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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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my dear cat, how dear you are to me, forget about you. i am not strong, i am not tired of my dear, my wretched life is clear, i go to you with my thoughts, and there i sleep with my soul. and there my soul was soaked all over
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, like the cyper of the front of me ўstae kutochak that passerby. a narrow bed of wings, and a fir-tree with a pair of arms, scooping over the water, like young children, i am in the hour of downloading, at the apex. evening
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of parting, i love you, my verochron. dze lietsa neman srebravodny, obytse friendly chargoy, flock like the vezha over the water, my dear kut, how dear you are to me. forget yourself a lot of strength, forget yourself,
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i have no strength,
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i have no strength, my dear, how dear you are to me, you yourself, i have no strength, i have no strength for you.
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sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers who returned from the bloody fields did not once die in our land, but turned into white cranes. to this day, since those distant times, they have been flying and giving us voices, isn’t that why we are so often sad, we fall silent looking at the heavens.
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hello, club of editors on belarus 1 satellite tv channel belarus 24, as always. on friday evenings, repeated on sunday mornings, we discuss the most important topics of the outgoing week and, as always, according to our tradition, let me introduce the guests who came to our studio 600 m on makovinka 9, we start with dmitry aleksandrovich zhuk, this is the head of the belarus today holding olga shpilevskaya,
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director of the representative office of ntrk world of belarus, head of the belarusian women's union , vadim gegin, member of parliament, general director of the national library, head. i have some thoughts on this matter, but i can’t resist asking maria, who yesterday i attended the wreath-laying ceremony on victory square, what did you think? well, this is the first time i was at the laying ceremony in minsk, and in general the first time when i met on may 9 in minsk, very sincerely, but very
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organized, and i was touched to the depths of my soul, of course, by the words of alexander grigorevich in the part where he quite obviously said this... this is the very, very heartfelt thing, you know, there are such moments when things seem obvious to you, but they reach you at some point, this is how i have an epiphany yesterday it was about monuments, he talked about how you need to come to monuments so that history doesn’t repeat itself, and it doesn’t matter with flowers or without flowers to come to remember, and you know, now i understand why my grandparents, i i was still a little girl, i grew up in the village of kolunda, this is the altai region, they brought me, we had a very beautiful monument, there were four bells dedicated to the great patriotic war, so every evening we walked and walked near the monument, here i have such a childhood memory, it was yesterday i just remembered everything right in my head, i think this is really true, it seems like
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sometimes you have to do it, only then maybe you understand, just yesterday, of course, i was very, very impressed by the performances of young groups. the girls there, of course , it was cold, but nevertheless they danced so heroically, and in general the numbers were well choreographed, for them this is also important, because it really, as in the famous words, is necessary for the living, because our task now is to convey baton, because i i still remember many veterans, now today’s youth, purely physically, will soon not know any of them at all, because time passes, now our task is to pass on this memory further. in this sense, monuments play a huge role, well, not in vain, naturally, when they fight against and falsify history, they demolish monuments first of all in order to take it away, so i really liked it and i hope i will thank you again, well, continuing this topic, topic 9 may, in my opinion, this holiday
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, uh, is now experiencing some kind of second birth, i don’t know whether you’ll agree with this or not, it seems to me that we all suddenly found ourselves in 1940 together, right? throughout western civilization we observe the dehumanization of two nations, russians and belarusians, we see the glorification of nazi aides, you remember the applause in the canadian parliament, and you remember the armed forces of ukraine with nazi chevrons, but here it is generally impossible to argue with this, because it footage, including those filmed by western television companies, although even this makes them... baptized, but excuse the rudeness, it’s simpler in all, of course, it’s a fool to include, and say
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that we don’t see this, well, the western press, which cannot even be called the press, it seems to me, is increasingly sliding into this into goebbels’s training manuals, i hear words more and more often from such serious western politicians about the fact that they can no longer watch cnn, for example, or read the new york times, because well, this is propaganda at its best, or rather at its worst. what will we turn into, i mean the sovereignty of independence, at least the baltic states, ukraine, fortunately georgia,
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i’ve changed my mind lately or to moldova, i don’t want to offend the people of these countries, i’m talking about the leadership of these countries, what will happen to freedoms, to freedom of expression, i know that now our critics will say, yes, in belarus they imprisoned journalists here, we know who they imprisoned , we know these journalists, who financed them, what their goal was, if you delve into criminal cases. all of them, then we will find, oleg sergeevich, lawyer, worked in law enforcement agencies, some intersections with the norms of the criminal code of the republic of belarus, absolutely for each matter, and these general words about what a different opinion is, well, these are tutbai’s tales, as they say, well, what will happen to our culture, especially these days, it’s obvious, fortunately, we don’t have it on the air, but social networks give us they throw it up, we see what’s going on in sweden these days, i’m talking about... not the song contest, but about the eurovision contest, this is a mixture of satanism with
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some kind of sadomasochism, and well, in general , it’s impossible to describe in human words what’s happening there. yes, the head of state, he was in moscow at the parade, it was also a wonderful action, he complimented what was happening, in general there is a large share of television viewing in belarus, the country is happy to watch what is happening on red square, of course, from the point of view of the organization, the television point of view. the terrifying experience of the apalagetes of the defeated third reich has already found its
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followers there, it has received a new interpretation and a beautiful wrapper. the nazis of our day no longer wear boots and black shirts, but act much more subtly and sophisticatedly. without any embarrassment , the ss men are praised and welcomed in europe and...
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700 people, we have a clear policy in our program, quite recently we devoted an entire issue to this, how the west fought the nazis, namely thousands of criminal murderers,
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who was on the list of those purged and what the nazis created for the usa, one of the most important acquisitions of the americans was the team of a german engineer -rocket scientist wernher von braun. wernher von braun is the scientist who essentially created the americans' rocket program. he led the development. all major us space rockets up to saturn 5, which went to the moon crew of apollo 11. in fact, thanks to him , the americans managed to land a man on the moon. von braun even held the post of deputy director of nasa and a number of other quite serious positions in the aerospace field. he made decent money and became a very influential american. officially received citizenship in
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1955. von braun and his team built the first ballistic missiles for the americans. he was an ss officer whose work in germany involved tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners, many of whom died. myself von braun later made excuses that he didn’t know anything about torture and executions, but he was clearly lying . there is evidence from concentration camp prisoners and resistance members that von braun personally gave orders for torture. another co-author of the american lunar program was also a former subordinate of hitler, arthur rudolph, an important nazi rocket engineer who worked for nasa. it was he who would be the project director of the saturn 5 rocket program, the same one that would reach the moon in 1969. rudolf would be publicly suspected of collaborating with nazism only in the eighties. on
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at that moment, an employee of nas and the us armed forces will leave america without any obstacles. and will return to germany, those who were not exposed will continue to receive prestigious prizes and give their names to the prizes, like hubertus struckhal, who experimented on children and then used them in his works. and this is theadur zobbel. he was accused of conducting experiments on people in a french laboratory. this is otto ambros. during the war, he made the decision to poison people in gas chambers in concentration camps. nazi scientists worked in various fields, from nuclear energy. to the chemical industry, their experience gave the americans colossal trump cards during the cold war, and beyond. it was a mind hunt. the united states used war criminals to create more advanced means of destruction directed against yesterday's allies. well, i don’t know what question to ask about this , i want to draw an analogy with current
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times. vadim frantsich. this is not only assistance in the development of rocket technology.
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and it’s right that we celebrate may 9, yes, we had another war, they did not have an order on political commissars, where communists and political commissars were shot as soon as they entered our territory, in france in these countries there were no such einsetz groups that followed the groups of the wehrmacht army and destroyed civilians, before all the jews, then the communists, they didn’t have this, on such a scale, they didn’t have it, they didn’t have the az camp... they didn’t have any of this, they didn’t have the orders of hitler, keitel, other leaders of the third reich that the war in the east will be completely
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another war, entering their land, they did not free their soldiers from the chimera of conscience, as it was with us, our prisoners of war were treated differently from their prisoners of war, we had all this, that’s why we have a different war, that’s why our the people have another force of resistance and... they often argue why so many people joined the collaborationist movement, here, let them speculate at home, it’s easy to explain here, that’s not how the soviet government behaved, but why did you go, you didn’t have the soviet authorities, you didn’t have collectivization, but because the ideas of nazism were attractive to them, these ideas of nazism did not go anywhere, one house in the city lasted longer than the whole of france or the fortresses , german generals wrote letters. each of us in the family has our own story, this is exactly
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about the celebration of may 9, why it is necessary, i’ll start with this: my grandfather, i was lucky enough to catch him, i was lucky enough to go with him to victory square, so every time i come to victory square i remember how i, as a little boy, and even as a schoolboy and first-year student at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, came to victory square, to my grandfather. i was happy to see belarus already in 1994, when lukashenko became president, he was very happy that the holiday was fully restored, so i’m talking about how they also tell us, not just okay, you celebrate may 9 if you want, but quietly , modestly, without parades, without without pride, just mourn, just gather somewhere, just have a drink somewhere, this is what the veterans wanted so much, why are you lying, you bastards, my grandfather was glad that it was a holiday. he came with a smile on his face, he was proud, he wanted people to come, and if ever the president said, the day will come that
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they won’t come to victory square on may 9, if we forget, that’s it, there is no future for the country, and now about the beginning of the transfer, you ivan mikhailovich said, the entire civilized world, all democratic countries , normal, sane, celebrating may 9, this is not sarcasm, today i opened the news about how many people were detained.
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that they are ready to make a deal with anyone in order to destroy belarus and russia, this is already happening, don’t we see the justification for terrorism, extremism, don’t we don’t we see the justification for killing children at homebass, don’t we see that they say everything that happens.
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what makes us slavs is absolutely correct, regarding the fact that may 9 has become different, for example, i notice that every year more and more children appear on this holiday, and this means we are doing the right thing, this means we are passing on this memory from generation to generation, and this is very important, because there are indeed fewer veterans every year, they will physically soon really not exist, our task is to convey these feelings that overwhelm us on may 9, to these children who come, in these countries
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, contributed to this victory, the opening of a second front, the president said, unlike you, we remember, we remember , yes, and we do not beg in any way their contribution to what they really contributed to this great victory, and you know, there is hope that everything will be fine there too, as long as you see, that social networks are filled with photographs, like people, despite the fact that they are warned, despite the fact that that on all tv channels there is a whole program with police members who say that you can’t come with soviet symbols, with st. george’s ribbons, that...
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that they were brought in, where did you start about the americans who took away the german elite, in the same way they are lithuanian fascists, let ’s remember about adamkus, the first president of lithuania, you know, here, if i may allow one more thing, it’s generally interesting, because the more they prohibit people from going to monuments, the more people will do it, because look, the forbidden fruit in this case and people understand the truth, this is what happened now, when suddenly...
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where they mainly collected women after childbirth depression and simply abused them there, that is , all kinds of torture, they thus, this means that psychological health was set up as to what will happen in the future, so i have absolutely no doubt that today we again have a serious ideological divide in the world, by the way, it has not gone away, i remember when i was studying in the states, well the first main rhetoric was that there are no more ideological contradictions, because ideally disappearing altogether is replaced by being artificially intelligent, by the way, it’s interesting, guys, they don’t understand that they are completely destroying humanity as such, dehumanization is happening, our world
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is ideological again . which is traditional, which says that, generally speaking, a person, he plays a role, and a person, he is significant, you know, nowhere is this felt more than perhaps here in minsk, because... here in time of my first visit, i paid attention to this, now i’m paying attention, in this studio i see it, that is, you look at each other with attention, with a desire to look into the soul, and we need to preserve this sincerity, because this makes us human, if we become just a machine assembled from deepfakes and a person will simply connect to the outlet, well, this is what they are leading to, that there will be a select few, a certain group, everyone else is simply not needed, that’s where all the experiments come from.
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they don’t have people who treat may 9th as a holy holiday, or they they are littered with this saying: let's celebrate in a different way. let's be closer to europe, let's still have may 8th or the ninth, but quietly, or ban it, this is not an accident, that is, these people want to destroy the state, which means we need to sort out history, so for may 9th the fight is just beginning, this fight will be in 10 years, in 15, in 50, dmitry nikolaevich cool, ambassador of belarus to the russian federation, answered this question well, addressing macron, what the hell, excuse me, the hell are you still celebrating, how many years have you been there, 200 years have passed? .
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they really have some kind of birth trauma here , genetic, so the barovites ran away, quarreled with each other terribly, one of them is still in the same centers, one from prague writes to the other in kovna, kovna is kaunos, report on your activities, he replies , like , i won’t answer you anything, because there is no activity, in general, you went with your beaten face, they organized conferences, they tried to hold some elections with passports.
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yes, we had them from time to time, they were detained for committing specific administrative offenses, criminal offenses, including unauthorized events, violation of public order. so, i noticed. one thing, i always smiled, laughed when i was the chief of police, when i got into the police, in addition to everything else, they always joyfully knocked on each other and shouted, which of them is real, bad, which is really good, you just need to give him the opportunity to improve , this has been the case all along, the second observation
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that we have all already seen for 30 years is that it is always only money, these elections that are going on now, it is money there it's already written everywhere. how much will the salary be, that every position in this so-called council of some kind is money, everything is only about grants, and i also know their dream, this is their dream, to wake up again in minsk to receive this money here, because that they don’t like living there, well, they don’t like it, it’s bad, they want to go to our clean, good belarus, to wake up again in minsk, in vitebsk, but we don’t need them anymore, only in prison, only in a pre-trial detention center, there is such an opportunity . that we have a deputy present russian state duma, our colleague in the parliamentary assembly, i want you , too, to tell the russian deputy, well , let’s once and for all , the fifth column of the union space, russian, belarusian , never be allowed into political processes for 50 years in the future, not for the sake of some mythical democracy, not for the sake of
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showing something to the west, but we had such aspirations, in russia, we also saw them, throw it away, forget it, think only about yourself. you know, i had a funny story, i’m just listening to you now, i remember, that means at one of the classes at the american university in washington, whatever the manual was, it means they sculpted information security, in fact, attacks, that means they were analyzing some situation related to a hypothetical cyber attack, so they take a real example and say: listen , we have a teacher there, he used to work in the state department, he says: i was dealing with this situation, so
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how to deal with this? there is only one way: we are smart people, we have always been proud of the fact that we have a good education, i mean and...
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they were centered somewhere in different places, in minsk, in the forests, they were brought there, i’m saying that this transit is provided by people, they will put them on a plane there, the plane will fly here, they will be taken here, on they will take them to the border, they will transfer them across the border, and there they will be received by their poles, germans, ukrainians, who are involved in
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this chain globally, absolutely everything for money, i know the polish language well, i watch television regularly, although this television cannot be called, their propaganda is simply hybrid putin's attack with lukashenko crazy they go down, they fight in hysterics, instructions are given, there is not a single voiceover, the journalists said that now we are all repelling a hybrid attack, the president, i remember this statement, well, of course, everything is yes, it’s all not true, well, this is the news of this week members of a criminal group that earned almost $600 million from transporting migrants through belarus were detained in the eu; the main organizers were in germany, poland, the netherlands, lithuania, estonia, and sweden. illegal migration in the european union is the work of the european mafia. talked about this the president. confirmation of this has arrived.
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if we take italy and germany, then here the flow of migration flows from the middle east as
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a result of the conflicts that occurred there is not limited to millions, this is not my information, it is already on the internet in billions of dollars that european officials pocketed, that’s how they made money from covid, that’s how they made money from migration, that’s how they make money from war now, that’s the deceitfulness of western policy, everything they sell to people. overall they are one of the biggest scams in general planetary scale covid, somewhere i got information this week , you remember our so-called independent lands, in fact western state department propagandists, how they squealed about the fact that sputnik is nonsense, vaccination with a western vaccine is urgently needed, here the company astrazenesa admitted in court, admitted in court that its drug for coronavirus...
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migrants who have already passed through poland are invested in it, visas are invested there for polish money, that’s all, this system
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is called very simply: you create unbearable conditions in any part of the world and you sell the hope and dream of getting rid of them, they did the same thing in iraq, they do the same thing with the kurds, they sold the same thing with the afghans,
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at first they became like that, but no, he stole money there , then no, his wife is wrong, then he betrayed something to his colleagues, then, it means, they say, he’s an agent, kgb, no, russia agent, there was obviously hysteria, then somewhere by thursday, probably, they they said, shut up, let’s keep information silence around this matter, but it won’t work, no it will work out because it’s too loud, he knows too much, he speaks and speaks openly, and moreover, the case of szmit... shows a deep split in polish society, an ideological split, a personnel split, if you like, what happened, left liberal the coalition led by tusk, which came to power, said that they would not punish anyone, look, whole categories, state journalists, by the way, some of our fugitives ended up here, state journalists who worked against tusk, under kochi, they were all driven away , but they are them
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that’s what they call it, they were sacred cows,
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in the fall of the twentieth, remember, when it hit them, they were happy about the fact that in belarus since 50, and what the pisovites were doing to somehow unite the nation, they came up with a threat in the person of belarus and russia, this whole story with the border, they gave people nightmares there, they thus tried to unite these different forces, against whom we will be friends, this example of tomasz szmit is very
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painful for the poles. for two reasons: first, this is a classic example of dissidence, when an intelligent, educated, a successful, intelligent person speaks of disagreement with government policy. authorities, this is his disagreement, here maria is absolutely right, based on ordinary christian values, because what he spoke about is simply understandable to everyone, it is clear to us, it is just as clear to the poles, here is his example, he is very, very scary for of the regime that exists in poland, so i think that the story with its, let's say, yeah. protest, it will continue to resonate for a long time, there is one more reason, which means i agree with everyone, but there is one more, democracy, no, the europeans are used to freedom, the poles, no, well, you can endure it,
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they sit, they are silent, you don’t want to fight, the president said this yesterday, so accept the idea, but they are not fools either, they see where they are being pushed , that guys, tomorrow you, as ukrainians, will find yourself in a trench, you will have to fight for the freedom of belarus, as they, as they will be told, we will... figure out what kind of war it is with the migrants, but they are actively being pushed there, they are actively wanting them they died, they died, that’s why the europeans can’t stand it, they run away, in fact among other reasons, well
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, it seems to me that more surprises await the poles within the country, we have already seen the first stage, when tusk came to power, not completely to power, to a certain part of it, what kind of reprisals there were, yes, duder dudu they called him a dictator, he organized political repressions, organized political repressions. the council of europe wrote that you, of course, pay attention to poland, we are surprised, this is our neighboring country, we are concerned about human rights in this country, because there was a notorious dictator duda and his team is together with kaczynski, but even worse has come, who is cracking down on journalists, who is cracking down on politicians, and so on, when tusk finally pulls the blanket to his side, the border, everything that happened there may come to light, and this, and this, this criminal we must remember, in order to reassure the poles and others, they have already begun to say, we will first send the ukrainians, fugitive belarusians, to the fronts, and then we will see if the poles are needed, so ours are the first there, that’s all who are the first, the first who will go to front,
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the first to be thrown out, many polish politicians are already talking about this, well, in general, i will say that, of course, tomasz is a great guy, because he is truly a patriot of his country, however, you need to have the courage to go beyond these boundaries, understanding that your relatives remain there. we constantly talk about what is happening in poland, why this is happening, that poland is an absolutely dependent state, that poland has long been ruled by the united states of america, they are dancing to their tune. it's one thing when we do it, they call us
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propagandists, yes, but another thing is when a person who was in the power structures of this country comes and in the same words tells the same thing that is happening in the territory, you are surprised, well, in fact, we, you know, strength is in truth, strength in truth , we are speaking. saved their people, sooner or later all of europe will realize this, the sunday times is publishing a large-scale investigation this week, you saw, yes, maybe based on the testimony of a special forces officer who talk about the mass executions of civilian elites in afghanistan. a few quotes: once again i want to say that this is not our information from the western press, the special air service unit regularly killed afghan prisoners in their homes, planted weapons on their bodies, one
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of the active british officers stated that in 1911 he observed how british special forces units adopted a policy of shooting unarmed afghans and then altering the scene to make them look like... alleged that allied forces placed weapons next to the corpses of their victims to create the impression that they were armed, the soldiers were shot in self-defense, we are making a big program understandable to politics, based on this report and many others, it turns out that, well, the british became aware of the fact that there was simply genocide of afghan civilians, so... you see examples,
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three young people, 12, 14, 16 years old, were shot, all this information was stored on british servers, when they started digging into these servers, of course, access to reports, negotiations, correspondence was denied, and then, when access was opened, it turned out that everything that was done has been deleted, there is no more information on any servers, but we will show you right away hillary clinton came to mind, who suddenly suddenly deleted all her emails, because they were of her personal nature and everything was lost.
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to the threshold of nuclear war, the western state is in the vanguard of the europeans, you hear, france every day, every day, while the media, and maybe in reality, announce an escalation of tension, not only on the european continent, but in the world, in in general, under no circumstances succumb to provocations, we are not going to succumb to... provocations, we are not going to fight with anyone, starting a war against, say, god forbid poland, we understand perfectly well that we will not win it, throw the country of millions of people into the crucible war, this is not for me, it’s just our task, if again, as it was and has always happened, the enemy’s boot steps on it.
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envies resources, human resources, gas, oil, they don’t have a damn thing in europe. warning about the absence of colorful lines about the other: if you poke around, you will all be destroyed, including the decision-making center, that's all, that's all, as i see it, so this is not the first time, ivan, we still have a program about how, yes, journalistic,
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when i watched the video that spread across social networks to alexander, from alexandro sada, in my opinion, where two presidents, vladimir vladimirovich and alexander grigorievich , asked them a question. it’s about these teachings, training, how they answered, yes, what they answered, we have already discussed several times, how calmly, confidently, confirming each other’s words, and somewhere at some point i myself i caught, you know, this idea, maybe you can’t talk about it in public, but i still think it’s necessary, there was such a subtle, serious trolling of those comrades like macron, who says: “we, we, you can talk , we are doing,” that’s what...
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has been demonstrated, but i believe that it is impossible to say here again, because the rake is coming, that is, now this step was quite serious, when the leaders of the two states did not just clearly say that we we will do this, but we come to the question of what you are looking at, it will be so if you if you do this, it will be like this, it will be, because if someone in the west has the illusion that, well, you know, they can somehow play more there.
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we understand what he was talking about, he said that we are one civilization, we have a common history, and scholes doesn’t even understand what he’s talking about, in principle, yes, well, or let’s take it, now everyone is talking about macron, this is a man, the way his brain works means that no one has any illusions, macron does not draw any line to remain in history, macron works out the specific strategic direction of the americans to europeanize the conflict, that is, the europeans must go to war, and how cleverly they came up with why... kron why france? because, they say, it’s somehow semi-independent, maybe it ’s not nato, if france goes, it has its own nuclear weapons, they will be hit, we may not protect you. what does macron say next? every day, as the president said, almost every day he says: we will send
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troops to ukraine, but we are not in a state of war with russia. what do you think makrun? now, if you do this, i’m in the house, then russia will assume that you are capable, they said this directly. what you say there is your problem, but as soon as your troops, they are already there, we know that the instructors were not in vain accused in the british parliament when he said that the british crew service the missiles, well, they are there, they are already there french and numbers, we know these, if your troops enter in the designated quantity, we also know the numbers of these brigades, who are not going to be sent there, this is a state of war, you are sending f16, we will figure out whether they carry nuclear weapons, they do not carry nuclear weapons and on what territory they are located, they will be attacked, which is important, synchronous statements by alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin on this topic, it seems to me that they have, well, not exactly sobered up, i am somehow a skeptic regarding the sobriety of western politicians, but the fact that
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a chill ran through them has become very noticeable, we clearly need to realize, our presidents have known this for a long time , what impossible. what a blessing it is to have at the head of the country a leader who will do everything possible and even impossible, so that peace is maintained on the territory of your country, so that this territory remains until the end.
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but if someone, and vladimirovich also said, if someone encroaches on our land, then keep in mind, the conclusion will simply be her chance to avoid war, lukashenko understands this perfectly, putin understands this too, this is to be so strong, so that they would be afraid, olek sergeevich, when we didn’t agreed to become anti-russia, they broke us all, they got a twentieth year, the pressure only intensified, here, of course, a lot depended on the head of state, as...
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macron was studied in detail, macron is not an independent figure at all, the question of how
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to handle it, what else macron - he says, he has a wonderful adviser to jacques thali, he has a wonderful career with rothschild, in which he, in fact, where did he come from, yes, he absolutely does not go down in history about him, he walks around there with these hugged by huge blacks, here this is, in fact, how he makes a name for himself, well, yes, but this is a question for the french, who they like as a leader there, but this is a message, a question of provocations, and with the hands of these people, including the balts, they can do everything , whatever, and here you need to understand that yes, if such an attempt is made, well, that’s it, every day the president of lithuania asks that lithuanian soldiers finally be taken away for training in ukraine, three soldiers one tank, so that they definitely leave, and he has a presidential election there now, i saw some guy there the candidate for the speech has quite sober thoughts about that, and they periodically have normal sober candidates. but yes, but then yes, they don’t get in, we discussed with you how they convicted president paksas,
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who was an absolutely realistic president who enjoyed enormous support from lithuanian society, they broke everything, twisted it, look how they are now clearing the political field of moldova, here a new anti-russia, where they make moldova, where people, at least half, i say, at least support our politics, they treat us with sympathy, they break, all norms are violated, gogauz autonomy, autonomy. which is enshrined at the level of european documents, they are ready to crush everything, just to dance to this one tune, further, you talked about the sober policy that georgians began to pursue, listen, it’s not pro-russian at all, they have all the rhetoric, no, that’s what i i say, yes, they just want to protect their national political space, maintain their economic interests so that the georgian people they just finally began to live better, to protect their values, which are shared by the georgian orthodox church.
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for the center of tbilisi - it’s just as if the whole world came out there, they want to preserve the sovereign country, they are proud people are coming back in the twentieth year, imagine we have at least a quarter of the parliament controlled by the west
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, two governors at least controlled by the west and there would be no end to hard power. how they worked to get someone into parliament, how they worked with local authorities, they had whole programs for working with local authorities, and how cunning, they give 4 million euros supposedly for computerization, 2 million buy computers, 2 million work with personnel, internships, attention, but what did they tell us, take western parties to parliament, take their local councils, 30 years old, interesting story, i once had contact. the director was talking about soros's funds, he came to soros to ask for money and there was a film adaptation, or rather a production based on dostoevsky, and well, there was some strange woman telling a story from his words, so she watched it, she said, dostoevsky, yes, well this is dostoevsky, he says, i got angry, he just said he came out, i think i’ll be right back, well, i’ll look after her a little, which means he comes back and says, you just didn’t
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understand, that means that’s it, all the actors perform naked, all the scenery is made of coke cans -cola. children's curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero?
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why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. people answer the tricky questions of the younger generation, how do you differ at work from yourself at home, it seems to me, only in appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grimza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grimza everywhere or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel about that , when they feel sorry for you, it is extremely categorically negative, feeling sorry is not... the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, this is a feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, conditionally, in poland there is capital that wants
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to make a profit, we have our need for jobs, our land, we come to an agreement and... everything is fine, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it is not clear where, but it is not a fact that in head, they have revised their attitude towards us to open hostility, we cannot leave european markets, the polish government is, of course, our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two, in fact, warring countries can easily do business together, that is, they may not be absolute enemies, lukashenko is the keeper of the balance, balance is the best that... a leader can give for the country and its people, balance is the golden mean, on opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism , this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “let’s grab it” - this is a call. here is a bc flag - inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, i guess. smogar pro-ukrainian beer. this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka. power changes, they change. words and views, now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, i was probably under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong,
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now there has been a big reassessment of values ​​in my life, we can have a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus , on a poster in my hands, i support ukraine, why didn’t it support the residents of the fraternal donbass before, like... who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, does not go out into the streets in support of palestine. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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on sunday, may 12 , i will tell you about the main thing in the morning. vladislav gundar, hello, watch the episode! three symbols that unite us in belarus flag day, coat of arms anthem, exclusives and insiders will be revealed before the start of the festive ceremony.


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