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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 11:55pm-12:31am MSK

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the number of archival documents that the russian federation handed over to us, all of this is in the criminal case materials, and there are a lot of documents that we received that were previously unknown, we published on the website of the general prosecutor's office, the result of this great work was the publication of several books, they are presented here , they have also been translated into english, tell us about these publications, do you receive feedback from readers, they issue multiple editions. they always disappear from sale because people are buying them up, selling them out, why? because they are interested in this, because these publications contain documents that have never been published before, all documents are based on the materials of the criminal case, this is the collective work of the investigative group of the prosecutor general’s office, the work of prosecutors under the general editorship of the prosecutor general of the republic of belarus. last thing. the publication
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concerns the conduct of punitive operations in general on the territory of belarus, this is only the first part of the publication, we are now continuing work on the second part of the publication on the topic of punitive operations, where we describe and place relevant documents in this publication, objective documents regarding the largest large-scale punitive operations since 1900... in addition, these publications were recognized as the best publications annually both on the territory of the republic of belarus, so they were awarded a special prize international book fair, among the best publications in the cis countries. are there any still alive?
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conduct appropriate open processes on them, but unfortunately, these are the state that we directed territory of the republic of belarus, i would like instructions, requests for specific individuals, including for their interrogation, these requests are not fulfilled, it’s like the baltic countries, poland, they do not want to extradite these nazis, they do not want to interrogate them. they don’t
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want cooperation, why, first of all , the question arises, it seems that more than one decade has passed, crimes against the peace and security of mankind, a crime against an entire people, at least interrogate them, but they are afraid of it, well, let’s speak openly, they are afraid to show it , afraid this is to tell, therefore, responding to our instructions - they refer to the fact that these are official documents, in particular, the relevant law enforcement agencies of the baltic states, poland, that the execution of these instructions, including, as i said, interrogations, representation archival documents, that is, everything that we request as part of this case may, in their opinion, affect the national security of these states.
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of this ukrainian policeman in the battle of the village of hotel along with the residents, but there are a number of other settlements, this was also assessed by the court with... nazism, the ideas and nazism, how to resist this, well, first of all, it all depends on us, on the belarusians themselves, that is, on the family, the family as a unit of society, starting from the upbringing of one’s the child, first of all the family, kindergarten, school,
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tells what nazism is, the reasons for it, the consequences, what is this negative, so we see it all... we understand it, and the prosecutor general’s office prepared such a publication in the last twenty-third year children's three-piece, depending on age, we worked as psychologists in the preparation of relevant school publications on the genocide of the belarusian people, and everything is essentially written there what nazism is, how to resist and...
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we will return to the studio in a few minutes. let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. together.
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wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs, our land, we agree everything is fine. then at polish the authorities have clicked something, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads they have revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we cannot leave european markets. the polish
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authorities, of course, are our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two countries, in fact, at war, can easily do business with each other, that is. they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best leadership can give a country and its people. balance is the golden mean, at opposite ends, whatever they may be, is radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is the events program on belarus 24 and we continue. the whole country was given a thematic makeover for victory day. settlements are decorated with numerous festive elements. our columnist elena pontus will tell you what the main avenue and iconic buildings of the capital look like.
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art objects with scenes from the front were placed in the city. and partisan life, stylized four-meter stars and flag cascades. the central place of the composition is the first battle. an award that appeared during the war, the order of the patriotic war of the first degree, on the streets of minsk there are exhibition galleries with archival photographs, from the sports palace to the museum of the great patriotic war... the chronology of the liberation of belarus dragged on, a handmade canvas from 800 was traditionally hung on the building of the pedagogical university multi-colored rags. this year, in addition to the main task of making the city bright, elegant, festive, solemn, we also had one very important goal: to fill the city with interesting, important, necessary information that we would gather.
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both on the territory of belarus and in other countries, it will be presented on the prisonerbay website, and the electronic catalog will also include data on those who were deported for forced labor in the period from forty- one to forty-five. creation of an information resource to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. initiators of the project clergy.
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they took our childhood away from us, but they didn’t take it away from us. us falling in love with life. belarusian and russian students of technical specialties are taking part in the development of the internet portal prisoners of bai. it is planned to complete work on the site within a year. cinema in the memory of heroes. on the eve of victory day , the premiere of the documentary film return took place in minsk. what is this picture about? this is a film about missing pilots searching for the crash sites of red army planes that took off to fight the enemy in the first weeks.
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people from different regions of belarus and russia. honored at the memorial complex memory of the heroes of the partisans of the polotsk-lepel zone, led by the hero of the soviet union vladimir lobank. on the night of may 5 , they broke through the enemy blockade. that 15 thousand civilians were able to escape from the deadly encirclement. the feat of the partisans was immortalized in granite and bronze. the memorial is already more than half a century old, and it is one of the main shrines of the memory of the belarusian people. during the event , a ceremonial handover of a time capsule with video messages from residents of all districts of the vitebsk region took place. the footage will be shown in 2034 on the day of the ninetieth anniversary of the breakthrough. blockades thank you. review prepared by elena pontus. thoughts about poland, reflections, discussions, comments. the belarusian-polish
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socio-political project is broadcast on the waves of international radio belarus. let’s ask anton vasikevich, general producer of the belarusian radio, how the idea of ​​its creation came about and what target audience the project was designed for. anton borisovich, hello. hello. so, how did the idea of ​​creating such a project come about, who are its authors? it’s not surprising, but the idea for creating our project was suggested. poland experiences a large information deficit of information about our country;
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practically no one there knows anything about the events that are taking place in our country. about what is really happening in belarus, we decided to launch such a project, it began last year in october, with one such large one, which you called thoughts about poland. the authors of this project are the leaders of international radio belarus and representatives of the polish public, these are people who asked for political asylum in our country, who now live permanently in our country, these are ethnic poles, they are fluent in polish, so... people are now on the territory of our country and have joined in the implementation of this project. well, what is your audience, who is this project intended for? you know, first of all, of course, these are people who are interested in what is happening in belarus. our project is aimed primarily at poles who try not to lose touch
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with belarus. this is a very interesting response, we we receive constant feedback, quantity. views of our content on youtube, in other social networks , evidence that the project is in great demand, and polish citizens are sometimes surprised, sometimes touched, some simply experience the deepest interest, in particular, one of the topics that is most in demand is the attitude of belarus to the special military operation of russia and ukraine, for example, the attitude of belarus and ukraine, the relationship of belarus and poland, plus we are trying, of course there's a lot to tell. about our country, about tourism opportunities, about our political initiatives, about our socio-economic development, cultural development, but how many programs have already been released on the waves of international radio belarus, are you planning to expand the format, or does this, to some extent, also depend on author's team? you know, we are now trying to go out in a today
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-to-day mode, that is, it is very important for us to reflect the current agenda, that is, if some events are happening now, we immediately...
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from belarus, you know, it’s just an amazing project, people sometimes just can’t even talk enough, so they get together, discuss something, and they have something to talk about,
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tell, express painful things, express some hopes, and this project , just a few episodes of this program have been released, but there is already a lot of interest in it, well , in which countries do they listen to radio belora today, do you keep track of this information, but at the moment, this is one of the most... the most the state where we record the most the number of listening and views is , of course, the republic of poland, because this is both fm broadcasting and online broadcasting, this is the overwhelming majority. by the way, people listen to us in belarus, well, i think that, of course, these are those who speak languages ​​and the poles themselves, plus everything, our satellite and terrestrial broadcasts in polish can be listened to in our national radio player. the united states of america, great britain, norway, germany, the baltic countries, russia, and you know, here increased interest, especially in the topic of relations between
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belarus, poland and ukraine, is caused by the content of ukrainian citizens. well, thank you. anton vasikevich, general producer of belarusian radio, answered the program’s questions. tv channel belarus 24 congratulates everyone on the holiday of the great victory. results, analysis of the main events of this week. information and analytical program atan main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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i dreamed of going to the front from the very first day of the war, and on may 1, 1942, i did not become a pudovkin student, but a junior sergeant of the 49th separate reserve telegraph department appeared. they didn’t let me go into the active army for a long time, even though i insisted. only in june of 1944 did i beg to be sent to the front and i, along with nine signalmen, were flown to the front by plane. and as the most senior in rank, i ended up at the headquarters of the first belarusian front, participated in the liberation of belarus, poland and germany. in we entered berlin on may 2, the day it was captured. the city was in complete chaos, the streets were filled with people, some were sitting on the ground, others were wandering among the ruins in search of a piece
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of bread. on the afternoon of may 8, headquarters called and said to allocate two telegraph operators and a mechanic to carry out a particularly important task. the company commander chose me and masha letishenko. i don’t remember the mechanic’s name, we didn’t receive any special instructions regarding appearance, everything was the same as always, military uniform, hair tied up with invisible hair. in the evening we were informed that we would be transmit to moscow information about the signing of the final act of unconditional surrender of nazi germany, whether it was exciting, no word, they didn’t wait long. at about one in the morning a major entered the room and brought the text of a message that needed to be sent to moscow to the general staff, and as soon as i realized what was being said, i could not
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hold back my tears, masha said then, that’s it, the war is over, forty in june in the fifth year i was awarded the order of the red star, for many years... i didn’t tell anyone why i received such a high award, who would tell me if i believed it, they would have thought that i was bragging. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes
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you to move forward, and keep up with all your heart, your stomach sings, and you have a thirst for adventure travel, you love to eat somewhere along the way, always, there is food anywhere, belarus can be called a country of all religions, and the numbers confirm this, because in our country. there are 25 officially operating confessions, the most widespread of which are orthodoxy and catholicism, and most importantly easter is considered a holiday in christianity, so even during the ussr it was secretly celebrated by both believers and atheists. now many will no longer remember why exactly it is necessary to beat eggs, why kulich has such a shape, they will have difficulty explaining how catholic easter differs from orthodox easter, so today i am going to find answers to these questions from the knowledge
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about the culinary traditions of the holiday, i will have to see how they decorate catholic church, every detail matters: try an easter bread prepared according to an old recipe, visit the takeaway shroud, on the saddest day in the church calendar. the word easter comes to us from the greek language, meaning deliverance. this is the most ancient christian holiday, which symbolizes the victory of life over death. where can you learn the original traditions of catholic easter, if not in the most ancient catholic church in the village of vselyub. hello, good afternoon everyone, glad to see you. i won’t lie, i love this place very much, there is a special atmosphere here , very good people. and that’s why i came here on the eve of catholic easter, to understand all the traditions, both
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cultural and. and culinary, of course. vitaly, what is easter? eh, easter is the brightest holiday, it is the most important holiday in the life of a christian, it is always a renewal of life, it is always a return to god, this is what the lord gives us, new life in christ. catholic and orthodox easter are very similar, but some traditions differ. try to figure out what exactly it is? i have been to this temple more than once. but i have never seen it so beautiful, and here a large number of new ones appeared for me installations, tell us what each of them means? firstly, each of these installations talks about preparation for easter, that is , the so-called tridum, the first installation is the dungeon where jesus sat in captivity before the trial, the second is the moment of the crucifixion, worship of the cross, the third tomb where
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jesus was complex.
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in general, on the eve of easter, it turns out to be a kind of religious competition, each church tries to make these installations as beautiful as possible. and you also know what’s surprising, you won’t see such an installation again, you will see another one, because every year they change, every year all residents of the village, from the smallest, participate in their creation. up to big the most important symbol in the temple is easter. this is the name of a large candle on which the first to last letters of the greek alphabet are depicted, as well as the sign of the cross and numbers indicating the current year. easter symbolizes the resurrection of christ, the very moment of resurrection. when does this candle light? he is a candle lit at the end of the day of holy saturday, a harbinger for sunday, it is lit
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from. on the holy day rushes to the temple three times stop proclaiming christ is risen truly risen candles are lit candles are brought into the most important altar. and while the church is preparing for the start of the service, i am very interested to see how the parishioners themselves are preparing for the great easter, why not? of course, first of all, i am interested in learning about culinary traditions. in belarus, not a single holiday is complete without a feast, and easter is no exception. irina will tell me what they eat for easter. irina, hello. hello, i see that you have even prepared something, we are now at the wall. temple and temple preparing for easter, yes, what is it? and this is a treat for children, these are cookies in the shape of a lamb, lamb, these cookies are a treat only for the easter period,
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that is, children can eat this once a year, the children in the village of vselyub are lucky. irin, i heard that one of the symbols of catholic easter is a hare. why do we have lambs here and not a hare? jesus is connected as with a lamb, as with a sacrifice, because earlier in the old testament they sacrificed someone, a lamb to god, and jesus gave himself as a sacrifice, therefore jesus are associated with the lamb of god, so lamb, tell me the most important and incomprehensible secret for me, where did hares come from in this whole story, but firstly, not hares, easter bunnies, and in general this is a european tradition, but in our country...
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glorious christians, catholics are very similar, this is easter, no, catholics don’t prepare this dish for the easter table, so here’s the difference between the orthodox easter table and the catholic easter table, catholics don’t have easter, okay, but easter cake is easter, of course, easter cake - this is one of the most basic dishes, well in fact, the most basic thing is a painted red egg, and easter cake, of course, is baked, only here in this... in the area they don’t call it easter cake, but what do they call buns for easter, if there are easter cakes all over the world, it turns out easter cakes, in all love - these are buns for easter, i’ll tell you how they are prepared, i’ll tell you now
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; unbelievably, obsessed with the history of their little birthplace, there once stood a very beautiful
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church, we can see the remains of the foundation of this church, here they are stones, the frog passed the road from the small farmstead of the manor to the settlement. good mood, the favorites of all adult children are our raccoons, yes raccoons, three raccoons, we live with margosha, duki and roki, what a star she is when i...


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