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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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emotions, and i also constantly congratulate my grandfather on victory day, a very beautiful concert, thank you, i liked it very much, a wonderful concert, and most importantly, today is a wonderful holiday, we will sing, we will remember, as long as we remember, the country will live, we joined the celebration of victory, lydia zablotskaya, alexey sosnovsky and yuri tratyuk, television news agency. you know, it’s very pleasantly surprising how unique memorable events took place in our regions, with their own zest, flavor, and special soul of the holiday. let's start with brest. first time in the equipment parade a soviet heavy tank took part, the prototype of which took part in the parade of allied forces in berlin in september 1945. the military personnel marched to the accompaniment of a live orchestra, according to tradition, a solemn procession in... the legendary citadel. the memory of
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the defenders of the brest fortress was honored with minutes of silence. we come here with a feeling of pride and gratitude that we live under such a peaceful, bright, blue sky. many thanks to our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers who fought. over 45 thousand people gathered in the festive procession in mogilev, they marched together with the military garrison . kindergarten students in military uniform, and it was a very touching, bright moment, and of course, flowers to the eternal flame on the square of glory, during the war my grandfather and grandmother died, and my grandmother was burned alive with her child, the story is my grandchildren, i have five grandchildren, they know the whole story, my grandfather has a brother, he was a pilot, he died, he had no family, but we always remember him, my grandfather also fought, he died, near sumy, ukraine,
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so this is excitingly touching for me. thanks to those who fought for us, this is a holiday with tears in our eyes, indeed, this is a great holiday, it cannot be forgotten. veterans, athletes, creative youth, work teams, thousands of residents in the column of gomel. and also a parade of military equipment, processions of military units, law enforcement agencies, patriots of cadet classes, flowers, a minute of silence at the eternal flame of a mass burial. soldiers of the red army and underground fighters, bursts of gunfire in honor of the heroes. a very important person for us in the family is our grandfather, who fought in the great patriotic war. the patriotic war, we are grateful to him for his feat, especially on this day we love to pick up all the photographs and look at them and tell them to our children, tell our grandchildren, and be at the parade. victory marches sounded on
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the streets in the parks and squares of vitebsk, at the memorial in honor of soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters, fresh flowers were laid at the eternal flame, and the most athletic people joined the race, which passed through the memorial places of the regional center. in grodno they sang songs of the war years of 1979. the couples twirled in the peace waltz, the great-grandchildren marched in a solemn march winners, students of cadet classes, as well as an exhibition of modern military equipment and weapons, a reconstruction of the battle, in the evening thousands of townspeople were brought together by a nationwide action, let's sing victory day together, in which military personnel of the grodno border group also took part, this is a holiday. for me, as
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a citizen of my country, for me, as a man, it is very important that i have the opportunity to sing a song with the whole country, this song is one of the symbols of a great victory, the victory of our people against a threat, together we unite with this symbol, final chord of the day victory in all regions became a festive fireworks in honor of all participants in the great patriotic war. one of the symbols of our country was the tenacity of the belarusians, not the mediocrity, precisely the tenacity with which the belarusians defended their homeland during the war, partisan detachments smashed fascist trains, underground fighters committed large-scale sabotage, and... local residents
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helped with food, medicine, and dressings. on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the fascist invaders, the president signed a decree on awards.
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people from the derzhinsky district fought in the ranks of the red army, partisan brigades, detachments, and underground. gennady budai, ivan zhukovets pavel khmelevsky, the organizers of the anti-fascist committee in '41, tried to ensure that their people penetrated every german structure. this was the reason for the arrests in september '42 . nina koteshova, who was a liaison in the committee, also went to prison. she was tortured by the nazis, and the woman died in prison, along with the child she carried under her heart. two are fighting in the stalin partisan brigade partisans, brother and sister, vera and semyon bastrymovich, their mother also did not stand aside, she baked bread and passed it on to the partisan detachments through her children, and also supplied the partisans with dressings, there were no bandages, there was homespun linen,
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he lived next door a policeman, when he came to her by chance to ask for something , he saw these bolts in the basins, the woman was grabbed and thrown into derzhinsky prison, interrogated... on the territory of the derzhinsky district, 23 people were killed, 88 villages were burned, five of them repeated their fate khatyn. this is the most valuable exhibit dating back to the beginning of the war, that is , the first months, the heaviest blade of one of the soldiers of the 32nd cavalder division. it was its fighters who were among the first to take the battle near osipovich at the beginning of the war. 19 heroes of the soviet union, four of them
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are natives of the osipovichi region, their names are forever engraved on granite monuments, including corporal mikhail obrosimov. as part of the 297th artillery regiment, he covered the sky with anti-aircraft guns when 1,500 nazis broke out of encirclement. breaking out group from the babruisk cauldron came out precisely on these batteries. the battle was fierce, when almost all the officers were knocked out, mikhail stood up and led all who survived into the attack. the pioneer detachment of the second osipovichi school is named after the hero mikhail obrosimov. patriots are raised here and lessons are taught. underground fighters and civilians, drenched in the blood of millions, plundered and dilapidated, our country did not give up. this is precisely what formed the basis of
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presidential decree no. 44 on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. in 2024 pennants of marriage and perseverance in the great years.
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yastrebov, telenews agency. it’s happiness that we take care of our... may 9th is an honor for us, it’s a holiday, it’s pride, 79 years of clear skies, peaceful skies, it’s happiness, i also have children growing up, and i want them to be like me they also lived freely, happily, today i am here to say thank you for...
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"we maintain peace and prosperity in our native land, as our ancestors bequeathed to us. mikhail." mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. a decree about this was published on the kremlin website. the candidacy of mishustin, who resigned as head of the cabinet of ministers after the inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin, was previously approved by the state duma. the president of belarus congratulated mikhail mishustin on his appointment as chairman of the government of the russian federation and expressed confidence that thanks to joint efforts and coordinated actions, the governments of the two countries will be. large-scale tasks of the new stage of union construction will be realized and
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the horizons of bilateral cooperation will be significantly expanded. a blow to the gut for poland turned out to be very painful. the country's highest administrative court dismissed polish dissident and judge tomasz schmidt, who found refuge in belarus. immediately after he was officially dismissed, the same administrative court allowed shmit to be detained in absentia and even placed in custody, also in absentia. at the same time, no official complaints were found against the judge that would lead to a criminal case, although they are being looked for. to the entire democratic world and government agencies, polish media. and what ’s most interesting is that official warsaw is already i even came up with it. belarus and russia.
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the dissident’s actions were supposed to undermine the country’s international position and cause internal tension. yes, the trick is so-so. on the same grounds, anyone can be imprisoned, including dictator duda and prime minister tusk. by the way, it may even come to this, because the past government, the special services, and the pis party that was ruling until the recent elections are already trying to declare that the culprits of the scandal with shmit are... but here is another blow, which could become the first knockdown, and not only for the warsaw regime. 90% polish mercenaries returned from ukraine in coffins, but such information is nowhere to be found. the same judge, tomasz schmid, said this in an interview with our tv channel. let me remind you that he had access to state secrets, secret and top secret documents of poland, but
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due to disagreement with the policies of the authorities, which in his opinion were leading to poland being drawn into the war, he fled the country. in an interview with us, he spoke about the methods of work of foreign intelligence services, western media, as well as threats to his life, due to his principled position and unwillingness to turn a blind eye to surrender poland's national interests to please the united states.
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abolition in the west, in a number of eu countries, the celebration of may 9 became actually a criminal offense, the police especially persistently tried to ruin the holiday for people, the special services at
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the concentration camp site at night removed all the flowers that were brought there the day before. estonia did not prohibit laying flowers at the bronze soldier. yes, it’s true, they canceled all public transport and heavily fined cars parking near the monument. therefore, we had to walk more than
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a kilometer to the monument. but this is for the victorious heirs not distance. festive concert in honor. on may 9, estonians were also able to watch, but only from the bank of the border river; it was broadcast especially for them in the russian city of ivangorod. in german cities, the celebration was truly massive, for example, in cologne there was a procession and a car rally. you could meet our compatriots on the streets of the city. we are here in germany, in the center of cologne, on the aperplatz square, to express. people gathered at the memorial in berlin who tried to hold a rally, they were under
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the use of the flags of russia and the soviet union was banned under threat of reprisals. detentions were made for displaying banners and even symbols on t-shirts. a total of 10 people were detained in berlin. in a number of eu countries, displaying symbols associated with the great victory was punished mercilessly. in estonia and lithuania, this resulted in a fine of 1,200 euros. in latvia there are 3200. the american vassals took up the task with all their might. erase from the memory of its citizens the exploits of the soldiers of the red army. this is clearly confirmed by arrests in lithuania, latvia, and berlin. so deputy director of the institute for strategic studies and forecasts ruden evgeniy semibratov shared his opinion. according to him, the eu government, through its actions , is thoroughly inciting its
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residents against itself. when a person finds himself in a certain information space in... a certain information vacuum, now in europe an information environment has been created and it cannot be called anything other than a vacuum, and a person, finding himself under a flow of very specific information, begins to believe in it, those smart people who will understand that the authorities are deliberately going for falsification, they will arrange for them what is called an exemplary flogging in the form of detentions, indicatively harsh punishment in relation to those people who will try to protect from... again, let's say, that victory, tell the truth about the information that victory, in connection with this they like to say that we do not have enough freedom of speech, everything is in order with freedom of speech, but they are already experiencing very definite problems, it seems that they are the ones who have read such a work as 1984 by george orwell and created
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a real dystopia in the information space in their countries. when the truth is presented as a lie, and the lie becomes the truth. the latest victims of european democracy on the latvian border. the day before , two men without signs of life were found at the latvian border fence in the braslov region. the body of one refugee was located in kanava near gate, the second was 40 meters from the border fence. when doctors arrived , they pronounced the men dead, and researchers worked at the scene. from 2021 the belarusian side recorded a death on the border with eu countries. 54 foreigners, 25 of whom died on the border with poland, nine with lithuania and 20 with latvia. and
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you know, the story with judge schmit, who was mentioned a little higher, is actually very profitable right now in warsaw. they need a serious informational reason to interrupt the internal agenda, and it is very tense. poland has been hit by a wave of mass layoffs. the largest concerns are leaving the country; due to high electricity prices, production has become costly. dismissal enterprises in the furniture, automotive, clothing, banking segments of the economy and even the service and it sectors are planning. on the results of european sanctions, author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. how many kochi natuski do not change? there is only one current: problems in the polish economy are only growing. mani edition, the largest foreign companies are leaving poland and heading to india. global
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concerns that have been operating in poland for many years are closing production, writes mani. all more firms are coming to the conclusion that the same work can be done by indians. experts know the reasons. this situation is typical not only for poland, but also for many european countries. a wave of mass layoffs literally overwhelmed poland. global concerns that have been operating in the country for 30 years are winding down and moving production. so 800 people will lose their jobs due to the departure of levy straus alone. another 800 will be laid off by nokia. up to 200 people will lose their jobs at the krakow branch of pepsi and co. but if some relocate their production, for example, in india, then many others are simply closed. stellanti liquidated the engine plant. signifi has closed production of components for the traditional one. poland
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will lose 250 thousand jobs annually in the next 30 years . another negative factor is that poland is one of the countries with the highest energy prices in europe. i just want to ask the poles: what about american expensive gas, isn’t it better? russian, in general, the poles themselves brought problems on their own heads, and now with they will have to live with this, meanwhile, problems in the global economy continue to grow, which means that everything could still become much worse than these forecasts. and the result of the sanctions’ power is not only in the mass layoffs of the furniture, automobile, clothing, banking and it segments of the economy. these are only the first consequences of a powerful decline in industrial production. according to vnp poland there are only nine. out of thirty-four sectors of the polish economy feels more or less confident, in the remaining twenty-five according to the results in april, a drop in volumes was recorded; what awaits the polish industry next
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is unknown, the publication notes. they reflect sanctions, an unsuccessful western multi-step with the transformation of ukraine into a local military cauldron, and, of course, the agricultural industry, mired in losses and protests of polish farmers. thanks, again, to ukrainian cheap grain, which is actually with... the americans: if you look at all sectors of the polish economy as a whole, you get cheap labor from ukrainian refugees, poland did not help, they miscalculated. now people from ukraine, if they come for temporary work, say, in the agricultural industry, it is not a fact that they can return to their native village, and since they do not need such a shuttle movement for temporary earnings, isn’t it easier to immediately move further away to where they pay more, in the end poland will turn into passes. a point where there are many ukrainians, but this does not benefit the country’s economy. and here the birth rate has also decreased. experts say that the demographic catastrophe
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in poland has already begun, it seems that the new tusk government is pleasing to the american the owner is more than the previous authorities, it seems that the poles are ready for war like crazy, no matter what they will do in order to cover up their mistakes in domestic politics. by the way, an interesting fact: the head of mid-poland signed a note demanding germany to pay more than a trillion dollars for. damage in world war ii, a good attempt by the poles to improve the situation, but germany, like the entire european union, now has severe economic problems, a side effect after the sanctions cramps. it happens when history teaches nothing, and those at the helm are not professional politics, leftovers of overseas leaders. even more detailed analysis of geopolitical events in our telegram channel. a state commission has been created in belarus to monitor the preparation and conduct of all stages of the 2024 entrance campaign.
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road workers fought with potholes and holes, somewhere until the day of victory the belarusians fought their battle , patched up, and somewhere they completely changed the canvas. the president's instructions for local authorities and the government to restore all roads by may 9. it's already the tenth day on the calendar.
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so it's time to check. from the very morning , vladislav bondar went on a road teleraid. a car is driving ahead, these stones fly out and hit the windshield. i've already changed it two or three times. in the cracked glass landscape it matches. only somewhere through the sandy holes can the former grandeur of the asphalt be seen. eric sahakyan had his own holiday even before the arrival of the film crew. a tour of local roads is carried out on a birthday. of course, when we meet. and jokes were made about a real gift, because the problem is as old as the boyars roaming around the village, the wife is from here, the installer goes to work in minsk , 30 kilometers from the capital, but most of all the locals are worried about the children, they are taken to another village by bus, in winter even the bus doesn’t come here, he is afraid, he is afraid, he is risking that god forbid he will be imprisoned for they filled it up, they filled it in, there was a huge hole here, sometimes... the residents
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do it themselves, they filled it up, there are logs, they throw everything there to cover this hole, it’s big, it’s worse when it rains, the road is fragile and from large dimensions, hello, hello, on such transport, where so drive, what kind of transport do you have, this is a transport, my walk-behind tractor, i drive it to work, our road is terrible, there is no way to pass or pass by bicycles, cars, tractors, in any way to clearly show how bad the road is in the village, you can even jump from hole to hole here, of course, it’s not enough to discern what’s funny in the situation, because from time to time the locals are forced to solve problems with their own hands. yes, the president spoke about the fact that people need to get involved in repairing roads in their yards, but together with the authorities, when they, for example, provide material or residents help collect it, but only a small part. the head
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of state clearly called “
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it is being pushed through filimonova street in minsk. now work is being carried out on the section of vaneeva kharkovskaya street. at the same time , the repair of tiled sidewalks, the elimination of small potholes, the elimination of subsidence are being carried out, that is , the whole city is living a life of repairs around the clock. they assure , the president’s instructions were generally coped with, as far as we decided to check with those we already knew . streets that were shown in stories last winter. let's remember the episodes.
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there is a hole right next to the traffic light, into which you can go up to your ankles with your feet, what can we say about the wheels, this hole at the traffic light on temeryazevo has been repaired, but if you walk further, there is still a hole along the edge, in the central part. the quality of the roads has become much better, in general i think our roads in belarus are very worthy, there is something to compare with, of course, to see how holey roads are leveled out, especially after our stories, i don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or not, but as a journalist, i don’t
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i’ll hide it nicely, on the other hand, every time the question arises, how many more are there who are waiting for everything to go smoothly on their street. vladislav, sergey ladosev and grigory kristofovich, agency. news this sunday the country will celebrate the day of the national flag, coat of arms and anthem. active training is carried out by military personnel of the honor guard company; training takes place on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant’s office. it is in these symbols that the past and present future of the belarusian state are linked together, the memory of...
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the singing of our anthem by a chorus of several thousand voices, this time the culmination of the symbolic day was the action:
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more than 40,000 spectators watched, this is the story of the partisans who managed to get behind enemy lines through an impenetrable swamp. the road they laid (lezhnevka) gave a tactical advantage to the red army troops during operation bagration. why do war films still touch audiences’ hearts? nina mozheika asked the director of the film, ivan pavlov. ivan mikhailovich, we found you in such a very responsible situation, i it seems that for any director, the moment when your film is shown, well, literally, if not throughout the country, in all cinemas in the country,
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are you asking yourself, as a director now , the question, to use the slang, will it work, won’t it, these are the ones in your director’s room events are happening in my soul right now, this period is of course very important and trembling for directors, yes. this is the first week of this show, but it also coincided with the date that we have on may 9, and a film on this topic, so if veterans were watching this film now, i would from trepidation, of course, i would have been a little, very much in suspense, because... the veterans would have looked with a slightly different look, but now i already have a responsibility to the children who should watch this to find out that there was such a milestone in
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the history of our country, that’s why everything here is both a director’s and a little bit of an edifying feeling. today we see that not only in belarus, but in the countries of the post-soviet space, a lot of war films are being made. as it seems to you, some kind of action, but for comprehension, i know
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that for you, in general, the topic of the history of the great patriotic war is sacred, simply due to the reasons that your grandfather also went through the war. let's definitely remember this story now, i'm getting close to filming a story about how my grandfather served and how he fought, i don't know if it will work out, because what he told me, i'm not alone... i didn’t read books or textbooks, he was from forty -one to forty-five, i am named after him, ivan bykhanov, ivan petrovich bykhanov, for a year and a half he was the commander of the penal battalion, here he is the feint penal battalion watched, he said, well, it’s a good movie, but the penal battalion was never commanded by a penal battalion, because really no one in the audience paid attention to this, in general, viktor timofeevich turov, my master, with whom i studied, once told us, guys, about love, and we were somehow like that, and i realized that
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he was right, by and large, the time to return is also about love, about love for your home, which you were forced to leave and go to fight, love for, well , a man-woman, there in our film there is also this story, this is some kind of engine forward, she forces...
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these are things with surprise, but he used
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a mobile phone, he sat behind the wheel until he was 85 years old, he wow, in general, we rode bicycles with him, he loved to live, you have to be able to love to live, small city ​​of gomel region, population. which barely exceeds 10 thousand people, petrikov, it is impossible to call it provincial, but what are the impressive reserves of the country’s main mineral wealth, rut salt, and the scale of its production worth? the development of rutted horizons is proceeding at a steady pace, the regional center is increasingly called the city of miners. it transforms every year and only gets younger due to the large number of people who want to move here for permanent residence. active... new buildings are growing, new jobs are being filled
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, people from all over the country come for the sincerity, comfort and warm aura, and many are moving completely about the power of attraction of their native land, surrounded by rivers and shrouded in blue mists, the teacher of the children's music school, yana korobets, will tell you. an island of calm or a city for the soul, that’s what we residents of petrikov call our beloved city, cozy, green, promising, last year celebrated its 500th anniversary, rut and
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rock salt, brown coal, peat, clay raw materials, the birth of the future, this is the mine of the petrikovsky mine of belarus potassium. reserves for the generation horizon are estimated at 15 million tons; explored deposits will be enough for at least 120 years of continuous production. after earning money , specialists moved here from soligorsk and stayed to live and raise their children. the city is changing its appearance, new buildings are growing, and for little belarusians it is a child development center. a lot is invested in health, in the district hospital received modern equipment. the petrikovsky land is
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rich in original people and devoted to their land, who hasn’t heard? about grandfather tolash, a national hero, a famous partisan. a bronze bust commemorates his exploits. we cherish the memory of a person who left a bright mark on history. the soul of the people, the beauty and authenticity of belarusians. a local landmark of the city park, an alley of wooden sculptures based on the works of yakub kola. the result of the creativity of local craftsmen, and this is a temple st. nicholas the wonderworker, the only one of the surviving ones in polesie, built in
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the russian-byzantine style, solemn, majestic, both inside and outside, the unique painting makes the heart beat all the time. often leaves a deep imprint on the soul. nature has generously endowed this corner of the woodland. you can admire the charm of these places by boat, which runs from mozyr to brest and back. in just a few minutes you can get from petrikovsky to mozersky district by ferry. it connects the two banks of pripyat. a small but picturesque cozy town, with developed infrastructure and friendly people, famous for centuries-old traditions and crafts, to feel the attraction of the polesian hinterland, to touch the origins
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of originality and folk wisdom, you need to come to us in petrikov, this is our place to live.
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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. do not take fruits that are too light; such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach.
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quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our hands up, raise our legs and do something cool. cockroach exercise, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, see the breakfast of the champion project on tv channel belarus 24.
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the information picture on friday will be complemented by sports day, hello, the program of the eighth round of the national football championship opened in vitebsk, alexander pavlov’s team hosted.
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remember that, the championship, i think we will remember, but i promise, our game will be much better.


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