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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 11:35pm-12:26am MSK

11:35 pm
i’m going out into the street, you have new rules now, what new rules, yes, a colleague, this is your new one, she caught me in the ward with a cigarette and went crazy, you’ll excuse me if i set you up, a new colleague, and you don’t confuse anything, no, it’s like, well, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go here, little shadow, look.
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they say something happened at your house, yes, different circumstances, how are you here without me, it’s bad, the melancholy is green, there’s no one to talk to, aunt olya swears at me all the time, and you’re probably trying to lose weight again, yes tries, tries, her mother brings her food, she’s trying, and this beauty in the yard feeds everything to the dogs, well, that’s it, my sick life is over, now i’m on duty in a day, i’ll take care of you, no need, i’m already the fattest in the class, isn’t it enough for you that you
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got here with exhaustion? hello, yes, mom, how does the diaper come off, well, there you go, the velcro is on, i ’ll come now, there’s velcro on the sides, but does she have a child, um, tell me, igor romanovich, the clinic is big, not very big, but. with the latest technology, great, tell me, do you happen to need good nurses there, but do you have someone in mind, alochka, to be honest, i myself wouldn’t mind moving to a decent place from this hole, i think your phone is ringing, i think yes, hello, yes, nadya, but i’ll be a little late, yes, what are you what, nadya, what are you doing, what’s wrong with you, well, that’s it, i’m running already, running, lord, i’m playing... you’ll forgive me, for
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god’s sake, apparently some kind of emergency happened, because samsonova is on me for the first time i've yelled in my life. yes, okay, call me, allochka. hi what happened? and you still ask, you’re more than an hour late, and my child is waiting for me at home. what child? otherwise you don't do you know who told tamara petrovna about us? oh, there was no need to encrypt all the work on me. where is natasha? playing games. i went, why did you tell her about sochi, well, she would have found out anyway, but by the way, he returned already, as soon as he returned, i met him at the hospital, he said, he’s marrying, who, well , who, in the world, dymchenko, you can you imagine, he’ll be the head physician at his father-in-law’s clinic, and he’s already taken all the documents from the hr department, and she’s the one who said something, but no, oh, how i envy igor, she says, the clinic is super modern, the salary there will probably be... um, also
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super, and what are you bringing from the city, diapers, powder, formula, and what kind of formula, to feed the baby, what, instead of milk, yes, yes, interesting, progress- then where did he go, and we used to suck tits, well, now it’s almost like the cosmonauts, yes, yes, apparently the big one won’t grow up much, you yourself...
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so far, no way, why, after all, but his mother gave him a name, just the child, before she had time to come up with a name, will come back and come up with one. and if she doesn’t come back, then she will come back, yes, but this is no good , nadyukha, we need to think about something, we need to collect, that's advice, and give it a worthy name, a name, here's a bayu, balyushki, bayu, don't lie down on the edge, a little gray top will come out and bite the side, but no top will come, we never had any tops, you're to the wolves they’re scaring you, so i ’ll sing you another song now, a horned goat is coming for the little
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guys, teeth, katerina, well, are you crazy or something, well, whoever calms the child with a goat, liked it, listen, let’s go. the cat went to the woods and found a belt, oh you little cat, little cat, what have you got here, the cat went to the woods and found a little wood, what is it, well what so, well, well, quiet, why are you crying, cat, your tummy hurts, yes, ah-ah-ah, otherwise we’ll stroke the belly, well, girls, let’s go, oh, you’re good, let’s go, we have things to do , let's go, let's go. well, okay, okay, okay, don’t cry, well, come to me, little cat, come to my arms, go, like this, like this, like this, and we ’re not crying anymore, we’re not crying anymore, but so,
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how are things at work, yes, it’s fine, i’ve made peace with tamara petrovna, yeah, why is she so gloomy? yes, i keep thinking where natasha could have gone, igor has already returned, so he would have i asked if he would tell me, hello, hello, igor, what are you talking about, no, of course, i’m still on duty, really, thank you. yeah, definitely today, and definitely before 11, okay, i understood everything, and i’ll be there soon, but what are you thinking about, you still have 3 hours of duty, wait for marina, then you’ll leave, no, i
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won’t wait for anyone, that’s all , tamara petrovna, i’m quitting, i’m tired, you work here, you work harder than anyone else, in response there are only reproaches, you know these... pathetic songs, sing to someone else, you already have the most preferential treatment among employees, admit it, lured somewhere, where did you get the idea from, well, i still find out who you’re going to, to eremeev’s clinic, of course, i begged who i was, and he himself begged me, by the way, such pros like me are on the road don’t lie around, listen, pros, you will still have to work the allotted 2 weeks, so don’t fool your head, tamara petrovna, well, understand, igor’s wedding is tomorrow, and then they go to france for 3 weeks, and his deputy is so cunning, that during this time he will definitely find someone else, well , please, i’ll run, and you’ll sign a statement with
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lvovich, go in all four directions, so, here’s another good name. demyan. greek means patron, pacifier. not a fashionable name at all. but it’s ancient and powerful. well, yes, and i’ll tease dimyashka, the blotter. yes, and his character is something wrong, he is proud.
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they're falling... they're getting married again, here's katerina, cross out, cross out, oh, look what you found, rashid, a persian hero, is fond of sports and achieves great success in life, but he's the tenth one you don't like i don't like this idea of ​​yours, it's not good somehow it’s up to strangers to choose a child’s name, to throw a child at...
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the energy potential of the person who has it is endowed by fate. hello, meet marina, our new nurse, marina - this is nadya, it’s very nice,
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but i’m wondering who the patients are talking about, and what are they saying? there are new rules in our department, and petrov probably complained to you about this. nadya, of course, excuse me, but if the firefighters find out that our patients smoke in our wards, we will all be in trouble. what else is new? well, you ordered the new burbot. angelica again he has a fever, and his son never came to see thunder. hello, natasha, where are you? i understand, i'll think of something. natasha, it seems,
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is in trouble, she is somewhere near the station, calls from a payphone, says: no, no money, she has no things, i’ll move tamara petrovna, i’ll quickly, okay, come on, thank you, natasha, wait, i’m with you, tamarochka petrovna, well, actually, it was necessary for me too. who are you like that? igor, guys, can
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i go home? then about this, let's go to our village, the baby's parents, go get a taxi, let's go! ay, look, hello, nadyusha, when, what are you doing, lord, okay, so what?
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she’ll come, she’ll arrange it for you, but she won’t come, she’s on vacation this year in a civilized way, she went to egypt, oh, my god, what should i do, why should i get out. princess! natasha, tell me honestly, is it igor with the hand? no, he has nothing to do with it.
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eleu asked to be discharged, people chipped in for my ticket, one nurse brought me sick clothes, mine was completely dirty and tattered when i got to the hospital, so i begged for it, just look at dr. eremeev himself. natasha, stop, you where? nat, where are you going, wait here, but what about me, where are you going? nat, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations
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that i won’t be here today, but what about me, go to work, tolik. mom, mom, oh, we've arrived, it's natasha, hello, natasha, hello, hello, what's wrong with your hand? here, little darling, your mommy has arrived, oh, baby,
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hello, darling, here we are... you and i are all alone, oh, baby, and it’s a bitter age for a woman, mine’s been 15 years since i ran away i’m alone and alone, at least yours ran away, but mine actually died, but it’s better to die, a parasite, well they started their own horse again, oh, can you really understand, this is what life is like for us lonely women, well, who is lonely here, but... we, oh, come on, that's enough, we're cackling again, let's go to the house, let's go, let's go, let's go , girls to the house, let's go, aunt katya, natasha, go have dinner, but i'm not
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feeling well, of course, you sit at home all day, you should go out for a walk, you know... what a river we have, what air, you'll immediately get healthier , mom, leave the person alone, let him rest, natasha, lord, go before dinner, give me i would like to change clothes, all the things are left in the apartment, and tomorrow we’ll go and bring them to you, i probably need to move there, why is this, but it’s inconvenient, i’m embarrassing you here, but you’re not embarrassing anyone? “listen, we won’t let you go anywhere with your baby, if you want, i ’ll bring you my robe now, okay, yours will be big, now i’ll bring irchkin, yes. good afternoon, hello, we’re getting ready for the injection, so,
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have you taken the medicine? tanya, who am i addressing? you understand, tanyusha has a personal drama, her boy started dating someone else. girl, it’s none of your business, well that means, your personal drama and especially boys don’t interest me, and you have to take your medications by the hour, come on. i won’t, you will until you drink, i won’t leave here, but you’ll choke, well, that’s better, so, well, let’s sit, lie down, get ready for the injection.
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ir, come out, we’ll get there now, have breakfast, change clothes, and let’s go fishing. wonderful plan, yes, why are you so sour, tired, you know, i got seasick on the road, and in general i want to get there and go to bed as soon as possible, look how beautiful it is, yes, oh, good
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morning, hello, excuse me, who are you? hello, i’m natasha, nadya’s friend, she invited us here to stay, yeah, sorry. why are you wearing my robe? anastasia fedorovna gave? hmm, great, quiet, quiet, quiet, well , eat, eat, come on, hmm, delicious, well, eat, eat, there's no point in bringing them here, we're leaving, what happened, we weren't expected here, oh, my dears, when you just arrived, irochka, hello, mom, hello, mom!
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have you eaten too much belina, irka, let's go, let's go back, i found someone to make a scandal about, the girl was almost killed, crippled look, she’s an orphan, there’s no one to intercede, so you took her in for a week, well, i didn’t know that she was such an orphan, oh, oh, oh, why did she come to our village, you are now in our you're just relaxing in egypt, and princess, spoil me, mosquito! well, what, put the slippers in the suitcase, and more slippers, yes , oh, come on, so, this is her blanket, so
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we’ll carry it in our hands, we’ll carry it in our hands, but we ’ll strain ourselves while we drag all this stuff to the bus, nothing, we’ll drag it out, if we close it, of course, we’ll drag it out, we’ll drag it out, hold it like that, but i haven’t collected the dishes yet. okay, that's it, you took everything from here, that’s all already, but shut up you bastard, just a little more, irochka, stay in the room you’ve been given for now, mom, are you kidding me, she has the smallest room in the house, we came to rest, they say, well, you don’t want to live in nadya’s , then my father and i are in our room, well, where will you be, well, we ’ll be in nadya’s room, our daughter is in close quarters with him, okay, okay, let’s go. oh, oh, hello,
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lucy. i haven’t seen you for 100 years, they say you rented out the apartment on your own, not only does she not pay the rent for the month, she she still doesn’t answer phone calls, she’s a young woman with a child, and she hasn’t been seen for a long time, oh lyusya, how can you let strangers into the house, i’ll go now and check that everything is in place, here i am, listen, well, maybe we... we’ll throw away some of the good stuff, but we’ll take the most valuable thing, i’ll give it to you, we’ll throw it away, look, like natasha’s, we take a vase, we don’t take it, okay, hello,
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hello, ira, ira, where are my shorts? hush, let the child go to bed, he can’t fall asleep, excuse me, but where is ira? i went to the garden and put everything in so that it was nothing i can’t find it, but she’s biting. today, child, oh, great, son-in-law, quietly, child, i’m leaving here, what, when did they arrive, this morning, as you left, vadim, vadim, look what a grandmother, why are you like that, the child is not here maybe, dad, why are you attacking me, your own daughter, because of some kid, i wish i could give you a proper slap in the ass, maybe then you’ll start appreciating people, right?
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you know what, you’ve achieved your goal, we’re leaving, vadim, come here, we’re leaving this house, well, it’s started, the same thing again, what are you say, yes, we are not robbers, but how much can you explain, i am natasha’s friend, my name is nadya, this is tolik, to whom is tolik, and to whom is anatoly sergeevich, we came to pick up natasha’s things, she was beaten, she couldn’t come herself, how? you also beat natasha, oh, bandits, why talk to her, she still won’t believe it, call natasha to confirm, uh-huh, her phone was stolen, god, good people, what’s going on, but the phone was stolen, beaten, yes they also decided to enclose the apartment, bandits, murderers, police, she
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took natasha’s keys. ir, well, you can’t do that, huh? semyon, why are you silent, you could have asked for forgiveness, i should ask for forgiveness, for what? just think, i made a remark, there was no point in yelling and waking up the child. ir, well, don’t leave , what, mom, ir, what do you mean, don’t leave? i understand, i understand, that’s it, wait, what’s there, we need to urgently go to the city for a drink, hand over a table, natalya, come here. but how can
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natasha go, she’s completely weak, yes, maybe you can take her, well, of course, no problem, of course, go, go, if necessary. what's wrong with your hand? fell, fell, one scumbag beat her up. semyon alekseevich, what difference? there is a big difference, and there is nothing to be ashamed of here, anyone can have such trouble,
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but they found him... one beat him up, the other abandoned him with his child, where do these freaks come from? i don’t know, to be honest, i don’t understand how you can do this to a woman, especially to such a woman.
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hello friends, as we know, with strength you can defeat the weaker... today in our studio there are people who cannot imagine their life without sports, sports fans are playing, we are meeting the participants artyom. shareshek, minsk, working driver, with several years of gregorim wrestling and football behind him, today he is also not averse to kicking the ball, but it is much more common to root for his favorite team from the stands of the stadium, an ardent fan of hockey and football dynamo minsk, for which his father nicknamed him the best
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fan in the country. sergey trakhimchuk, minsk, sales manager in a large construction company, one of the leaders of the fan club of the sky handball team of belarus. in addition to handball, he also closely follows football and hockey matches, wrestling billiards, i am sure that to win in sports you don’t have to be strong, the main thing is to find your opponent’s weaknesses. and anton malinovsky, minsk, senior passport officer at the oktyabrsky district settlement center in minsk, has been involved in sports since childhood, preferring dynamic disciplines and especially football. during my school years, i became the champion of the leather tournament. hello friends, well, the first question is probably for artyom, who said before the program that as soon as he learned about the existence of our project, he immediately set a goal for himself,
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get here to show your knowledge. artyom, well, you’re finally in our studio, what does it feel like when your goals are finally achieved? well, usually for me, if i set a goal for myself. i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting, emotions were simply overwhelming, as i understand it, this was the minimum goal, and the maximum goal is still to win, of course, of course, it’s not without this that i always come here i just came to win, well, i wish you good luck, i know that your wife and two children are worried about you today, i think that this support is for you it will help, although to be honest, sergei’s support will probably be a little larger, there’s a whole fan sector there. stands behind his shoulders. sergey, how did your fellow fans react when they found out that you were coming to our program; maybe they gave you any parting words? they said that well done, that he did the right thing, that he applied for the casting, well done
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that he passed the casting, they said that they would root for me, worry about me, keep their fingers crossed, one might say, and they wished me all the best, victory here, well, we we also join in, we wish you victory in ours. anton, now you have experience, let’s say, not only as a fan, yes, but you have experience of winning sports, winning the kozha tournament. ball, let’s just say, what do you need to win in today’s game, what is the key to success, victory, diligence, working on yourself and taking small steps every day towards your cherished dream, well, this is the parting word from anton, friends, i wish you all good luck, i wish you to express yourself to the maximum in today’s game, i remind you that there are four periods of the game ahead of us, during which i will ask you various questions from the world sports for. we also don’t forget to follow
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the discipline, a yellow card is a verbal warning, a red card is minus 5 points, the rules are explained, we have no choice but to move on to the first period. the head judge asks questions related to the sport, the player who is faster answers. the rest will light a lamp on his gaming stand. in controversial situations, participants have the right to protest, and the chief judge will resort to video replay. the correct answer is 5 points. an incorrect answer is minus five points. the period lasts 4 minutes. which did the ancient country, along with greece, give the name to the olympic form of wrestling? artyom? rome, italy. the roman empire. i accept this as the correct answer. we are talking about greco-roman wrestling. greco-roman wrestling.
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let's move on. kareem abduljabbar and michael
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jordan each have six nba titles, but which one has been voted nba finals mvp more often? anton, michael jordan. michael jordan, absolutely true, was named mvp six times, kareem abdujabbar only twice. let's continue. in this japanese sport, the strongest is identified in a circle with a diameter of about 5 m. well, what are you going to do, huh? we need to watch the video replay again, listen, to be honest, i still don’t understand who was first, i don’t know, let’s let it be anton, sumo, sumo wrestling, absolutely right, this is the correct answer. to what stage of the khl playoffs did dynamo minsk manage to reach in the 22-23 season. artyom, one fourth of the finals. unfortunately, this is the wrong answer, one. eighth correct answer, met with aska
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and lost 2:4 in the series. let's continue! what is the name of the football trophy awarded for... victory in a one-match tournament in which the winners of the champions league and europa league meet. anton, super cup, uefa super cup. absolutely correct, correct answer, the tournament has existed since 1972. and we continue. how long does the radeo athlete have to last on a bull in order for... their boats are artoy, and oak boats, let's
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quickly second option, oh even damn, my friends, are there any options, artyom, i count this as a wrong answer, unfortunately, correct answer, rafting, rafting, let's move on, who's tired is the winner overall standings in biathlon in the 2023 commonwealth cup? anton, russia, once again, the russian team, i need the name of a specific athlete, since we clicked on you and answer.
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by the way, our period has come to an end, let's sum it up; as we see, our participants are going quite smoothly so far, although, to be honest, we can’t say that they actually earned a lot of points. artyom, first of all, the question is squaw, well, somehow they made a lot of mistakes, although they started quite briskly, something yes, i got confused with the khel, of course, i thought to whom conference, not the whole tournament, well, about the rodeo, to be honest, it was complete. i couldn’t even imagine guessing, well, as it is, well, as for rodeo, to be honest, anton surprised me the most, well, as i understand it, it was also an answer to guessing, right, yes, the answer was guessing, because i don’t seem to be very familiar with this sport, i had to take a chance on answering, but i didn’t guess right, but so far
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sergey is the most reliable worker for us, not a single wrong answer, if i’m not mistaken, and as a result, intermediate leadership, sergey, how do you like it first period? excellent period, interesting question, especially of course, i liked the question about rodeo, i wanted to answer, but i imagined myself in this role, and to be honest, there was an option to answer for 10 seconds, if you decided to play it safe after all, yes, you would be close to the correct answer, but they would also earn minus five points, well, it’s interesting, the game is shaping up, let’s see what happens next, let’s move on to the second period. they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people. our
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quality, your safety protection. our company is famous for its traditions, as well as many dynasties.
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a constitutional body, but there is one other function, the supreme national assembly can cancel the decision of any government body if it does not ensure the stable development of society, with the exception of court decisions, no society that based its activities on hatred of man, on the destruction of people by people, man by man , had no future, did not have a long history in europe in the form in which it is now, there is no future, one of the tasks of the all-belarusian people's assembly is, of course... protecting the country from ever starting to build it anew. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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players choose the topic of the question from the proposed list. in addition, each participant has several cards with help. which you can get the right to answer the question first: to temporarily suspend an opponent from the game or change the chosen topic, the player who is the fastest to turn on the lamp on his gaming stand answers. correct answer - 5 points, incorrect answer - minus 5 points, the period lasts 5 minutes. friends, the topics are in front of you, let's start with anton, the topic is the history of sports. the name of this instrument literally translates as making a loud noise, it gained: particularly popular among fans during the 2010 fifa world cup in jur, what are we talking about? anton was the first to import, imported, famous, absolutely true. the topic is so scary, the history of sports, as it would seem, sergei, football, football and i am the first to be accepted, sergei answers this question,
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let's go, the nickname of this football player is the roman emperor, who we are talking about, francesco toti, francesco toti, absolutely right, ex-captain of the roma club. let's continue, artyom, belarus. in the league, what sport does the belarusian compete in? legion of obukhov, artyom is the first volleyball, volleyball is absolutely correct, represents the obukhov district, grodno region, a member of the major league since 2013, we are going well, just not to smooth it out, anton, the topic is hockey, i am the first, from artyom, the topic is hockey, change the topic, okay, we made it, let's change the topic for artyom, history sports, history of sports. let's try! in 1977 , soviet gymnast alexander tkachev first performed an element that was later called
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tkachev's flight. on what apparatus is this element performed? soviet gymnast. tkachev's flight. the projectile, well, i’ll assume, is brusia. this is the wrong answer. will you have options? anton, also the wrong answer, my friends, this is the crossbar, anton chose the topic for us, now sergey, let's try belarus, belarus, how many times has the belarusian women's basketball team reached the olympic games, artyom, twice, twice, absolutely true, 2008 in beijing, 2016 in rio, absolutely true, two points, five points, i'm sorry. artyom, topic, let 's try belarus, continue belarus, change the topic, football, football, which football
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club in england is nicknamed the saints, sergei, sunderland, this is not sunderland, unfortunately, my friends, will there be options, by sound somewhere. absolutely true, absolutely true, sergey , by the way, let’s continue votball, rest,
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rest, so, let’s start with artem, who ’s resting? sergei, sergei is resting, who is resting? anton, artyom, two cards, take a rest, this rarely happens from us, in the end it remains in the game, we only have anton, the theme is football, let's go, which football theme? the national team took part in all the world championships, the brazilian national team, the brazilian national team, absolutely right, this is the correct answer, now in my opinion artyom, yes, well, according to the good tradition of belarus, in what sport is the traditional international tournament in memory of livintsev taking place in belarus, since there are no options, i’ll give you a hint, this is about...
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let’s sum it up sergey!


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