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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 4:55pm-5:30pm MSK

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with dissolved gelatin, you don’t need to beat with a mixer, you can just mix, correctly, and also pour it here, and also pour it here, well, let’s do it more accurately, back in the cryochamber, when the jelly has hardened, the stage of assembling the dessert begins, on the biscuit base you... improve and supplement. we’ll decorate with fresh
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strawberries, mint and chocolate, well , let’s go, decorate, so, strawberries, mint, a sprig of mint, the actual chocolate decor, and you also make the chocolate yourself, yes, i usually buy it at the store, but that’s not all, dessert sprinkled with powdered sugar, now you can eat, but i can’t, i just can’t destroy such beauty for the last time from everyone... i’ll look at it, what i’ll try, i’ll now explain why i froze, this is an amazing effect of any mousse cake , it's both sweet and sour at the same time, so your taste buds just go crazy, it's very tasty, black currant i... with a very strong
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bright taste, but in this dessert it is gentle, does not dominate, but harmoniously combines with cream and chocolate biscuit. on my own the dessert is not very sweet, in the traditions of the belarusian confectionery school, and this may be a problem for people who have problems with the perception of sweet and sour, but sugar does not interfere with the nuances of the flavor of the berries. by the way, the decor is also functional, you can’t just eat it, you have to eat it. against the background of dessert , strawberries cannot overwhelm the palate. aroma, sugar will destroy it, but it will refresh it very well; the next bite will be perceived as the first, mint is a classic addition to sweets, there is nothing to describe here, in combination with this dessert it great, a cup of coffee would be nice. dessert, black panna. knead the biscuit dough, pour it into a thin layer and bake it, it will be the base. dessert: for the mousse
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, simmer the currants in sugar syrup, when the berries give off the taste, rub them through a sieve, separate some of it to decorate the dessert, add gelatin to the remaining candy, fill the mold halfway and let it harden, this will be the first layer of mousse, for the second layer whip the cream, add gelatin, fill the mold with currant mousse to the top, wait until it hardens, now all that remains is to assemble the dessert, put a two-layer cake on the sponge cake... what can i say, from my expedition to nesves i got more than i planned, i was hoping to remember the past with the taste of nesvizh cutlet salad in nesvizh, but unexpectedly i was able to try the future, it turned out to be crispy and creamy mushroom like pyzy, as well as tender sweet like black panna, it will be interesting to come outside. in another year, i’m sure
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local chefs will find something to surprise.
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in the previous episode, don’t you want to sit honestly? come on, okay, come in. on a visit to twenty-eight-year-old svetlana rogova came to her neighbor, natalya. they knew each other since childhood, as they grew up in the same vitebsk high-rise building. a friend suggested we take a break and light up the conversation with a drink. when yanchilina came to visit rogova and offered to drink alcohol, rogova did not refuse in principle, they knew each other well, and they never had any conflict situations among themselves. they drank this alcohol for some time. the owner of the apartment agreed and let her friend in. it's already evening the alcohol ran out, then the girls began calling their friends to bring refills to the phone books, among others, natalya found the number of her
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cousin, ruslan sysoev. naturally, he accepted this offer; he began to bring people with him, among them was marta kazarina, whom he barely knew. it should be noted that the victim rogovo provided this apartment not only to strangers for drinking drinks, but also to strangers. thus, in fact, the victim offered to drink alcohol drinks, at least, she did not try to prevent this from persons who had not known her before and whose characteristics she did not know. thus, well , in fact, the victim’s place of residence was a place for drinking alcoholic beverages and unidentified liquor. the party dragged on. convince the hostess to continue her outdoor recreation, choosing a place, accomplices, under the guise of a garbage pit, right in front of their victim, dig a grave for her, and beat her up, bury her, look, she’s still breathing, september 24
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, 2018 to the city law enforcement agencies in vitebsk, a missing person report was received from a resident of the city of vitebsk, seslana mikhalovna rogova. the body of the murdered woman will be found. only 10 days later, the results of the appointed forensic examination will show that when the girl was buried, she was still breathing. as the accused kazarina explained, for some time they also observed the rise of soil at the burial site of the victims, which indicated that rogova was buried alive. in fact, svetlana was buried alive; marta kazarina and ruslan sisoev will be detained on suspicion of committing a crime. sysoev says that in fact, ion kozararina took part in the murder of rogova. kazararina refers to repeated loss of consciousness, and this consciousness was lost at the most interesting moments, that is, everything that interested us. investigators had to reconstruct the entire chain of events, including
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on the eve of the murder, how two previously unknown people became accomplices in the crime, what happened in rogova’s apartment on the eve of her death, and most importantly, for the sake of... why the girl was dealt with so cruelly. and girls, meet me, let's drink again, hello, dmitry, ivan, noise, music and alcohol flowing, all in the tradition of a party for young people who are used to hanging out like children after a neighbor arrives. natalya yanchilina to svetlana rogova , the number of people in the modest vitebsk two-room apartment
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increased every day, including thanks to the efforts of natalya’s cousin ruslan sysoev. at first, the relative came alone, and a little later he joined again, but with two friends. at that time, svetlana was already in a fairly strong state of alcoholic intoxication, she periodically fell asleep, woke up. in fact, she could not express her dissatisfaction. regarding the newly joined participants of this, so to speak, party, so everyone safely continued to drink alcohol, when the alcohol ran out, they went to the store for more, so one day zagula, having sat down with his friend, monakov, went to buy strong drinks at the nearest gas station , when the entire set was purchased and the guys were about to leave, their friend, senkevich, called them, he stayed in the apartment and asked...
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hello, i don’t mind having a good time, this is how two future accomplices met, sysoev and kozarina, the girl herself is a citizen of latvia. in vitebsk in a rented apartment, she worked at a local shoe factory as an assembler of parts. based on a survey of martha’s colleagues and relatives, everyone spoke extremely positively about her, and no one had any questions regarding her behavior or lifestyle. that day kazarina visited one of the nightclubs in the city of vitebsk, the day before she had a fight with with her boyfriend, so she went to the club alone, was already returning home from... she asked the taxi driver to stop at a gas station to buy herself a beer.
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i’m meeting kozarina, it’s, well, this is a random meeting of random people, she ’s drunk, he’s drunk, naturally, as it were, well, maybe she was attractive to him somewhere, so he decided to talk to her, and kozarina didn’t mind continuing her vacation in the apartment. hello! marta, meet me, it didn’t take long to persuade the twenty-four-year-old girl, along with a new friend the guys returned home to rogova, the group of young people continued to drink for several days, someone left, but then returned again, but what remained unchanged was the mockery of rogova, guys, let’s take her in the photo. phone and send an idea to your ex-boyfriend, come on! taking advantage of
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the victim’s almost helpless state, they stuffed her into a closet, later shoved her into the refrigerator, and threw her behind the sofa. these actions, including hooliganism, were filmed by the suspects on mobile cameras phones were subsequently demonstrated to their friends and acquaintances. the victims offered to drink her urine, and they took turns having sexual intercourse with her. both susoev, senkevich, and monakov, but - in this regard, no criminal case was initiated, since, based on their testimony, it was all by mutual consent, and as for rogova, there was a subsequent moment when rogova spoke on the phone with one of her friends, informed him about this situation, said that she was being bullied in the apartment, in addition to him wills allegedly had sexual intercourse with her. to which her acquaintance suggested contacting the police, but she did not contact the police,
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she did not apply for medical assistance, although she actually had such an opportunity. according to investigators, the think tank and initiators of the most sophisticated proposals that were heard during the session was natalya yanchilina. by the way, the girl was on maternity leave at that time, while the young mother was having fun with a neighbor, her grandmother was looking after her little child. all mockery of the horns. filmed later, yanchilin and his brother sysoev were forwarded to party participants and other acquaintances on social networks. these photos and videos were given. meanwhile, the participants in the alcoholic party did not think about stopping; on one of the days of such a spree, as the investigation would later find out, ruslan sysoev and marta kazarina would go even
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further, they would begin to develop a plan to get rid of the owner. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they go like invaders to lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready unit of the bundesweir.
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so that there is no war now, it is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war, with our competent, independent policy. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. guys, there’s an idea, let’s dig in the light and let’s rent out the hut. "great idea, shoeing yourself, expressed by drunken fantasy, others the guests did not take it seriously at the time, and certainly no one could have thought that these intentions could take on a real form. at some point, they all moved away; in fact, the only one left in the apartment was the one-horned one. kozarina, she also went, not to her home, she went to her friends, at whose place of residence she, well, continued. drink alcohol, which is the most interesting thing in this story, when she was already getting ready to go home, it was already the seventeenth, they called a taxi for her, it seemed like she was going to go home, but shortly before as soon as she left, susoev started calling her again, again this company began to gather at rogova’s place of residence and invite her to visit rogova, at first she refused, saying
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that she would not go anywhere, in the end, when they called her a taxi, she said that she would go home , she never went home, that is , she essentially returned to... krogova’s apartment was one of the last to leave the ill-fated apartment on the morning of september 18. yanchilina, left alone with rogova, sysoeva and kozarina, now had nothing stopping her from starting to implement the plan. on in a taxi car, they left for the village, from where they headed to the forest motive. in order to commit murder and divert the attention of the victim, after the crime was committed, both kozaarino and susoev drank alcohol with the victim in turn vka. to ilyama for the subsequent burial of rogova. the fact that the murder was not spontaneous will later be confirmed by investigators seized recordings from surveillance cameras of the store where ruslan bought alcohol and a shovel and receipts. by comparing the date and time of purchase by calling a taxi, it becomes obvious that sysoev and the casarinos took rogova into the forest
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prepared. the motive for the actions was different, so the accused kozarina was... an element who constantly drinks alcohol and fails to pay utility bills, so they tried to justify their actions with supposedly good intentions, after... a report was received by the police on suspicion of involvement in the unknown disappearance of svetlana rogova, all active participants of the party will be detained, except for sisoev and
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kazarina, also pavel senkevich and natalya yanchilina. as for the latter, their guilt in terms of murder has never been proven. another guest, vladislav monakov, will be involved in the case as a witness. he was not there as a witness to illegal actions against rogo, that is, he took part in it, and about this, well, no one indicated from those who were in the apartment at that time, in the apartment for 4 days without taking into account rogo there were, well, no less eight people at different periods of time, that is, people came and left, that is, there were at least eight people there, but for experienced for investigators, the motive for the crime is still obvious: to take possession. horny housing for possible profit. judging by the measures taken and activity, most of all, and this was needed by one of the first invited guests - sisoev. during a search of his room
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, someone else’s set of keys will be found; the fact that it is from the apartment of the murdered person will be confirmed by the investigative experiment carried out. with isoev, in order to hide traces of this crime, the victim’s laptop was stolen. as he explained, for the purpose of correspondence. on behalf of the victim with him, during which it was indicated that the victim allows him to rent out her apartment to third parties and allows him to clean it and inspect it. a bunch of keys was found at susoev’s place of residence, therefore, to establish the ownership of these keys, in fact, an investigative experiment was carried out to see whether it was possible to open the intercom door at the location with these keys. as it will become known, the young man actually cleaned the apartment, or more precisely, returning after committing the murder, i took everything from rogova’s apartment that i didn’t have time
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to take before, right down to the folder with documents, there was svetlana’s passport, for the theft of which there is a separate article in the criminal code. the stolen property will later be found, including in the sisoevs’ parental home. why didn't the relatives pay attention or didn't want to pay attention to... the sudden appearance of other people's things is still unclear. the taxi driver at the susoev explained that he had done something terrible, about kazarina, however, he did not mention anything, kazarina was sleeping in the back seat. in subsequently, they returned from the lezny district to the territory of the city of vitebsk. we went to sosoy’s hostel, where we spent the night, the very next day, in fact they parted. sesoev, in turn, returned to rogvy’s apartment, he had the keys to his apartment, because... when they left it, he locked the rogvy apartment with the keys, returned to this apartment, put things in order there, photographed everything and placed an advertisement about
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renting out an apartment. next, investigators will do a lot of work in the internet space, namely monitoring specialized real estate sites. so, among other things , an advertisement was found for renting a two-room apartment belonging to. svetlana rogova, in addition to them there were 11 photographs. in fact, all sites where such advertisements could be placed were examined, including kufor, realtby. of course, i looked around the vkontakte page of ssoev, kazarina, well, on the social vkontakte page of ssoev , a corresponding announcement was posted with photographs attached on the damavi website , the crime was convicted on the eighteenth. probably, well, somewhere around the twenty-third , an announcement was made, it was still necessary to restore order, it was necessary to tell the same yanchilina that rogova essentially handed over
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the keys to her apartment to sosoev and went on vacation to the south, although, objectively, she really didn’t have such an opportunity , for yanschilina it was such a legend, he planned to rent out this apartment, initially the amount was about 400 rubles, but after some time it... the amount was reduced to 200 rubles. as a result, he never rented out the apartment. as for the murder weapon, a shovel was found not far from the buried body of svetlana rogova. during the inspection. crime, investigators ordered a soil examination; three soil samples of the instrument itself were taken from the burial site and next to it as a control.
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the result is a complete coincidence, all three options are identical to each other, but no traces of hands or any biological traces were found on the shovel; the accomplices took care of this when they bought the gloves. during the investigation it was a significant number of examinations, biological, genetic, medical and forensic, were carried out. during these examinations and investigative actions, the involvement of these persons in... the murder of rogova was reliably established. nevertheless, investigators were able to collect enough evidence indicating the involvement of the accused sisoev and kazarina in the murder. in this criminal case , the preliminary investigation body in cooperation with the police, the state committee forensic examinations, a significant amount of investigative actions were carried out, including verification of testimony with accused suspects. confrontations, numerous interrogations, examined documents that
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confirmed. belonging to the property of the victim, in addition, witnesses who were eyewitnesses to the actual crime committed were interrogated, this is the taxi driver who took the victim and the accused to the scene of the crime, other persons were also interrogated who could provide any information about committed crime, who in fact may not have been eyewitnesses to the crime, but could provide the investigative body with significant information, their testimony was logical and consistent only in that...
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abrasion, well, which certainly testified to the nature and strength of the blow inflicted. sisoev retained a different position. the guy came to participate in the investigative actions in high spirits, recounting in detail the circumstances of the murder, as if he did not regret what he had done. the only thing he remained disagreed - with the mercenary motive of the crime. in total , at least 25 examinations were carried out as part of the criminal investigation, approximately. twenty interrogations and a dozen confrontations. the complexity of the investigation of this criminal case lay in the fact that all participants in the criminal process, accused and suspects, gave contradictory testimony regarding the crimes committed, both about the presence of motives and the circumstances of the crimes committed. since all participants in the criminal case who were brought in as accused and suspects, in fact, at the time of the commission of the crime they were in a state of alcoholic intoxication, the testimony they gave was contradictory,
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and therefore... the investigations carried out confrontations and interrogations in order to eliminate the contradictions in the criminal case. the fate of all four defendants was decided in june 2019 by the vitebsk regional court. the accused did not agree to talk about what happened on camera to our film crew, apparently wanting not to remember what happened, keep all remaining details secret. how they probably believed that no one would know about svetlana’s death, what? at that moment by young people who agreed on their views and actions against the background of alcohol also remains unanswered. in just 10 days , ruslan sisoev added to his biography six criminal articles by decision of themis for theft, robbery, passport theft, hooliganism, production of pornography and murder, the twenty- one-year-old young man went to jail for 22 years, 5 years less he was given
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accomplice martha kazarina, she was convicted only of murder. pavel senkevich got off with a ruble for hooliganism; at that time it was a little more than 3,000. and finally, the young mother, natalya yanchilina, with whom it all began. she was convicted of producing pornography and hooliganism and given a suspended sentence of 2 and a half years. one thing remains unclear in this story. why did the relatives of svetlana rogova, while the girl was being brutally abused for several days in her own home, never once inquired about her fate, and how did it happen that the alarm relatives worked later than the indifference of strangers, it is possible that one call a little earlier could have saved the girl; svetlana rogova did not live less than two months before her twenty-fifth birthday.
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match, athletes have to work a lot with their heads to become a champion. they know exactly what success is on a sports field. but still, what does it feel like to become a champion? emotions subside, some realization already comes that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for club, and for the fans. but what will be the result? in a real battle of intellect, what is the name of the gymnastic apparatus, where two parallel bars are installed at the same height, vlad bars, bars, absolutely correct, as the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need
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to press, you don’t know anymore, then that’s all, then alexey, belarusian federation, maybe you are the sun, the sun is there, the yellow card is the card of the coach who won. all these titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely true, portuguese specialist, watch the intellectual sports show, heading the game on our tv channel. we have something to be proud of as farmers; we fully provide ourselves with food.
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in the top 20 leading sellers of meat products, but there is no need to stop there, the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can give new varieties from science, which are highly productive and are resistant to diseases and pests. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers did not come from the bloody.
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we have a huge number of projects, there are so-called russian houses, they are called that by the people, but formally they are all beautifully called the russian center of science and culture. the most important ones, naturally, are located in minsk, all of them are a kind of point of attraction for people who come there for different circles, for different seminars, for various conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions, etc.


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