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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 9:20am-10:05am MSK

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three traditional bakings of bread and four slaughterhouses are part of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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good morning belarus. okay, so who doesn't want to play at dances? hello. a new athlete is creeping towards you. where are the people? tell me, where are the people? my wife took everything.
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it’s saturday in may, we have a long weekend ahead of us, we can have time to work and relax, i suggest we start by creating a good mood, for interesting acquaintances, useful tips, amazing stories, let’s go to seno and seninsky district.
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the first all-belarusian greco-roman wrestling competitions were held in 1924 , exactly 100 years ago. how popular this sport is today and who is preparing future champions in sinnoh, we will find out right now. older, and then younger, because a new athlete is sneaking up on you, hello, hello, anatoly leonidovich, hello guys, hello, continue the lesson, continue, glad to see you, oh, how beautiful you are, what a beauty, what are you doing right away can you see where my year is? you would court, and your wife would tell you what,
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yes, my wife forgave everything in her youth, this is what she will hear, this is what i was joking, and he was joking. up to 70 people passed through the hall, for 3 years no one paid me a penny, but we work with anatoly fedorovich, this is the first student, anatoly fedorovich from the first intake,
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he may be your first student, from the first intake at that time 70 passed to training people, can you imagine, now there are about 20 people, yes, but then there were 70 standing in the gym.
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that's what the guys like about it: being strong, as they say, being a man, what do they like it? i like it, of course, our main job now is to prepare the athlete, but we don’t do that, who comes with everyone, we work with everyone, weak, not weak, even at the time when i had 70 people, i didn’t do this, but not always gets, they were the strongest, the strongest left, because the weak ones pulled themselves up, won, and now you can see a piece of a fragment of some kind of training fight, so the older group goes down and show the techniques on the ground a minute at a time, we change for a minute, then the younger ones, and you look, let's see, i'm doing
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small fragments as usual, let's do small fragments, let's take the entire starting position, contact, semi-light resistance, show the techniques. guys, is it possible to make some kind of fragment where it will be clear who defeated whom, well, come here to me, first, who will fight, show me the pairs. that means, here’s a couple, yes, yes, another couple, yes, that means, guys, let’s first say hello to mom, reassure her that everything is fine, and you are whole, beautiful and strong, like mom’s name is marina, both of us, thank you, let’s
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take turns, say something nice to mommy, say, mom, i don’t wander around the streets, i’m at anatoly’s, so i want to say, this is the third generation, my father is a master of sports.
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the second second was also in the republic, they started, oh, oh, wait, he’s holding him back like that, yes, but it’s still worth a bridge. wait
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guys, come here, what's your name? lyosha, lyosha, listen to you, tell me, danya, well, when he holds you like that, you can’t break free, yes, well, you too could grab him and hold him like that, he just managed to be the first, yes, just the first thing, well, next time you’ll have time, listen, lyosha, do you have such a grip? this is a legendary man, the man of the year of the vitebsk region and in general a great handsome man,
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i wish you health, good health, long lives, happiness to you and all your loved ones, we applaud, thank you, thank you, well, i already said that we train with my student riche, who is not i wanted to do a backdrop, oh, perfect. that’s right, what’s more, he got back on his feet, got up after his injuries, it’s not a problem to get up, that’s big, yes, he’s a champion, the first student anatoly alyanevich, it was cool, it was happy, guys, say hello to your parents, grandparents, they love you very much, they will be happy to see you, how we lived without death... so from now on you and i will live , in the heavenly heights and in the mountain
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silence, the sea wave in a furious fire, in a furious, in a furious fire, dear spectators, i must say that we have already said goodbye to anatoriy leonidovich, but he simply dragged us by force to get to know his rear, with your wife, introduce your wife, helen, my beloved, helen! i would n’t be here if it weren’t for my reliable support, if it weren’t for my beloved wife and daughters, who supported me at one time, but i worked in a job where i’m in the hall from morning to evening, and it’s impossible to withstand this if not a reliable rear, i couldn’t do that, i also think how great it is that you said this to the whole world, lena, how good that is, hello, how many daughters do you have, two daughters, two daughters are already adults?
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as soon as the house was built, it has been growing for 40 years, goats of crazy beauty, who he goes after them, but somehow we try together, and we support each other, of course, the goat and the milk is a very useful story, well, before we had a lot of farming when we were, well, now we only have a rabbit, chickens, here's the rabbit, the chickens' braids, how cute you are, can i pet them, well, if i don't run away? they run away, they run away, how pretty you are, god, god, and there are horns,
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look, they have horns, and you also have something there , here we also have it, we’re already preparing potatoes, and you also have potatoes, i’m already potatoes i planted it, i can show you the method, last year i had a harvest, so i planted it , covered it with straw and it grew very much, they call it, they came to film greco-roman wrestling, they call it history. so we have everything nearby in the program, family, work and everything together, like all normal people, we have two gardens on that side, on this side there is a garden, these are the boys, and the goats run wherever they want. let's go, and this is the goat, mom, goat, dad, no, we don't keep them out of nowhere, we only have goats, and oh, what flowering trees, these are cherries, probably, yes, they bloomed, cherries, and cherries, that the berries, well, yes, only in the cherries it is now dangerous for us, because the birds are annoying, and not
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everywhere, there are probably problems, nothing can be done, the big garden is enough. well, it’s a beauty, it’s a goat, it’s a goat, no, not a goat, no, we don’t keep it, goats alone are better, this milk is better then, i understood, okay, that’s it, i looked, the endless meadows were scorching, the neighbor was mowing what- then a neighbor, yes, that’s it, have a happy life, your cup is full, your students and your favorite job and your beloved wife and daughters and grandchildren, what else does a person need for happiness, only peace. on earth, more nothing.
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hello, my name is svetlana, vladimir, vladimir, it’s symbolic that we meet against the background of a tank, probably on may 9, people gather here, of course, everyone.
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our spectators were impressed, and when passing through they would definitely stop by here, okay, right now you and i, one might say, are starting from komsomolskaya square, but before the revolution this was the main square of the city of senno, that is, it was a market square, there were shopping malls here -the rows, yes, then you and i walk along the modern oktyabrskaya street until revolution, this very interesting street was called tavern, that is
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, there were many taverns here, and here there were just taverns, that is, hotels, and here they also found. you can conduct excursions, if yes, in principle, but you would tell sino what are the significant places in the town in general, i know that 7,000 people live here, in general, this is a very small city, if a person came to sino for one day, what would he visit, and first of all our historical museum, yes, it is a very beautiful building, one the most historic, in addition, here is
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a memorial sign erected to the first mention of the city of sino in 1442. i also learned, yes, an ancient city, what an ancient city, of course, right now we are in the center of the city of senno, this is the main city square where the executive committee, uh, in fact, here we can also see with our own eyes what the city looked like then and now, that is, we have pictures, behind me, right now, is modern school number 2, and previously it was located on this site nicholas cathedral church, tell me, volodya, well, here you are... young man, you have a family, yes, you are already married, since last year, and i congratulate you, but in principle, you already understand your life, that you have a family, det.
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now we are in the central part, i would say, the sacred part of the city of senno, before the great patriotic war, in this place there were ordinary houses, courtyards, vegetable gardens, but the great patriotic war completely erased all this into ashes, all the houses burned down, on this there is now a mass grave, they are buried here, it’s right in this place, yes, absolutely right, it’s the defenders and actually the underground fighters who are buried, and of course in the center...
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that’s a lot, volodya, and you drive around on your own, that is, sunbathe, swim, as time allows, yes , well, this is a beautiful building, the place of your work, yes, absolutely right, now it is the seninsky historian-kryevechsky museum and a children's library, but at the same time it is one of the oldest buildings in the city of senno, the former zemstvo government of the early 20th century, that is, this one of the main buildings of that time, that is, wait, this means the beginning i’m amazed how old he is, at least 100. thank you very much, i wish you many excursions and many people interested in the history of sino , your glorious city, and i’m letting you go to
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work, thank you very much, all the best, successful work, goodbye.
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now we’ll put it on the exhibition, good morning always, yes, it says so here, at the beginning of the book, today, so today is the thirtieth, fourth, twenty-fourth, yes, please, a flower, yes, i just can’t draw anything else, thank you, thank you thank you so much, thank you for everything, thank you, thank you great, the girls are taller, it’s so nice, girls, have a good day, good morning, i’m always so proactive, well done, i try, but in general, in my heart, everything happens in any way, it’s clear. yes, work, so what can’t be done differently, creativity, hence all my
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troubles, i’m so real, thank you, yes, girls, not a fall yet, but worse, i ’ve never heard this before, and then watch, and then watch , you have to do it this way, you fell silent, you shouted, and you started playing again, promise me? you will dance at least once a year, you are the leader, you will be on the honor roll hang, so for now confirm, a new dance, we are inventing a new dance, which will best test your erudition and intelligence. his
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asiris holiday, then it seemed like he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him, andrey should write detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22 . vlad, carlos alcaraz, absolutely right, this is the correct answer, thanks to which the seven heroes from the fairy tale of alexander sergeevich pushkin understand what is in their mansion. a stranger, the answer is c, because a girl, well, i’ll call her that, came to them, cleaned up all their mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the mansion before the owners were waiting, i want to catch up with lyosha in three, paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that's
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right, look intellectually. entertainment projects on our tv channel. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radevilovsky recipes, translated by our employees from polish and now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest, the neosvizh cutlet is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made just like that. from chopped pork, we will plunge into festive culinary traditions, and of course we bake easter cake, only here in this area it is not called easter cake, if in the whole world there are easter cakes, it turns out to be easter cakes, in everyone - these are buns for easter, and we will also introduce the tv viewer with the history of a particular area of ​​our country, they go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church, everything connected with rodevils, by the way,
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pay attention to the caps, the letter p, which means radivila. watch the food project anywhere, on the belarus 24 tv channel. what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront . china and belarus will work together side by side as peace-loving states and peoples striving.
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to the sounds of beautiful music we go to the sinets regional cultural center.
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thank you very much, hello, are you here? is there a brass band rehearsing, or should i say a brass ensemble, judging by the number of people? yes, listen, i have never seen such a small brass band before. yes, kazimir alexandrovich, is that you? hello, my name is svetlana? hello, are you the manager? yes, but is it true that you
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are in charge? 50 years old, so i came here in november 1970.
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so, hello, hello, and you are the main drummer, that’s right, how long have you alexander semyonovich has been drumming here for 74 years, that’s a bit long ago, but that’s how i went through kadimir alexandrovich orchestra 4 years later, i tried myself and, are you just here or not, no, this is my personal hobby, that is , look, here in the house of culture they don’t pay money, you would like it.
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people are spinning, so, so who doesn’t want to play at the dance, hello, it’s you who don’t want to play at the dance, i’m probably more than anyone about this , because i see you look so suitable, i know what i want to say, it’s interesting, you noticed interestingly when you came in that these are such grown-up people here in your team, so i want to say this adults started, i went to the second grade, when i entered the second grade , and in fact, these are all the children. this is our father and grandfather, as they say, who raised the whole and you don’t play at the dances you must show the leader in a white suit here they played at the dances at least once
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to summarize so you asked the baritone sergei leonidovich vertinsky plays for us vertinsky what a beautiful surname you have.
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thank you very much, the song is great and you played it perfectly, well, promise me that you will dance at least once a year, one day, of course, yes, yes, that’s how you have to answer, yes, yes, no, okay, that’s it, thank
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you very much, kazimir aleksandrovich, let’s go and see your cultural center, long years of health, strength, keep you all these brass, brass guys, thank you, thank you, thank you, goodbye. now on stage. club of folklore lovers wing. if you remember, we met this group at the slavic bazaar at a dance tournament. and then we met again.
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hello, this is this one, we met somewhere, yes, yes, we met, this is your team won the grand prize at the slavic bazaar last year, well, yes, on the eve of the slavic bazaar we met with you and you wished us. good luck remember the tournament was organized with the tournament was organized, after all, we took it , it worked out, how we spent the year, excellent, this year we celebrated five.
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excellent, excellent, thank you, oh, how it breaks the strings, oh, how it breaks the strings, thank you very much, take care of the guy, he’s in the brass band in tanks, so he only has time to run from hall to hall, so they have time. yes, that's it, and of course take the young ones, let them there will be more young people, let us now try to cover our quadrille, here are new people, everyone is coming to us, therefore, let’s shout good morning to belarus, i’ll go to your beautiful chord, good morning to belarus.
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well, that’s all for us, this is how it turned out on saturday morning, may 11th, there’s a big weekend ahead, spend it usefully, thank you very much to everyone who helped us prepare this program, see you in a week, always yours svetlana borovskaya, and look forward to visiting . returning, i know that i have returned home, here again, as in childhood, i look at your a huge hall, grazing is not a problem to get up, this is a big deal, yes,
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my sorrows go away, i say again, with excitement, i say with love, well, mothers, worry, your children are going to compete with each other, dear, dear, native land, kolma and plains, forests, fields, and good fate, happiness is given, you are alone in the world and alone in your heart, 69 lakes in the seninsky district, quite a large number, this is a lot. dear, dear, native land, kolma and plains, forests and fields, you are a good fate, happiness at home, you alone in the world and in my heart there is one, a flower, such
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a positive flower, yes, i just can’t draw anything else, how much i love the earth, your meadows. free ridges, steep banks, snowy winter, sleepy summer, you are dear to my heart, my land, you are dear to my heart, just when you fell silent, you shouted, and you again, dear, dear, native land, kolmas and plains, forests and fields. and by good fate happiness is given from above in the world and in the heart alone, dear, dear, native land, hills and plains, forests and fields, and by good fate
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happiness is given, you are alone in the world and alone in the heart. wow, you are a choir, have you tried singing in a choir? ranitsy, belarus. good morning, belarus!
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farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell to a hundred countries on the planet, almost 7.5.


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