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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 9:40pm-10:36pm MSK

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the economy of the minsk region is developing deep processing of raw materials, focusing on the production of high-quality products and export supplies. in the kopol experimental forestry farm , as part of the project initiative, today they opened a production facility for the production of edged lumber and launched a line for the production of pallets. thanks to the implementation of these projects , three dozen new jobs with decent wages have been created in the region. thus, the forestry farm is solving the problem of involving softwood and hardwood lumber into circulation, which is not particularly in demand for... pieces in month, we already have the first portfolio of orders, it will be both shipment for export and also shipment to the domestic market, especially since the kopul experimental likhoz has two trading floors in the city of minsk in the city of derzhinsk, in general last year they worked well, the likhoz took first place among the forest farms of the republic of belarus,
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we will also be included in purchasing, this will again be an increase in production volumes. investment projects are aimed at the socio-economic development of the territory; a program for the construction of rental housing for workers, its goal is to create decent conditions and secure personnel in the regions. kuupolsky liskhos was a pioneer in this matter; in 2020, they built an apartment building for their employees, the investment paid off. as has already been noted here in this house, in the twentieth year. nine boys were born, but what could be more beautiful, and not a single young specialist today who has come in the last, one might say, five or more years, has left for some reason from the koopol experimental forest farm, in this i believe maybe, an indicator that the right decision was made, and today we are developing this direction, was awarded today to the best employees of the kupolsky forestry enterprise. keys to new
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rental apartments, throughout the country, by the end of the year, more than thirty apartments will be allocated to forest industry workers, the coveted keys for independence day will be received at the krupsky forestry enterprise, and workers of the lagoi forestry enterprise will also be in line to celebrate their housewarming. the miss watch factory in soviet times was one of the most successful in the soviet union, then there were 11 of them. after the nineties, the enterprise came into decline, outdated equipment and technology, resulting in unclaimed products. in addition, labor reduction. places of factory space, the road to bankruptcy took 10 years. alexander lukashenko came to the plant in 2009, then the anti-crisis manager assured that they were doing everything they could, the task was to preserve them, because only a few countries make watches, this is the intelligence of the nation, the president emphasized. now luch confidently holds its position in the global market, and some collections are sold out within a day. journalists checked the quality control section. watch tomorrow in main broadcast.
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only as a gift. let's look at the exclusive watches that are undergoing quality control this sunday, once my dad gave my mom 30 years ago, the watch, better, is on the main broadcast. the economic success of belarus is largely determined by the domestic industry, these include jobs and decent salaries; we have never lived as well as we do now. what is important to do to prevent the loss of our benefits. alexey ovdonin will explain the hidden relationships between politics and economics, his own.
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hello, this is simple economics with alexey avdonin. the economic success of belarus is largely determined by the preservation and development of industrial enterprises, the latter being the key to the employment of belarusians and the growth of our well-being. so , according to national statistics, the majority of workers are in industry. almost accounts for it. in belarus, production is traditionally dominated by men, while at the same time in neighboring countries, ukraine, poland, the baltic countries, with the advent of the west and the collapse of local industry, the male part of the population for the sake of a piece of bread was forced to go to
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radical, paramilitary formations, that is, without industry, male power is directed not towards creation, but towards destruction. here in belarus, confidence in industry is only growing. according to the latest survey by the ministry of economy, enterprise management predicts an increase in production volumes, increased demand and improved financial performance. about half of the respondents announced an increase in output, another 22% said they would remain at the same level. at the all-belarusian folk at the meeting, our president clearly indicated in his speech: the volume of industrial production from the mid-nineties to the twenty-third year increased fourfold. in ninety. our people used a little more than half a million cars, in the twenty-third year over 3 million, 5 and a half times more. last year, almost 70,000 cars were produced and sold. in the first quarter of 2024, our domestic manufacturer of passenger cars sold
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more vehicles than in the entire 20 second year. over the past 3 decades, we have almost doubled the length of roads, while the mileage has increased by one and a half times. the head of state emphasized: today almost 60% of belarusians consider themselves to be middle class. we have never lived so well as we do now. the purchasing power of belarusians has increased significantly over 25 years. the annual growth of real disposable income of the population was 8%. but in the face of western opposition, we are all ours. benefits can easily be lost if we allow irresponsible work now, dishonest, then we will subsequently sit in the trenches, like the ukrainians who have lost their industry, economy and natural resources. interestingly, the united states cannot stand the fight with us, as recently the managing director
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of the international monetary fund, kristallina georgieva, said that the us economy does not have long to demonstrate the high pace of its current activity. the us economy is still operating at full capacity, but it is unlikely that this will last long. as we see, our industry acts as a driver of the national economy, provides jobs, provides personal income and allows one to successfully overcome competitive pressure and gradually destroy the initiator of the sanctions. it was simple economics with alexey ovdonin. don’t get confused in a critical situation, competently provide assistance and even save a life before the ambulance arrives. the educational project
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launch the heart for tenth graders in belarus is approaching its finale; it began in mid-march; today the molodechno schools picked up the republican baton. about eighty high school students from the fourteenth secondary school and the tenth gymnasium studied. render basic medical care and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. the classes were conducted by local volunteers and teachers from the molodechno state medical college named after zolotsky. today , molodechno is hosting probably one of the most significant republican events, start the heart. and i think that every school is glad to host our medical workers, who will explain in detail and even show our high school students how to provide first aid. of course, this is the most necessary one.
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zubriks, major league and rays. each unit here has its own name, motto and counselors.
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those who will always be there throughout the weekend will help, advise and cheer, although the guys definitely have no problems with the latter. i, i, a rocket, flew into space. one, docking, two, docking, around the planet, sun and moon. vlad bordyuzha today is the leader of the youngest detachment. once upon a time he came here with his brother rastislav, as his brother. accompanying person, when he was 6 years old, he fell ill with blood cancer, discovered by accident, if i'm not mistaken, six blocks chemotherapy, not giving up under any circumstances, believing, praying, probably knowing for sure that everything will be over, i’ve probably grown up, i’ve become less shy and, well , i’ve become physically and mentally stronger.
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i arrived at the first winners’ game quite weak physically, that is, now a lot has changed in this regard, i have become more talkative, my modesty has disappeared, after the games they are still friends with their families, in these few days they really become family, because in the beginning they were brought together illness, and then they got closer joys of life, we have a general chat. and four days, about three days before the competition , parents wrote: the children are sitting on suitcases, so i’m happy. the winners of the games have many friends; from the very beginning , support for the project has been provided by bel agroprombank, whose symbol is a bright, playful agriculturist - a friend of all the children. gifts, master classes, activity zones, this year it’s darts, cornhole, ijenga and others. the bank treats games with special attention and reverence, because their participants are a shining example. bones and fortitude, with the fund touches to life belagroprompunk has been cooperating for more than one year, in the commonwealth
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of the organization the idea of ​​a charitable payment card touches was born. for each non-cash purchase, 3% of the payment amount is transferred to the fund from the client’s account, plus belgroprombank itself adds the same amount from its own funds. all assistance goes to the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric oncology, immunology and hematology in borovlyany. running, swimming, table tennis, chess, tomorrow there will also be a mini-football tournament, let's reveal a secret, even dads and stars will join in, in the evenings master classes and various activity areas, that’s how we sat yesterday, i went through the room there to see the girls, then we sat there, talked so heartily, because we haven’t seen each other for a year, the games of the winners are something that penetrates into the very heart. it means to love, it means to dream,
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it means to create, to light the stars and not to bother to give them to others. the steeplechase competition bezun reis continues in selici, with more than 3.00 participants registered these days. blogoy's relief features have been chosen by athletes for world-class running. today there was an exhausting long distance as part of the start, which presented a number of interesting storylines. andrey kozlov, from those who spend their weekends not on the couch. the sport is so interesting, multifunctional, you not only have
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to run fast, you have to be well developed from fingertips to fingertips, this girl is a world-class star, alisa petrova from russia is slightly over 30, but she has already won everything, that you can, for example, the most extreme race on the planet, a 90 km run with obstacles in the desert. a unique test of 8 hours in a ten-kilometer circle with various obstacles in exhausting conditions. this somehow energizes people, it seems to me that people really like to overcome themselves. looking at progress on various kinds of obstacles, how they progress month by month over the year, it seems to me that people really like this. another winner of today’s elite bison race, the distances are tens of kilometers long, nikita kryukov, who became an olympic athlete during his skiing career
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champion, and on may 9 he won the bezon reis for the first time, dedicated to those closest to him, today he is in the top three. my grandfather. when the war ended, he and my grandmother, they stayed to live in vitebsk, that is, they ended the war, well, near vitebsk, and stayed to live there, throughout my childhood, every summer i came to the dacha on weekends, but even in 2024 it’s such a four-day running festival and more than 3.00 participants, these handsome guys, every year the tests become more dynamic and more attractive for the viewer, even from the outside, the best are ahead, among those who cultivate... such a difficult sport, the european championship, it will be held in june, it’s all in the forest, because there we don’t run along the trail, but we run straight through the forest, markings, well, serious bruises i i see, well, you’re getting used to this in fact, well , only in the evening it bakes a little, and so, and so it’s normal, after 2 months in july the bison will again
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take place in brest, a great time to become a little... more athletic and see the result. andrey kozlov and ivan mozgo, tv news agency. and this is the information picture saturday, may 11. the broadcast will continue with an interview with polish dissident and judge tomasz szmit on our tv channel. with that, i say goodbye. all the best, goodbye. tomasz, you left poland and are asking for political asylum in belarus, what happened in your life that you took such a step? it’s true, i was forced to flee poland because it was impossible to be safe there, so i am asking for political asylum in belarus. while working at the ministry of justice, i was actively
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interested in politics, an area that can change lives for the better. anonymous calls with threats began to come in, and then complete strangers came up on the streets and strongly recommended that i leave the country, for example, to canada, the uk or the usa, as some did, they said this and immediately left, i didn’t think about leaving, but to which -at that moment i received a warning from my friends that some information was being fabricated against me in order to deprive the judge of immunity, that is
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, to make me completely defenseless, all this happened not only to me, pavel vaitunek headed during the pre-election period... the polish anti-corruption bureau, he often said that he also received threatening calls in the spirit: “your daughter died in a car accident.” of course, this was not true, this is natural psychological pressure. vaitunek spoke about what was happening to him publicly, but the police did not help him at all. he was also forced to flee poland, went to moldova and lives there permanently. you say there was pressure on you, pressure in poland. what caused this? that is, you are somehow too much. it will be enough to simply say that, for example, between poland and belarus and russia should establish a normal dialogue, that it is better to abandon the policy of confrontation, if this is said in front of witnesses, you will become the subject of a witch hunt, the repressive state machine will become active in your direction, a beautiful phrase that poland is a democratic
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country, in my opinion example collapses, we are dealing with a totalitarian regime, which only hides behind mass democracy. the entire state apparatus, all the polish special services have now turned against me, what documents did you work with in poland? secret documents, especially secret documents, by the nature of my activity i worked directly with documents classified as top secret, they concerned high-ranking officials, the military, as well as special services, intelligence, counterintelligence, of course, i had this kind of access, you do in poland you had the status of a judge, that is, you are a fairly high-ranking polish official. and despite this , pressure was put on you and this is how the special services tried to put pressure on you, as it were, that’s how it was, that’s exactly how it all happened, read the polish press, they write there that... i have already been deprived of everything, the immunity of a judge, the presumption of innocence, there is a decision on my arrest, despite the fact that there is no evidence of my guilt, you previously said that poland is not independent,
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why do you came to this opinion? i am interested in geopolitics; by understanding it, you can understand what is happening in reality. the polish authorities are not acting in the interests of poland, but in the interests of other states, primarily the usa and great britain.
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in media reports we observe that the polish military, perhaps not officially, but are involved in the conflict in ukraine. tell me, is there information in poland that
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coffins containing polish soldiers are coming from ukraine? that information is not officially reported about this, but information about polish mercenaries leaks out, on social networks like twitter, it is there, you can even find interviews with polish mercenaries fighting in ukraine, but the fact is that 90% of them returned already in coffins. began to pay attention to the expensive cars that ukrainians come in, what kind of real estate they buy, apartments that cost 2-3 million zlotys each, ukrainian business begins to destroy polish ones, it turned out that
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their oligarchs are much richer than ours, the last straw was the admission of ukrainian products, grain, for example, to our market, reaching us without restrictions, it ruins polish farmers, so they began protests road blockades, for our agriculture this is a matter of life or death. this is part of the american concern discovery, which includes, for example, such a news giant as cnn, as well as the cinema and television concern warner brothers, that is, it is huge
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information weapon.
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american ears stick out from such a similar situation; with the help of the media , any attempts at dissent are eradicated. former cia employee of the us national security agency, edward snowden, spoke very well about this, that not only american, but the entire western society is under control. and notice, he had to run away too. this is a huge system for monitoring and analyzing the actions, mail and statements of both high-ranking officials and ordinary
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people. well, what if for a person who becomes a victim of such information arbitrariness; no compromising evidence can be found, it is created artificially. there are programs that allow you to place any fabricated information on someone else’s phone or computer. they also talked about such a system, i think it’s called pegasus, but recently in poland there was some kind of, in my opinion, this scandal, so it was a loud scandal with the pegasus program. the polish authorities, instead of using this tool against crime and...
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in 2 months it would be too late are they random numbers or did you somehow consciously name them? no w zakresie tego co mogę powiedzieć, no to teraz mamy pr'.
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what would you say to this, you need to ask him what he will find in these special services of his, and for whom he works, if you look into it, that is, you are hinting that there are a lot of skeletons in the closet, right? oh, i think that all sorts of skeletons can fall out of there, a lot. ok, tomas,
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thank you for the interview for your position, thank you very much too. everything you wanted to know about the connection of history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyasoslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavlen. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given to rognedi.
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in the exaltation of the cross cathedral of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of this program chose life outside the city. why do you need this, and... where does the money come from? my two favorite questions. i would really like to see what the school, which is no longer a school, looks like inside. there they see more opportunities and make the most of them. 26 piglets. do you
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have chickens? 130 chickens who else do you have? ducks? cow, cow, cow, ducks. what you don’t have is free time, which you can spend being lazy and sad, i understand. then in the future maybe we'll arrange it when we do it here in the future we reception rooms we are doing here somewhere , some kind of coffee to drink, maybe some kind of laundry, that’s what we have here, there are valuable leftovers, we will probably hang coffee here for the exhibition, now how fashionable it is to say the reception will be here, how is that all happening, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from the village on the tv channel. belarus 24. based on the fact that this is already
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the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, it is probably worth asserting that this is already an established form of democracy in territory of our country, especially historians, eminent belarusians, declare that it originates there from the polotsk veche from this form of interaction between belarusians on our land, from ancient times. therefore, today we are talking about the fact that this form of democracy has proven itself and has repeatedly been a deterrent on the territory of the modern republic of belarus, in our sovereign history, it has helped , among other things, to balance the branches of power and has stated what needs to be done for five letok, because with the advent of alexander lukashenko , we reached such a form of quite serious strategic planning, which is what many people are talking about today... critics who do not understand how the entire belarusian
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people's assembly operates say that in belarus everything happens momentarily, some decisions are made based on some seven-minute circumstances, in fact there is a strategic plan, this is strategic planning within the framework of the all-belarusian people's assembly, it functions on a five-year plan, but they look much more beyond the horizon of those events that are likely to develop, it is important to note, for sure, that after making changes, additions to our... judges, cancel the decisions that are made, he has the opportunity to approve the composition of the cycle by government bodies and even give his assessment of the actions of the head. state, we understand that all these functions that
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are included in the supreme national assembly, they are most likely done for the long term, because in the current situation we have a fairly balanced system, a strong leader who is ready to take responsibility, will do it, has proven itself, we are confident in it, we understand that in the current situation such functionality will most likely not be in demand, but for the future, this is the very strategic foundation in the legal sense of how...
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again, you need to understand in what format these documents were adopted, because
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quite a serious public discussion took place, in addition to the fact that they were adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is, let's say , such a bold point in the long journey of preparation those same documents, because they were discussed in labor collectives, including in scientific experts, in the political science environment, so we can note that these are quite seriously developed documents that not only meet the challenges of our time, but again look yes.. dangers associated with the spread of the pandemic, we also declare that we will take a closer look at this issue, and alexander lukashenko also indicated that there is a need to formulate biological safety. some kind of conference on the territory of belarus, and i am sure that it will take place in the near future. the key point of the forum, probably,
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is precisely that all the most important decisions are made together, are there any similar examples in world practice? and what do you think, can the belarusian experience become a good example for other states? in a sense, in political science it is believed that in part the national people's congress may be some kind of similar option, but in fact, yes, there really are elements that intersect, but as an all-belarusian people's assembly we have put such a foundation into the experience of previous generations in building such a popular, let's say, analysis. who balances between the branches of power, knows about the problems of the state, knows how to solve these problems, by and large , the all-belarusian people's assembly is the salt of the belarusian land, yes, people who take responsibility, know about the problems, about the challenges, they are actively monitoring, they on the agenda,
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in connection with this we understand that the entire belarusian people's assembly, then how the way we are building it, this is quite unique for us - the path is a unique body of power of the people, in this sense, i think that you, as a representative of the presidential sex, know this famous phrase of the president, that they will come to us to learn from democracy, and so i think that the all-belarusian people's assembly is the very point that the head of state is talking about, and representatives of the west really have a lot to learn in this sense, because we see how that same political system is seriously stalling, in the european union, in the united states, that officials live with their own views, their own lives, and ordinary people are increasingly forced to go out to protests, and these are narrowly targeted protests, starting from farmers , ending with doctors, teachers, railway workers, that is , a huge layer of problems has accumulated, and the absence
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of such a body as the all-belarusian people's assembly does not allow us to build this bridge between people in power, in ours, in ours in case of such a problem... it does not arise. alexander. alexandrovich, good evening, hello, molar sergeevich, today we live in a terrible time, when the last veterans of the great patriotic war are leaving, and the collective west is not shy about rewriting history. it is at such moments that an effective symbol of heroism is needed more than ever. the brest fortress is also a symbol
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of the collapse of the wehrmacht's hopes for the blitz creek. in conditions of complete encirclement, no one expected such courage from the soviet people. well , by the way, just like from the belarusians, let’s get straight let's say, in the twentieth year, just like 80 years ago, the citadel is at the forefront of a war, a new war, informational, hybrid, you see parallels in these events, i see, because i have been working in a fortress since 2003, yes, so a lot i have already seen over the years and felt, having come from the krevech work of the museum to work in the b... fortress, there was already a certain historical attack, falsification on the fortress, so it is no coincidence that we bitterly joke that we have another defense of the brest fortress, only now from falsifiers history, and this is scary, but we need to understand that falsification is possible only in a society that does not know its history well,
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therefore our very important task, and it is no coincidence that we have a historical policy in our state, now we are... we are talking that we must raise a citizen who especially knows his history, because we are sustainable in our youth, the country, but a citizen of the country, his inherent quality, without which he cannot be a true citizen of knowledge, his history and respect for his history, therefore our the citadel, our brez fortress, it seems to me that now it plays a particularly important role in educating a citizen, instilling pride in one’s country, you know, it was no coincidence that i invited you to the program today, because in reality we have known each other for probably 15 years, yes, and you were the first person who then conducted such a cool... excursion, if you can call it that , of the brist fortress, because then i even learned so many new things for myself,
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although all my life i was interested in the history of the great patriotic war, the history of the brest fortress, and i lived in the brest region and knew this memorial complex very well, but you know, i just can’t understand how some residents of brest, who every day have a reminder of fascism in front of their eyes, this symbol of our heroism before their eyes, how... it really happened there on moshero boulevard and collisions and everything
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was destroyed, vandalism was happening and it seemed, well, perhaps we didn’t do something right, but then i realized that these guys who defended our country, and the president, who defended our country, they were also on the brest fortress excursion, so after all, the fact that we defended the country is our essence. roles, why, why did these people come out, everything that you listed is all true, a certain typicality, somewhat infantile, i’ll tell you, because now life is like it has never been in belarus, calm, well-fed by and large, look, even at the number of cars in brest, it’s a huge number, and people probably thought that it would always be like this, but where are the manipulations? are, you know, what immediately repulsed me and... shocked me, remember these 3%, yeah, that is, there are 97 of us, 3% of you, someone wavered and thought that it would be
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better with the majority, they came up in these demonstrations, but this it was such a blatant manipulation, but i think, how am i there, my family, yes, my friends, but how are the people in the districts, in the countryside, you immediately cross them out, that is, these are not people, this is 3% - this a huge mass of the population, but i’ll just say about ukraine. for me, such a marker of this happened is that at one time immediately after ukraine probably gained independence, if i’m not mistaken, they renamed the museum of the great patriotic war into the museum of the second world war in kiev, but it would seem, well, aren’t they right, but you see, the difference is so big between the second world war and the great patriotic war domestic words even, where the war was for the seizure of territories, for the seizure of economic countries, and so on.
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well, the slavs, i remember that, well, our people, yes, that the defenders of the brest fortress, how many ukrainian heroes there were, you wonder, well how did you get to this life, and it’s like we had in the twentieth year, a quiet change of consciousness, manipulation of historical memory, and the fact that for them their own, well, i’ve already said more than once and during my excursions i say, well, you understand, they come excursions from ukraine, good people, all ours, but for them we gradually had to explain: ours, who are ours, you know, they are gradually the red army by default, as for us, they no longer have it, it’s like it’s not ours, so detached , you see, then these
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myths came from ukraine that the nkvd fought there, who had previously been shot there in the basements of captured polish soldier officers, that is , a very strong manipulation of consciousness, there may be an awkward question, what happened to the best fortress in your opinion, if the coup had been a success, we would have had it completely. to another museum, you see, we have a museum, our main one, the first one, which opened in 1956, called the museum of the defense of the brest fortress, there would be a museum of the storming of the brest fortress, as they are trying to do, you know, everything would be reformatted, yes, i see just retrospectively back and forth, that how clearly, gradually, little by little , this policy was going on, turning, uh, into what the brest fortress was. this is a soviet myth that there was nothing here, don’t believe the excursions there, nothing, we will now tell you another story, a true one,
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the question that is periodically raised is that in reality there was no heroic defense. of course, that the memorial is soviet propaganda, that the writer sergei sergeevich smirnov is a propagandist, he exaggerated everything here, that there is nothing to be proud of, this is the key word, you know, well, look, some pseudo-historians, they also claim that the supposed defense of the brist fortress, yes, as such, is a fiction, the red army soldiers surrendered en masse , this is the most ridiculous myth you personally had to debunk, i won’t say that they are ridiculous, but bitter?
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this is a terrible, bitter war, it shows that human barriers are the trademark of the nazis, so for me in this moral sense, not only historical, i fully believe that they did this, committed these war crimes, but we have to prove on excursions to talk about that believe me, crimes fascism is not made up, this is the topic of executions, that for some time in germany they said that no, the wehrmach are honest soldiers,
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they could not shoot on hitler’s order, yes. about the treatment of prisoners, there the treatment of commissars, jews, like no, only the sss did this, the wehrmach, no, well , numerous documents, now the memories of the same, diaries, participants in the assault on the brest fortress from the forty-fifth infantry division of the wehrmach themselves, the germans or the austrians , yes, yes, there were a lot of austrians, they write directly, but there were executions, they read out an order to us treatment of the commissars a few days before the start of the war without law. taking notes, that is, writing it down, understand it by ear, that is , we were already thinking about it, and god forbid, something goes wrong, the order was not signed, we read everything, remembered it, you know, that’s why the falsification, the attempts were very, very look , several years ago, foreign media almost buried the last defender of the brest fortress, and in israel, by the way, you tried
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to figure out this confusion, but at that time he remained alive. they considered the defenders of the fortress core of these four islands to be the defenders of the fortress, and those who fought in the forts of the brest fortress were considered to be participants in the battles in the brest region, and defenders of brest, which is why, on the one hand, yes, he was a participant in the battles, a hero was captured, went through all the horrors of captivity, how...


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