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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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when people abroad just say belarusian milk, they immediately start singing odes to it. and of course, it’s nice, because we do a lot of things, among all this deliciousness, of course, cheese, a product worthy of compliments, and today we will learn how it is made, hello everyone, my name is and i’m from china, now i live in minsk, and i like to try different foods, i really like belarusian cheese, if possible, i would really like to be at some cheese production, hello, oh, hello, you've been waiting for me for a long time, yes, okay, okay, i'm pasha. very nice, i saw your video, and you know, you surprised me very much, yeah, why? but because i thought that in china they treat cheese quite calmly, but here you, a person who has been in love with cheese for a long time, you like it, well, look, i came to belarus, your cheese is really delicious, it’s really big vypor, so how can you not fall in love with someone like this, you’ve been in belarus for a long time,
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what are your hobbies, what do you do, i... my colleague is doing great, well, today we’ll show you how cheese is made, but we we’ll go to slutsk with you, one of the largest enterprises is located there, yes, yes, in fact , in belarus there are a lot of cheese factories and small big ones, but we decided to show you the huge scale, great. well, that's it, we came to see, we came, yes, how cheeses are made, let's go, let's go,
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come on. oh, hello, my name is, i'm from china, i brought you a friend who loves cheese and wants to know everything about it, we are glad to welcome you, we will show you how everything happens from the beginning of the process to the end, when we receive the finished product and its we are trying to release it for sale, look, it is already in anticipation, so, kai, you and i are now in the dirty zone, where workers come here to production. take off your outerwear and to get inside you need to go through full processing, let's first see how this is done, as i understand it, you will be my test subject, you are the first, i will tell you what to do, and you just start, first you need put your hands in this zone, the washing zone, come on, here comes the water, you wash, then soap, yeah, i see everything, okay, there it is, here comes the soap,
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there is, now there is water again, here. well done, you 're doing well, well done, now you need to dry your hands, uh-huh, well done, next, look, the disinfection zone, place both hands here, like this, disinfection should happen there, yes, yes, there, that's it, it worked , great, it worked, and then you should be let through, now it’s my turn, i’m crystal clear, ready for all operational actions, we have been sanitized, now we need to put on sanitary clothes so that we can fully work in a clean area, we are ready, i at all i don’t know how people make cheese, i just buy it in stores, eat it, look at the view here, like in a museum, yes, we are in
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a transitional area. which connects our production sites, we can observe the beginning of the milk acceptance process, so i have a question, are tanks with fresh milk coming from nearby? are there any enterprises or the geography is much larger in belarus? the enterprise is located in its raw material zone, in order to deliver it as quickly as possible, it was the freshest milk possible, they arrive during the day, they arrive in several stages, that is, there is morning milking, which arrives in the very morning, starts at about 8, 7:30, the last cars end at about 10:11 in the evening, that is, there are about two rounds of collection from one farm, they already have night milking and stored in tanks. on the farm directly, i am from central china, although we have dairy products, but from my point of view, they are not so tasty and not very high quality, when i just arrived in belarus, i tried your milk, i still remember,
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that there was 3.2% fat, i have never tried it the milk is so delicious, we have another barrier on our way, we have to go through and get into the production area directly. the largest machine is about 30 tons of milk, this is one machine, and how many machines come in a day is about 70, but they are all different quantities, in total about 700 tons of milk come in a day, and 700 tons of milk a day, there are so many cows in belarus, you and i find ourselves at the laboratory assistant’s workplace, this is the first point of control, where we will open... the auto repair shop, interfere, take samples and next, we will conduct a study of these samples, but wait, why on each, i look at the samples, in each section there may be a certain farm, certain physical and chemical indicators, for which payments will be made to the counterparty supplier,
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okay, but how much should be taken from each section milk? we first take spot samples from each tank into some container, and then extract 500 ml from the container for... so this milky smell is right in my face, i was like when they open this lid, good, because i like these ones smells, but for some reason some people, especially my chinese friends, just didn’t, kai immediately began to rush into battle, even he didn’t want to, which
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in my opinion was shown how to do it correctly. okay, i got it, try it, yeah, let’s try, so, so, so, we took small samples, now we need to pour the container and take it to the laboratory, oh, right, this is some kind of, i don’t know, treasure for me, i held it so well, just close the lid and carry the laboratory for now, now we
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will determine the acidity of the milk, we need measure 20 ml of water, distilled water, into a glass, once twice, again, open the milk again, yeah. so we put 10 ml in a glass, and now that means two or three drops of finolein, and what is this for? well, an indicator that colors the milk so that we can determine the level of acidity, let's count, once or twice, well, let's do it again, that's it, now you'll color it, so look, stir it in a circular motion, try it, as if you're mixing up a cocktail, like this , yes, well, what's there? it turns out, uh-huh, the color has already appeared, it has appeared, yes, yes, we compare with the standard, and well we added a little more, yes, we conclude that how much we spent, that means on alkalis, on tests 1.7, multiply by 10, our
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acidity will be 17° thermometer, this is the norm, this is the norm, great, and we accept milk, we accept , we tell the driver, stop by, yes, everything is wonderful, but tell me, please, besides this, what else do we need? yes, in addition to acidity, this means that in milk we determine the mass fraction of fat, density, purity group, somatic cell content, well, all other indicators. and what awaits us next, here now we are heading to the receiving and equipment area, where milk is normalized for the production of products, for example, cheese or cottage cheese, or milk is separated into butter. normalization is to ensure that everything is normal, this is what normalization is to make the raw materials suitable for the production of certain products, let's go to normalize, let
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's go. and it’s generally not clear where, what goes where? yes, how to figure it out? everything around is humming, everything around is shining, everything is working, some light bulbs are glowing, there’s just so much tubes above me, there’s just milk running everywhere, the plants process 20-5 tons per hour, that is, if we run two. installations in a cycle, there 50-75 tons are processed only per hour, in very thin layers, this all happens at high speeds, the technology there is at a high level, we have prepared a normalized mixture in the equipment area, then we move to the cheese production, where - then the mixture will go to the cheese manufacturer and the process of producing cheese grains and cheese will be carried out, here you go re-processing ru, we go into the clean area. yeah, i have a feeling that we
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just washed our hands 100 times, you didn’t have time to walk 100 meters, disinfect again, otherwise they simply won’t let you through. that's it, guys, you're ready, then i'll hand you over to a cheese- making specialist who will train you and show you the azyr production. they are already waiting for us there, yes, let's go. hello, hello, look, what a friend i brought you, we were at the first stage, we brought milk, we checked it, we normalized it, here it is it has arrived, as i understand it, to you, the weekly normalized mixture is sent to the cheese makers, the incoming milk is added with dye, if the cheese requires it, if not, some cheeses are produced without an adversary, after which the starter is added. depending on the types of cheese being produced, in terms of time, how much happens at the moment
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the milk arrives, until the head itself, which comes out of ripening, within 5.5 hours, 5.5 hours, oh, milk, the starter has already been added here, all that remains is to add the rennet enzyme, they gave me this water magical, they said that it was on lady, i was so worried, because i don’t know... oh, can you imagine, the sichuan enzyme is for what, so that the process can already begin, and as i understand it, this is the grain that we saw , when it curdled,
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the whey was simply removed. try it, it’s warm, yes, well, are you ready, yes, of course, go ahead, i’ve never tried this raw cheese, yes, i’ll say that this is some kind of unusual cheese, because there’s no no smell, no taste, there’s still no salt, nothing, but there’s no salt, nothing, but he such as like curd. yes, but what kind
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of cheese is this anyway? we make telzitsky cheese, telzitsky, semi-hard telzitsky cheese, and what is semi-hard cheese? cheeses are divided into hard and semi-hard depending on the moisture in the cheese, if we want to get hard cheese, then the moisture in it will be very small, and up to 40%, semi-hard 43-45% moisture, even at the beginning i think probably? pokes his head in, and after that he goes to the robot, the robot takes out the cheese, there’s a very huge metal hand there, it’s moving the cheese, everything is done very quickly, it’s completely unexpected, when they told me that one block weighs 17
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kg, there are two of them in the form, that is, 34, i understand that we cannot do without a robot, now it will be noisy. that's it, the cheese will come out, it's ready, it's ready, to be honest, i always thought that such robots were used only in the automotive industry, but it turns out that they are used in cheese production too, we can’t do without them, well, i’ve never seen such huge heads of cheese that just flashed past my eyes, i was amazed when i... i see these cheeses, i immediately remember our cheese curds, this is a firebox, although the fact that they are very similar, identical, even, but generally different, of course, each country has its own f. in china we don’t salt tofu, we made the mold, everything is ready, in
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belarus the cheese, people still salt it, this is still additional work, the cheese is salted depending on the type produced, from one and a half. up to 3 days in these pools in salt, where they prick, they swim for a long time, swim for a long time, before falling into the bath, what does the cheese do, it floats along the stream into a container, you can imagine, it’s already romantic when people raised this container from the pool, just so much rubbish. i don't i expected that this passion is just so deep, three indicators are very important for us: ph of the brine, temperature and salt concentration, at this stage we measure the ph of the brine, it is kept from 4.6 to 5.2, the concentration also
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varies from 18 to 22 and the temperature is standard for everyone - 12°, such cold brine, so many levels of quality control. well done here, okay, let's see, the dipstick just drops, the salting looks like it's showing, we have 4.83, that's ph, up to 5.2, perhaps, well, we have such an environment, 4.8, and that doesn't mean that we uncovered some a secret with another enterprise, well, it’s not advisable for other enterprises to brag, but we make it delicious, but we will do it, that’s the main thing, i didn’t know that you also need cheese in a warehouse bag. and it happens that it’s also covered in some kind of wax or some kind of latex coating, we
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also have that, and it’s also some other kind of vetzira, but on purpose, so on... here it’s automatic, i as i understand it, yes, well , the most important thing here is to remove your hands in time, choose, i’m worried, buddy, it’s a thrill, we know where they offer otti, the most likely cheese, in the ripening chamber, yes, we are going to ripen like cheese, wow, if you are not mature yet, now you will ripen, i will ripen, let's go. well, now we can take off our masks, since the cheese is already packaged, we won’t harm it anymore and we can get into the chamber where this most important action takes place, i didn’t expect that it’s just here,
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it’s a cheese paradise, a bunch of cheeses, such a view , how can i say, gorgeous, i’m sharpening myself a little. in general, i feel like a little mouse, which, it’s like trying, not trying, but how many sirs are there, when are you kicking, well, in general, we make about 50 the names are damp, the floors are hard, they are in yellow bags, yes, but the elite cheese, which, and it is here, ripens in bags, yes, it is colorless. packages, you can pay attention there, you have a lot of elite cheese, i want to tell you how long it takes to ripen here, from 30 to 45 days, yeah, if it’s an elite cheese, then it... ripens from three months, depending on the cheese,
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a year, maybe two, it would be so cold there, i ’ll say this, it’s just the biggest refrigerator, there’s only uh 10, 11°, and what happens during ripening, during as the cheese matures, its taste and pattern develop; kvass, about which everyone is so interested, ask. each cheese, for some reason they are different, different, it depends on what kind of cheese starter we put in, so it lies like that until ripening, as i understand it, it lies like that all the time, in the same position, it is done every 10 days turn over, by hand, manually, that's how much you need to turn over, here - in one of the stands there are more than 2,000 of these heads of cheese, there are a lot of stands there, i didn't even try to count them, they took them, turned them over, and so need to. over the shoulder so we take it, oops, you
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turned it over ugly, here you have a beautiful one, come on again, once again, let's try take two, and you turn over the selective one, and the rest, now it's better, oh, guys, how i want to try, so many with ... i’m already a pillar, i don’t tell anyone, let’s go home, so, kai, you wanted to try, yes, you dreamed, here you go, especially for you, we arranged a tasting, so as not to interrupt the taste of the elite cheese, you need to start with
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the classic one. i don’t smell any bitterness, no, it’s pleasant, soft, moderately salty, but i like everything,
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so, let’s try the next one, increase the fat content, mm, this one, i would say, is not as soft as the dutch one, i think it’s even tastier, tastier, you liked this one, there’s some unusual cheese left with black truffle with black truffle, that is, it’s already very expensive, what is a black truffle, do you know? i don’t know, no, all over the world this is considered a delicacy, this black truffle, uh-huh, grows in the forest in the ground, uh-huh, and this truffle is looked for, in my opinion, by special people, which i understand, i can already see, no, it’s not a pig, it's a truffle, it smells something to me, well some kind of earth, but there is such a taste, to be honest, i liked this package the most, because it is so soft, i feel the fat and also not... more than salty, just perfect, then this one, because well here the taste is unusual, and even i can feel the mushrooms there, these mushrooms are even very similar to chinese
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mushrooms, well, we just make these mushrooms like dry ones, yes, we dry these mushrooms and they also just have such an unusual strong taste, they are very similar, i understand you, my friend, you are gourmets, i want to tell you, since you i liked the black truffle, i think we liked it. today we were pleased, thank you very much, it was very tasty, so we visited our giant cheese factory, i want to hear your impressions? oh, of course, the impression is vivid, because now i have new knowledge, i knew how cheese is made, and i even began to love cheese more, it’s just magical. i’ll say this, that is, you are now ready to eat it with these whole heads, yes, that’s for sure, kai, i’m glad that we managed
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to surprise you today, now you know how it gives birth... cheese, well, if you want to become the hero of our program to visit places you haven’t been before, record a short video, send it to us, and together we will find out how it’s done. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyasoslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaseslav. what was the earthly path
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of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, and instructed. another important shrine of the monastery is its power, we will tell and show it in spiritual and educational projects on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . a hat made of andatra fur, a water rat, i advise you to show it to one of the specialists of our cooperation, they will tell you where such a hat could be bought or to sew it, in general, i gave it to one of my comrades to wear for a while, it suits me, can i take a look at this comrade, but this was still not enough, well, they sent these two hats and nikolai was very happy, and he wore this hat, so half a month ago, it means he came without a hat, so, since you got me involved in this matter. i decided to go with pavina, are you crazy or what? well, what’s incomprehensible, when they took the factory cash register, i was there with them too, watch the series problem with three unknowns on the belarus24 tv channel, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at the transmur countries and came to the belarusian city , in
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which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay. for a long time and set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago , the lower castle and the passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. to show. how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. the landscapes are complete the thoughtfulness of sadness fascinates even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . on air news, in the studio elizaveta lakotka, hello, in this episode. belarusians remember and honor their heroes. over 40 thousand people visited the museum of the great patriotic war on


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