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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 2:15am-3:11am MSK

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heroically participating right on the front line in the assault actions of a united group of troops, this is also a very important point, but the third point, look how the people of the ukrainian people launched a fight, literally for their survival, with these ludolov, as they are called in ukraine, with representatives of the military commandant’s office. the other day, by the way, another incident occurred: he was killed. in the dungeons of this very military registration and enlistment office, which was renamed into the euphonious name ttsk, yes, another person was killed, by military commissars, tstskashniks, the difference is small, in fact, the essence is the same, that people have not been caught before, that they continue to do this, in your opinion, these events, how they affect society, well, you have already begun to say that yes, this is to a certain extent, let's say , warms up...
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listeners, viewers, it is extremely unprofitable for russia to eliminate zelensky, extremely unprofitable, he will then become a hero, a new one, so to speak, a new reincarnation of bandera, no, this criminal is still the president of ukraine, today is not may 21, no, from may 21 it will be an impostor, all legal powers, let me remind you that the audience and listeners are running out of time, from may 21 it will be an impostor, so this criminal must... answer before an international tribunal, he must look personally in the eyes of the mothers, wives, children, the soldiers they killed, it was he who caused their death without agreeing with his neighbor, with whom he has 300, 500, a thousand years of relations, which are fraternal peoples, which he has not yet agreed upon, initiated essentially what is happening, because they have repeatedly said openly in moscow that we will...
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i recently raised the topic again regarding these installations, this is quite a serious challenge for our common security, but i am also interested in your opinion regarding the events in ukraine that are unfolding around the burials of military personnel, i saw information that an unofficial decree was issued to prohibit the installation of ukrainian flags on graves, because the picture is too harsh for the media and those shots that...
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but unfortunately, unfortunately, the current regime does not take any measures, does not respond to any proposals, here remember the last one. president lukashenko’s proposal, which he voiced after a meeting with the president of russia, he turned to our ukrainian colleagues with a request to immediately initiate some kind of negotiations, not to sign something, not to sign, but at least to sit down at the negotiating table to indicate their position, but is this absurdity in which ukraine is now not clear? i don’t know what to compare it with, it could be if belarus declared war on germany. for america, but the result is clear here, based on military potential and power, the result is obvious here: no, the person’s brain is so decomposed, i apologize for such wording, if i commented correctly before, now, uh, seeing the entire
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ukrainian political community, watching it, i cannot correct it correctly, people actually, under the influence of possibly potent substances, their brains decomposed. they have deprived us of cognitive functions, they are now speaking to us purely, so to speak, in plain sight, in plain sight that they will launch a counter-offensive again, that is 180,000 killed and wounded soldiers, officers lost another 500, more than 500 km, it’s not enough for them, you know, the impudence regarding this counter-offensive is amazing, what kind of formulations are they already using, what and it... that very first counter-offensive did not work out, because the russians supposedly knew from the beginning in which places it would be carried out, so why did you carry it out if the russians knew, but isn’t that the whole point of the counteroffensive, so that your enemy does not have this information, to put it mildly, here it
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just comes down to, well i don't want to use those formulations, but to the point of absurdity, to put it diplomatically, but you know what interests you, in fact the situation is alarming. in the polish direction, we see quite interesting events: judge schmidt, who ran to the territory of belarus, asked directly for political asylum, and in fact among the wording of this person there is a rather alarming note that he fears the involvement of the polish state in this conflict, including including the involvement of the republic of belarus, but what do you think about this? poland is militarizing very quickly, at a very fast pace, contrary to, i emphasize, the will of the ordinary polish people, ordinary polish workers, the very fact of what we observed this week is
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an information bomb, the current judge fled from this, so to speak, oasis of democracy garden, so his calls. garden is the epitome of dictatorship, and what he saw here, it turns out that we have an oasis of democracy here, it turns out that we have here an open european policy of accepting, including all neighbors without visas to belarus, residents of eighty countries, accepting visa-free through air traffic, which means that we have an open policy here in terms of a fairly free, which means...
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which flowed over these many years, became his shock, led to the fact that he, as a decent person, simply could not be in this blooming garden, where all moral principles are trampled upon, where everything is changed, everything
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is turned inside out, where all human perversions flourish, they are taught in schools, in kindergartens, in institutes, the judge... i want to assume this, judge schmidt is the first sign, i am sure that more a number of polish and military personnel, like the one who once fled to us s...
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and marginal and therefore a fraudster, the question is only one thing: why did he spend his whole life, being as you are now saying, working in the highest positions, going for promotions, yes, achieving certain things, receiving certificates, thanks, therefore guys, you lost in this short fight, the move, so they say, is up to you, but we also reserve a new move for ourselves, until 1:0, taking into account the current...
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use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, all sorts of loading techniques are being practiced, as i understand it , in the application of these charges. in your opinion, what is the reason for this, why have the stakes increased so sharply? let’s do it again, because after all, the topic has been quite actively discussed.
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he said a very important phrase: the world is now close to nuclear war, as close as ever. naturally.
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military political leadership, and we really observe that the polish means it has an array of all the information from the side, and the baltic countries are the main provocateurs and instigators and instigators of this possible nuclear war, and it will be nuclear, because the forces funds...
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voiced these figures - on our broadcasts, which is easy to understand, there is simple logic and a simple algorithm, an understanding of who is preparing for war. in order to form a bridgehead and conditions for an offensive, it is necessary that the number of your troops exceed the enemy by at least three dashes five times, in my opinion, according to nato standards there are up to ten,
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that’s why they deliver such crushing blows because they are superior in numbers tens of times their potential enemies. so for understanding in belarus today at the moment there are about 60 thousand armed forces - this includes civilian personnel, cooks, and so on. on the territory of poland , more than 200,000 polish troops alone have been formed without nato troops, if i’m not mistaken, the polish state plans to bring this figure to 300, they openly talk about it: so count and assume, 60 thousand in belarus and...
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they want bring it to 300,000, there are 120 thousand, which means ukrainian military personnel located on the southern border, that is, in fact, if you add them up altogether, there is still an army of up to a million it hasn’t arrived yet, but rapidly, five to six times in excess, the question is that naturally we had to somehow react to this concentration of troops, to these exercises, there are two options, or to join this race ourselves. weapons to build up their armed forces on the territory of belarus, but this is a huge force up to the same indicators, up to 3000, for example , the amount, this needs to be taken from the budget, from social services, from medical care, from pensions, from the salaries of our public sector employees, and so on, and so on on my a look in order to neutralize this threat and not
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get drawn into this brainless, frankly brainless arms race. this is the wisest decision to place tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, which are precisely intended to strike a huge accumulation of manpower armored vehicles of a potential enemy, in the event that the entire armada moves in your direction, it is obvious that the western countries, they really wanted to provoke us into an arms race, knowing full well that an arms race is no economics... and the decision, and we thank the president of russia, who supported president lukashenko’s request to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, because only with the help
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of tactical nuclear weapons, in the event of, i emphasize, aggression from our neighbors, we can inflict unacceptable and irreparable military damage on them, only this can restrain our western, as they say , partners.
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battalion tactical groups have been deployed in all directions of potential enemy invasion. and just a few days ago an unscheduled inspection of the air forces of the air defense forces was carried out. the duty officers in the units, called upon to monitor and monitor the sky, did not know about this check; as a result of this check, all military targets that invaded the territory of belarus were hit. now the president said yesterday, and it caused a lot of noise throughout europe, we have begun the second stage of measures to respond to the militarization of the west. we have begun working out, together with the russian federation within the framework of the allied military group, the use of special ammunition, called special ammunition
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those same tactical nuclear weapons. what does this include? this is the supply of special ammunition, their transportation, logistics and to the relevant military units, anti-aircraft, missile, yes, loading them into these units, loading them. loading aircraft, then lifting this squadron, which transports these special ammunition of the su-25 squadron, lifting them into the air, patrolling the border of the union state, preparing for unified coordination with the aim of possibly inflicting unacceptable damage on the enemy, all coordination takes place with the military leadership of moscow, leningrad military...
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a way to protect yourself from you, so that the tragedy of 1941, when they reached minsk in a week, would not be repeated, because we, as slavs, believed and trusted them, this will not happen again. alexander lukashenko makes it quite clear in his speeches that we have learned lessons from history, and he, as a person with a history education, i think, also makes certain political decisions through the prism of history. events, i have already spoken about this many times, and many who do not understands in general the course of actions of the head of our state, he must first of all think about this, that a person with... comes
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from the historical experience that has already been in certain events, in my opinion, this is even more interesting from the point of view of governing the state, than certain skills in political science, the information and analytical project current microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, the presenter andrei sych was with you, as well as our guest political scientist yuri voskresensky, thank you very much. and what categories of belarusian goods are most in demand in foreign markets? and of course, these are probably the most? we ourselves
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can always say that these are meat and dairy products, these are our food products, and mechanical engineering is a huge success, agricultural engineering attracts foreign partners, and our flagships mtz, mass, belaz are always at the top at any exhibition, confectionery , and also enjoy great success, and of course , scientific and technical developments, a look at what makes belarusian products successful competes in foreign markets? first of all, this is quality, this year is the year of quality, yes, and i can say that at foreign events, at our exhibitions, products are presented that can rightfully be said to be of the highest quality, and if we talk about products
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food, especially... in our country they monitor the standards, all the guests, so international partners value this very highly, we have even more events planned for this year, it will also be bright, i think even brighter than last year and we we have planned an event in african countries, first of all, this is a very important market for us now. and we have been entering this market for a long time, but of course we haven’t had such a geography of countries in africa for a long time, and we are starting with algeria, then we have zimbabwe, and we have been participating in zimbabwe since 2018, so we are already very the republic of south africa, and angola, namibia, tanzania, in general, became known. egypt,
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so for the african region we will export ours almost every month belarusian enterprises to international forums, of course, this is asia, china, we have the number one annual exhibition in the world in the world in asia for food products, i think, of course, it may soon become the world’s largest, this is seal shanghai, a very famous exhibition for...
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we are planning saudi arabia, jordan, also countries, exhibitions in countries in uzbekistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, in general, all our...
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connections between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same the most concerns their politics, their economy, then the west is now the matter. if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory. we don’t like this makevialist approach, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, meanness, cooperate with the devil and the devil, just to win, so this is our way. but this is a conscious choice markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes,
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take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, don’t take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out, the minced beef is dark red in color, the smell is pleasant. with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know you need to a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our hands. up, we raise our legs and do such a cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. for belarus, it is important to maintain peace, to withstand and not allow yourself to be drawn into conflicts, about this was stated by the head of state alexander lukashenko at the wreath-laying ceremony at the victory monument in minsk. we must do everything to to prevent world war iii, otherwise
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a nuclear apocalypse is inevitable, for this we all need to unite. humanity in its history once already... managed to unite against universal evil, and this led to victory, then we crushed fascism, because russians and belarusians, ukrainians and kazakhs, lithuanians and uzbeks, moldovans and tajiks, all the peoples of the great soviet countries, against hitler's horde, dozens of other nations of the world fought with us, including... europe and the united states, and we have not forgotten this. u we have a good memory, unlike them. our memory and truth stand firmly on the path of chaos and ideas
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of superiority reigning in the world. they give immunity against false ideas of hidden manipulations, and become a beacon in the horror of challenges and threats of the new time. all those present at victory square honored the memory of the fallen heroes with a minute of silence. on may 9 , festive events were held in all regions of belarus in honor of victory day. more than 1,500 people took part in the solemn procession dedicated to the great victory day in vitebsk. at the memorial in honor of the soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters held a rally to the eternal flame. fresh flowers lay down. victory marches sounded in the streets, parks and squares of vitebsk. on this day, from all the stands in the squares they said how important it is to defend the historical truth, to be strong in this difficult time. the constant culmination of the may 9th
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goal concert. this year, the essence of the concert on october square was presented through the legendary film from 1944, and the day was traditionally concluded with festive fireworks. the patriotic project letter about belarus is taking place. carry out patriotic events with children and youth, for many years now, prosecutors, together with teachers in preschool institutions , have been implementing a patriotic project, a letter about belarus, children are told in an accessible form about the national traditions of belarus, about the feat of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war, about state symbols , thereby instilling in them patriotism, love and respect for the homeland. over 3 months of the year, foreign trade turnover of goods and services in belarus
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increased by 1.1% and reached 23 billion 374 million dollars. the relevant statistics were published on the website of the national bank, while exports of goods increased along with services amounting to 11.600 million dollars, imports 11.700 million. the balance of goods was minus 800 million dollars, almost in full it was compensated. a positive balance of foreign trade in services of $700 million. an alternative and efficient type of fuel, which is always in demand in the energy sector. it's peat mining season in belarus. this year the beltopaz enterprise plans to produce about 2 million tons of alternative fuel, this volume will yield a million tons of peat briquettes. some of these products are exported, including to china. today , only in the structure of beltopgas there are 15 peat briquette plants operating throughout the country, one. among the industry leaders, the sergeevichskaya enterprise
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here plans to become the center for the trophy football championship. in addition to fuel , another area of ​​work in the peat sphere is cover and nutrient soils. the industry plans to produce 150 thousand tons of such products for agriculture. in principle, we are ready to provide everyone who grows mushrooms within the country with their own. which is in no way inferior to western analogues, and previously these products were brought to us from abroad, so we have big plans here, strong winds and night frosts and cold weather are predicted for the weekend, tomorrow in most regions of belarus there will be short-term rain, thunderstorms are possible during the day, wind gusts in some places will reach 18 m per second, at night from +1 to 9 degrees celsius, on sunday rain is possible in places and even... the air temperature at night will be +1
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+5, while subject to clearing , the possibility of frosts of 0-3 in the daytime will warm up from +9 in the northeast to +18° in the southwest.
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good mood, the favorites of all adult children are our raccoons, yes raccoons, three raccoons, we live with margosha, dougi iroki, what a star she is, when i’m old and retired, maybe i’ll get myself chinese
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chickens, girls, that’s it, you understand what everything is, and many more interesting educational stories, here we are we produce our... miracle fertilizer, the main function here is performed by ideal workers who work 24:7, that’s you and me, and so there are apple trees that, in principle , will grow for everyone, yes, but antonovka ruined everything, watch on the tv channel belarus 24, they opened the windows in the estate where she was, a swallow flew in, began to see the nest, and a boy was miraculously born, they considered this a good omen, and allowed her to hatch her chicks.
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we are on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant's office, where training takes place military personnel of the honor guard company, i am the commander of the second company of the honor guard, captain maxim viktorovich dashkevich. this is where the training process, the preparatory process of military personnel for support, takes place. various kinds of events. the roto of the honorary coraul performs the tasks of ensuring state events, meeting and seeing off the first persons arriving in the territory of our country, as well as laying wreaths. and as a result of our activities, this is a concert. the roto of honorary koroul was founded
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on february 17, 1995. composition of the honorable company koroul, in addition to the first second company of the honorable. includes a company of the honor guard of the ministry of internal affairs and the roto of the honor guard of the state border committee, training is carried out as part of these four units, a parade concert is formed as part of these four units, which we will be able to see very soon on july 3, annually on the eve of may 9, also military personnel of the rotohonorary koruul take part in the laying of wreaths. to the victory monument, selection of military personnel for the honor guard company carried out by studying, the initial study of candidates for service against the guard of honor in military registration and enlistment offices, everyone who has the first group of health, who has a height of at least 185
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cm, good physical fitness and no visible tattoos. areas of the body, correct facial features, anyone from all over our country can become a candidate for service in the honor guard company. there are various markings on the platform that allow us to sharpen our skills with ours.
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which simulate the passage of troops by the minister of defense and deputy minister of defense.
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this is on guard on the shoulder and then having the opportunity, having gained experience in these elements, military personnel begin to move with a second
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step with weapons, and as a result , the introduction of various elements begins, including the rotation of both carbines and sabers, with which military personnel also take part in events, most often, with checkers , military personnel take part in events where... banner groups are involved, during training, military personnel the honor guard company uses a simonov self-loading carbine, and each serviceman of the honor guard company has a kalashnikov assault rifle. simonov's self-loading carbine is not a dummy, it is a military weapon with which military personnel take part in various events, we do not shoot with it, we are for a peaceful sky above our heads. there are also military personnel who are the most. prepared, who were able to complete a course in preparation for the event in the shortest possible time, these military personnel
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we call the unique ones, who ultimately become virtuosos at the concert, military personnel get up at 6 am, then they have morning physical exercises, morning toilet, breakfast, from 9 o'clock they begin classes, from 9 to...
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see how it will look like the officers are already working on these elements, in practice, honing their skills, studying various elements, we build a logical chain of these elements, each unit commander is in his own way a choreographer who consistently builds these or those... actions of military personnel.
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in the process of preparation, we focus on the fact that during the event itself, a serviceman should not allow various thoughts in his head that could distract him from the event itself; coping with the anxiety that they encounter at first is possible only by gaining experience in progress of provision. i build that he has no right to make a mistake.
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there are military personnel who, having completed military service, express a desire to enter a higher military educational institution to receive education, in the future , officers will return to the company of the honorable corul or to one of the units of the minsk military commandant’s office, there are those who remain after compulsory military service, enter into a contract, no longer see their lives, do not see their own people.
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farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell to hundreds of countries on the planet for almost 7.5 billion dollars, and this is a drop in world prices, with good agricultural technology, with
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a good approach, you can get for... different harvests and on our varieties. our corn differs there by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if you compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported corn becomes unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there; the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can produce new varieties from science that are highly productive and different resistance to diseases, pests, the main topics on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i am working on such...


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