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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 9:20am-10:46am MSK

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i love you, lord, how i love you,
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it’s me who loves you, hush, serezhenka, hush, i don’t care now, i love you, hush, i love, seriously, i love, i love, lord, why is it so late, where have you been there before? - i always was, but you didn’t know about it, god, what a pity! i love you, as i love you, garden instructor, masha, pupils is bleeding again, i’m going, looking, the german command is turning to you with a noble,
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hominous proposal, you must come out of the dungeon and surrender, for this you are guaranteed life and freedom. to get at least a drop of water from there, we appeal to the prudence of your commanders, do not buy people senselessly, stop resistance, stop forays that can lead to nothing but losses.
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the german command gives you 2 hours to get out and stock up on weapons.
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i won’t give water to the wounded, i found where, with fire, in a sparkling camp, the cars will go, a furious march, with fire, circus.
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listen, the water is flowing, they are fucking us, listen, sing, i heard, sing, some water, here, do you hear, there will be water somewhere now, in general serv, it will be, give me some tea, as much as you can, i’m waiting.
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don’t think about her, think about anything, just not about water, because it’s not there, because it’s not there, okay, okay, but i ’ll bring it to her now, i’ll bring it to her now,
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masha, masha, what, come back, masha, masha, masha, go back.
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come back, fool, they will kill you, sentry, sentry, sentry, don’t let me in, oh these black eyes, walk slowly,
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they will destroy me, where have you gone now, who is your close friend, oh these black eyes, oh these black eyes, me they will destroy me, where... now, but they are burning in front of me, burning in front of me me, oh these black eyes, oh these black eyes, whoever loves you will lose happiness and peace forever, just like that.
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oh, those black eyes, whoever loves you will lose both happiness and peace forever.
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der herr möchte die bandewanne für seine dame machen. wenn du die schreiche abwäschst, was meinst du? ja, fein. das beste paar aus der modenschau.
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yes, registration card, yes, direction of the city military commissar, yes, dad, can i fly with you, flight book, what, i have it, god, it’s old, well, no worries, to hell, no fuss,
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no feathers! i don't have a job for you, captain, how can it be, i’m a fighter, that ’s why no, if it were a transport aircraft or a heavy bomber, i would take it, we don’t take fighters, but i have 117 combat missions, 650 flight hours, don’t make me laugh, captain, i’m in the guards . co-pilots have 5,000 flight hours each, and the crew commander has even more, so finish off your flight hours, you know where, i have a referral from the military registration and enlistment office, i was still there for 5 years after the war, i served there, i
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haven’t seen russia for 5 years, you’re it you see, i’m a pilot, and you’re a paper soul, shout, we’re a tenth grader it’s easier to teach how to fly in a passenger car than to retrain you, but from forty-two i went through something that you couldn’t even dream of, was i alone, i ask, did i go through something, or was there anyone else nearby? don’t panic, captain, settle in, get settled, don’t come mowing, we’ll open a six-month course by october, ground control service, fuck your soul, i’m a fighter combat pilot in ground service, dug in here in the offices where you were in forty-three, forty fourth, forty- fifth?
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will reprimand fighters always flew in alone, we are used to risking our skin every minute, it seems that we can’t be weaned off this, your risky little things are telling us, we need to keep the passengers alive and well and the cargo safe, we can’t take risks in civil aviation, so which says sorry. seryozha, maybe evening school, finish the tenth grade, next year you’ll go to college, they promised to increase my hospital admissions a little for the new year, i’ll go to the clinic part-time. i'll take on extra duty, so we can easily draw out what you're talking about, what's tenth grade, when you haven't finished ninth, who's pulling your tongue, you'll go straight to tenth, when there are no
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exams, you're smart, dad, dad, you don't need shoulder straps, give it to me, dad, well, give it back, wow, don’t touch your dad’s shoulder straps, he’s not yet grown up to be a captain, he’s not grown up yet. i’ll give you mine, look, we’ll pin one here, like this, i don’t need these medical shoulder straps, what did you say, i now know what i’ll do for it, but what, he’s still small, how can he know everything ? , come on, stop it, well, i’m in a bad mood, look at the bar, over there look,
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we will tell you about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radevilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish, now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest, the neosvizh cutlet is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from minced pork. let's plunge into festive culinary traditions, and , of course, we bake easter cake, only here, in this area, it is not called easter cake. if in all over the world easter cakes, it turns out to be easter cakes, in everyone's love - these are easter rolls. we will also introduce the viewer to the history of this or that local. of our country, people go to nesvesh to see the castle, the farny church, everything connected with radivils, by the way, pay attention, on the cap there is the letter p, which means
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rodivila, look in the food project anywhere, on the belarus 24 tv channel and that’s all, what have they accomplished there in 5 years, oh,
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i died of laughter, what are you, people have left, they are carrying suitcases, junk, accordions, and you are righteous, but god sent neighbors, and we they brought vovka from there, nyusenka, who cares about anything, oh you, i respect you. well, guys, take a double bunk, enough for a suitcase to sleep, seryoga, let's climb, wave, come here, we'll take it from below, well, we won't be able to pay you off forever, but they don't owe me anything for it, since we sleep on it stronger, when the challah comes to me, that’s all there is to it, but what about dragging the whole thing, it ’s collapsible, yes, if it’s from a store, then it’s collapsible, but from a landfill, and they soaked it in diesel fuel for 5 days from rust, then you understand whether, the welders kept her busy.
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they put it here, great, the branch is normal, vova, bitches, you’re a year old, where are you going, the seats are dirty in their underpants, but you put the child’s pants on, or put a rag on him, but he didn’t get his pants, huh? “well, what did i tell you? i want to steer, aunt nyusya won’t let me, on such a bunk you can find a couple more boots if you look hard enough, of course, well, your bunk is no worse, why don’t you look, you can’t pull one out, there are two of you it’s good for you, well, you should get married, why are you delaying, hmm, how can seryozhenka get married?” " "i i didn’t even have a funeral of my own, in 1942 he disappeared without trace, he’ll suddenly come back, but no, now it’s unlikely.” i’ll wait
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, after all, masha, let’s go and drag the bed, this is from us, really, seryozha, oh, so very beautiful, like a princess, wow, guys, what are you talking about, such a carpet on our beam can be sold for 300 while seryoga is not working, it can hold out for 3 months, and we can do without... well, what if you you won't find work,
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let's go, let's go, brother, the wolf, the legs are fed by
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the eldest eldest, where are you here, quickly? okay, return the container faster, it won’t be faster.
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well, how are you new there? seryoga, or what? grab it? it’s your business, but they hired me part-time at the procedure clinic? with my sister, so we live, guys, vova, please finish the milk, don’t pick around, but finish it, i say, there is foam, add butter to the potatoes, one more thing, if you want, i’ll cut the onion,
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this is it... yes, you are our breadwinner , you are our breadwinner, hey, neighbors, put vovka to bed, come to me, i have a bad guy from the police who showed up that he’s not married, thank you, no, seryozha is tired, some other time, ok, come on, come in, i ’ll fry some cookies, i bought one of these livers from one khanegi, you’ll lick your fingers, i love liver, go ahead and settle down, so that in a minute i won’t see you, i’ll never forget.
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masha, there were some nice ones, yeah, i allocated them for the employees due to the traffic jam, thank you.
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more, come on, here's more, that's enough, what are you saying, i'm returning, i love you, i still love you, go a little, sergei.
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he probably ran off to the soldykovs, but go, and i’ll instantly, okay, nyusya, come here,
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uh-huh, go, go, why, stand here, you what, masha, huh... they’ll hear the neighbors, then you’ll be ashamed yourself, you’re a little ninny, you can have as many men as you want, but i only have one, and i need to protect him, so don’t blame him, okay, don’t you dare wag your tail in front of his nose more, i understand, i understand, i ’m asking you, i don’t hear you, yeah, that’s good,
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stop, let’s go to the left! come on down!
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or maybe somewhere there is a sticker of a foreign dragging one, dragging it open just on the sticks, don’t push the guys, what are you doing? shut up, guy, you 're not at the front, i understand, you're a bastard, not a scientist, oh guys, how wrong you are.
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why are you taking these devils for a simple thing, i ’ll pay, come on, kolya. vasya, pichi, seryoga is being killed, my guitarist, played with his hand, tired, and i sang of the sunset and for... i don’t want to be anyone,
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i was born free, i don’t want to be anyone, i was born free, dad, and dad, and what is he singing, i was born free, he’s a man. to all men up to a couple of times before the time, eat, we wish you health, then colonel, we wish you health, what kind of colonel is he, just like you,
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a civilian, don’t tell me, don’t tell me, ivan ivanovich, he’s not busy, it seems like he’s not, here you have some money, concrete, please, ask me for a beer, kids, and i’ll wait for you here, it will be done, the farewell star is burning above the vestibule, the conductor, don’t rush. words of your love, say it like this for the last time,
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kiss me, hugging me tightly, come on, words of your love, let's go home, but let's go, seryozha, let's go, we're done, calm down, let's go, what are you, forgive me, what if you. i’ve already been killed once, it doesn’t happen twice, everything happens in life, well, soon you’ll be able to fight for socialist property again, yes, if necessary, i’ll join, come on, come on, yeah, well, what are you suggesting, we sit in silence, fool, if fate has given us a new life, then start it anew, so i
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started, you’re lying to yourself, all these day jobs of yours, it’s a week there, there is another, at the end of the day the calculation is for... this is a new life in your opinion, this is crap, not life, dragging from place to place what others produce, but someone has to drag it, it has to, then there’s nothing else maybe he does it wonderfully, better than others, he is respected for it, but whoever is capable of more is that’s right, i’m a military pilot, retired, i can’t do anything else, don’t yell, don’t throw a tantrum here, okay, don’t you want to go to college? no need, go to a factory, go to a driving school, you'll be transporting people on the bus, yeah, you need to study, right, and i'll sit at the same desk with the youngsters, and teach homework in the evenings at home, yes, damn it,
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it's you, damn it , look. young, healthy, handsome, uh-huh, handsome, just like an oil painting, mom, mom, come here, i’m coming, okay, misha, let’s assume, let’s do a simple one arithmetic, if you don’t get it, it gets to me even more than necessary, no, “if you brush it off, it means it doesn’t get it, let’s assume that from the age of 17 they were at the front, what they were taught there, shoot, bomb, blow up, dig in , hurray, for the homeland, everything is as it should be, in forty-five, if, of course, he lived until may 9, how old is such a kid, 21-23,
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and what did he learn in the war in 4 years, all the same, shoot, bomb , blow up, dig in, only better than in '41, because he won the war, keep in mind, misha, he is a winner, this is a special psychology, he has orders to the navel, he is already an officer, the devil is not his brother, and we are here on the civilian side of these captains, all our forces are for peaceful construction, and he has not dug an ear in this peaceful construction, they don’t know how to shoot, but nothing else, because we took them to war from their school desks, and they go...
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you better think about how to help these guys, otherwise they are doing the devil, hanging around the flea market, sitting in their tea pants, and they have wives and children , yes, we all fought, i, too, as you know, did not whistle in the kuls, but in the four post-war years i delivered, restored industry, raised housing construction to military levels, one or what, one, restored industry, construction, one? sorry, ivan ivanovich, a stupid habit has appeared recently, every night i have the same dream, i taxi to the start on the gas and for takeoff, and the car runs, runs,
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runs and does not take off, the revs are already at the limit and the handle is at full throttle, no everything takes off, the runway is already ending, but i just can’t take off, i wake up, he hasn’t been able to find a place for himself for 2 months, he’s been wandering around to different jobs. a i look at him and i want to cry, he was a pilot, what a wonderful pilot he was, talented, and a talented person cannot be talented in one thing, he... surely must be talented in something else, sitting it’s just inside him,
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can you imagine if it opened up, how wonderful it would be, how useful it would be for everyone, even if he’s still a driver, the stress is nervous, we have no less, he’s used to technology, how come you don’t understand, but he cannot now sit at a desk with schoolchildren, with yesterday? well, that’s right, what kind of language do we have to bend around in this driving school for 3 months with brats, but i ’ll learn it myself in our yard in 2 weeks, you think, well, mom, why did you annoy me here, for safety reasons, and what is this, now you’ll see, so start, clutch, softer, softer. so start, first, carefully, carefully, don’t jerk, don’t tear
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, softer, softer, like women, gas, gas, gas, what are you doing, it’s like you’re riding on a hoof, but when it doesn’t go any other way, you let go of the clutch , i'm telling you, release the clutch, let go, yes otherwise, you release the clutch, i’m telling you, what kind of guy is he? so, good, what's good, good, oh, yes, where are you, here, what's on the laundry, slow down, it's yours, throw it away, calm down, where are you, where will i throw it, where? well, slow down, i’m telling you, slow down , it’s a breeze, wow
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, hurry up here, where did you get in, oh, god, wow, so that they come for you, yes, no, we’ll pay you, we’ll pay you, what, ok, i'll just keep an eye on it in the park, let's go, dad, dad, and i say, slow down, she doesn't
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slow down, great, great, fellow men, hi, who wants some seeds, give it to me, and you give me some work, yes, tighten it up, thank you, how are you, everything is fine, well, i hope, but who? nyusya, kuzmich is demanding you, what is he doing, is demanding, kuzmich, kuzmich is demanding, and wow , little one, i received a signal that you have been driving your car for several days now, only by nightfall you are driving it into the park, there is an opinion that you are pounding, so, so, pounding. you’re lying, i’m lying, i’m lying, don’t make a fool of yourself here, vasily kuzmich,
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darling, well, can i use the car for another week after my shift, i’ve started renovations in the house, then you need to bring this, but i am a lonely woman, there is no one to help, well, what are we talking about, she would have come to me right away. “nyu, i’d invite you to come see me sometime, maybe you’ll need me again, oh, someone’s coming, well then, vasily kuzmech, any time.” we have something to be proud of as farmers; we fully
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provide ourselves with food, enough for export, and we sell it. but there is no need to stop there; the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and most importantly, what can we give from science? new varieties that are highly productive and resistant to diseases and pests. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on
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tv channel belarus 24. the braking distance at a speed of 60 km/h on a dry road surface is 30 m correct; on a wet road surface 80 m is correct and your actions when entering a t-shaped intersection. need to make a left turn, so, i stop, let moving traffic pass in both directions, that’s right, i get out of the cab and kiss the policeman, and signs, some kind of nightmare, what is it? sign, this is
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an arrow, right, and this, this, dad, this is a brick, well, and this, well, this is a black brick,
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the friends attacked, there is no trace of hostro, sadness is a crystal vein, sadness, then we didn’t know with you, and they loved the shades, and brought the vyasna together for us.
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oh those black eyes, love me, you can’t forget them anywhere. and they burn in front of me, oh those black eyes, dad, next is aleksandrovskaya, you remember, well dad, leave me alone, i know it myself. why then did you miss the street of the victims of the revolution? are you ready to leave the stadium? citizens hurry up! finally, thank god, we’ve waited,
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come on in, hand over the payment, citizens, dad, to the right, you bore, leave me alone! to the right, well , let's go, dad, you forgot that after victory square we were supposed to stop by mom's, right, yes, well, that's it, girl, we'll stand like that, dad, first, first, dad, softer, softer, vov, leave me alone, “sit down, vovka, that’s enough, the next stop is the market, hey, where did you
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turn, what, yes, what is this, oh, where did you turn, they’re doing it, well, they turned to the city hospitals, what is this? , city hospital, stop on request. now citizens of the market, dad, what is
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a stop on demand, well, when someone really needs to stop, he demands, who demanded, and you are impudent, you demanded, i stopped. i’m going to watch this movie for the third time, the first time because of the headlights with the electrician, the second time with the bodyworker, when seryoga sawed into our house, remember, and now for the third time, my poor thing, why are you working so hard, they’re only talking about sins about this terribly ancient, but i came to my senses after that incident, but it heals on me like on a dog, the way they sit, where they’ll get away, you’ve done one hell of a job there, well, they ’re on the cost for me too, be healthy, that’s also true. they could have easily sewed it on, such a crowd. grishenka, why did you come in uniform?
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i would have put on a holster, i would have brought a machine gun, but i won’t have time to change clothes after the movie, i’ll be on duty in the department until 24 hours, excuse me, excuse me, from your first payday we’ll also buy you a new civilian suit. stop, citizens. wait, wait, grishenka, my gold, sit on the bench, and we’ll be here in a minute, come on, quickly, come with me, sit down, undress, why what, take off your trousers, jacket, don’t be afraid that you won’t frighten me with anything like that, put on, well, put on
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my husband’s suit. in 1941 i put it on once, when i went to the prison with me, did i take care of everything i ask? since then, you and he seem to be the same, you were the same in figure, turn around. little tower, pavlik,
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my god, what is this? tower, pashenka, forgive me, pashenka, where are you lying now, you are my only one! “wasn’t i waiting for you, didn’t i remember you, pasha, nyusya, what are you, nyusya, pasha, pashenka, my dear, pasha, where are you, pashenka, dear, dear, you are my beloved, where are you?" no,
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no, let it be. seresh, tell her, let her marry me.
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to the theater. hello, captain. excuse me citizens, just a second, i wish you good health. like a wife, boy , thank you, it’s good, but you’re living, well, now it seems normal, come on, i see that, well done, i’m talking about something else, i mean, what is your address, and the cossacks are 13 quarters, let’s go, the passengers are worried, i’m on my way, excuse me , the schedule is strict, go, go.
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where did we turn, and now we made a stop at the city hospital, and seryoga, the city hospital. what time do you finish today? at 16:00, very good, that means i wasn’t mistaken, that’s what nyuska said, today they came to see me with vovka, she took him somewhere to a state farm 40 km away, and will bring him back to you in the garage, yeah, okay, because she doesn’t have a single free second, we’ll go now, she’s invited, well, just now i told krisha’s parents, that’s it, yeah, that’s it.
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or something like that, and i’m waiting for you at six, come, while you return the car, while you wash, i’m waiting for you, come, yeah, run, masha, what?
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oh, you ask, why, why, we had lunch in our canteen, dad, i ate the second two, if only i could live like this for a day,
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that’s it, let’s finish dancing, for the chair, for the chair, the battery has arrived, the battery is for... thank you, vasil kuzmich , you really helped out seruga, for the table, please, from zaimenitsa now we’ll just figure out some music, if you want, sadness was attacked, don’t you like it, yes, so, excuse us, let’s let vasily kuzmich say a toast, he’s mine himself. and the biggest boss, well, a toast, well, of course, first of all to our dear birthday girl, to our nyusenka, for her happiness, health, etc., and,
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of course, for everyone present, for the fact that now we are all together, and there is no such thing between us, the boss, not the boss, fought, didn’t fight. thank you, god, that in the fifth post-war year all this was erased, otherwise what happened was, on one side you, the front-line soldiers, and on the other side we, those who provided your rear, and we, we, seem to be second class, it’s not good, i don’t dispute, there were, of course, exploits at the front, there were, of course, but if you really look at it, then... it’s not always, here you are, for example, both from the front returned, alive, healthy, quietly, or do you think we didn’t know how the officers lived, or why, excuse me, the girls received the order, love me, i can’t forget them anywhere, but they
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burn in front of me, oh those black eyes, we 4 years on a starvation diet, so what? barefoot, undressed, you feel good, you were fed , shoed, dressed in the army, the officers received chocolate, everything was at the front, front, front, the country fed you, keep quiet, you're a bitch to us, your son was jealous that we were fed, clothed, that we they killed in the army, you forgot, you forgot, cat, i remember, i still remember all the dead i remember since then, they were a drunken bastard... they were coming to protect you, where are they now, where are they, i ’m asking you, remember the scum, if you open your mouth one more time, listen, get out of here,
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mash, and spit on him.
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i’m not tired, no, you know, it seems to you that we don’t exist in the world at all, that someone invented us, the two of us, and we were already blowing out the trick ourselves. hello, hello, free, yes, we work a day,
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we walk a day, we’ll go to one place, for a long time, but no, masha, i’ll come soon, kp, ex, for sure. welcome to the flying club, captain.
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come on, captain. start the holiday, eat,
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i heard that you died, nonsense, yes, it seems like you were all killed in that quarry, well, as you can see. everyone, i don’t know, but it was about you that they said that you don’t pay attention, you never
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know, to the trepidation, it’s strange, very strange, here you’re right, it’s really strange, sometimes i’m even surprised myself.
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the german command addresses you with a noble, humane proposal: you must come out of the dungeon and surrender, for this you are guaranteed life and freedom, we know that you are dying of thirst and hunger.
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when i'm with you for and for the sake of my eyes, love me, they don’t bother me, but they burn
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in front of me.
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the anthem, coat of arms and flag are symbols of the political
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independence and sovereignty of the country, they are one of the signs of an established state, they express. of the majority of the people, therefore the phrase: tell me what your flag is, and i will tell you who you are, is more appropriate here than ever, because in these symbols the past, present and future are intertwined, this is, in its own way, the genetic code of the nation expressed in artistic form. the latest changes in the adjustment of the state emblem in 2021 are just allowed us to bring this image to perfection; the perfectly round shape speaks of completeness and integrity. for several years our coat of arms was crowned with a faceted star, this is
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a symbol of the armed forces, and we now see as a result a five-pointed smooth red one. well , a star, a globe, it has acquired more natural colors, the rising sun, in the rays of this rising sun a golden one is depicted... the outline of the republic of belarus, before that it was green, the coat of arms, quite optimistic with flowers, flax with clover flowers, these are the symbols they are clear, they are accessible, wreath this one is framed with a ribbon, it has three turns on each side, symbolizing the six regions. the fluttering flag, it leads to some kind of excitement, the square itself - this is the idea to perpetuate here, to create such
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a square where all our state symbols would be located, such as the coat of arms, the flag of our state and also the anthem. in addition, we surrounded the entire area with 4 m high granite steles, on which are the coats of arms of the regions, which make up our six regions, with the city of mick in the center. if we draw the axis here, then we have it turns out that the axis starts from the palace building, as specifically symmetrical, its location and up to the logpole. state symbols of the republic of belarus, which are stored in
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the fund, the state flag, where one part is a green stripe, two parts, a red wide stripe, in the pole part we see a national ornament, the central element is the sample. in symbolism, this is a sown field, therefore, this is a harvest, this is what brings life to people. this whole complex is called a cross with a hook, it means a lot, all together, it makes up what we call existence on this earth, that is, this... this is time, this is our life, this is a change of generations, finally, this is human activity, a whole human
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life, this is the change of seasons, that is, our flag, it is very very life-affirming. just 2 years after its opening, one of the newest symbols in belarus, the palace of independence, will become famous.


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