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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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now in buckets it turns out clean, the beekeeper performing work with the bee, this is not only servicing the bee colonies, in addition to this , the beekeeper is engaged in re-melting the forged honeycomb frames, which are not used for circulation in the hives. i reheat the cart using the childish method, i boil the hundred frames in a feed steamer, get a homogeneous mass, stir it, bring it to the same consistency and, using a bucket , pour it into the bag and squeeze it out with the screw of the wax press. you get beautiful round
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bars of wax, which are then used for processing into artificial foundation, the artificial foundation is again spread onto frames, placed in bees, bees build honeycombs, such a cycle goes on, i am grateful to life that i...
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seversky union, our beloved, mother, dear, live forever, i want to spoil my beloved mother and belarus. from time to time, husband's myakami, we are poroni, native people, li, i appreciate my love, getting,
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perorbor, layers of our land. not your name, glory to the peoples, union of the faithful, our beloved mother, homeland, live forever and belarus, ours beloved, mother, slave. may we live forever towards belarus, the circle of the people, the strength of our peoples are reliable, the paths are sonic, our mountains are coiled around the clear
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, fear is overpowering. our favorite matsi in brazil, ours, it is!
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this is a panorama , i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of friday, may 10 , hello, nuclear synchronization, the upcoming training, the dangerous situation in the world and the region, as well as the polish dissident and his fictitious recruitment, the president the day before commented on the most resonant topics, we will show. we are the most vivid images and emotions on may 9 with local flavor and zest and we will tell how the country celebrated the 79th anniversary of the great victory and european obscurantism, a sacred holiday in the west, under a total ban we will see how the anglo-saxons, their puppets, are afraid
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of the symbols of victory and close those who honor the memory of the heroes. see also in our issue. we remember and honor the memory of the liberators. belarus celebrated the great victory day, and the truth about that war and priceless peace are now in the president’s capacious address. the hymns of blooming may, which glorify our victory, sounded on oktyabrskaya square, in the lens of the television news agency, the tears of the artists who sang and shared their emotions, no matter how many kochi natuski do not change, the result is the same, the largest concerns are transporting their production from poland, a wave of layoffs is sweeping the country, a decline in industrial production and problems in agriculture, oh european results. pristine nature, rich
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deposits, modern infrastructure, we’ll tell you why people move to petrikov even from the capital, in the panorama project it’s a place to live. all of belarus celebrated the day before celebration of the great victory. in the history of the revival and formation of our nation, this is the main moment, our president is convinced of this, and therefore it is a joy. on this may day, the head of state always shares pride in the unparalleled courage of soviet soldiers with millions of belarusians. for 79 years now, may 9 is not complete without colorful celebrations and salvos of victory. the capital salutes the heroes and victors who will forever remain in our memory as the liberators of europe, the guarantors of peace and life on the continent. their feat is immortal. and that’s what makes him so. human memory, it carefully preserves millions of stories about those who did not spare their lives, stood until the last,
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died, but did not give up, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did everything to ensure that life continued, and peace on the planet became the highest value for everyone. it’s a pity that not everyone will learn these lessons, but belarusians sacredly cherish the truth about the war. the most striking shots of the 9th day of may in olga’s report. apple trees in blossom, the ringing of orders and medals, a clear peaceful sky and an unquenchable flame of fire at the victory monument, eternal, like our memory, and so for 79 years, always surrounded by the main heroes, the years fly by and they say time heals, but the pain of that war stirs souls even today, and even strong men, hardened by military service , cannot hold back their tears from war. my family took me away, they shot me and burned my family, my father died in
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the partisans, at about 13 years old i was left alone, no one and nothing, which means, well, i had to survive, the veterans of that war are already over 90, there are only a few of them, more thousands, and for those who can’t sit tight at the home screen, time spares no one and nothing, but not memory, they remember their youth in detail under bombing, as if these 79 years had not happened, and they believe, because today it should always be quiet, calm and peaceful. an order to you, young people, our generation has done everything so that you now live in peace, in a prosperous country, and you will make sure that you, your parents, your children, grandparents, also live in peace, it’s difficult, there are many obstacles on the way , but they must be done wisely.
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this is my beloved homeland, how can i not celebrate victory day here, everything is fine, thank god, all hope is in you, we give way to the young people, everything will depend on you, your fate, the fate of your children is only in your hands, take care of the world, love your homeland, everything will be fine with you, every year our president is next to them, bows to the immortal feat... home-grown heroes and to those who, despite their old age, meets a great victory today. these
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morning shots from red square in moscow, where it is not windy and snowy like may. alexander lukashenko, watching the parade, with ethical concern adjusts the tail of the jacket sitting next to ekaterina evdokimova. i went through the entire she defended our land during the war when she was still a girl. the president will tell journalists about what remains behind the scenes upon his return to minsk. it seems that she could withstand even the cold. for 101 years i sat all the time and envied her strong legs, it was very cold in moscow, you know that, not the word
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cold, i was lucky that merziyoyev brought me this jacket, otherwise i would have come there like that on...
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so that the terrible past does not repeat itself, let's forget this past, stop coming to the monuments, it will come to us, remember the conclusion reached by humanity is how you treat the memory of your ancestors, especially those who gave you life and freedom, and so... future generations will treat you, we are not eternal, we are mortals, remember, please come to the monuments, to the eternal fire, quietly calmly, without any organization, without lights, remember
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, bow to those who gave us freedom. imperial process, without regard to history, morality and law, they again began to pit countries against peoples, dialogues of cooperation are rejected from the threshold, and at the top of everything material gain and wealth are emphasized. today we see this in the example of events in
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ukraine, syria, the gas sector and other hot spots on the planet. today, more than ever, the voice of us is important, of all those who speak out in defense of peace, strive for cooperation, who share the ideals of justice and global equality, but we, unfortunately, do not hear these voices; we know how such silence ended in the last century , today they want to push us into the same abyss again, but we must... do everything to prevent a third world war, otherwise nuclear the apocalypse is inevitable, for this we all need to unite. wars teach you to preserve your memory, take care of your land, and prevent a repetition, sometimes at any cost. and in this modern chaos of ever-new threats and militant rhetoric
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, belarus is strengthening its defense. but this is not an ultimatum or blackmail. yes, minsk and moscow are ready to work together on application issues. be able to do this, but why did we do it publicly? you see what the situation is like, as i have already said, we are closer than ever to a nuclear catastrophe. what to do in this situation? you need to learn to shoot with a machine gun and keep powder dry, including this deadly weapon. this is a weapon
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of deterrence for everyone, everyone says so, but you understand that in russia it is exclusively a weapon of deterrence, we don’t need someone else’s, especially not. it was the highest value, for the sake of which they gave up the most precious thing they have, this is their life, this choice in favor of the homeland was made by millions of our compatriots, i
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would like to wish that none of the living belarusians would have to make such a terrible choice, but for this you need to take care memory and keep peace. the descendants of the vanquished challenged the descendants of the victors, they want to take revenge, but they won’t succeed either, let them teach history, we will... they fought beyond the bounds of human
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capabilities, stood tooth and nail, like one brez fortress, on on the altar of victory are millions of lives so that we can live, therefore today belarusians are following the path not of war, but of peace, not trying to appropriate the victory for themselves, appreciating the contribution of other peoples, not forgiving nazism and not forgetting their exploits, no matter how many years have passed since the moment of victory. on may 9 there was a holoconcert on october square, beloved and dear melodies, and completely new ones, were heard from the stage, but all about heroism, unity and love for the homeland. we are grateful for the chords of victory in the report by lydia zablotskaya.
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the victory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers and today he it was this full meter that he once predicted
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that formed the concept of this concert goal. here , too, on this stage, two lovers met in spite of each other. and love has only just begun, has begun to bloom again. for my father, for my children, for my wife and mother, i was born into a military family, i have grandparents were prisoners of german concentration camps, my father was a military man, i served in the army and i know the stories of the great patriotic war.
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here is the world and a mother’s cry swept through the leaves of all the victories came to the chosen ones according to their strength, this is their fate and i think this is the least we can do, it’s true zhenya, it’s to come to honor the memory and rejoice at the fact that
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now we have a song. leave a mark, it really leaves a mark on the heart, truly the authors, evgenia oleynik, anna seluk, yulechka, this is the first performer of this song, they left a mark on art, and most the important thing is that these songs remain with us, and i think they will live on for many, many years to come. the story of the victory sounded for an hour and a half, with the familiar tempo of the large theater of honored artists, but not without debuts from the variety youth theater. seems like the best way to put it.
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not so much from temperature indicators, but from the nerve of the concert goal. the word theatrical is inappropriate, rather revived. both the costumes and the feelings inside. in fact, it’s quite difficult, because these songs convey the tragedy of everything belarusian people and not only the belarusian people. and all this tragedy, it reflects all the severity , all the pain of these people who fought for our peaceful sky, and so that we always live in peace and harmony. our composers, by the way, every year dedicate their compositions to the defenders, not government orders, in memory of the exploits of their own ancestors. the memory lives on. if it weren’t for this fortitude that we belarusians have, there would be no victory. this composition is a sign in our modern times that you should always keep your spirit within, never give up, time for heroes honor is not sold for rewards.
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the clouds will hide, a new dawn will come, the day will be good, the world will become a better place, there is no doubt about it, our victorious chords gave the go-ahead for the festive fireworks, from its volleys the sky melted, as did the social networks of belarusians who are not indifferent to the victory, the concert is wonderful, thanks to our country for our great future, the best, most touching songs. just amazing seas of delight, emotions, and i also constantly congratulate my grandfather on victory day, a very beautiful concert, thank you, i liked it very much, a wonderful concert, and most importantly, today is a wonderful holiday, we will sing, we will remember, as long as we remember, the country will live, we joined the victory celebration, lydia zablotskaya, alexey sosnovsky and yuri tratyuk, the tv news agency, you know, it’s very... pleasantly
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surprising how unique the commemorative events are were held in our regions, with their own zest, flavor, and special soul of the holiday. let's start with brest. in... techniques , a soviet heavy tank took part for the first time, the prototype of which took part in the parade of allied troops in berlin in september forty fifth. the military personnel marched to the accompaniment of a live orchestra according to tradition, a solemn procession in...


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