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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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for russian students, belarusian universities, as far as i read a few days ago, based on the results of the unified state exam, russian students will be able to enter belarusian universities, great, absolutely, somewhere around a thousand places quota for russian students, 1300 is ours. i repeat once again, this is important, it is very important for us that students return and make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on and so forth. what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and were the assyris brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him. andrey writes detective stories, of course.
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yes, or horror movies. this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad. carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to which the seven heroes from the fairy tale of alexander sergeevich pushkin understand what is in their mansion there is a stranger. the answer is c, because a girl came to them, i’ll call her that. and she removed it all.
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seem truly exotic. volkovysk, if you have already arrived at the swedish mountain, then please count the number of steps, and why do you need to count, this is a tradition, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the ninth, ten centuries, well, in those days , girls from wealthy families had such coins worn as jewelry, but it’s easy to become oneself in a foreign country, it just costs. get to know its history and culture. initially, volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovia river. and it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka, vyya,” which literally meant a wolf’s neck. and this group has a special style of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called “songs in perekhlest”. and our special style of performance. these songs are included in
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the state list of intangible cultural heritage, watch the travel show at home on our tv channel. good afternoon, my name is firasalum, i have arrived from syria to belarus, now i live and... i work
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in minsk. i came from siri, although i myself was born in kuwait, it’s 50° there, and we know that the soviet union means snow, frost, and so on, so i came here, yes, it was, let’s say, strange for me to see, i remember , arrived in october and... and
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belarus was all covered with snow, i came to belarus from syria, came here to study, however, my father sent... me here to become a programmer, but i didn’t like it, and i didn’t know, that in belarus there is a specialty called international relations, like me i found out, i called my dad, i’ll say, dad, please let me study at the faculty of international relations, and he agreed, he says: son, do what you want, the main thing is to get something good. unfortunately, at that time i knew little and didn’t know anything at all, except that my brother studied here, and i didn’t even know a single word, but i just knew that belarusians eat a lot of potatoes, a lot of
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potatoes, here they eat, here for me this was the first thing i learned about belarus; when i came here, i was really scared. go, i came young, to a foreign country, and well, let’s put it this way, you see, after the collapse of the ussr, the situation in all the republics was unstable, so we were very afraid, worried whether, for example, they would interfere with our life, it was completely different, maybe, well, i was lucky, at least i’ve still been living in belarus for 25 years, yes... no one really perceived me as a stranger, on the contrary, when we found out that i was from syria, they immediately treated me, they treated everyone with tolerance,
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they supported me peacefully, oh, what you're great, you live from your parents, how do you like it here, like i do in this i felt very comfortable here, in fact, everyone knows. minsk, as for me, i like everything here, but my favorite places are nature, i am good friends with nature, the bathhouse, the russian bathhouse, yes, my favorite job, this is the faculty of international relations, training and home, these are my favorite places. when students come to a foreign country and do not speak the language in the country, it poses difficulties for anyone, especially for students, and as you know, in syria we only study english,
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french and arabic, that is, i i didn’t know the words in russian, it was very difficult, the russian language is not one of the simplest, easiest languages, i would say. thanks to our teacher, if my memory serves me right, nina evgenievna, firstly, a wonderful person, a wonderful teacher, she taught us russian, scolded us in a good way when we didn’t do our homework or when we spoke arabic, here on only russian, it helped us a lot, believe me, after a while we all... spoke russian, my father wanted to send me to australia, we have a lot of relatives there, my mother was very afraid to let me go there, because it’s far away, she said: no, i’m going to my brother, i’ll be calmer there, especially since he’s been studying for 2 years already, speaks positively
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highly of belarusians, i don’t i will worry as much as if you go to australia. i studied for almost a year, then went home, came to a new stage, this is a faculty, i entered iniyas, then it was called, now it is called mglo, after 5 years i decided to continue, not to stop, i entered the master's program at... at that’s all i thought, my father says: no, we need to move on, and indeed, at the beginning of 2006, i applied for graduate school, and my studies lasted 5 years, in 2011 i
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graduated from graduate school, and it was as if this was the end, the beginning of a new stage .
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future. project say don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. are you a historian? yes, i have one technical education and one historical education. but we decided not to teach, to immediately make a museum, as much as whole classes. secrets of a good mood. i don’t know whether it’s necessary to put a second beauty on top of beauty. and so a needle so,
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god, this is just a work of art, and many more interesting educational stories, they said hello for the day, thank god for everything, besides playing well, he also works with a weapon, we saw that, you waved so much that i just here, and then right away. inspired by the song, that's what i thought, my name is marie, monsieur sutin, an artist, asked me to dress up in all white, as for the first participle. this particular work is one of the most expensive; in 1914 it was sold for $18 million. watch on tv channel belarus 244.
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we are at the faculty of international relations at the belarusian state university, i work here at the faculty, precisely at the department of international relations from 2014 to this day, when i decided to return from siri here for... permanently and get a job it was not easy to get a job and before working at the faculty of international relations i had to work as a translator for construction the company has not yet found out about the vacancy here , it was only 05, probably, and to my surprise, when i found out, i was in germany when i found out about the vacancy. i called right here, they recognized me because i graduated from
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graduate school here, they said yes, firas, we know you, but you know, this is 05, first we need a probationary period, then we’ll see, i dropped everything, came here, they hired me, i can say that i have been working steadily and calmly for 9 years now at the department of international relations, when i came here in 1998. i immediately entered the preparatory faculty, i studied there for one year, then at the faculty of translation, in my opinion, 5 years, that is, this is the second level, the third is a master’s degree, one and a half to 2 years, i don’t remember, the last one was graduate school, i just finished graduate school in 2011 year, when i was hired, i understood that it was not easy. task, i studied here, i know our department, which highly qualified teachers
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work, and i was really scared that i wouldn’t be able to cope with this task and so as not to let anyone down, what i like at the faculty of international relations, firstly, uh, the international department itself, but in general the entire faculty, i work with a wonderful... team that provided any support, and thanks to each of them i achieved self-realization, the second thing i like is communicating with.. students, because i tell students: you are my friends, and it’s very pleasant to communicate with them, i believe that i not only teach and even learn from them, because one wise man said, a teacher learns from his students, first of all. , as i always say, the most important thing is to be human, to be human is
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understand people, respect people, put yourself in his or her place. with students i tell them, i consider myself a student, speak freely with me, like what you don’t like, if you’re bored, you tell me, we’ll take a break and we can continue later, so we understand each other, our students are very strong, i’m here i know when i communicate with them, when they ask questions that are sometimes difficult for me to answer, so my advice to them is, don’t beg your abilities. each of you has potential, just put in the effort, everything will be fine, and i, as i say, always, i don’t want you to be the best, but the most important thing is that you be better every day, after every lecture, it will be for every seminar, it will be for every day, that’s what i want
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i like my work, that despite the fact that i haven’t seen my parents for 10 years, but when i’m here, i feel that they understand me, accept me, respect me, i respect them very much, very much. we are now at the bsu sports complex, where i play sports here. i think sport is life, it is strength, it is inspiration, it is getting rid of stress, getting rid of negative energy and so on. in addition to improving health and mood. i’ve been involved in sports for a long time,
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especially when i came here to belarus, it’s... accessible and i can say for us for free, i used to run, work out in the gym, but the thing is that i used to work out aggressively, as a result of which i lost back, so now i exercise very, very carefully, my wife and i really like to play sports, unlike children, you see, now this is a sick generation, why do you need to play sports, you need to push the children, otherwise, you know, sit at home, on the computer or on the tablet, thanks to the trade union, of course, you can attend swimming pool classes for free with your children, and just once, on saturdays, my children and i come here, i study here, they are on the second floor under supervision. indeed, we
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must pay tribute to the belarusian government for paying attention to the structure of sports complexes, this is immediately catches your eye, you even know that around our house there is a sports ground where children can exercise and so on, in the east there is no such thing, if we don’t play sports yes... we’ll go to hospitals when we play sports, we will visit hospitals less and spend money on medicines, so the government is doing everything right, i support all the plans of our government,
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we are going to expeditions. to the great rulers of the palace , mikalai khlyuscin was the lord of any horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay lived the swedish people. what did you think that marrysya was going to kill? uvahodzіny sparўlyajutsya, chula, і i am asked, yak yany geta tak hutka pubudavalіsya, dziva neikae, good day at your hatuhai.
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i want to introduce you to my family, here ’s my wife, svetlana vladimirovna, my daughter anna maria, here’s my son ilya, my wife, she’s belarusian, we met how... she worked at a medical center, i just went there, played sports , she just worked there, i saw her and came up, my plan was
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to return to syria, work in the foreign ministry, become a diplomat and so on, so i thought, no, i won’t be here, when i saw sveta, there was a friend next to me, amar, i say, amar, you see this girl. “i’ll come up and introduce myself, she will be my wife, he looked at me and said, you don’t want to, i say, i don’t know, you’ll see, and that’s really what happened, when we met, i had a dream about me baking bread, i bake bread, i knead the dough, my grandmother pours raisins into this dough, and says knead, knead, it will turn out to be a good pie, yes, that is, that is, i’m finishing it,
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well, divorce in the east is not a very pleasant thing, i tell my mother, she asks, are you sure? i say, inside yes, why i don’t know, i still remember how my mother came here to belarus for the first time, she always went to meet me at the airport, probably parked the car, that my mother went up to the floor alone, i open the door, well, say hello the custom there is not quite the same as here. well, but in any case, she immediately hugged me, kissed me, went into the house, and i thought that the east was more closed, but his mother is not like that at all, his family is not like that, but there are five, i say,
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there are a lot of children in the family, he says, well, yes, five brothers, five sisters, i think so, wow, wow, and then, when we get to know everyone better, well, very , very sincere, very, some of their own. yours, i am very proud of my dad, because i believe that he gives us that self-confidence, that support that sometimes mom may not even give, because...


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