not our information from the western press. the special air service unit regularly killed afghan prisoners in their homes and planted weapons on their bodies. one of the current british officers stated that in the tenth, eleventh years he observed how british special forces units adopted a policy of shooting unarmed afghans, and then changed the situation so that they... regardless of the threat they pose, they included those who don't was holding a weapon, suggested that the deceased would be photographed next to the weapon, claimed that the allied forces soldiers placed the weapons next to the corpses of their victims to create the impression that they were armed. the soldiers were shot in
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self-defense, we are making a big program understandable to politics, based on this report and many others, it turns out that, well, the british became aware of the fact that there was simply genocide of afghan civilians, here you see an example, three young people were shot, 12 , 14, 16 years old, all this information was stored on british servers, when they started digging into these servers, naturally , access to reports, negotiations, correspondence was blocked, and then, when access was opened. i found out that everything that was done was deleted, no information is no longer on any servers, but we will show that i immediately remembered hillary clinton, who suddenly suddenly deleted all the emails because they were her personal property, well, it’s gone, they just cut it out people, going to afghanistan in order to remember the prison known in the middle east, which the americans are investigating something we didn’t even see 200 iraqis who were killed and lie in the grave, vietnam, well, just for a friend.
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declare the escalation of tension not only on the european continent, but in the world as a whole, under no circumstances should we succumb to provocations, we are not going to succumb to any provocations, we are not going to fight with anyone, starting a war against, for example, don’t let god of poland, we understand perfectly well that we will not win it, throw the country of millions of people into the crucible. wars are not for me,
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it’s just our task, if, again, as it was and it always happened that the enemy’s boot would set foot on our land, we must inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy, and he must understand this, a brilliant decision was made, i mean the issues, working out the issues of using a joint one. strategic nuclear weapons of russia and belarus, the heads of state near the kremlin spoke out about this and talk about it a lot, but it seems to me that a chill ran down some people’s backs, because suddenly it turned out that i read that weapons are no longer transported across the crimean bridge, because that’s why he’s already useless, they recognized the elections in one day, as soon as this news came out, they immediately recognized putin as president, news immediately poured in, and the usa recognizes and others recognize, i can only guess, that the british ambassador is in moscow.
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lukashenko simultaneously says that we will and are conducting exercises using tactical nuclear weapons, this is not just like that, it means the threat of a military conflict on our border is greater than ever, and the state leaders issued another warning: there are no red lines, what does this mean? , what there are no red lines, this means that we are not going to attack anyone, we don’t need territories, god forbid, russia and belarus have red lines, as our president said, together, this is a huge territory, they envy us resources, human resources, gas, oil, they don’t have a blueprint there in europe,
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a warning about the absence of red lines about anything else, if you mess around, everyone will be destroyed, including the decision-making center, that’s all, that’s all, as i see it, so this is not the first time . we still have a program about that and like, yes, journalistic, when i watched a video that spread across social networks to alexander from the alexander garden, in my opinion, where two presidents, vladimir vladimirovich and alexander grigorievich, they were asked a question about exactly these exercises, training, as they answered, yes what they answered, we have already discussed several times, how calmly, confidently, confirming each other’s words, and somewhere at some point i caught myself, you know, thinking like this, maybe this shouldn’t be talked about in... we are doing, that's what i heard, we are doing everything in order not to let god did not happen, and the phrase that
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was heard in the evening in minsk on victory square, they must know and be sure, will not rust with us. you know, it’s interesting, i looked and read so many documents. look, it will be like this, if you do this, it will be like this, it will be, because if someone in the west has the illusion that, well, you know, you can somehow win back there, something else , by the way, this is not typical for us, that is, if everything is so bad with the analysis of the mentality
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of russians and belarusians, well, i don’t know, with famous times.
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he says, we will send troops to ukraine, but we are not at war with russia, and what do you think makrun, if you do this like this, i’m in the house, then russia will think that you are at war with you, yes about they directly said that you are declaring there, these are your problems, but as soon as your troops are already there, we know that it was not for nothing that scholz’s instructors were accused in the british parliament when he said that the british crew service the missiles, and well there are, there are already french numbers we know these parts, these are special parts. yes , it is, so if your troops enter in the designated numbers, we also know the numbers of these brigades that they are going to send there, this is a state of war, you are sending f16, russia has stated clearly, we will not figure out whether they are carrying nuclear weapons, they are not carrying nuclear weapons and in what
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territory they are located, they will be struck, which is important, the synchronous statement of alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin on this topic, they seem to me, well, not that they sobered up, i’m somehow skeptic about it. it’s impossible to come to an agreement with them, it’s impossible to convince them of the correctness of their position, they only understand the language of force, a threat to their own existence, whatever you want, this is a very bad story, but unfortunately it’s real, you know, sanovich, but i experience different feelings when i listen the head of state, when we even talk about exercises and strategic, non-strategic nuclear? already, i think, what happiness is it to have a leader at the head of the country?


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