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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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we will survive in society under any circumstances. the abundance of nazism in collective europe became part of government programs. war criminals are elevated to the rank of heroes and even encouraged to imitate them. nazism is again being used to realize geopolitical ambitions. as in the early forties, the west is ready to deal with any evil in order to maintain dominance. the terrifying experience of the apalagetes of the defeated third reich. having already found his followers there, he received a new interpretation and a beautiful wrapper. the nazis of our day no longer wear boots and black shirts, but they act much more subtly and more sophisticatedly. without any hesitation in europe , nationalists of all stripes praise and greet the ss men, they receive a standing ovation.
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to focus on the fact that preserving memory is the most important part of maintaining the stability of belarusian society, in your opinion, for what reason do we continue to do so, i would even say that this is, to some extent, part of our national idea. there is a huge demand for security in society, and based on this, it must be perceived. victory, because victory is
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the culmination of the security issue, which was implemented 80 years ago, we defended our own country, we defended the future of our people, and this event is, in general , such a great, great achievement in our history, we once again must defend our own statehood, we once again we defend the future of our country, yes, we, in reality, belarus is not in a state of war, but there is a war going on next to our borders, there is an information war, there is, let’s call it that, an ideological war, it is happening before our eyes, in these conditions we clearly understand that we simply do not have the right to leave this topic without attention. the concept of national security, military doctrine, again, so to speak, revised and adopted quite recently in our country. they are all
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aimed at ensuring a bright future for our country, at development, and not in vain, the legitimative of the last speech, or let’s say, of the all-belarusian people’s assembly was a slogan that is very many years old, time has chosen us, and we are forced to correctly interpret the lessons of history, to conduct internal foreign policy correctly so that war never comes to our land as a result. nikolai evgenievich, in addition to the fact that pain directly reflects the event of the great patriotic war in every family, because literally everyone has died at the front, we often forget that it was after the great patriotic war, based on its results , that this the system of global security and the geopolitical structure that is currently functioning, has this breakdown of those most events, is there any reformatting at the moment?
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that at present the united states has lost its role as a hegemon, what does this mean, that is, what was formed within the framework of past years, what was an undeniable statement that the united states is the greatest country that can do everything that you want in the post-soviet space, in the world, her last word, today it is no longer even perceived in europe. peace
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and he clearly answered all the claims: china knows who to be friends with, china knows which way to build his position, he is ready to find a common language with everyone, but does not accept how our country is a dictator, this is precisely the main component of today’s reviving and rebuilding world. in fact, it is extremely outrageous when the same josep borel declares that... that they have a blooming garden, and we have a dense jungle here, isn’t this superiority in the most classical sense and isn’t our tactical nuclear weapons as a response to these threats, so as not to get involved in an arms race, and how do you are you currently assessing those same
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exercises, testing combat readiness, which are carried out including with tactical nuclear weapons? at the moment, according to their developments, plans, and so on, we should have already been completely in the zone of their... influence, without having no opportunities, but to completely surrender to their, so to speak, mercy, but what we see, we are developing, we have not fallen to our knees, we are solving our problems, we are protecting our own interests, and we will return to our direction, we are confidently providing national security, we are able to ensure military security, we do exactly what we say, we do not play behind the scenes games, we clearly shape our own future. the president of the republic of belarus, alexander grigorievich, has repeatedly said under what conditions we will place nuclear weapons on our territory. this task is completed. today we need to
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train our own specialists who work with nuclear weapons to the point of automaticity, that is, they must exist. forces means, i have no doubt that those forces the means that are available today in belarus will allow us to solve the same problem, well, let ’s say, at least for the next decade, well, as alexander lukashenko said, we have learned the lessons of history and learned all, in fact,
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instructions from the results of the great patriotic war. how the nuclear shield of the union state works and how the statements of the presidents of belarus and russia on victory day cooled the military mood.
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well, you know, you can somehow win back there, or something else, by the way, this is not typical for us, that is, if everything is so bad with an analysis of the mentality of russians and belarusians, well, i don’t know, as well as a polish judge who moved to belarus - is this a black swan of warsaw or still a dove of peace? all the answers are in the new edition of the editors club, watch the full version of the program on the agencies’ youtube channel. in the meantime, the main information source remains the exercises. development of tactical nuclear weapons, let me remind you that the details of belarusian participation were announced by alexander lukashenko on may 9, including missile divisions of the iskander and the polonesses will be secretly taken to designated positions. also in the scenario is the issue of launching missile strikes to repel a possible
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attack on belarus. experts evaluate such coordinated work. both russia and belarus react adequately, exactly. are creating appropriate units and units, both in russia and in belarus in the areas that are the most... this is the su-25 for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, all this is aimed
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at ensuring the defense, first of all, of both belarus and russia, to give opportunity to understand first of all, to western politicians and military leaders that we are not going to attack anyone, but... the eoc summit and the former’s loud political statements regarding improving the combat readiness
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of the armed forces and ensuring security. our president's working week took place in minsk and moscow. as usual, on the main broadcast tomorrow you will see something that no one has shown yet. it's time for the first time. a feat that we will always remember. let's forget, this is the past. “it will come to us, this is our common victory, we will defend this land in every possible way, any aggression and response will be instantaneous, nuclear exercises in belarus, the sidelines of the eac summit, and we’ll also dispel fakes about military productions, we need them like snow in may.” “ we took the first one on a business trip to russia and looked at the president’s luggage, on
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television day and radio, pool of the first, about the first and working with him, the best president and leader, but he’s also just a cool guy, it will be very interesting, that’s obvious. symbolically sums up the busy agenda of the outgoing week, the day of the national flag, coat of arms and anthem, we will celebrate it on the second sunday in may, that is tomorrow. the holiday is special and very important, because state symbols perform not only a representative function in the international arena, but also unite the belarusian nation. on the eve of the holiday, let us remember the semantics of the main attributes of sovereignty in the report by nina mazhaiko. our story is about to be written, let it be. happy saint belarus is our country, we are a proud guest.
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the belarusian flag has seen space, climbed onto a pedestal, conquered antarctica, but most importantly, it has drawn and continues to draw waves in hearts of people. geta edge bagdar everything, i, this is the sap. a red-green panel on a scale of two: one, a bold idea for those times by the artist nikolai gusev. red is a symbol of courage and nobility, shed blood for one’s people, green represents the nature of belarus, and white purity. in 1951, belarusians became the first in world history to place a national ornament on the flag. by the way, the pattern of the peasant woman matryona markevich, which was found in the archives of the belpromsovet, was taken as a basis. it was originally white on a red background; the current flag follows tradition symbol of fertility in red on a white background. but what does the history of the bssr have to do with it? everything is very simple: the belarusian mentality is based on traditions that were laid down
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by several generations. in 1995, when belarus was in a state of acute political crisis, in order to unite the nation, it was decided to put the issue of state symbols to a popular vote. as a result, on may 14, 1995 , a national referendum was held, in which the majority of voters approved the option proposed by the president. the germans established occupation regime on top of the coat of arms, they simply could not remove it and covered it with a swastika, but the time-tested circle of ears of grain has changed several times, the last one in 2021, this is the reference sample, which is stored in the national archive of the republic of belarus. the codry of belarus became golden in color, they were green, the sun's rays became clearly
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visible, they were translucent, the globe changed, it was blue and showed the territory of eurasia, and... now the continents on it are of such a sandy-orange color and it shows the territory of europe, where the republic of belarus is geographically located. if the coat of arms and flag are the face of the country, then the anthem is its soul and voice. this is where every broadcast day on radio and television begins. and what it should be like was decided by everyone together in 2002. state reference record. not everyone and not everywhere can perform the musical canon, there is a regulation, the so-called protocol for special cases, a little more than a minute, the chorus verses last in the instrumental version, and the extended version consists of three verses,
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specifically in our anthem everything generally coincides, and the music and text of the anthem are very harmonious, since we perform the anthems of different countries, we have a majestic solemn sound that is conveyed like a step. well, it’s such a slow march, we are belarusians, and the function that is embedded in the text, it clearly shows how our state lives and develops, our symbols about peace, love and creation, they are our guideline, from which we should not stray, nina mozheiko and sergei matveychuk, tv news agency.
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victory day, which we celebrated widely and brightly, still causes irritation. light and the peace of mankind, as we know, is brought about by western civilization alone; only it could win, but the waves of this lie are breaking against the truth, against our memory. on the connection between the past and security in the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. victory day. there is probably no day in all of world history for which nations, political and philosophical systems, and generations fight so fiercely. of course, you can’t touch the date with your hand, but you can easily spit on it, which is what happens in the west, and how unfair those who considers memory an illusory substance,
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wars begin over the past, and if not, the past eventually becomes either a banner or a goal of those in conflict. on both sides, political strategists have long noticed that in any confrontation it is important to neutralize the factor of the greatness of this or that people, to uproot everything that reminds of its glory, not only soldiers, an ordinary person resists longer if he feels that behind him is the history of victories and the honor of nations, so not him misfire, but gutterschids are easy to manipulate with such simple position of just a higher gdp, you can sow the necessary ideas, no matter how low, no matter how base, no matter how absurd, and then...
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it is connected not with technology, but with perseverance, with the perseverance of a soldier, and the turning point of the great patriotic war occurred first in people, values ​​won, morality, and then bushki, all this has the most direct relation to belarus, we did not refuse victory, did not veer from the gut-feathering path, already prepared and abundantly manured by europe, and we steadfastly remain in the camp of the winners, and we see our future as victory, that is the world that we left by the liberators, and the liberators are still in service today. before them, lies tremble and lower their eyes. in the days of may , you are filled with special admiration when you see how the front-line soldiers are invigorated, how they smile through their fatigue, welcoming the new generation.
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only peace, nothing else, and the rest we will take from nature ourselves. songs performed by
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belarusian groups were performed in may on poklonnaya hill in moscow. every third requiem concert was held here with great success. the project took place precisely in those days when captured equipment from the zone was brought into the complex svo. nato countries are represented at this exhibition very respectfully, well, once upon a time. the nazis were grandly represented by their standards at the foot of the kremlin. by the way, the secretary general of the alliance demanded that the exhibition of destroyed vehicles be cancelled, because in fact the west understands very well how important it is to destroy people’s self-confidence and confidence in victory. they say the great patriotic war is moving away from us, but this statement has nothing to do with the memory of victory, with the feeling of involvement in the great. the people of our country not only continue remember and appreciate the exploits of those who fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland during the difficult war years, but are fully aware of
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the importance of peace for each of us. belarusian sociologists came to this conclusion after conducting a public opinion poll. what feelings arise in our compatriots when they hear about the bloody war and the exploits of their ancestors, what they think about the day of the great victory and what traditions they adhere to. and other questions to my colleague katerina strehi were answered by the deputy director for research work of the institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences of belarus alexander postolovsky. alexander vladimirovich, good evening. thank you for taking the time to see each other. hello. almost every belarusian family experienced the horrors of the hard times of war; on the eve of the great victory day, you decided to conduct a sociological study, thanks to which you learned the opinion of belarusians about the great patriotic war. who took part in the survey and what kind of people are they? the sampling frame was 900 respondents, the method of collecting information was telephone survey, sampling we are representative, national, respectively, all
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socio-demographic groups are represented, that is, those indicators that allow us to represent the entire population, the geography of the sample included the capital region, regional centers, small towns, rural areas, which the survey nevertheless showed how belarusians relate to our military history, the vast majority of the population more... noted that they are interested in the history of the great patriotic war. the history of the great patriotic war is, in opinion, the most population, the most interesting period for them, and this largely determines the fact that the population, on the one hand, is actively interested, well, in principle , actively, let’s say so, and knows some of the main key episodes of the course of the great patriotic war. well, yes, by the way, i would like to talk about this, for example, for me, like breshchanka, the great patriotic war is primarily associated with the defense of the brest fortress. what do other respondents say? this is your position, it is combined with the position of the population, what these are the two main directions, in the context of the associative series, this is, of course,
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the partisan movement, that is, there were about 60%, and somewhere here there are patriotically identical indicators for the defense of the brest fortress, there is also, of course, resistance, underground, there directly the liberation of belarus, but these are the two main concepts of the associative series - the defense of the brez fortress and... the partisan movement itself, and what emotions and feelings do the residents of our country experience when they remember these terrible events, here we have two such directions, that on the one hand, of course, the respondents, they realize that at what heavy price the victory was achieved, naturally there are those, you know, such a concept as fear that this could happen again, but still , the dominant positions, the dominant indicator there, about 60%, was that it was still pride for the people, pride for the country. again, that they won, defended their independence, again, we carry this banner of victory through the next generation. but if talk about the holiday of the great victory itself,
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what do belarusians think about it, what? what they say and how they most often spend their time on may 9th. may 9, in principle, is the most popular holiday for belarusians, the most significant date, and as a holiday, in principle, as a historical date: people can walk in the parks, that is , watch, get acquainted with the atmosphere that the victory parade is being held, go to a parade, attend fireworks displays and celebrate somewhere with your family, again you need to understand that after all, many belarusians have grandfathers, great-grandmothers are like that too. on may 9, we definitely climb the mound of glory, and naturally , after we have already climbed the mound of glory , of course we greet the fireworks, the fireworks are like the culmination, that is, victory, the feeling that we have won, well, somewhere there may even be a little tear there, you know it will go like this.
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we looked, walked out, thanked our ancestors, and are glad that we live in a clean, free, independent belarus, we realize the feat of our ancestors, and look into the future with confidence. i propose to summarize our conversations with you. so, what does the sociological research say overall? the key thing is that history itself is one of the significant factors in ensuring belarusian statehood. history, it connects. history, it helps us remember the past and look and move into the future with pride. may 9 is the most significant holiday in the structure of historical events; the memory of the victory and the indicators that we received really allow us to say that belarus remembers. aleksandr vladimirovich, thank you for being with us today, have a nice evening, goodbye. the militaristic ambitions of warsaw know no bounds, but on the border with belarus
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, a restless neighbor begins work on... poland is going to build up the european union, however, what new barriers the money will be is not disclosed. sending military personnel is excluded. ambassadors of the european union countries have agreed on a draft document on security guarantees for... ukraine, as welt reports, the document provides for political, military and economic assistance to kiev, but excludes participation of eu soldiers in the conflict. brussels undertakes to provide ukraine with consultations within 24 hours in the event of a new military operation. in addition, the eu promises to continue supplying weapons, training military personnel and assisting in reforming the security sector. in turn, the us state department approved the possible sale of three to the kiev regime.
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active multiple launch rocket systems hai, the total transaction amount is $30 million. all three systems for the armed forces of ukraine will be financed by germany, and will be sold by hymars from american reserves. washington continues to profit from war. the us department of defense has entered into a contract with the american company lock head martin for the production of high-precision missiles, which are also used in ukraine. the cost of this transaction is $332 million. precisely one of the american haimers vsso missiles.
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blue escape routes for hitler's favorites, how they pulled out the worn-out fascists from the camps, and what does the cia have to do with it, as well as the theft of nuclear technology, what secrets did the americans steal from the third reich, and how theft was sold for their own heroism, understandable politics continues the series of programs about the cynical operations of the united states after the collapse of germany, watch on monday after the panorama.
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the presidential elections in lithuania are at the finish line, tomorrow in the neighboring republic there will be a referendum on dual citizenship, the choice will be who will lead the country and in what course for the next 5 years. among the candidates is the incumbent. president nausėda and head of government simonyta, although the approval ratings of the former and the latter are declining closer to the elections. what are the results of this political tandem in the project "inside out" was told by the dropout from the race candidate arunas rimkus. he can
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say that well, how did he become president due to the fact that he promised a lot to people, older people, that they would be better off, well...
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to be honest, well, in any case, i don’t see it in a year, the nature is gorgeous, the people with a broad soul, if there is something, some kind of registration, some authorities, somewhere to do documents, help in full, here in belarus there are gorgeous roads, here in belarus there are excellent products, well, i don’t know, i only regret one thing, i really really regret that i... came here earlier, so, well, i i'm just enjoying life here. forestry in the minsk region is developing deep
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processing of raw materials, focusing on the production of high-quality products and export supplies. in the kopolsky experimental forestry enterprise , as part of the project initiative, today they opened a production facility for the production of edged lumber and launched a line for the production of pallets. pieces per month, we already have the first portfolio of orders, this will be both shipment for export and also shipment to the domestic market, especially since the kopolsky experimental forest farm has two trading floors in the city of minsk in city ​​of derzhinsk. in general, last year they worked well, the forestry enterprise took first place among the forestry enterprises in the republic of belarus, and will also be ranked. on the republican honor roll, well,
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we are striving to develop, after a certain break in the miniskhoz system, the relevant minister states, new production facilities are opening again, which indicates the dynamic development of the industry, so last year 1.5 million cubic meters of lumber were sold, almost a million are exported supplies to friendly countries. the whole world is switching to environmentally friendly containers, so we must be on trend.
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received the keys to new rental apartments.
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in the country as a whole , more than thirty apartments will be allocated to forestry workers by the end of the year. the treasured keys to independence day will be received at the krupsky forestry enterprise. also next in line to celebrate the housewarming are the residents of the lagoi forestry enterprise. in soviet times, the minsk watch factory was one of the most successful in the soviet union, then there were 11 of them. after the nineties , the enterprise fell into decline. outdated equipment and technology and, as a result , unclaimed products. besides reduction. jobs in factory space, the road to bankruptcy took 10 years. alexander lukashenko came to the plant in 2009, then the anti-crisis manager assured that they were doing everything they could, the task was to preserve them, because only a few countries make watches, this is the intelligence of the nation, the president emphasized. now luch confidently holds its position in the global market, and some collections are sold out within a day, journalists checked in the quality control section. watch tomorrow on the main broadcast. when time has stopped, the watch must still
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withstand 98% humidity, at a temperature 40°, but the arrows continue to move. this collection sold out within 24 hours. hunters for stocks that almost ruined the watch empire and the president's decision. what do you need to make this plant work? let's look at exclusive watches that only come as a gift. quality control this sunday. once upon a time, dad gave mom a watch 30 years ago, better yet, on the main broadcast. the economic success of belarus is largely determined by domestic industry. these include jobs and decent salaries. we we have never lived as well as we do now. what is important to do to prevent the loss of our benefits? alexey ovdonin will explain the hidden relationships between politics and economics. author. section simple economics right now.
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hello, this is simple economics with alexey avdonin. the economic success of belarus is largely determined by the preservation and development of industrial enterprises. the latter are the key to the employment of belarusians and the growth of our well-being. thus, according to national statistics, the largest number of workers are in industry. it falls on her. almost 23.5% of those employed in the economy; in belarus , production has traditionally been dominated by men. at the same time, in neighboring states, ukraine, poland, the baltic countries, with the arrival of the west and the collapse of local industry, the male part of the population, for the sake of a piece of bread, was forced to join radical, militarized formations, that
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is, without industry, male power is not directed towards creation, to destruction. here in belarus, confidence in industry is only growing. according to the latest survey by the ministry of economy, enterprise management predicts an increase in production volumes, increased demand and improved financial performance. about half of the respondents announced an increase in output, another 22% said they would remain at the same level. at the all-belarusian people's assembly, our president clearly indicated in his speech: the volume of industrial production from the mid-nineties to the twenty-third year increased fourfold. this year our people used a little more than half a million cars, in the twenty-third year over 3 million, 5.5 times more. last year , almost 70,000 cars were produced and sold. in the first quarter of 2024, our domestic manufacturer of passenger cars sold more vehicles than
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in the entire 22 year. over three decades, we have almost doubled the length of roads, while the growth has increased by one and a half times. the head of state emphasized: today almost 60% of belarusians consider themselves to be middle class. we have never lived so well as we do now. the purchasing power of belarusians has increased significantly over 25 years. the annual growth of real disposable income of the population was 8%. but in conditions of confrontation with the west. all our benefits can easily be lost, if we now allow people to work irresponsibly and dishonestly, then we will later sit in the trenches, like the ukrainians who have lost their industry, economy and natural resources. interestingly, the united states cannot withstand the fight against us; recently , the managing director of the international
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monetary fund, kristallina georgieva , said that the us economy does not have long to demonstrate the high rates of its current activity. the us economy is still operating at full capacity, but it is unlikely that this will last long. as we see, our industry acts as a driver of the national economy, provides work, provides personal income, allows us to successfully overcome competitive pressure, and gradually destroy the initiator of the sanctions. it was simple economics with alexey avdonin. don’t get confused in a critical situation, competently provide assistance and even save a life before the ambulance arrives. the educational project “start your heart” is approaching its final stage for tenth graders in belarus. it started in
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mid-march. today the republican baton was picked up by molodechno schools. about 80 high school students from the fourteenth secondary school and the tenth gymnasium. learned to provide basic medical care and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. classes were conducted by local volunteers and teachers from the molodechno state medical college named after zolotsky. today molodechny is hosting probably one of the most significant republican events, start your heart. and i think every school is happy to host our medical workers, who will tell you in detail and even show our high school students how to provide first aid. of course it's the same one.
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activity of modern youth. let us remind you that the republican action to start the heart is taking place on the initiative of specialists from the republican clinical medical center of the presidential administration and the belarusian society for simulation training in medicine with the support of the ministry of health and education. charity project all-belarusian the winning games brought together boys and girls for the sixth time, who were able to overcome a terrible and insidious disease, oncology, and go into long-term remission. the guys are completely different, but with one common great desire, to be happy, and most importantly healthy. elena gorelchik, about why the winners of the all-belarusian games are a big family story. crammies, major league and rays. each detachment here has its own name, motto and counselors. those who
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will always be there throughout the weekend to help, advise and they will amuse me, although the guys definitely have no problems with the latter. i, i, a rocket, flew into space. one, stack, two, stack, around the planet, sun and moon. vlad bordyuzha today is the leader of the youngest squad in terms of age. once upon a time he came here with his brother rostislav as a... his companion, when he was 6 years old, he fell ill with blood cancer, discovered by accident, if i'm not mistaken, six blocks of chemotherapy, not to give up under any circumstances, to believe, to pray, probably to know for sure that everything will be behind him, he has already grown up, probably, the less shy one became stronger , the physical one became stronger,
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and about four, about three days before the competition, the parents wrote: the children are sitting on suitcases, that’s why i’m happy. the winners of the games have many friends; from the very beginning , support for the project has been provided by bel agroprombank, whose symbol is a bright, playful agriculturist, a friend of all the children. gifts, master classes, activity zones, this year it is darts, corn hole, ijenga and others. the bank treats games with special attention and reverence, because their participants are bright example. perseverance and fortitude , belgroprompunk has been cooperating with the touching life foundation for more than one year. together with the organization, the idea of ​​a charitable
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payment card called touch was born. for each non-cash purchase, 3% of the payment amount is transferred to the fund from the client’s account. plus , belgroprombank itself adds the same amount from its own funds. all assistance goes to the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric oncology, immunology and hematology in borovlyany. running, swimming, table tennis, chess, tomorrow there will also be a mini-football tournament, let's reveal the secret even dads with stars will join in, in the evenings there are master classes and various activity zones, that’s how we sat yesterday, i came to the girls’ room there, we sat there, talked so heartily, because we haven’t seen each other for a year, the winners’ games are something that penetrates to the very heart. it means to love, it means to dream, it means to create, to light a beacon and never stop
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giving it to others. the steeplechase competition bezun reis continues in selici, with more than 3.00 participants registered these days. blogoi relief features have become a favorite world-class running athletes. today there was an exhausting long distance as part of the start, which presented a number of interesting storylines. andrey kozlov, from those who spend their weekends not on the couch. the sport is so interesting, multifunctional, you not only have to run fast, but...


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