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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, arravia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. do you consider yourself kind
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a person? i think so, but in today’s situation, we cannot always allow ourselves to be kind, gentle and fluffy; sometimes it is necessary to be tough. my guest is a true legend, a symbol of incredible courage, perseverance and strength of character, he is an example of how, despite trials, one must not give up, continue to live and do good. today my guest is a public figure, the head of the paralympic charity foundation.
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this can be said to be the starting point for charity, for helping and try to be with those people for whom this help is very important, there is an expression,
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know the measure of charity, excessive help can make a good person helpless, how do you feel about this expression, it’s very correct, this is really what i do somewhere based on the destinies of various people, i specifically realized, and the understanding took root in me, that charity must be...
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in the worst sense of the word, perish, we are no longer talking about the physical body, but spiritually, mentally.
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this is all, we have the opportunity to direct it towards the positive, towards the formation of that very core that allows us to achieve new results in the future. how do you feel about this popular belief that people donate money to charity to atone for their sins? okay, this is, this is a positive point, let it be.
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go, get in touch, participate in good deeds, thereby this energy in the form of money, your energy, it will be directed towards the positive, and there, somewhere in the spheres of existence, reflected, it will return to you and good health, success, and so on and so forth, this is really so, it is clear that you have to donate money for some needs of the foundation, is it difficult, do our people easily donate to charity? well, how can i tell you, we offer to be our friends, comrades-in-arms, we don’t force anyone, we say: people, it’s the other way around, grace comes from us now, we give you
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the opportunity, that is, to show up in today’s difficult life circumstances, to help. donbass, children who live in today conditions of hostilities, today you can before god, yes, to put some notes, based on the internal messages and desires for participation in the fate of these people, it is very difficult to ask when we work, for example, with some large structures, so it is gratifying , when these structures, enterprises come out on their own, they don’t wait to...
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beg, so it’s worth a lot, i will come to you there and i would like to tell you something through your program, to remind everyone about this, we have a very many areas of activity and budgets of course are limited, so you can come to us at any time, we will tell you what projects we are currently implementing in the area, where? we still need your kind attention and participation, come, from the heart, we will personally communicate with you, and we will be very grateful to you and will pray for each of you. alexey, well, when you have to
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distribute funds, provide help to someone, this is how your fund is, what it is guided by and you decide who to help and who not. it is very difficult. rational solution, where using, themselves and the resources available in the fund, to provide maximum benefit for our society, for our children, youth and for the positive agenda in our country. i noticed such a paradoxical thing that many people are annoyed if someone does charity work, have you encountered this? i think that yes, many people don’t understand this at all, they generally abstract themselves, they abstract themselves like that, but
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there is an element of disbelief here, since many structures are impudent and so disgusting, they have discredited charity, there were a lot of scammers, there were a lot of structures that, under the guise of charity, collected pennies from gullible citizens and spent them somewhere, on some personal... it was hard, it happened, so it was very true,
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it worked seriously, not only at me, i ’m not just me, i’m my family, you look at how your family and friends perceive it, how they experience it, what they think at night because of me, because of such a special dad or husband, therefore, here it is more this side of the coin, i myself am already i got used to it a long time ago. with some criticism, you travel a lot around the country with motivational trainings, what questions do people most often ask? about life, about how i dug myself out, how i survived trauma, how i achieved success, what kind of father i am, how i met my wife, how i raise my children, what are they like, what are my plans? what are my dreams? was there a question that stumped you
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and you couldn’t answer it right away? for a long time i was shy and did not know how to answer correctly, how did i meet my wife, and is it right that i discovered the possibility of the existence of a family, that i became someone’s husband. having such really serious injuries, in fact i am disabled, this is an objective fact, and here i could philosophize for a long time and tell this story, how somewhere i also resisted and said that you don’t need me like that, but these are our women , which she believed in her man, she felt with every fiber of her soul, apparently. but i also tell people, and i felt this love,
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this care and affection and faith in me, how could i let her down, how could i not scramble forward, overcoming all this through pain, blood, somewhere i remember and we didn’t have a penny, there the business took off, there were different stages, she is with me, she believes me, i continue to move on, i move on, overcoming all these terrible moments for my dear little dove, i go into battle, today there are certain achievements and alexey talai, a famous belarusian, who is known not only in our country, and that's all it is, we haven't set a wedding day, we've been for a while would...
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it infects, uh, i don’t know, it inspires, but haven’t you ever had such situations when it seemed, well, that’s it, there’s no more strength, it happened, of course, a lot and often and... now we live in a difficult time time, various events, a lot of grief, sadness, and misfortune, and somehow i have not yet learned to fully abstract myself, not to pay attention somewhere, although this is important, i am not saying now that we should -to
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harden and be such biorobots, no, absolutely not, this is unacceptable, we... must remain human and feel, be involved in certain events, but what is called not to kill yourself, not to destroy yourself with these thoughts and excessive experiences, well, at such critical moments, when it seems that there is no more strength, what helps you not to give up, i understand, that one day this will all end, i understand that my...
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sport helps me switch, absolutely, our entire headquarters is forcing me, someday they see, i’m already on my last legs, alexey konstantinovich, that’s it, next week the pool, i i say, of course, i agree, and i’ll even go to the pool on monday, alexey, during the period when you were actively involved in sports, you trained every day, well, every other day, yes.
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and through something i’ll hide, he says: i ’ll teach you now to love your homeland, i probably taught you in the family, of course, first of all we learn patriotism and love for our fatherland, what the fatherland is, this is my family, this is my home, this is my grandfather’s a hut, a birch tree with grandparents, fathers and mothers planted in childhood, everything... this is love and continuity when you know that before you, your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers lived on this earth, of course, we are now increasingly seeing these new conditions, a new world around us, a new reality, and the internet, and various social networks
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that distract young people, lead them away them from the world really. there is a lot to realize , and still try to cope with the conditions of the new, rapidly changing world, but love should still be a priority. i know that your foundation is now continuing to collect coins for a monument in
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moscow, which will be installed in moscow in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the victory. tell us what this project is? “belarusian republican youth union, our youth, we are proud that precisely in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the bssr from the non-fascist invaders, it will be installed there and half a million soviet coins have entered this monument, and today young people, children, first-graders and old people, we
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are creating in one impulse, we are creating, today the living generation of belarusians and russians are creating a national monument, everyone can take part in it, just bring one coin and know that it will end up in a single alloy. this grandiose monument in honor of our heroes, the winners, but only one condition is that the coins must be from the soviet ones and, if suddenly the soviet coins are not found, you can bring any. in one of your interviews, you called family the main motivating factor, this is how your family feels about the fact that you often have to help others, the damage to your, well, i don’t know, personal life, family life, it happens. indeed, we talked and communicated a lot, trying to understand our mission, so to speak, and behind each of us
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my own specific mission and here my wife and i decided that since it happened like this and the fate of your husband brought us to the stage, it means i need to continue to go...
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to fire and love barbecue and to drive on my electric wheelchair, all my children went through this, this the wind is in our hair, which means we have
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a special seat belt, which means we sit down with me and fly somewhere wherever our eyes look, my youngest son and i have a favorite task - we have a certain place in the city, there are our own houses, that means the private sector, we have it...
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this is a time, a difficult time, for each of us to withstand all this, that’s why we need to be able to, this is to sincerely preserve these... and
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feelings, and know that we are a family, that there is no one more dear to us, and we think about our future, there our unschool children are just around the corner, our dear little children, this is worth living for. alexey, our program is called the meaning of life, what does it mean to you? life was given to us so that we, first of all, could understand who we are. then i am a person, will feel his involvement with something very big, his connection with god and his mission realize, step by step, every day , understand that the same soul that came into this world now has a great opportunity to contemplate this theater
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called: cultivate your potential to shine, live to the fullest, this is happiness, this is joy, this is grace, thank you very much, this was the meaning of alexey talai’s life. the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave when they are at home. wow, luisti already speaks belarusian? marvelous.
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share their vivid impressions, when we walked, i noticed that the temple is very good combines with the sky, that is, blue, white, it’s as if it’s in the air, very beautiful, that’s how i found out right away, of course, this is what i did today, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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