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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 12:15pm-12:36pm MSK

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in addition, there is a reduction in factory space jobs. the road to bankruptcy took 10 years. alexander lukashenko came to the plant in 2009, then the anti-crisis manager assured that they were doing everything they could. the task was to preserve it, because only a few countries make watches; this is the intelligence of the nation,” the president emphasized. now luch confidently holds its position in the global market, and some collections are sold out within a day. journalists checked the quality control section. watch today on the main broadcast, when time has stopped, the clock is still must withstand 98% humidity, at a temperature of 40°, but the arrows continue to move, this collection sold out within 24 hours. hunters for stocks that almost ruined the watch empire and the president's decision. what do you need to make this plant work? let's look at exclusive watches that only come as a gift.
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quality control this sunday. dad once gave it to mom 30 years ago, better. on the main broadcast. additional buses have been launched to minsk cemeteries and radnitsa. routes are organized until may 14 inclusive. also in tuesday, parking at cemeteries will be free of charge. driving directions. information about the operation of buses is on the website of a specialized public utility service plant in the useful information section. as reported, additional passenger transport will go to the northern, koludischi, western, chizhovskaya, mikhanovichi and lesnoye cemeteries, where you can buy flowers, lamps, decorative crushed stone and other types of ritual products. specialists will also be on site to advise on issues installation and repair of grave structures.
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off-road and a day of extreme gps navigation, not everyone can handle such tests, but there were still daredevils. the day before, the main off-road race of the season, telekhan drygva, started. more than 50 crews from all over the country and beyond gathered in the ivatsevichi region to test themselves, their nerves and their car for strength. the distance is several hundred kilometers and the participant’s task is to collect all checkpoints and reach the finish line first. well, the organizer and nature. did everything so that that path was not so light. the first test immediately after the start: a deep ditch, from which only winches, anchors and friendly mutual assistance will help you get out, which, i note, is not prohibited by the rules. in each special stage there are moments that require.
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watch and take pictures with the cars. the finish of the participants is scheduled for this afternoon. my colleagues will continue the sports theme, and we will update the information at 3:00 pm. stay on the first button. dynamo brest and gomel did not reveal the winner in the match of the eighth round of the belarusian football championship 1:1. the owners kortsov scored, fag scored for the guests. a draw result allowed the team.
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alexander brazevich climbed to first place in the standings with 16 points for breshchan. grovtsov and company are in sixth place with twelve points. it is impossible not to note the attendance in the city above the bug. over 7.00 people watched the fight with the tribu. belarusian veronika ivanova won a license for the olympic games. in the decisive battle, our athlete was stronger than the representative of sweden, sarah linburg. 10:0. in total, at the qualifying tournament in istanbul, ivanova held five meetings, in four of which.
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good afternoon, central region news is on air. a victorious may in everyone’s heart, words of gratitude for peace in all corners of the minsk region. routes of military glory of people's pain. military history still opens new pages, the names of heroes fill the alleys and museums. we, olga kalairova and pavel lazovik, will tell you about the main events of the week in the life of the minsk region. a week marked by a great victory. we remember, we honor our heroic past and... creating the future. in a day national emblem, flag and anthem, we proudly call ourselves belarusians. the peaceful sky gave us the sacred date - may 9th. the bitterness of irreparable losses and joy with tears in the eyes. victory day was celebrated on a large scale in all corners of the minsk region.
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the mass graves of the monuments to those who died in the great patriotic war are buried in flowers. a special pulse of time on the mound of glory along military paths. but not forgotten years , hundreds of thousands of people come every year to honor the memory of the heroes. following the route of military labor glory, our film crew makes a stop in the village prudyanskaya sloboda. together with the employees of the minsk central regional clinical hospital, we are visiting irina ivanovna vendina, a veteran of the great patriotic war. for 97 years already, during the war she was a partisan, in peacetime she worked in health care institutions, valiantly, gifts, flowers, words of sincere gratitude for the victory for loyalty to the profession. heard that the radio was speaking loudly
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, heard it, and people were celebrating, shouting, rejoicing, no word, great joy, i went to gomel, entered this technical school felshevsky railway, this is for the railway. i graduated from it for 3 years, studied and came to youth in 1948, it’s amazing to me, great-grandchildren, the eldest great-grandson is 18 years old, it’s amazing to me that i lived to see this, that i raised children, such worthy children, i’m very conscious of i remember anniversaries , the thirty years of victory, probably the stories of people who, through all these hard times...
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are on the long list and there are two kazakh surnames. representatives of the kazakh embassy came to honor the heroic memory of their fellow countrymen in our country. together with them are kazakh officers and cadets who are studying at the military academy, the civil defense university of the ministry of emergency situations, and the belarusian state aviation academy. i have been to this village several times, paid tribute to the memory when i was studying at the faculty of the general staff, now i have returned to a military post, i would like to say thank you to the residents of belarus of this village, the village council, which keeps the graves in such an exemplary condition, the eternal memory of the soldiers
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who died on this land, and not here there were only kazakhs, all nations and nationalities; 22 students are studying at the university of civil defense. this place is not just indicated by all guidebooks, thousands of people come here at the call of their souls from belarus and other countries, many with their families. the mound of glory is the heroic heart of the central region, whose pulse sounds through the decades; on victory day it is especially
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crowded here. may 9 is an honor for us, it is a holiday, it is pride. we came from moscow, as if purposefully, for the may holidays on may 9, this is ours. second trip we we came from kaleningrad as a family, in addition to the mound of glory, we also wanted and will visit the khatyn memorial complex, happy victory day. and according to tradition, flowers to the foot of the mound of glory from the leadership of the central region, headed by the governor of the minsk region, alexander turchin. this holiday is one of the main ones for belarusians, and i’m just sure that not only for us who were born in the soviet union, this holiday will always be one of the main ones, but also for young people, this year marks the eightieth anniversary of liberation.
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a fox in the shape of bayonets symbolizing four front that liberated belarus, a stone
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ring, with images of partisans and various branches of the military, the mound of glory was updated several times during its history, this year there is a special occasion for the memorial complex itself this summer exactly 55. you can climb the stairs to the observation deck of the already updated mound in july, when the anniversary of the memorial complex coincides with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. alexey kontratenko, roman felyutich and anatoly dolotovsky, news central region in may days, holidays for our people and flowers, words of gratitude for the peaceful sky to those who brought victory day closer. the memory of the heroes was honored on the memory lane of the boravlyansky special forestry enterprise; during the solemn meeting
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the names of the liberator soldiers were remembered. this year, forestry employees added a new chapel to their open-air victory museum, assembled by the hands of forest workers. inside are photographs of grandfathers and great-grandfathers in memory of the soldiers of the immortal regiment. i represent my father, he went to the front in 1943 and ended his war. exactly as he said in berlin, for which he has three awards, which means he has medals for courage, two orders of the red star, in fact these are heroes, heroes who need to perpetuate the memory of them, a chapel has been restored on the territory of the hero’s alley, the chapel of the immortal regiment of the borovlyansky special forestry enterprise, yes, now there are not so many portraits, there are only 31 of them, but i think, by working through the information... working a little with the archives and the information that our employees will present, we
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will replenish it, this is a memory, a memory of that , what happened, and so that we don’t allow this to happen, it’s a very powerful moment, this immortal regiment, when they brought in portraits, and you know, this is a very powerful unifying moment for the team, how they prepared, how they searched for their relatives, friends, someone worked in the archives , peace to us, and that each of us should make our contribution... to peaceful work, creative work, to contribute to the preservation of this world. photos of relatives of forestry farm workers who went through the difficult path of war were placed in the chapel. the memorial archive plans to gradually replenish with new portraits of heroes. the whole tragedy of the war is the grief of the belarusian people in the burned village, which the whole world knows about. khatyn was destroyed in 43. to honor the memory of the peaceful victims, a memorial was erected on the site of the ashes. last year, for the eightieth anniversary of the tragedy, the iconic place was renovated,
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the territory was landscaped, sculptures and monuments were restored, a new museum was opened, about the preservation of historical memory, elena vitko. in this place, on march 22, 1943, the nazis destroyed the village. we have a whole large group studying third and fourth grades, national teams, we want to show the children what a tragedy happened here, so that they can see with their own eyes, i knew this story, they burned the stark children and did not spare them, war is a terrible thing and that it should not happen at all , war is something that blocks
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the peace of all countries, the truth is not only in the mouth. children in the ringing of bells, it has been heard here since 1969, when the memorial was opened, 26 log buildings on the site of besieged courtyards, a black roof where a barn was on fire, and next to an unconquered man, that’s all touches and i want to shout so that i can hear , i don’t know, probably the whole world, people, what are you doing, now you are reviving fascism, have you forgotten this, this is a reminder that we must remember, preserve a... memory of these people and make sure this never happens again. belarusians remember and create; especially for the eighties anniversary of the khatyn tragedy, the memorial complex was updated, the large-scale reconstruction became an all-belarusian youth construction project. a unique event was the new museum, an interactive exhibition that was extremely emotional immersion a dramatization or dedication to
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how the burning of local residents took place, how it was done, down to some. such sensations, the smell of burning, yes, the burning of the village itself, it really touches the soul, well, in general the atmosphere itself, the way the memorial is built, it all just inspires respect, they restored the crown of memory and the eternal flame, improved the lighting, the complex is not simply preserved in its original appearance, restored authenticity, the church of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary, another symbol updated... it was on this spot that a wooden church was erected at the end of the 18th century; its historical trace was cut short during the great patriotic war; archives and photographs helped experts revive the church, its appearance and interiors. today it is a place of memory, sorrow and worship. we went into the church, the children really wanted to see, this is
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a memory tape of how i was here, photo memories with instant printing. dozens of frames from khatyn will complement the archives of the temkov family, parents anton and marina, together with sons maxim and vladimir, came from russia, expanding their geography and horizons of historical knowledge, i was here for the last time as a child, of course, mostly tragic moments are etched in my memory, but because after all, a big tragedy happened, they burned a lot of villages, the nazis, that’s why it’s already as an adult , i decided to bring my children; we ourselves now live in sochi. let there be nothing else, for some reason you approach each monument, tears well up in your eyes, you read, of course, the number of dead people, it’s completely impossible to get your head around it, it’s very it’s a pity, it’s also very important, the memory that
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is passed on through generations, schoolchildren and students, work teams, foreign guests, just last year the memorial complex... news central region. the price of our well-being is today the courage of the belarusians during the war. the great patriotic time, when literally everyone became a hero. in our country there are no people indifferent to the immortal feat. yes, time moves us away from terrible events. but the memory lives in our hearts. the story of one fate on a long career path to a great victory in reporting alexandra goyton. sofya petrovna stasyevich meets us in the courtyard of the family house, a well-kept plot on the banks of the berezina river, perfect order in the beds, the first spring flowers around. a veteran of the great patriotic war , he still takes care of his
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farmstead on his own. work on the land is the roots of her vitality and youth of spirit. and it will be august 8th. 98 99 there will be nine, yes eight was already and this is the ninth i’m waiting very soon century oh, she remembers her 15 clearly, the dawn of life of her happy fate was crossed out by the war, from the first days of the great patriotic war and sofia petrovna’s relatives helped the partisans, she, the youngest from a large family, joined in. the girl was a liaison, she delivered important information, which helped out the fighters more than once and supported them.


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