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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 6:25am-6:40am MSK

6:25 am
when the cartridges ran out, the hero threw one of the grenades at the enemy, despite the losses, the germans wanted to take him alive. as they approached, fourteen-year-old marat kazei blew himself up with a grenade. for his heroism in the fight against the nazi invaders, morat kazei was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. kali bachysh, what distinguished everyday people were born in the day, if you please, you think that they were more reasonable for us, architecture, entire countries talk to us about changing to...
6:26 am
the assumption cathedral rovitsk monastery sloninsky district, the month of the village of belarusian faithful and the home of the most important shrine of our land, the zhyrovic image of god matsi. the temple is a symbol of religious and cultural changes, embodying the classical canons of architecture. architecture of belarus. zhyrovichy tsi bolshin
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varyant zhyrovichy, vyadoma yashche z 15 stagodzia. pershapachatkova in the documents of uzbekistan as a sign of the fall of soltan, during the 15th century and the most significant signs of justice on the belarusian lands. in the 1470s there are small people here at home. abras of matsi god with jesus. i know it, and then i know it.
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type from the markets, dze іdze trade і dze ўlаdar gаtay аtrymlіvae dahod, grashova navat dahod hell sale of goods, і tаmу gеta tеrytorya, yana pavіnna was not stihiyna development like all, well, i will, dze zhadae, no, was adpa knowledgeable zakamernasts. the area around the monastery complex was farmed in 17-18 centuries, where... the centers became unification centers. then you will see the spinsky cathedral, the roof of the yaulensky and kryzhuzvizhansky churches, seminaries, old and gaspadarchy pabudovs. the zhyrovtsky monastery is one of the most striking manifestations of the symbiosis of the right and catalan traditions. it's okay to come here and look.
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adzinaga of the union order. the first abbots served here were the famous belarusian philosophers and philosophers and asafat kuntsevich. the basilians also farm the structure, which removes from themselves the lynxes and the right-wing power, and the catalitism. pa-mastatski seeming, life-giving. there are also some relief elements, higher, some on the side, and folded open spaces. closed booths, closed for posing visitor. i think that this change is that the catholic faith is known, the catholic traditions, from the right, from the right, from the right, from the right to the great open prastor, most of all the real situation, landscape, planning, all understood, catal itskaya. we are more closed, skin
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monastery, geta pabudov vakol dvara, which manahs live there, they have their own life, and there are no skins there. i have learned about my problems. the center of the monastery is the assumption cathedral, and the seminary carpus adjoins the back side, and the yellow ones on the other side. their first pavers are shaped like arches, which are the main courtyard. yard, at your farm there are similar seminars in terms of three-day seminars. the attics were designed in monumental forms. on the facades.
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on all the doors of the assumption cathedral , pershapachatkova will be different. geta was trochnefavaya gooseberry-bathing basilica barochnaga typu. they were founded at the baroka style, dating back to several decades, and dating back to 1650. may your
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lords and important administrators. geta pa-pershae, adzin s such first cooking budynka on teritori belarus. significant. catalan tradition, abaroque tradition, well, you know, the first of the first in belarus was published by the cathedral of the god of the whole in nyasvizhy, the eighth of the first dachshunds and the assumption cathedral of zhyrovitsy. yes, the galley of the facade was adjacent to the architectural terminology and flanked by two curtains. yes, the end is unknown, the potassium has disappeared. this was the moment when the cossack attacks of baghdan khmyalnitsk attacked in 1655, and this was the hour of the most grandiose perabudov councils, which was aimed at protecting the right of the rulers here in 1828. kali darechy yon appeared, the patrabavanna was great
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strict attention to the pope and catalan churches. there is a two-storey, campasian hall on the façade, i remember it. and a central plan, but in 1821 there is a ground reconstruction, which radically changes not only the signs of the temple, but from the baroque design of the temple, the entrance halls and the façade halls gogu,
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yana typical architecture, yana velma is so calm, respectable, and everything is the same. .. the landscape on the façade is pristine, columns, this is not the column, this is the kind of plaster, this is the shape of the stage, and also protruding dastatkova actyўna, and their prices adkіdvayutsya dream book are so good, the size of the invoices, in the corners, for example, the eye for this abavyazkova cap, the cap of the eyes and the sealed halo of the aconnaga of the reception, navat kali... no windows, no simple pasechany, such a small kvaterki, geta meetings in the autumn season, in the autumn season we have big windows, such stained-glass windows, glazed openings, and this other scale, here everything is formed on the other side of the fraction and the whole nshym
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, yon velmi folded on this acne, exter'er navae prostatu i sciplasts, gifts become associated with the decor. there are now distinct elements of classicism, these arched columns with pelasters, which were characteristic of the style of classicism, this and all such entablatures, which are the original façade and other parts of the temple, which and the under-chair façades are so characteristic of classicism. sabor may give a non-flaccid, round, round one.
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at the svensk cathedrals, such sleek ones, laid out on the plan, such massive ones, such as the sunken gates bathed, well, i don’t know our belarusian architecture, but there are cavalcades of scenes some, and not stupid, there’s an interior like that, well, i ’d like a sticky lid that’s so dirty, so riddles, hatsia... i just bathed the animal for the world. the prastor of the transepta is paved
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with the carved baths of the night wing and the vaults in the winds of the rainfall. the naves are lined with high arcades and covered with cylindrical vaults with formwork. on the cylindrical saccharine the walls of the arched nave are decorated with ornamental low-relief moldings that look like identical eyes and sardechaks. here are the elements adsylayuts and myastsovay slonimsk-ruzhany architectural school, avalny central bathed due to the wind blowing down the massive gooseberry shells. at the night-entrance part of the temple on the manu- mental three-flight arcade there are wide choirs, a parapet of which are decaravans of gift friezes. we'll go inside the interior, we'll go inside the cathedral, we'll go inside. shtut of this distant baroka, at the hour
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when there will be gety kastsel, here we may sheragi arak, which cover the flights, sklyapenny, now life is new, if you need your fantasies, your enemies will not be allowed to and understand that everything was here. not the same barobka as the abavyazkova pavinna was on these shilahs on these arak scenes. the brightest baroque elements are protruded by various three-tiered drapes. the design basis is the tiered calendars of the karynsk order with speckled entablatures and figured pediments. all this is decorated with baruque handicraft elements, shells, garlands. kiruvima, vinifera laza, acanthus leaves. the canons of the right-handed church have already
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been changed, there is a different altar there, and all parts of the old baroque altar, yana i want to look at our national art museums, from them you can look. ale center of the sprinkling - geta tsudavorny abras, nevyalik aval from jasper, on which the mother of god with dzetsyam is revealed. geta adzin from the smallest abrazos in the world. fly away. i want to take it from the main abode of the assumption cathedral and bring it to mikalai church for the winter. yana, well, like a special temple, a whole temple for life and winter, but it’s worth choosing what’s useful and what’s safe. the assumption cathedral, it is three-nave, galoin nave , and there are two naves on the side, so all the sanctuary of the nave, yana vykarystan yakraz. for the creation of the hetai kings, i did not work out a special special sweat, which is not something
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we care about, and all this space was able to be carved out for the creation of the king and the lord to be hand-in-hand with the priests of the entire cathedral. the collection did not close for the service, the icon was packed only during the hours of the first world war, but the hut was returned to radzima, and for another year. the magic of may in zhirovitsy flocks with thousands of pilgrims.


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