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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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as an agrarian, we have something to be proud of: we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell almost 7.5 billion dollars to hundreds of countries on the planet and...
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that i work at an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people. our qualities, your safety protection. our company is famous for its traditions, as well as for many dynasties of cement workers. ready to share knowledge. in 1933, the state commission signed an act of acceptance for operation of the cement plant. first ton krichevsky cement.
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vitebsk region, as a child i spent a lot of time in the fresh air and often observed in the air, helicopters, airplanes and so on, since we live near the border zone, and helicopters were very often in the air and in the military sphere already somewhere since childhood, the understanding began to form that i would like to try all this, there are no military men in my family, i was one of the first, my father, served, but did not connect my life with the military sphere. in the thirteenth year i entered the military academy of the republic of belarus, faculty of air defense. in the eighteenth year i graduated and was assigned to the position of platoon commander of the protopochonary king of the minsk military commandant's office, where i am currently serving. like most parents, they are filled with pride that their son is serving in such a unit. quite a lot. the important point
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is that this unit is the only one in our republic, leading this unit is a responsible mission, not everyone can do it, but the choice has been made and we are steadfast we endure all the hardships and hardships. as a child, i loved sports, big sports did not go away, i did not connect my life with sports, but in the military sphere this is very necessary, since a serviceman must be physically, well physically developed, prepared, in addition to service, there is a kind of hobby, sports is also included into a hobby, there is also the opportunity to analyze in free time. what we were able
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to achieve today, were we 100% realized, were we able to implement what we planned for today day, and... of course, in addition to the service, when there is time, this time is spent with family and friends. literally by the third year i had formed a full understanding, awareness that i would like to serve in the honor guard roti, since i had the opportunity to be a participant in the parade of troops of the minsk garrison and garrison training took place on the parade ground in the minsk military commandant’s office, and i looked at these guys. fit, slender, and so on, and i understood that i would like to be in the ranks these guys, i understood that i could invest something in them, invest something in this unit in order to glorify it in the future, the selection of military personnel for...
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in the military registration and enlistment offices, that is, every man, every youth of our country, from different corners of our country, maybe in the ranks of an honor guard company. an important factor is this first health group, height not lower than 185 cm, correct facial features and the absence of tattoos on visible parts of the body, every serviceman who will be... enlisted in the ranks of the military personnel of the honorable corul, he will will walk this path with honor and pride because, like in any other unit of the armed forces, here is also a very responsible mission, a very important moment in your formation, when you
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perform various tasks shoulder to shoulder with your comrades, all those who will be enlisted are unlikely companies of the honor guard, can have no doubt that in the shortest possible time we will be able to put them into service, teach them everything that they will need directly during service in the future in life, and we will make every effort to achieve this was it for our good? what does the all-belarus people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all absolutely branches of power, this is the foundation on which belarus will be built further, this is
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the foundation of the belarus of the future. we have a new constitutional body, but there is one more, different function: the supreme council can overturn the decision of any government body. acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work; the difference between our equipment is that they have very great possibilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today
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is actually a very reliable margin of safety; it contains a colossal approach to business that we need to strive for. take the cow, do it, one, two, place it,
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faster, a little, do it, two, place it, two, the carbine is exactly in the center. is located, it’s better, you don’t need to bend your shoulder, nikita, you need to do this, where is the front sight at our level? a member of the honorary corolla company leaves for measurement and ultimately receives a new one.
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a set of uniforms, various military personnel serve as an honorary corul, everyone masters the training preparatory process differently, but on average it takes 3-4 months. basic elements are mastered within a month, the first month when they first join the unit, then it all becomes more complicated. after 3-4 months, the serviceman is ready, let’s say, to carry out any task to support any event. there are basic elements that are most often used and used by military personnel of the honorary corul company, if this is to take the laying ceremony, these are the sentries of the eternal flame, respectively, an element on guard, which we could also see earlier, if this is a solemn march as part of a company, this is taking a carbine on the shoulder. we also have checkers, as we also said, checkers are most often used in banner
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groups, further, this is all very individual, depending on the event, depending on what the parade ground concert is dedicated to, let’s say, depending on this there are different elements that can be used military personnel, based on, let’s say , the logical chain and logical actions of military personnel during the parade. in the course of various actions that they perform in the course of supporting events, each commander has the right to call himself a choreographer, since this requires a certain idea, it requires, let’s say, an understanding of what can follow, every action of a serviceman is honed during training, this logical, let's say, actions that they perform, there is no limit to perfection, and accordingly... in the course training, in the course of preparation, in the course of directly supporting events,
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everyone knows the sequence of their actions, without certain, let’s say, sequences, they will not perform them, since there is a program, a platform concert program has been set, accordingly, everyone knows which element follows which. we are in the museum of the minsk military commandant's office, and here we can see the awards of all units that are part of the minsk military commandant's office, and we focus on the company of honorary korau. the most, let’s say, memorable and valuable thing for me, as the commander of a company of honorary corul. participation received these awards, this is gratitude for participation in the international festival spasskaya tower.
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you can also learn about the life of military personnel of the minsk military commander's office, military personnel of the honorable koroul, from the telegram channel of the minsk military commander's office. we do not lag behind, we move a lot over time, so that everyone who is interested in life can learn more about us. it is very nice that our work is appreciated, we do not go unnoticed, this year we were awarded a bonus. from the hands of the head of state a prize for spiritual revival. everyone is looking forward to the performance of the military personnel of the honorable corolla, namely the parade concert. preparation of the stage concert is carried out in advance of the event itself, it all starts with a piece of paper, when we draw some figures, display them with dots, and so on. there are military personnel whom we assign to teach certain elements. next, we look at the plot as these elements. let's just say we can implement, bring to life, then we introduce
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make some adjustments, and what you end up with is a full-fledged concert program that lasts until ten.
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where the nameless river drinks with a silver ribbon, i will plunge into the honey and fragrant heather dew, and an old tenderness will awaken, it will flare up in the heart with a quiet flame, hello, i will say welcome. i know you have been waiting for me for a long time, linen, linen, deer, crane, native belarusian land, there, behind the dawns, behind the fogs, in the silence of forests and fields, the hidden, ineffable
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heart of my land drinks. if there is anything in the world eternal, uncontrollable, they run away from her, you ask me and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, you ask me and i will answer, this is the heart of my land. what will best test your erudition and intelligence. that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey? well, there was such a very interesting story: seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he
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either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him. write detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in history tennis as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz, absolutely right, that's the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because a girl came to them, i’ll call her that. i cleaned up their entire terrem, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the terrem and waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city provided that we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne, that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on
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our tv channel. today in the ether 24x7 project we will talk about rating news and significant dates. let's go back in time to complete the ritual dance. and we’ll also get acquainted with a new film from the collection of masterpieces of belarusian cinema. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world by watching our traditional friday project. in the “your choice” section we get acquainted with news from the world of economics, social life, and culture sports. mtz's work on updating and
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modernizing its fleet of equipment, a bicycle ride dedicated to the eightieth anniversary. the pharmaceutical industry, as for mechanical engineering, there are plans for joint assemblies and the opening of dealership centers. according to the signed contract, belarus will supply 280 tractors to the egyptian market this year. the plan for the coming years is to double this figure. mtz is working to update and modernize the fleet of equipment at industrial enterprises
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in belarus in a year of quality, ambitious goals. minsk tractor plant for the purchase of new plans to invest almost 100 million rubles in technological equipment. this is 30% more than last year. the fleet of equipment is being updated and modernized. so in the famous eighty-second model even more comfortable ones will be created. conditions for the driver, will change the appearance of the machine, the new seventh series and belarus 742, the machine is primarily designed for work in cramped conditions for use in farm warehouses, the equipment can also be used for communal agricultural purposes, the tractor is equipped with a four-section hydraulic system distributor with electronic management plans to sell more than 36 thousand units of equipment this year. a bike ride dedicated to the eighties took place in minsk . to the community of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders
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, employees of the belarus 24 tv channel covered 7.5 km together with famous athletes, functionaries and students of the belarusian state university of physical education. the route from bggovk to the minsk stela, the city of hero. the laying ceremony took place here. even before departure, more than a hundred participants in the bike ride paid tribute to the university student teachers who died in the fight for freedom and independence of the homeland. a new season of the charitable initiative for the restoration of shrines in belarus has begun. the first point on the map of good deeds, the church of the holy life-giving trinity in the borisov region. young families from every district of the minsk region came to help with landscaping and putting things in order. volunteers removed garbage, landscaped the area adjacent to the temple, and also planted tui alley. a digital star and a plate with a qr code also appeared at the temple. the church became part of an international historical project, which was created for search. monuments of the great patriotic war, the tenth children's music school of minsk presented a large creative project in the hall of the belarusian state philharmonic society, young musicians
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played works by belarusian composers, among melodies in children's sound, masterpieces by luchinka, voitik, gorelova and glebov. concerts and music of belarusian composers take place in the hearts of our children every year. this is one of the largest projects of the capital’s glebov children’s music school. this monday, may 6th , marked the most unforgettable spring day. yuriev. now we invite you to travel back in time and spend together one of the brightest holidays of the belarusian agricultural calendar, and also find out where in modern belarus the yurovsky korogod is still held annually. about this and much more in the ethno section. spring yuri, which is celebrated on may 6, is one of the central holidays of the belarusian folk calendar. this is the day of spring, the warmth of the beginning
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of field work. according to popular beliefs, on this day you can get rid of infertility and determine the future grain harvest. to yurya for the first time after winter, cattle were driven out to pasture, so a large number of ritual actions were associated with this day to preserve the household. to protect domestic animals, owners performed various magical actions and uttered special words, which, according to the beliefs of belarusians , were supposed to protect cows, horses, and other livestock from death, dashing eyes, and predatory animals. yuri's day marked the real beginning of spring. among the people, saint yuri was called god's key keeper, patron saint domestic animals of rural fields. there was a belief. that it was he who had the keys with which he closed winter and opened spring, blessing everything around. the shepherds especially knew a lot of ritual actions for yuri.
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at this time they were recognized as one of the most important people in the village. and they rightfully consider may 6th their professional holiday. in folk culture there was an unspoken rule: not a single shepherd would take a new animal after yuri, otherwise everything would become different. will suffer from wolf attacks. so, before driving scott out to graze in the meadows, the owner walked around him three times with a lit candle and sprayed him with illuminated water. the animals had to be guided by the branches of the already illuminated willow. then it was necessary to treat the shepherds. according to tradition, this was a hearty meal, usually ceremonial scrambled eggs. next, they baked lush bread, forming nine on it. peculiar shoots from the branches of a flowering fruit tree. such a horned loaf was called karagot; it symbolized fertility and was used in a ritual on the street.
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a whole procession was organized: some carried icons, some carried towels and ritual bread, and some had the most important task - to perform songs. then the whole cheerful crowd of fellow villagers went to the field where winter crops had already been sown. in order for the earth to bear fruit, our ancestors called upon saint yuri to open up the earth, to release the dew, after which they buried a piece of black bread tied with a red ribbon into the ground, as a yes... they began to walk in a circle with ritual songs. gradually, the participants of the yurovsky karagod moved to the village and made the rounds of the neighbors. at the same time, they received treats and words of gratitude from the villagers, because the ritual was performed so that everyone was happy, the domestic animals were healthy, and the fields and vegetable gardens produced a rich harvest. the songs and dances continued until the evening, when
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the ritual ended. feast. on december 11, 2019 , the belarusian yurovsky karagot was included by unesco in the list of intangible cultural heritage. now this ancient ritual is still carried out in the village of pogost , zhitkovichi district, gomel region. here, yuri's day is celebrated annually on a grand scale, festive bread is baked, a round dance is held in the field, and then a village dodge is held. the tradition of huts in this form has existed for 40 years and constantly attracts guests from all over the country.
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in the week's dates section, we'll find out right now what reasons for celebration marked the outgoing week in the context of belarusian culture. let us remember our outstanding fellow countrymen who made a significant contribution to the cultural heritage of our country. on may 8
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, the honored artist of the republic celebrated his birthday belarus vladislav misevich, a musician who was at the origin of the creation of the legendary pesnyary ensemble, co-founder of the belarusian pesnyary group, was born in 1945 in orenburg, into a creative family, was seriously interested in music at the age of 4, the first instrument vlad mastered was the piano, at the age of 14 in suvorov the school was accepted. in 1964, during military service in the orchestra of the belarusian military district , a fateful acquaintance with vladimir mulyavin took place, with him in the sixty-eighth the lyavona ensemble was created, which later changed title for songs. in 2018 on may 8, 1968 in
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moscow in a family of violinists. the future artistic director and chief conductor of the state chamber orchestra of the republic of belarus, honored artist of russia, evgeny bushkov, was born. having started learning to play the violin at the age of 5, he was already eight.


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