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tv   247  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:26pm MSK

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at three, yes, why i don’t know, i still remember how my mother came here to belarus for the first time, went to meet me for the first time - at the airport, i probably parked the car, that my mother went up to the floor alone, i open the door, well, say hello there it’s not accepted there exactly like it is here, but, in any case, she immediately hugged me, kissed me, went into the house and i thought that the east was more closed, but his mother is not at all like that, his family is not like that.
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because dad has reached very big voids for me, and i would really like i wanted my brother to be like my dad, my dad is a very majestic man, because from the very bottom he made his way to such heights in his career and work, he told me that when he was offered a job, at first he didn’t want to take it because he thought that he couldn’t, but in the end everything became fine and dad was able to, when i told you that i love syria subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, then i said period, period - this means education, new life, but also self-realization itself myself, but most importantly, i think it gave me a family, for me family, home is a temple, and i...
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i’ve been living here for 25 years, no one asked me what religion you or your children have, you know, i lived in kuwait, i lived in syria, i lived in england, i lived in holland, in germany, what i like about belarus is that you can raise your children the way you want.
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kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich commissar of the second battalion of the gomel militia regiment, carried out extensive political educational work among soldiers and commanders. the militia, together with units of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941, the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich recaptured two. for the homeland, for our victory, he carried
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the soldiers with him into a counterattack. he died in the same battle. in 1944, nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree. posthumously.
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news and significant dates. let's go back in time to complete the ritual dance in the ancient yurovsky karagod. let's get to know each other with a new painting from the collection of masterpieces. belarusian cinema. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. in the “your choice” section we get acquainted with news from the world of economics, social life, and sports culture. mtz’s work on updating and modernizing its fleet of equipment, a bike ride dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders and the start of a new season of charitable initiatives. belarus is considering the opening of direct air connections with aman and algeria, the ambassador of belarus to egypt sergei terentiev spoke about this. trade and economic relations are developing, projects for the export
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of medical services from belarus are being discussed, attracting investments in the pharmaceutical industry, as for mechanical engineering, there are plans for joint assemblies and the opening of dealer centers. according to signed contracts, belarus will supply 280 tractors to the egyptian market this year; the plan is to double this figure in the coming years. mtz is working on updating and modernizing fleet of equipment at industrial enterprises of belarus per year, quality, ambitious goals. the minsk tractor plant plans to invest almost 100 million rubles for the purchase of new technological equipment. this is 30% more than last year. updated and... the conditions for the driver will change the appearance of the machine, the new seventh series and belarus 742, the machine is primarily for working in cramped conditions, for use in farm warehouses, the equipment can also be
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communal agricultural, a four-section tractor is installed hydraulic system distributor with electronic control, plans for this year to sell more than 36 thousand. units of equipment. a bicycle ride was held in minsk, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, 7.5 km, together with famous athletes, functionaries and students of the belarusian state university of physical education, employees of the belarus 24 tv channel covered the route from bgovk to stella minsk - the city of hero. the laying ceremony took place here. even before departure, more than a hundred participants in the bike ride paid tribute to student teachers. universities who fell in the struggle for the freedom and independence of their homeland. a new season of the charitable initiative for the restoration of shrines in belarus has begun. the first point on the map of good deeds is the church of the holy life-giving trinity in the borisov region. young families from
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every district of the minsk region came to help with landscaping and putting things in order. volunteers removed garbage, landscaped the area adjacent to the temple, and also planted tui alley. a digital star appeared at the temple, a sign with the church became part of the international historical project, which was created to search for monuments of the great patriotic war. the tenth children's music school of minsk presented a large creative project in the hall of the belgos philharmonic. young musicians played works by belarusian composers, among the melodies in children's sound, masterpieces by luchenko, voitik, gorelovo and glebov. concerts and music of belarusian composers take place in the hearts of our children every year. this is one of the... large-scale projects of the capital's children's music school named after glebov. this monday may 6th it was the most impossible spring day to eat. yuriev. now we invite you to travel back in time and spend together one of the brightest holidays of the
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belarusian agricultural calendar, and also find out where yurovsky karagot is still held annually in modern belarus. about this and much more in the ethno section. spring yuri, which is celebrated on may 6, is one of the central holidays of the belarusian folk calendar. this is the day of spring, the warmth of the beginning of field work. according to popular belief, on this day you can get rid of infertility determine the future grain harvest. for the first time after winter, nayuryu drove the cattle out to pasture, so happy day. a large number of ritual actions were associated with the preservation of the household. to protect domestic animals, owners performed various magical acts and uttered special words, which, according to the beliefs of belarusians, were supposed to protect cows, horses, and other
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livestock from death, evil eyes, and predatory animals. yuri's day marked the real beginning of spring. among the people of saint yuri was called "the key keeper, the patron saint of the domestic animals of the rural fields. there was a belief that it was he who had the keys with which he closed the winter and opened the spring, blessing. around, the shepherds knew especially many ritual actions for yuri, they were recognized at that time as one of the most important people, they rightfully consider the day of may 6 as their professional holiday. in folk culture, there was an unspoken rule: not a single shepherd will take a new animal after yuri, otherwise the entire herd will suffer from attacks by wolves. before sending scott out to fast in the meadows, the owner... walked around him three times with a lit candle and sprinkled him with illuminated water.
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the animals had to be guided by the branches of the already illuminated willow. then it was necessary to treat the shepherds. according to tradition, this was a hearty meal, usually ceremonial scrambled eggs. next, they baked lush bread, forming nine peculiar shoots from the branches of a flowering fruit tree on it. such a horned loaf had the name " karagot symbolized fertility and was used in ritual. on the street a whole procession lined up, some carried icons, some carried towels and ritual bread, and some were given the most important task - to perform songs. then the whole cheerful crowd of fellow villagers went to the field where winter crops had already been sown. in order for the earth to bear fruit, our ancestors called upon saint yuri to open up the land and release the dew. after which they buried a piece of black bread tied with a red ribbon into the ground as a gift, and began
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to walk in a circle with ritual songs. gradually, the participants of the yurovsky karagod moved to the village and made the rounds of the neighbors. at the same time, they received treats and words of gratitude from the villagers, because the ritual was performed so that everyone was happy, the domestic animals were healthy, and the fields were provided with vegetable gardens. harvest. songs and dances continued until the evening, and the ceremony ended with a feast. on december 11, 2019, the belarusian yurovsky karagot was included by unesco in the list of intangible cultural heritage. now this ancient ritual is still carried out in the village of pogost, zhitkovichi district, gomel region. celebrated here every year yuri's day in a big way. they bake holiday bread, dance in a circle in the field, and then dodge
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the village huts. in this form, the tradition has existed for 40 years and constantly attracts guests from all over the country.
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in the week's dates section, we'll find out right now what reasons for celebration marked the outgoing week in the context of belarusian culture. let us remember our outstanding fellow countrymen who made a significant contribution to the cultural heritage of our country. on may 8th he celebrated his birthday, honored artist of the republic of belarus, musician,
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the chief conductor of the state chamber was born, the future artistic director of the orchestra of the republic of belarus, honored artist of russia, evgeniy bushkov. having started learning to play the violin at the age of 5, already at eight he performed for the first time with a symphony orchestra. in the early nineties, bushkov began intensive
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concert activity as a soloist and took part in festivals in monte carlo. in calmar, madrid. his concerts took place in many cities of russia, germany, france, austria, italy, scotland, usa, mexico. evgeny bushkov's conducting debut took place in 1999 with the orchestra of the international festival in luxoy, france. since 2009 , evgeniy robertovich has been the chief conductor of the state chamber orchestra of the republic of belarus. orchestra of belarus, tour in the usa. on may 10 , the first in the history of the chamber year of 1883
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, ivan mikhailovich fedorov, aka yanka the mavr, was born into the family of a belarusian christian. one of... the leaders of belarusian children's literature, honored worker of culture of the bssr. in 1928 it appeared the first adventure story in the land of the bird of paradise, followed by the son of water in these books. he described with incredible accuracy the adventures in new guinea, indonesia, the tierra del fuego, although he had never been there himself, all thanks to the encyclopedic knowledge of the writer and... his passion for the language of the graduate student. in 1930 , yanka mavro published a book that made him a famous and beloved children's writer throughout the soviet union. the story of the polesie robinsons. the books of our famous fellow countryman have been translated into dozens of languages. circulations exceeded 2 million copies. the state
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prize janko mavr was awarded posthumously. his son is an academician of the academy of sciences b'. ussr fedor fedorov donated the prize to the peace foundation. next, we will get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema in the cinema section. every saturday, the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this is a special event dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. war drama. comes from the childhood of director viktor turov based on the script by gennady shpalikov, which premiered on 27 december 196. it is noteworthy that the director, scriptwriter and cameraman were the same age and were themselves children of war. 1945, childhood for two friends, zhenya and igor, fell during the most difficult war time.
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they live in a front-line town, where their fathers, brothers and older friends went to war. the guys themselves are trying. live as before, but the war invariably makes adjustments to their life, they listen to the stories of soldiers, learn responsibility for their country and life , and dream of escaping to the front in order to forge a long-awaited victory together. why are you here are you doing? yes, there should be a train from poland, maybe natka will come, or maybe someone knows something about her? how many of these trains have there already been? the main scenes of the film related to the railway were filmed in grodno. filming also took place in smolensk and minsk. the film is also noteworthy for the beginning of vladimir vysotsky’s film career. he came to minsk for an audition and met turov. on the very first evening , the artist. and the director talked until the morning, and then vladimir handed over his train tickets and stayed in belarus. vysotsky played the role miraculously a surviving tanker, physically crippled,
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but not broken in soul. before each day of filming, make-up artists imitated a burn on the actor’s face. the cheek was moistened with a special liquid that tightened the skin. in this makeup and military uniform, he was often mistaken for a front-line soldier. people came up and asked where he fought, on what front. and i just got out of the hospital for six months, my eyes are at least intact, i was lucky, as soon as the tank caught fire, i closed them, it was in grodno, during the filming of these films, on the initiative of turov the first professional recording of vysotsky’s songs was made in a studio with special equipment and a sound engineer, and the musician’s songs in the original performance were also used in film for the first time. we were told we needed it. height and don’t waste your ammunition, there’s a second star rolling down your shoulder. according to the results
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of a survey conducted by belarusian critics, the film received the highest rating among viewers. the childhood of the guys of my generation was different and surprisingly similar, because each of us... had a war in our childhood, we did the best we could, the best we could, the best we could, shared the trials that befell our mothers, fathers, the lot of my people, watch the film i come from childhood on may 11 on our tv channel, in the guide section, you are waiting for... the best projects of the tv channel, let's meet a person who knows everything about the real pizza, we’ll create a non-trivial route around the city of zhodina and continue to talk about the most positive events that have happened in
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the world. how does art celebrate flora? 17 unusual sculptures were presented at kew gardens in london. stainless steel bronze works are located in... corners of the park, they were created by artist mark quinn, inspired by the work of botanists from kew gardens. a balloon festival was held in pereslavl-zaleskoye. the impressions of such a breathtaking spectacle will last a lifetime. the opportunity to see the ancient russian city from a bird's eye view annually attracts hundreds of guests to the festival. the spring aeronautics festival in pereslavl is being held for the fifth time. shea sea turtles rescued from a devastating storm in south africa have been given a temporary home in cape town. our two-ocean complex is not just an aquarium for temporary housing
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of turtles; there is a whole staff of specialists working here to rehabilitate these animals. our task is to restore their health to normal, solve their problems, and then release them back into the wild. for the most interesting international news, watch the “around the planet” program. we'll end up in the past. let's get acquainted with boguslav rodivil, the founder of jodin, which used to be called boguslav pole, so that everyone who came to our city could feel good in it, could prosper, i freed everyone for 25 years a new resident of boguslavpol from paying all taxes. we work out in the gym with a fitness trainer, to bring our shoulder blades together as much as possible, that’s right, that’s right. yes, the most important thing is breathing. what do they teach at the jordan school for noble maidens? since we are a girls’ gymnasium,
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we also have these nine directions, right? we have an exemplary dance studio at the gymnasium, oxygen, and girls also practice vocals, and there are disciplines such as etiquette, rules for receiving guests, and behavior. we will visit the sports and cultural facilities of the city famous for his mining dump trucks in the program the route was built, who is the main inspiration for the pitiola pavel maksimchik? when i was little, i watched my mother cook, i probably liked it, i remember, even when i cook, that my mother added it in exactly the same order, and i also do it now, the pizza recipe is rooted deep in history, they say that... . make it in the 15th century, although now a fresco has been found in pompeii, it is 2.0 years old bc, and it depicted pizza, it is disputed.
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