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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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building copenhagen august 4, danish newspapers highly appreciate the results of the berlin combination, all newspapers note with satisfaction that unity has been achieved in the big three on very many issues, exactly, as
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the correspondent of the reiders agency reports, hitler’s half-brother, alloy, is located at the twenty-first army group hitler, arrested in the hamburg area by the british authorities, was released. washington, august 6. the white house released a message from president truman saying: 16 hours ago, a u.s. plane dropped a bomb on the important japanese military base of kheroshima, hanshu island. truman stated that he would recommend that the us congress quickly consider creating a commission to control production and use. energy in
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the usa. moscow kremlin. look, the biggest achievements in the history of the polish people are idle.
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it seems to me, at times, that the soldiers who came from the bloody, unarrived fields did not once die in our land, but turned into white cranes, they have been to this day, since times.
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one of the books about ancient christian monasticism begins with these words: tell me about monks who never laugh, it's funny. the wisdom of our monastic asceticism should not be entirely focused only on... eating, christianity is a religion of light, joy about oneself, about oneself saved. monasteries, as centers of spiritual life, are never completely fenced off from the world; the purpose of monasteries is to be a candle that burns for the present. i am the hieromonk
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of zakiy the reaper, a monk of lyadinsky in honor of the annunciation of the most pure one, a male monastery, monasticism is for me. this is the heavenliness of earthly residence. the ledinsky-blagoveshchensky monastery is one of the famous shrines of belarus. initially, on the site of the monastery , a wooden church was built, to the villager kirik, the most holy theotokos appeared on maryina hill, and gave the command to build a temple not far from this place, and
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a wooden church was built, and you and i are in that very... place, on which, according to legend , the most holy theotokos appeared, a villager of these places named kirik, so she appeared on that very stone, part of which has survived to our days. in the 18th century there was a monastery and an extensive charity; it opened in 1809. a four-class spiritual-secular school, a school for children of the clergy and the world, in the monastery is engaged in charitable and educational activities. the monastery was the center of
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spiritual enlightenment of these lands. in 1794 , that main stone temple was erected. it was here, on this place, that the first one was erected.
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in 2024, the revival of our monastery will mark 30 years; over these three decades we have managed to revive a lot in our spiritual creativity. today the building of the fraternal building
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represents the architectural, historical and cultural value of our republic. this sounding, which opens for us the ancient plinth of the 19th century, this is a vivid reminder to us that the building in which we are located is... a completely different past, it cannot be said that they did not find themselves in life, which are
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precisely - on the contrary, they found themselves in life precisely in this place, they felt that they should prove themselves in precisely this quality of life, quality, as they said in belarus a monk, a monk or a monk, even leaves a secular career, because their spiritual... growth becomes the first priority of their life, a monk is a person who does not live without prayer, according to the word of st. seraphim of sorov, a famous russian saint, a monk without prayer not a monk is a black brand, so the brothers of the monastery wake up with prayer on their lips, spend their work and prayer on the liturgical day with prayer on their lips , and fall asleep with prayer on their lips. traditionally
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, the monastic cell contains a red or a prayer corner, a small tea table, a writing area and a relaxation area. the monk is in prayer everywhere, the red corner is where the monk is. fulfills his kerey rules in the morning and evening. the corner is called red because, uh, this is the main place - in the monk’s cell, which is a sacred place, due to the presence in this place of holy icons, the crucifixion of our lord jesus christ, this is due to the fact that a candle is lit in this place. there is spiritual literature, in the morning a monk for
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worship, in the evening a monk for worship, so every day, in the interval between the morning and evening services, after lunch there is a short rest, and then there are obediences, which each inhabitant of the monasteries has his own, some of. where there are six carpentry workshops, in which furniture is made for our residential needs, we also have a framing workshop, in which they work to cut off our icons of historical importance for our photography lovers,
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we also have our own bakeries, in which we... . bake prospores once a week . sodykhlebians, who are intended for the liturgy, bake their own bread, which we practically eat and are ready to indulge our guests with this, we ourselves develop the recipe for some confectionery products, we make sherbet, chocolate, black, white, mixed, and kholva with our own hands. made from peanuts, cakes, the summer period of time that our brothers collect ivanchay, a sufficient number of agricultural workers, the work that takes place in the beds, in the monastery garden, outside the territory of the veterinary naferami, the desire of the monastery brothers to provide for everyone
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necessary independently, does not set its goal from the garage. the heroes of our program are the outstanding characters
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buried in the pile on the right. so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs and a lot of lows, it’s very difficult to achieve such a sound balance in small places, we know, leaving a bright battle, and you take a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance, she plays, works, dances, you hold your hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, you still feel that this is an artist.
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belarusians on our tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago , the lower castle and the pasade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes and their squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not long ago, by the way, a local resident i caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, houses
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afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, this is the term for floating stations , but... they didn’t come up with it, landscapes full of thoughtful sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . the main temple of the monasteries is the cathedral in honor of the blessed virgin mary, a stone church from the end of the 16th century. temple, which accommodates all the brothers, all those praying, all the guests, in which the entire main liturgical life of our
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monastery takes place. the main decoration of the holy annunciation church of lyadinsky is a fresco from the end of the 16th century, which remained until the end of the 20th century. this icon was painted for several years by the monks of the vatopetsky monastery for our monastery according to the special rules of athonite
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icon painting, in which, to paint the icon, paints are mixed with particles of holy relics, today this precious gift is in fact. enriches the monk with something else, some content, some other wealth than what the world can offer a person,
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it is clear that this wealth is no longer material, not of a material order, these are spiritual gifts, which are honored by those who walk the path of monasticism with dignity. the home church of the fraternal corps, the lyadino monastery, a church in which the brothers, with the blessing of their abbot, pray only once a week on mondays, which is intended only for monks. liturgy unites us all. around christ, around the holy cup of christ, from which we are doomed we are all brothers and sisters. why are we called that? because by blood, uh, although
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we are strangers, but after we have become christians, we are no longer strangers, the same blood of christ flows in us, with which we partake. the oldest liturgical book today. in the annunciation cathedral of the monastery appears on the throne gospel, which was published in moscow in the synodal now in 1850, the gospel is kept in the altar of the annunciation cathedral, and in addition to this gospel, in the middle of the 19th century, in our monastery there are liturgical books of the beginning xx century. it is a great honor for me that, as a monk, i can stand before the holy
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throne of god, performing the liturgy, celebrating the most holy sacrament of the eucharist. so, you and i have entered the first week, that is, speaking in russian, the first week, the first week. great lent, one of the strictest weeks of our fasting. the lord has granted me another honor, a very high honor for me, to be with those whom i can imbue with theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge of theology, in our academic environment, to be a teacher in minsk theological schools. another of my obediences in the lyatinsky-annunciation monastery is obedience in the monastery library, here i...
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while accepting books, we examine them, evaluate their dignity, antiquity, systematize, catalog and actually prepare these books for use by their monastery brethren. the main question that is on my agenda whenever i come to the library. this is why people need books at all, why do they need them? education is not only a person’s acquisition of some compendium, knowledge on the student's desk, human education is a process that lasts a lifetime, and i first of all see in a book, a textbook... in a book i see an educator
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of high morality, a person's personality. the main thing we must learn here is to be immune to what secular people call the adversities of life. a monk is one for whom everything really exists only in the bright light; the light for us is christ, our god, the true sun. the holiday of easter, or the holiday of the holy resurrection of christ, is a holiday that we celebrate generally throughout the entire church year, which is why we have sunday in general, because
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sunday is essentially a day. this is a small easter, this is a reminder to us of the bright resurrection of christ, as the main event of human history. for monastics , the experience of the easter celebration is a very special experience, it always teaches us to rejoice in the victory of the risen christ, to rejoice in ours.
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we see all the attributes of the working environment in which our current lord exak worked. bishop veniam inspired many of the brothers of our monastery to the feat of athleticism, to the feat of monastic life, and was an example of how a monk should live in oppression. saint, and we always look to the example of bishop veniamin, we try to imitate him as our bishop, as a good shepherd, i felt like a religious person from childhood, i was raised as a christian, who doesn’t start
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at all... i’m already in childhood i began to feel a calling to monasticism and to serve the church in the sacred realm. i really wanted imitate those people who found themselves in monasticism. i felt a certain heavenliness in it, i saw myself in it.
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i took monastic vows at the age of 26. as far as i felt at that moment, basically everything in my life was ready for this. metropolitan of minsk. kilaret vakhrameev, patriarchal exarch of all belarus, one of my first spiritual mentors, first patriarchal exarch of all belarus, lord of philoret, taught me a lot in spiritual life.


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