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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 6:35am-7:36am MSK

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we understand that such a situation affects the spiritual state, some behavioral qualities of this child, of course, specialists, psychologists and teachers, should work with such children, but in general, i like our youth today, because they are very active, creative guys who strive for knowledge, strive as much as possible... to master some skills, in principle, communication with young people, it always gives a charge of positive energy and energy, including for us, such a person from whom always i want to follow an example, on the one hand, she can be strict and strong, but at the same time she is very gentle and loving, always coming home i can feel this atmosphere of warmth and comfort, for me it is also super. a woman because she is
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so full of energy that she can share her energy with everyone. today, in principle, a woman is capable of performing professional tasks along with those tasks performed by a man. a woman is not only a mother, a wife. today there are so many opportunities for women self-realization.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous people.
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. territories of countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the tv channel signal is broadcast. in open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus-24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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dzen radzina, i pursued at the thought of ўpamіnatsk yakіkh pria, yakіkh vnina, for a year i am new to pazhadatsk, and i would be khace., my year is my new
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vyarnuy, kommen, it was bright, at the forest of the bugs, and our vyski, dza ours . people, oh, i wish i had a sachet, a gift for the parade, price yashche times, azirnuzza, sabrat for a gift the stones that are destroying the strength of the young, to the spring of my life, i am enchanted. i am under the spell of the lady and the charm of the sagret, and then on the day of the earth i sing, and every day i know myself,
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the ever-glowening light of the world,
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hell of a kind, the rest of us found ourselves in a bad place caress them and someone else's for us and give me fabulous dreams . the spring pratalins, the forest foliage are colorful, and are full of the spirit
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of daddy. absolutely, i'll have a squeal on the linden . and that old amshalytyn, who lay down on the ropes, and she gives me fairy tale dreams, the spring melted, and the forest dried from the doors, and in the field.
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the boards are alive in her thoughts in may, and in her dreams, her dreams are bad, and the recession of may is the whole old war.
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i will kill
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adurei, i need to live.
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i love it like a tobacconist.
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plague, noise, karaek, galika wave, love me panic, for i am young, i am a jumping daughter, no one cares, the creature is red like the raspberry
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of the heart, b'ezza, the creature is red, like the raspberry of the heart is b'ezza, b' oh, oh , why are you with me ? well, with me, oh, i'm drinking, with me, you'll only be happy as a young girl, dear, dear, dear, i can't sleep otherwise. i feel so sorry when all the patushas are tulling, i'm drinking my breasts, then i'm embarrassed, then i'm chuckling, then i'm chuckling, then i'm embarrassed, then i'm chuckling, then i'm chuckling, then i'm chuckling, oh, i'm chuckling, what's wrong with me, oh, i'm chomping, why are i, only happiness will come when you're young, oh, what's wrong with me, oh,
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what's wrong with me, what's wrong with me, only happiness will come to you.
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i’m also a fool, i don’t care about anyone, you creature reds, like the heart's raspberries, the creature is red, like the heart's raspberries, the heart is, oh, chuck, what's wrong with me, oh, chuck, what's wrong with me, you'll only be happy girl young, oh , i'm drinking, what's with me
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? hanulka, beyond all reason, i’m not as big as... not shy, do you remember khan’s happy moment i... agraў nadusy nyaboshchyk zmintsent, and him calm, calm, weeping and the month is clear on
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us, tell me, little bastard, that you love me, i love you, you said, i don’t know anything about it, kanulka, kanulka, please understand, i’m not a big bastard at all. and broadly, take the throat from the heart of the rook, and the hand from the stage of the rakham markach, on the ground we sat down in the dark with a march, i’m running towards you, blazing, tell me kanulka, i don’t love you... i love you said, even if you don’t love me zgne, chanulka, chanulka, pavel, understand, i’m not
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a big mess, shchyry, and paws for swine may you know, and well, i feel like you’re not a fan of panyasla. language i’m sorry, i’m swallowing saliva, and you dared me to try this, tell me, little girl, that you love me, i love you, you said, dear sirs, ganulka, ganulka, pavel, understand, i ’m not a big deal at all, kahanya shirey.
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tell me, little babe, that you love me, i love you, you said, my heart is gone, my dear babe , understand, i’m not at all like that, anyway. tell me, kanulka, you love me, i love you, you said, sircem netka, ganulka, ganulka, pali, understand, i’m stsy bachy, like kanya, shyry, kachannya, chire. ray, rey, rey, rey,
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we’ll tell you in different ways. and belarusian kitchens. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish, now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest, the cutlet ne osvizh is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from chopped pork. let's dive into holiday culinary traditions. and easter cake. of course, it’s pichom, only here in this area it’s not called kulich, if in the whole world it’s kulich - it turns out to be kulich, for all intents and purposes, it’s buns on easter, and also introduce viewers to
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the history of this or that area of ​​our country. people go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church and everything connected with rodevils. by the way, pay attention to the caps with the letter p, which means rodivila. look at the project, there’s food everywhere. on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i came to belarus from syria. i came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area. i have no one left there, everyone has left, who where. and everyone found something for themselves here. i have these masks and participated in several shows that we organized at first. here in my village, then in the city of lida there was the opening of such a creative space, there i also had a fashion show of masses, each hero has his own.
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i sing swan songs. throw off the winter spell, shchuy sayavar from kalina, at a distance above the pits.
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green your eyelids, praise the sky and understand the dew.
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i can smell the music! oatmeal spells,
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seshatsa jamar from kalina, throw off winter spells, tseshatstsa yabar skali.
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no, god is a constant fool, the young ones are sitting here with your dabradzey, who ўtsehu ўsyu
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ўі understand, who is the soul of the soul, who is saved, who are the most important thoughts, who ўtsehu ўs іh understand, what the forest is my soul. who knows, who is in the thoughts of the navadzhents, the nadzhentsev, joy came to you, the bachyts of the sirsa, sweet, most often patched whole cave, yip like a sick man, yip like no one, we are young... for the young one, everything i want ts, i say like no one , i say yakvocha, young, young, whatever i want.
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sweets and cabbage are constantly boiled and not what do you mean by the growth of evil jumpings of the unknown , your age is not going away in the life of the sun, the fruits of the young, the young life of the century, in the sweets of the kahanna there is an eternal markavatsi and insignificant there are the growing of these jumps. don’t know, i say me like no one, i say ahvocha, young, young, everything you want, may your age never wane in the life of the son, young, young, live 100
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years, live 100 years, oh, live 100 years , and i'm drying out and i cry, and there is no sleep, and the skating rink is silent, cheers friends, and the light is like a magic, and
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the light is like a mahila, and the night maids are like a human being, forgotten about everything, the nets cry and live in paradise, the lips dance in circles and a song about the saucers, and a song about the saucers, the whole world roars, the roaring roar and no.
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like a human being, i forget about everything, and i cry, let’s fight, i look at the cage, i forget about everything.
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i’m a chick of hearing, i’m sick for a while, i can feel it for myself, it’s more painful for me, it’s more painful for us, we’re salting our bread, let’s say our native land, it’s more painful for us, it’s more painful for us. you're welcome,
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let's eat our bread and salt, say it to our relatives the edge, as much as you want, kosіha, your violins ўdaravat, all the same because you kyalіkha, and why the extreme. papyavat, ab chym bright, ab chym znovym, your violin is playing for us, grae, grae, ayu, mova, our chuezza without slam, gay pyasnyarka, bulі boli, giving us our best, we’re giving salt to the bread, dzyakuy say native land, hey!
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let's salt the bread, celebrate for our native land, let's salt the bread. dzyakuy, say, native land, dzyakuy, say, native land, dzyakuyuska, dear land, holy one!
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give a high sleigh, a guy and a lot of practice, and paint your makeup, give it a try walk, hey little one, who fell asleep, happy, hey
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, jumpy, patched up, happy, alive, white today.
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peravalykh maruzvady mar! tsemru z water march! like vyaliki old light land papakhaty hell hum da goon! get drunk! com flowing pachar!
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amazing people of our country, everything that i hide as if in a sarcophagus, in my works, in my small sculptures, this is already different, i didn’t...
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then somehow i took it, my god, some children were already photographed there , the essence of something is that they are normal, well, they lead a normal lifestyle there, let’s say, but they don’t commit bad deeds, they have taken the path of truth , they are training, they have other goals, other tasks, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city, in whom... alexander vasilyevich suvorov planned to stay seriously for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then. towered the town hall, where the city magistrate was located, so kobrin princes and their squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago,
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by the way, a local resident used a wobbler, that is , a plastic decoy fish, to catch one weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house. they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations; the landscapes , full of thoughtfulness and sadness, enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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remember the launch of the belarusian land of us. noisy, drowsy reminder of zen, what is in the past , the dzervanela mound is eternal.
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like the suns, during the day they unravel
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their braids there, at night the patterns look patched.
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another day passed by the prince's party, and the music and the glasses rang, they thought up the new days of the day, the days of the day, what the goals of all the gentlemen were,
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the laughter of the sun in the holy day, the song of doom for the sir fell, and let us think, yes, vanaga, nazaktsiўnyh zalazhylanya, y'. it seems as much
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as possible, and again. with an inaccessible song, a holy dream, a battle with a groan, yaveski.
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aplouty fish blotka tavae, prytaitstsa yes mogo, rusal taya yazon, but it’s not slaughter.
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my dear cat, how dear you are to me, forget about you, i have no strength, don’t get tired, dear, i’m miserable in my life. i’ll go to you with my thoughts and soak my soul there.


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