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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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above the berry land, we are marking our efforts, we are at the beautiful land, hail our land, blessed name, hail the people's union. our beloved mother of gradzima, eternally living belarus, our beloved mother of radziva, eternally living and peaceful belarus, together with her husband and husband.
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the service of the people, the strength of the people, our sacred sleepy path, our proud smiles are clear, our actions are possible, we rejoice, our bright earth is evil. hail to the people of the fraternal union, our beloved mother, radzila, eternally alive belarus, our beloved mother, radzila, eternal live.
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dear compatriots, i am glad that there is a new tradition of solemnly honoring the most important symbols of sovereign belarus on the day of the state emblem. and the national anthem has become firmly established in our lives. on the fertile soil of love for the homeland. this tradition has grown into our hearts, becoming truly national. just like here, on the square of the state flag, in large and small cities of the country, thousands of young men and women today take an oath of allegiance to state symbols. this is a sign of deep
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respect for the past, spiritual and moral values ​​bequeathed to us by our ancestors. this is sincere gratitude for the peaceful and happy present, which is provided by the older generation of contemporaries. but the most important thing is to demonstrate your readiness to take responsibility for the fate of your country, because you... young people are not just entering adulthood, relying on all your achievements as on the strong shoulders of your predecessors, you are taking up the baton in preserving the strengthening of belarusian statehood, and undertake to sacredly preserve the symbols of an independent country. for me personally this day is filled with special symbolism, almost 30 years ago,
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on may 14, 1995, the first referendum in the history of sovereign belarus was held, then our people determined their path. this is a strong presidential power, a strategic alliance with russia, equal state status of the belarusian and russian languages, without succumbing to the threats of modern collaborators, or rather, traitors from politics, remaining true to ourselves, our principles, ideals, our... history, we together defended our true state symbols, together they said: there are no symbols that have become for us a real sign of trouble. the heirs of the people who survived the genocide, the survivors of the kanslagirakh
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ghetto, who stood up to fight the enemy, in numerous partisan detachments and underground, could not do otherwise. therefore , in 1995 , belarusians overwhelmingly voted for the continuity of heroic symbols, for our coat of arms, for our flag, which flies over modern belarus. during transitional eras, people often abandon symbols that expressed ideas and values.
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son of the past, we are especially proud that the state symbols of belarus represent the unparalleled fortitude of our people’s contribution to the great victory over the brown plague. they also contain the labor feat of our fathers and grandfathers, who rebuilt the republic on the principles of social equality and justice. modern. the national flag, the coat of arms and the gym are already symbols of our victories, sports, creative, and labor. the flag of belarus was raised by scientists, polar explorers in antarctica, paratroopers at the north pole,
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and climbers on everest. this flag has been in space three times, first with our fellow countryman, oleg novitsky, and most recently with... to the sounds of the anthem, tens of thousands of graduates will take their first steps into an independent life. the sowing season has ended, the harvesting campaign is ahead: thousands of belarusian combine harvesters will take to the fields, farmers will
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perform their labor feat under the native flag. hundreds of couples are preparing to enter into legal marriage. the official seal of the script. love, love and fidelity of new families, more and more often our coats of arms, the flag can be seen in the windows of residential buildings, in cars, and on july 3, the main holiday for our country, independence day, in which we will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, millions of compatriots will fill the squares of cities and villages. to sing the anthem together, people are proud that they are real belarusians, this is national unity, a unity that is cemented by the strong memory of the heroic feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the great
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patriotic war, patriotism, creative work and the desire for peace, a unity that symbolizes... the flag, state emblem and national anthem of the republic of belarus, the unity that we must preserve in order to preserve our... country, because time has chosen us, happy holiday to you, dear friends, on the day of the state flag, state emblem and national anthem of the republic of belarus, on behalf of the younger generation of belarus.
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future belarus! we swear! we swear allegiance to the dutiful banner, the dutiful coat of arms and the dutiful anthem of the republic of belarus and our radzhim, which we symbolize. we swear! we swear to the good citizens of the republic of belarus, to seek peace and prosperity on the belarusian land, and to save the land, which is also good and samaddana, as and our great-grandfathers are bastards...
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we achieve success at work, make scientific discoveries, climb the highest mountains on the planet, and set sports records. in 2024, thanks to the first belarusian woman cosmonaut, the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya, the national flag of the republic of belarus visited the international space station, consolidating the status of our country as... a space power, this flag will be handed over to the president
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of the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko will take pride of place in a palace independence.
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bright like the sun, clear like the snow, dear old woman, i love you, dear old woman, i love you , dear old woman, belarus may, dear old woman, dear old woman
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, belarus may, dear old woman, belarus may, voche such blakite, other in tomorrow's day, hellish herbs. once again we go ahead, freely with you , we breathe in the heart, imgne tol palet joy, such a clinging vigilant karagot. bright like the sun, clear like the snow, dear, old, i love you, dear old lady, dear old lady, belarus of may, dear old lady, dear old lady,
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not hell here, my dear old lady, belarus in may, we need to have faith in the past, the month of the good light, the sky and the adjacent, the shade of the planets, this bright one, the strengths that you give me, eternally closed to anyone, the wars of may, bright like the sun, pure like snow. eh, dear, old lady, i love you, dear bell, we are dead, dear old lady, belarus may, oh,
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oh, oh, oh, oh! bright yak suntsa, pure yak snow, dear old woman, i love tsyabe, sirtsam esvonka, we are hella sam'ya, dear old babe belarus may, bright yak suntsa, clear yak snow, dear yak staronka, i love tsyabe, sirtsam i call.
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allah, what does it mean for you to jump above your head, but for me it means it’s probably impossible to do. can be done perfectly and better than anyone else, the journalist calls my heroine exclusively
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with the prefix “super”, she is not afraid of heights, because she understands, in big-time sports you cannot reach the top without jumping over your head. today my guest is the olympic champion in ski acrobatics alla. alla, hello, i am glad to have the opportunity to talk with you, talk about your achievements in sports and a little about your personal life. i know that in freestyle you came from artistic gymnastics to take up sports, was it your decision or your parents’ decision? it really was n’t... the decision and not the parents, when, well, my sports career began at the age of 4, i was in kindergarten, a coach came to... the kindergarten and looked at the children, well, i selected them for artistic gymnastics, they gave me a postcard with an invitation to do gymnastics, that’s how my sports
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career began. well, they say that sports steals childhood, is this really true? actually yes, because well, as if i had a childhood to say, it wasn’t, everyone is walking on the street, and alla goes to training every day, and in the summer i always wanted to walk on the street with... with the guys, with my friends, i even had a moment that i skipped training and went to in the park, i was walking, that i really wanted to go for a walk, but what did sport really deprive you of as a child? well, probably from that very childhood, spending time, that is , some free time with friends, playing games, yes, well , my favorite thing, probably in childhood it was when i went to my grandmother and was there.
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how we spent time together, well, at the same time i was wondering, these are new types of training, a new sport, new friends, new communication, acquaintance, and how did you keep in touch with each other? i wrote letters to my parents, there were letters, but a little later i could come to the post office, order a call to another city, call, yes, well, mostly i wrote letters.
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that in freestyle, well, at every jump there is fear, before every jump, somewhere more, somewhere less, it probably depends on your condition, on the weather conditions, in our country every competition takes place in a new place, different slopes, there you need to select the speed for each jump, so when you have to, you had to overcome your fear, sometimes it was very scary. well, probably, this is the kind of sport we have, and it’s not for nothing that i got into this sport, well, when you overcome fear, you enjoy it, and why
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freestyle competitions are held in the evening , it’s more colorful, just because of this , yes, for the picture, for the picture, well, athletes can better see where the sky is and where landing slope, well, i already mentioned that initially you were involved in artistic gymnastics, but somehow? it turned out that you decided to change your sport, well, artistic gymnastics, if you don’t show results before the age of 13, well, how can you end your sports career, so i remember, we were at a competition and a freestyle coach approached my artistic gymnastics coach and suggested, she says, if you have girls who are going to end their sports careers, you can try yourself in another sport, well... how would i they suggested, my dad and i went, it was in the city of nikolaev, i was born in the city exactly, we went to nikolaev, in nikolaev at that time, well, as if in the soviet union there was one
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base for freestyle, a water springboard, well, here we have it in minsk we jump into the pool, yes, and there we jumped into the river, well, how could i then come and look, freestyle is also a difficult coordination sport like... gymnastics, i thought, well, some crazy people jump like that on skis, spin there are somersaults, double somersaults, i think how it is, and then in september i arrived in nikolai already myself, i entered the olympic reserve school, now in the eighth grade, and as if in freestyle my sports career began, do you think this gymnastic training contributed to your success? of course, i was wrapped up, i jumped well and... double somersaults and pirouettes, one and two pirouettes, i jumped well, i just needed to sharpen my technique a little to put it on the skis, well, yes, if in gymnastics.
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you jump on two legs and land, then everything is much more complicated, yes, the most difficult element in freestyle is that landing or acrobatic flights there, well, the whole jump is really difficult, from acceleration to landing, as our coach said, your jump ends already at the end, when you have already landed, stopped after the jump and there is a jump, that is... of course, well, it’s like every stage of the jump is very important, but the springboard jump is very impressive, the athletes stand tall, arms up, well, yes, it’s beautiful, in fact, if you look at it, when complex jumps are performed, for men it’s a triple somersault with six pirouettes, still snowing, really no one jumped, but the most difficult one they jumped in the snow was a triple somersault with five piers, how did your parents react to
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what they embroidered?
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japan, with what feelings did you go to these games? well, you know, i’ll probably say that at that time i probably didn’t even really realize it, i was at such an age that everything was interesting to me, i didn’t even worry much when there were competitions, well, yes, we qualified for olympic games, let's go, i didn't even count on such a result, to be honest... and this is only because that in the finals, during the first jump, i injured my knee, i injured my knee and because of this i was only fifth, we were upset, well , to be honest, i was probably a little upset, but not much, after all, the first olympic games and to come there to immediately win, well, well, yes,
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this... this is problematic, of course, shortly after the end of the nagan olympics you decided to move from ukraine to belarus, what was the reason for your decision? well, we had a small conflict with the senior coach and our coach, the senior coach said that he was already out of there will be nothing for us, we won’t have any success... let’s say, that’s why they offered us to move to belarus, at that time there were no women in belarus, and how would we agree, how many of us are three girls, a guy, one and a coach, we’re in in 1998, we were already in belarus in the fall, we arrived in belarus, and when you were accepted into the national team, it was difficult to join the new team, well, a little difficult,
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because there were mostly only men, somehow the routine was a little different from us there, they expect results from you, because at that time, i had already competed at the olympic games and they expected results from me, but the result only came to me in 2001, well, during your sports career you competed in 88 stages of the world cup, won 28 medals, which one is for you especially the road? it was the world cup in australia, we used to hold world cups in australia, then yes, after the summer season we always flew to australia at the end of august, and there they have winter, and well, yes, and there was the world cup, we used to have these rules, during the warm-up you have to show your most difficult jump, but i didn’t have time. to warm up my
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most difficult jump, i jumped it at a competition, the foreigners saw that i didn’t warm up this jump, but is this mandatory? it was necessary to show, yes it is mandatory, and that is, it was a show, i was disqualified and i didn’t take any place, the next day there was another world cup, a world cup stage, the next day i took first place, i proved to everyone that belarus is after all stronger, but you didn’t conquer the olympics right away, only with the fifth attempts, why do you think why this happened? what prevented success? well , you know, i’ll say this, when i went to the salt city, that season, that winter season, i was number one, i had the yellow jersey of the leader, i probably arrived there somewhere already
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hung a medal around my neck in advance , and i was so confident in myself, then they called me the steadfast tin soldier, because i never fell, on... you know, if i had refused these competitions, i would not have made the effort, i probably would have regretted all my life, that i don't made it possible to try it
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after. well, that means it’s not my destiny to be on the pedestal at the olympics, well, it was probably the most difficult moment in my life to make the right decision, whether i need it at all or not, it was already your decision that influenced it to a greater extent, well, my husband says...
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number 13, i have a very good hint of victory, i didn’t attach any importance to this, because i’m not superstitious, before this dissipation generally removed all responsibility, before there were some kind of superstitions, this is impossible, then, well, when.
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you put yourself in some kind of framework, then something happens, and you start thinking, thinking about the bad, and when you don’t believe in anything, it’s easier for you to live and train, but still this is... the competitive period it turned out to be difficult for you, because you got into the final part literally from last place, ahead of your nearest competitor by hundredths of a point, but there was, it was a chinese woman, there was a very small difference, well, everything worked out that day, as if when you you jump, you don’t think about anything else, only about your jump you don’t care about anyone you hear, well, you only hear the coach when the coach, when you fly.
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i probably couldn’t believe that it still worked out on the fifth try, that it had finally happened, it was a lot of work, of course, for so many years i...
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the world championships in kazakhstan and before the competition i jumped and... i tore my achilles tendon, uh-huh, and i was recovering, but it was a little bit difficult to recover, after all , not even 20 years old, then i decided that, well, that’s enough, uh-huh, enough of tormenting my body, if the frail tendon had already torn, then, well me already it’s just my, my health that’s stopping me, that’s enough already. jump, perform,
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it’s time to take care of the family, we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands, estimate their weight, don’t take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out, the ground beef is colored. dark red in color, pleasant smell, with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can pamper yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you. let's not forget. and about invigorating exercises, we raise
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our arms up, raise our legs and do such a cool exercise, a cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch in the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus24 tv channel, what is a familiar life for belarusians, for others it may seem real exoticism, volkovyski, if you... came to the kvedskaya mountain, then please count the number of steps, and why should you count, this is such a tradition, well, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the 9th-10th centuries, well, in those days, girls from wealthy families, such coins were worn as jewelry, but it is easy to become one of the people in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture, initially... volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river and it was on
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this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym vauka , vyaya, which literally meant a wolf's neck, and this group has a special manner of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called songs in the overlap, our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage. watch travel shows like at home on our tv channel. alla, what is it like to participate in competitions and watch the olympics on tv? well, i will say this: when the olympics took place in 2022, i was already calm, i was already mentally prepared that i would not compete, that i no longer had
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there will be no opportunities to perform and no desire to somehow, well, i calmed down and... looked morally, calmly, of course, worried about our guys, well, somehow everything, but there were some thoughts, what place would i take, if not , i didn’t even think about it and didn’t even want to think, because that’s it, my sports career was behind me, now i, well, it’s probably in your character, well, i cut it off and cut it off, and why bother torturing yourself, well, yes, well why bother really, well...
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springboard, well, young freestalists are starting jumping from a straight springboard, these are ordinary straight jumps, well, it so happens that now she is trying herself at badminton and she really likes it, and my son plays ice hockey, we decided to change our sports life a little and sent him to hockey, well, sort of he’s also a dynamo junior now. well , now that there is less sport and adrenaline in your life, what are you doing? i live a quiet family life, i live, i go to work in the evening, it turns out to be training, i left big sport as an athlete, but
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i stayed in the sport as a coach, an administrator of the national team, i don’t coach, i do paperwork. how do you prefer to spend time with your family? in principle, there is not much free time, because my son, one might say, trains every day, there is only one day off a week, we go to the cinema, to the park for a walk, recently my son and i rode around the area on scooters, but of course he was a little shy , yes, mom, go there, stand aside, well, i don’t know, maybe it’s because i’m with him. i rode a scooter like a child, we go out every summer, our family, two more families with tents, you already have a certain route of your own, we have a certain place, a very cool place on the neman, wonderful , just 2-3 days in nature, just
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great time spent, maybe something i have some hobbies, a kindergarten or a kindergarten, but not now. i used to be a little keen and liked fishing, so i should sit with a fishing rod, look at this float, how the fish are biting, not biting, well, i, i believe that you weren’t fishing alone, alone, i, yes, i i love, i love loneliness, when i’m at home, i just like to be alone without any music, without tv, so i like to be alone, and there’s something fluffy on my lap and... and we have a dog, a labrador, so he brightens up my alone, well, this is a wonderful friend, yes, he is wonderful, and you have many great achievements in sports. what other achievements do you expect from life? probably to raise
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your children correctly, so that they are kind, decent and always remain human in any life situation. allah, our the program is called the meaning of life, what is for you... the meaning of life, well, for me the meaning of life is probably to live and enjoy your own life, so that life brings joy and satisfaction. alla, you have lived a long, beautiful, wonderful life in sports, you have something to be proud of, and we are proud of you, thank you very much, i want to give you this bouquet of may flowers. like the smile of spring, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you, it was the meaning of alla’s life, super.
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a difficult road, great luxury or a chance for an independent life. what's happened independence and how to maintain it? the topic is worthy of philosophical treatises. our country has its own sovereign path and we asked
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ourselves: what is our independence? maybe it's the economy or children, our future, or the ability to protect ourselves? let's put together the sovereign picture of belarus. 1,773 battle tanks, 1,500 armored vehicles and 130 aircraft, all victims of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, we were promised peace once and for all. the defense industry of the nineties is a famous conversion, sawing equipment on a saucepan. the belarusian army went under the knife quirky. western government 110 dollars per ton of metal, especially from the policy of teapots instead of tanks, the 140 repair
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plant in borisov was damaged, everything that was in bad condition was removed, on october 7, 1995 , the madness was put to an end, alexander lukashenko ordered the destruction of equipment to stop, 2 years later agat was also saved , the first one already understood why, that it was necessary to modernize them today, to improve both technology and management. the army of belarus is at the top of the global firepower rating, it is a powerful military-industrial complex, that’s how it is today the same factories 140 and agat look like. but most importantly, the defense capability is stronger than even the
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steel that the democratic forces sold to the west for next to nothing in the early nineties. the armed forces and the entire security bloc will do everything possible to ensure that our country develops and prospers. the usa won world war ii. the ussr, together with hitler , unleashed the great patriotic war, abchb are symbols, true and only correct for belarus. if you've heard this, congratulations. they are trying to test your historical memory replace with false memories. this opens the way to distortions and falsifications, which means reprogramming the consciousness of entire nations, when black becomes white and white becomes black, in fact, yes, these things change, for us they are absolutely unacceptable, we are looking at our history... objectively, ban the russian language, abolish the soviet legacy, the bright trends of the same nineties, unfortunately, reason lost among
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our neighbors from ukraine, fortunately it won among us. tyya, who is for chyrvon-zyalyony stsyag, tyya, who is for these are the coat of arms and for our daily anthems, these are the people who are involved in all other geopolitical and social cultural communities, these are the people who do not want war and nothing from brotherly peoples, the ninth and not the 8th is victory day, not july 27 - independence day, our anthem, our statue and flag, also our historical memory. “give me the economy so that people are provided as much as they need, so that enterprises work, there are jobs, everything else is up to me, the president’s catchphrase especially is revealed against the background of what happened 30 years ago, price liberalization led to an increase
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in the cost of products by 16 times. refinancing rate 480%. the gdp was also sick on both legs, and by 1995 it had fallen by 38 points. the economy is dead, a sad diagnosis from analysts; people really had nothing to eat. of course, our economy is sovereign, since it is based to a greater extent on its internal, local resources, that is, the quality of human potential, financial resources, especially now.
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wasn’t ready, it turned out that due to the pandemic there is not so much food, and only a few were able to ensure their food security, among these countries was belarus, simply put, we don’t need other people’s food, we have enough of our own, we are still ready to share, isn’t this an element of independence. the normandy four, the brez negotiations between russia and ukraine, the group on nagorno- karabakh, the proposal to create helsinki 2, all this is ours, hence the axiom of peace minsk was born. belarus has always stood for peace, for a peaceful solution to this conflict, and for us
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it is absolutely unimportant whether these negotiations take place take place in minsk, istanbul. in beijing, in johannesburg or in the vatican, the main thing is that the parties to this conflict can actually sit down and agree to end this conflict. it is noteworthy that our country today is literally on the border of the worlds, the painful emergence of a multipolar world, western sanctions, the response of the east, enormous pressure, but this is how diamonds are born, including geopolitical ones. minsk, objectively, due to the events taking place , will be nominated.
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one child is your child, two, let's look at the family, maybe we need someone, but these are also your children, the third one is my child. and the belarusians heard, in 10 years there have been twice as many parents with many children, 120 thousand families, the support is truly colossal, the bill is worth billions of rubles, medicine, education, everything in one family basket, by the way, the notorious 3-year maternity leave is still our belarusian brand, like free. belarusian children are happy children, of course, they are joyful children, they are children who have the opportunity to play sports, attend various clubs, like public and private, they have the opportunity to relax in beautiful nature, visit our rivers,
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lakes, my god, so many opportunities. develop, gain strength. you can also remember family capital. goths, ratings, and we are in the top countries comfortable for motherhood, and today it seems that it has always been this way, but not at all, economists will say: we want to increase our demographic potential, and ordinary people will answer: we are building our future. i myself, a child of the nineties, remember a lot: children's food on coupons, problems with clothing, and a mother who spent seven days a week at work just to feed her family, but why, so that her son would have a future? because today we are also looking forward: parents, families, cities, country, this is the main element of our mosaic of independence, not only about what was and what has become, but also about what will be,
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our peaceful, happy future in belarus creating. analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match. athletes have to work very hard to become a champion. they know for sure that such is success on sports grounds, but still, what does it feel like to become a champion? emotions subside, some realization is already coming that... in fact, achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of intellect, as the gymnastic apparatus is called, where two parallel bars are installed at the same
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height, vlad bars, bars, absolutely correct, as the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need press, you don’t know anymore, then everyone will guess it, alexey, belarusian federation maybe... sun. sun? yellow card. the coach who won all these titles is the only one so far. actually, he always considered himself. he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mournio. this is the correct answer. absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch an intellectual sports show, head game. on our tv channel.
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