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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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live panorama in elena nasacheva's studio. hello. belarus stands for peace and is ready to defend its sovereignty. let's preserve historical memory and unity and stand up under any circumstances, our president is convinced. we'll talk to a panorama expert about your security request. when you can no longer turn a blind eye to the dirty tricks of the polish government. against political opponents about the threats of surrendering national interests of poland year to the usa to great britain an interview with the polish dissident judge tomasz schmidt immediately after u.s. don’t get confused and thereby save someone’s life. 25 thousand tenth-graders in belarus learned to provide first aid as part of the “start a heart” campaign. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. national trinity - coat of arms, anthem, flag. they contain the soul of the people, the meaning of the state. characters, we will tell you soon in
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a panorama. victory day haunts the west, and therefore us. we celebrate this date and defend why this war continues, this is discussed in the disposition project. new production in kopolsky forestry, we will show how the initiative one district, one project is being implemented. industry in belarus acts as a driver of economic growth and a guarantee of peace and order in our land. why are industrial enterprises so important? ya. alekseevon, i’ll tell you how production, peace and prosperity are connected. simple economics in panorama. the four-day running festival, more than 3,000 participants , bezon takes place again in silichi. the celebration of great victory day received a new impetus of popular attention. celebrations in all regions of belarus have acquired a truly national character. events of those distant years, the feat of our loved ones, largely echoes the current situation in the international arena. global tension
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gives rise to a serious demand for security. our president is convinced that we will preserve historical memory and unity in society, and will survive under any circumstances. the whitewashing of nazism in collective europe became part of government programs. war criminals are elevated to the rank of heroes and even encouraged to imitate them. nazism is again being used to realize geopolitical ambitions. like in the early forties, the west is ready a deal with any evil, so that... the terrifying experience of the appalagetes of the defeated third reich has already found its followers there. it received a new interpretation and a beautiful wrapper. the nazis of our day no longer wear boots and black shirts, but act much more subtly and sophisticatedly. without any embarrassment in europe , the ss men are glorified and... greeted by
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nationalists from all over the world, they are given a standing ovation by the heads of state, having forgotten the results of the nuremberg trial. each of those gathered at victory square and at home near the tv screen wanted to hear what would happen next, the question of the future preservation of peace, which our people received at too great a cost, is fundamental today for each of us.
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there is a huge demand for security, and based on this, it is necessary to perceive victory, because victory is the culmination of the security issue, which... there is a war going on next to our borders, there is an information war, there is, let’s call it that, an ideological war, it is going on our eyes, in these conditions we clearly understand that we simply do not have the right to leave this topic without attention, the concept of national
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security, military doctrine, again, so to speak, revised and adopted quite recently in our country, they are all aimed at ensuring a bright future. the great patriotic war in every family, because literally everyone has those who died at the front, we often forget that it was after the great patriotic war, as a result of its results, that this system of global security and the geopolitical structure that
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is currently functioning was formed, hasn’t this breakdown of those very events passed, hasn’t it the current moment of reformatting the results of the great patriotic war, the system of checks and balances. what does this mean, that is, what was formed within the framework of past years, what was an undeniable statement that the usa is the greatest country that can do whatever you want, in the post-soviet space, in the world, her word is the last,
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today it is no longer even perceived in europe, the herald of which is barel. in addition, i would like to recall in this regard a very recent one.
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specialists working with nuclear weapons are automatic, that is, they must be professionals who clearly know how to use them. these means and solve problems in the interests of national security, again, this is not an offensive, this is the defense of the country, we are clearly sending our visas a signal, dear friends, we are ready to defend our sovereignty, we say how we will do this, we show what we have the forces of means, i have no doubt that the forces of means that are available... today in belarus will allow us to solve the same problem, well, let's put it this way, at least for the next
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decade. well, as alexander lukashenko said, we have learned the lessons of history and learned all, strictly speaking, instructions from the results of the great patriotic war. how the nuclear shield of the union state works and how the statements of the presidents of belarus and russia on victory day cooled the belligerent mood of european officials. experts and guests of the editors' club understand what motivates scholz and. demonstrated, but i believe that it is impossible to speak here again, because this step is quite serious, when the leaders
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of the two states unequivocally not only said that we will do this, but approached the question of what, look, it will be like this, if you do this, it will be like this, it will be, because if someone in the west has the illusion that, well, you know, they can somehow win back there, or something else, by the way, this is not typical for us, that is, if... may 9, including missile divisions of the iskander and
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polones operational-tactical complexes will be secretly withdrawn to their designated positions. also in the scenario is the issue of launching missile strikes to repel a possible attack on belarus. such coordinated work is assessed by experts. both russia and belarus react adequately, namely, by creating appropriate units and units. both in russia and in belarus in directions that are the most dangerous for our states, and highly threatened by possible and provocative actions of western states, moreover, the deployment of nuclear tactical weapons in belarus and the preparation special personnel, as well as...
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commemorative celebrations on the occasion of victory day,
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a business trip to russia, the anniversary eu summit and loud political statements by the former regarding improving the combat readiness of the armed forces and ensuring security. our president's working week took place in minsk and moscow. as usual, on the main broadcast tomorrow you will see something that no one has shown yet. it's time for the first time. here. which we will always remember, let's forget this past, it will come to us, this is our common victory! and we will defend this land in every possible way. any aggression and response will be instantaneous. nuclear exercises in belarus, on the sidelines of the eac summit. we’ll also dispel fake war productions. we need them like snow in may. we accompanied the former on a business trip
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to russia and looked at the president’s luggage. on the day of television and radio, a pool of the first, about the first and working with him, the best president and leader, but he’s also just a cool guy, it will be very interesting, it’s obvious, it will symbolically summarize the busy agenda of the outgoing week. day of the national flag, coat of arms and anthem, we let's celebrate on the second sunday in may, that is, tomorrow. the holiday is special and very important, because state symbols perform not only a representative function in the international arena, but also unite the belarusian nation. on the eve of the holiday, let us remember the semantics of the main attributes of sovereignty in the report by nina mozheiko. our history, let's go. hi
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be happy. belarus is our land. the belarusian flag has seen space, climbed onto a pedestal, conquered antarctica, but most importantly, it has drawn and continues to draw waves in the hearts of people. red-green cloth on a scale of two to one, a bold idea for those times by the artist nikolai gusev. red is a symbol of courage and nobility, shed blood for one’s people, green. represents the nature of belarus, white and purity. in 1951 , belarusians became the first in world history to place a national ornament on the flag. by the way, the pattern of the peasant woman matryona markevich, which was found in the archives of the belpromsovet, was taken as a basis. it was originally white on a red background. the current flag follows the tradition of a red fertility symbol on
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a white background. but what does the history of the bssr have to do with it? all very simple: it is based on the belarusian mentality and tradition. socio-russian republic. the coat of arms also firmly holds its position; the symbol survived even during the great patriotic war. the germans established an occupation regime over the coat of arms, they simply could not remove it and covered it with a swastika. well, the time-tested circle of kolosyev changed several times. the last one in 2021. this is the reference sample, which is stored in
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the national archive of the republic of belarus. the contours of belarus became golden in color, there were green rays of the sun. it was blue and showed the territory of eurasia, now the continents on it are of such a sandy-orange color and it shows the territory of europe, where the republic of belarus is geographically located. if the coat of arms and flag are the face of the country, then gin is its soul and voice. this is where every broadcast day on radio i begins. together in 2002. the standard recording of television, what it should be, was decided by all the big home radio studios. the music of the national anthem was made here in sokolovsky, words by klinkovich and karizna. they can perform the musical canon far from everything and not everywhere. there is a regulation, the so -called protocol for special cases. a little over a minute long, the verse and chorus last in
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the instrumental version, while the extended version consists of three verses. harmoniously, since we perform the anthems of different countries, we have a majestic solemn sound, which is conveyed as a step, well, it’s such a slow march, that’s how we are belarusians. and the function that is embedded in the text, it clearly shows how our state lives and develops. our symbols are about peace, love and
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creation, they are our guideline from which must get lost, nina mazeika and sergei matveychuk, tv news agency. victory day, which we celebrated widely and brightly, still causes irritation in certain countries. the tone and essence of the criticism are the same; we note the wrong thing. and in general, how could we save the planet, the light and peace of mankind, as we know, is carried by western civilization alone, only it could win, but the waves of this lie are breaking against the truth, about our memory, about the connection between the past and security in the disposition project, on air disposition, this gagarin, let's go, victory day, there is probably no day in all of world history for which nations, political, philosophical systems, generations fight so fiercely, the date, of course, you can’t touch with your hand,
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you can easily spit on it, which is what happens in the west , and how unfair are those who consider memory an illusory substance, wars begin over the past, and if not, the past eventually becomes either a banner or the goal of the conflicting parties, political strategists have long noted that in any confrontation it is important to level out the led factor. one or another people, to uproot everything that reminds of their glory, not only soldiers, an ordinary person resists longer if he feels that he has a history of victories and the honor of nations, so it’s not for him to misfire, the gutsy are easily manipulated, with such, simply with a position with just a higher gdp, you can sow the necessary ideas, no matter how low, no matter how base, no matter how absurd, then warriors are even declared a monument and graves that can be defeated very courageously and safely. which is what is happening in neighboring poland and the baltic republics, and in ukraine, the most the first battles were with monuments, so the last ones will be for them, and
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those who hold the top are those who have a stronger connection in their souls with their ancestors, the winners, and those who honor the losers, and even traitors, and even the nazis, are preparing examples of the result for themselves , the scenario is already emerging, a turning point is being made, which is recognized even in the west, it is connected not with technology, but with perseverance, with the perseverance of a soldier, and the great turning point...
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was, these are people, a terrible picture, here, as he says, in the chest everything was burning so that this whole thing would fall for such a thing, and there, that means, there was a funeral meanness to take revenge, that's everyone, well, they strived further forward, forward forward, at numerous rallies veterans, of course, were the main guests, for some the military organized impromptu concerts, but it is important to understand, it is not we who give them songs, it is they who gave us the right to perform melodies winners. there is peace for belarus, only peace, nothing more, and
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we will take everything else from nature ourselves. songs performed by belarusian groups were performed in may on poklonnaya hill in moscow. every third requiem concert was held here with great success. project took place exactly in those days when the wall was entered into the complex. captured equipment from the northern military district zone, nato countries are presented very respectfully at this exhibition, well, once upon a time the nazis were grandly represented by their standards at the foot of the kremlin. by the way, the secretary general of the alliance demanded that the exhibition of destroyed vehicles be cancelled, because in fact the west understands very well how important it is to destroy people’s self-confidence and confidence in victory. they say the great patriotic war is moving away from us, but to the memory of victory, to the feeling involvement in the great, it... has nothing to do with it. the people of our country don't
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just carry on. remember and appreciate the exploits of those who fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland during the difficult war years, but are fully aware of the importance of peace for each of us. belarusian sociologists came to this conclusion after conducting a public opinion poll. what feelings do our compatriots have when they hear about the bloody war and the feat of their ancestors, what do they think about the day of the great victory and what traditions? adhere? the deputy director for scientific work of the institute, a sociologist, answered these and other questions to my colleague katerina strihi.
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our sample is representative, national; accordingly, all socio-demographic groups are represented, that is, those indicators that allow us to represent the entire population. the geography of the sample included the capital region, regional centers, small towns, and rural areas. what did the survey show, how do belarusians feel about our military history? the vast majority of the population, more than 90% noted that they are interested in the history of the great patriotic war. story.
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within the next generation, but if we talk about the holiday of the great victory itself, what do belarusians think about it, what do they say and how do they most often spend their time on may 9, may 9, in principle, is the most popular holiday for belarusians, the most significant date and how a holiday, in principle, is like a historical date, people can walk in parks, that is, watch, get acquainted with the atmosphere, that a victory parade is being held, go to the parade, attend fireworks and... celebrate somewhere with your family, again you need to understand that after all, many belarusians have grandfathers and great-grandmothers who were also affected by the great patriotic war, in one way or another, the most important thing is probably that this holiday significant, let me ask you a personal question, do you have any traditions regarding this day in your family? on may 9 , we definitely climb the mound of glory, and naturally, after we have already climbed the mound of glory, of course we greet the fireworks, the fireworks are like the culmination, that is
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victory. the feeling that we won, well, somewhere maybe even a little tear there, you know, will pass, so we looked, walked away, thanked our ancestors, and are glad that we live in a clean, free, independent belarus, we realize the feat of our ancestors with we look to the future with confidence. i propose to summarize our conversation with you. so, what does the sociological research say overall? the key is that the story itself is what it is. as one of the significant factors in ensuring belarusian statehood. history connects, history helps us remember the past and look and move into the future with pride. may 9 is the most significant holiday in the structure of historical events. and the memory of the victory and the indicators that we received really allow us to say that belarus remembers. alexander vladimirovich, thank you for being with us today,
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have a nice evening. the polish authorities use dirty tricks against political opponents, about this in an interview with our television.
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sending military personnel is excluded, ambassadors of countries the european union agreed on a draft document on
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security guarantees for ukraine, as welt reports, the document provides for political, military and economic assistance to kiev, but excludes the participation of eu soldiers in the conflict. brussels undertakes in the event. consultation within 24 hours. in addition, the eu promises to continue the supply of weapons, military operations to provide ukraine with military training and assistance in reforming the security sector. in turn, the us state department approved the possible sale of three jets to the kiev regime hymarс multiple launch rocket systems. the total amount of the transaction is $30 million. all three systems for the armed forces of ukraine will be financed by germany, and hymars will be sold from american reserves. the united states has entered into a contract with the american company lock hit martin for the production of high-precision missiles, which are also used in ukraine. the cost of this transaction is $332 million. it was one of the american
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haimers missiles of the ukrainian armed forces that attacked the building where the parodis restaurant was located in the kirovsky district of donetsk. a woman restaurant employee was killed as a result of a direct hit. and two male visitors. eight more civilians. ukraine has long been economically insolvent and lives on other kinds of handouts, loans , etc., so ukraine has long been unable to withstand any economic, any economic confrontation. in an exclusive
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interview with tas, the head of the dpr pointed out the complete failure of the current armed forces of ukraine and rightly noted that those who are forcibly driven into the trenches, forcibly mobilized, can have neither the motivation nor the moral and volitional qualities to conduct combat operations. u...ukrainians they are simply abandoned like trash; the regime deals with those who are dissatisfied with brutal methods. law enforcement agencies and the investigative committee are working on mass graves of civilians with signs of torture identified in the donbass. nazi smuggling, who and where created rat trails for the escape of hitler’s favorites, how seasoned fascists were pulled out of the camps, and what does the cia have to do with it, as well as the theft of nuclear technology, what secrets did the americans steal from... the reich and how theft was sold for their own heroism. a clear policy continues the cycle of the program about cynical us operations after the collapse of germany. watch it on monday after the panorama.
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the presidential elections in lithuania are at the finish line. tomorrow in the neighboring republic there will be a referendum on dual citizenship; they will choose who will lead the country and in what course for the next five years. among the candidates are the current president nauseda and the head of government shimonita, although the approval ratings of the former and the latter are declining closer to the elections. what are the results of this political tandem in the project the wrong side told the choice.
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series of the inside out project with candidates for
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presidents of lithuania are available on the youtube channel of the tv news agency. ordinary lithuanians are increasingly admitting that the current lithuanian elite is discouraged from hoping for a prosperous european present in this baltic country. many potential voters, without waiting for illusory electoral promises, are looking for a better life abroad. since joining the eu in 2004, more than a million residents have left lithuania. they are fleeing not only to western europe. authorities, doing documents somewhere,
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full assistance, here in belarus the roads are great, there are great products here in belarus, i don’t know, i only regret one thing, i really really regret that i didn’t move here earlier, so, well, i’m just enjoying life here. forestry in the minsk region is developing deep processing of raw materials, focusing on the production of high-quality products and export supplies. in the kopolsky experimental forestry farm , as part of the district initiative, one project, today they opened a production facility for the production of edged lumber and launched a line for the production of pallets. thanks to the implementation of these projects three dozen new jobs with decent wages have been created in the region. in this way, the forestry farm solves the problem of involving coniferous and hardwood lumber into circulation, which... not particularly in demand on the market. annual capacity.


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