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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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vlahu camp 15 kilometers from the place of service of father epiphanius, he was severely beaten for several weeks, was not fed, was not given medical care, he died from beatings, while saving hundreds of lives of innocent people, from this great virtue, to love for people , love for god, so we see that from life’s example that father epiphanius accepted such a mochenni death, because of the love of god and because of the love for the local residents and his beloved parishioners. the camp guards
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threw the priest outside the fence where they usually shot the prisoners. the parishioners bought it in order to bury the body of their shepherd, they recognized father epiphanius only by his clothes and buried him near the temple in which the priest served. i dreamed of going to the front from the very first day of the war and may 1st.
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pudovkina did not become a student in the forty-second year, but a junior sergeant of the forty-ninth separate reserve telegraph battalion appeared. they didn’t let me go into the active army for a long time, even though i insisted. only in june of 1944, i begged to be sent to the front and i, along with nine signalmen, were flown to the front by plane. and how the most senior in rank, i ended up in the headquarters of the first belarusian. front, participated in the liberation of belarus, poland and germany. we entered berlin on may 2, the day it was captured. the city was in complete chaos. the streets were busy with people, some sitting on the ground, others wandering among the ruins in search of a piece of bread. on the afternoon of may 8, headquarters called and said to allocate two telegraph operators and a mechanic. to
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carry out a particularly important task, the company commander chose me and masha letishenko, i don’t remember the mechanic’s name, we didn’t receive any special instructions on appearance, everything was the same always, military uniform, hair tied up with invisible hair, in the evening we were informed that we would be transmitting to moscow information about the signing of the final act of unconditional surrender. hitler's germany, was it exciting? there is no word. they didn't wait long. at about one o'clock in the morning, a major entered the room and brought a text message that needed to be transmitted to moscow, to the general headquarters. and as soon as i realized what we were talking about, i couldn’t hold back my tears. masha said then: that’s it, the war is over. in
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june 1945 i was awarded the order red star. for many years i did not tell anyone why i received such a high award. who would believe me? you would also think that i was bragging. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince yazeslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir, and given into the possession of ragnedislav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, and reconciled them. a...
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it’s clear, god knows, the snow has melted into the damp earth, the rain
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has fallen, the rain is falling, the sun is warmer, the ice has faded, the sun is falling, the gloom of our everlasting leaps, all and sunshine , geese are crowing, spackling on an oak tree, cranes it's already flying, and the winter has disappeared like smoke, the meadow is greener, crally, like the hell was hurting, our dear...
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hello, let's start with a real bomb, polish judge tomasz. shmit asked for protection in belarus. on monday he told everything himself at a meeting with journalists, he says he is ready for the fact that the polish authorities will harshly take revenge on him for his frankness, but will not turn away from his chosen path. at first they tried to organize a maidan here, but it didn’t work out. they tried to destroy belarus from the economic side through various kinds of sanctions, but this also failed. belarus has an ingenious combination of modern traditions and enormous potential for the future.
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no, well, here’s a summary of the statement that thomas schmidt made, it’s clear that he managed to say a lot of things, most of you have probably read the same thing, here’s andrey evgenievich, is this what the story of tomasz schmidt personally tells you about? it seems to me that this is just a symptom, but because over the past 10 years the judicial system of poland, first the regime of kaczynski duda-marawiecki, now the regime of the civil platform.
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accused of a spy scandal, they do not prove anything, the person is in prison, forced to flee from his homeland. let us remember the situation of polish journalists, by the way, including judges, civil activists, who are not allowed to the border with belarus so that they do not god forbid they saw a crime against humanity. by the way, the president of belarus spoke about this, addressing over the heads of politicians directly to the polish people. look where your power, your caricature, leads you. he said, don’t just look, but stop the crazed politicians, don’t give them a chance to turn all life on the planet into ashes, all this immediately comes to light, you know, because the president of belarus does not speak simply because he wants to annoy his polish counterparts to the polish
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regime or there to polish politicians, no, he appeals to the people so that the people are encouraged to adopt a sound policy, as for the media side of this issue, then... you know, i also have a feeling of satisfaction, finally polish citizens will see what it is worth, the independence of the judicial system, freedom . when now this unfortunate shmita is just being compared to machines of such fierce propaganda, i don’t even know what to compare it with, he is already a spy for them, and a personnel agent of the kremlin, and what does the kremlin have to do with it , it’s not clear at all, he was going to belarus, not to the kremlin to moscow, he means an unfaithful husband, he he’s a tyrant, he’s a maniac, well, that’s all that is possible, all the dirt that can be said about a person is now done by the polish media with a serious face, but i liked it, besides this...
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well, in my own country, having access to a certain information base, simply, his
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idea of ​​​​what is happening in his own country has already gone off scale, and it spilled out into this protest, i would call it a civil protest, there is no other way to call it, because he is an adequate person, a well-mannered person, a human being, so to speak , with a high level intelligence, we see this in his communication with journalists, he is trying to defend his...
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about the fact that when you listen to schmidt, especially in the part when he says that ordinary poles want good neighborly relations with belarusians, with russians, that they see how poland, america and great britain are being pushed towards war, you immediately understand who exactly alexander lukashenko was addressing when he again and again congratulated poland and the baltic countries on their independence days, that is, it turns out that the opposite signal is coming, it is there, the message hear, obviously, in poland a lot.
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russia protects and poland, naturally, they will, including evgenievich, as an experienced journalist, understands that they will use the most dirty tricks in order to denigrate, to find. some kind of compromising material will, in principle, level him as a person; if a person is not respected in society, then his point of view, in principle, for them he will be a traitor, a traitor to his homeland, like this, well, in principle, i think, in the russian federation, if the federal the judge would go to poland. he would be leveled to dirt in to a lesser extent, but the question is that whether he is telling the truth or not, we are not talking about methods, he is telling the truth, that it is not beneficial for poland, you see, dragging poland into the war will lead to a disaster on the european plain, first of all this there will be a great tragedy for the polish people, this is the president’s message, not only the last one during the message at the supreme national assembly
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and by may 9 at the solemn ceremony and so on. what is always said is that it is necessary to start a dialogue in europe, escalation could already lead to the worst thing, to nuclear confrontation, when vadim said not only about poland, but about the entire european plain, because this is a terrible blow to the propagated myth of the garden of this barel, decent people do not run from the garden to the jungle, but here they end up.
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this in itself is the main trigger, when a person understands where his country is being pushed, it is quite possible that he is also a patriot, and he wants to save his population, he wants to become the symbol that will draw the attention of the world community to this problem, how do you look at it ? colleagues are right here that that of course, this is a means of internal political problems in poland, of course, and this is the action of a person who in this way expresses his attitude towards the policy that...
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leads to death, the thirty-ninth year showed this in the last century that poland was on the verge of disaster , and this is one pragmatism, his personal, the second point is that we are doing everything correctly, this also confirms the correctness of our policy, but the fact that confrontation has reached a serious level, and we
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are standing, well, very close to each other, we see the wrong thing we can see straight through binoculars. here we are talking about the fact that poland is arming itself, but not only them. the latvian military has begun building strongholds along the border with russia and belarus. the latvian radio television portal clarifies that this is part of the general baltic line of fortifications. within 5 years , 300 million euros will be spent on its creation. well, of course, the first question is whether the latches really have nothing else to spend their money on. secondly, the most important question for us is how to react? we have already seen how fences were built to counter the so-called migration crisis, and not surprisingly, latvia ended up here in the rearguard, they were allocated a little more than 1 million there for the construction of fences from belarus there, if i’m not mistaken, 28 or 30 km of only the funds that were allocated to them were enough, but nevertheless
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they they managed to get into trouble, i won’t say another word, that in relation to... we see how it’s all done in ukraine, all the roads are dug up, the policy that latvia as a whole, the neighboring state of the european union, is pursuing with us.
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but we need to do something to spur our citizens on, you need to be interested in something, by and large , to scare, and what to scare, neighbors, terrible russia, terrible belarus, this process, so to speak, of the militarization of the border, the placement of its own territory of bases, all this is justified in the person of its own citizens. who are ready today, in the face of fear of attack, to endure poverty, to allocate additional funds, to forgive their government those mistakes, those -
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so to speak, failures, failures, that's the correct phrase, failures that have been accomplished during this time, and what these countries are losing today and people, potential, anything, according to estimates, they may cease to exist by 2050, the only thing i would not... use these narratives of the polish baltic elite that supposedly all this infrastructure is being created against migrants, it’s all nonsense , this is being created primarily against their own citizens, who simply do not want to be allowed in, including to belarus in russia, there to belarus on a visa-free basis in russia, to see how things are really developing, this is for militarization for colleagues, i will support theses, naturally , in domestic politics the image of an external enemy is always used by all players and always, you know, let’s stop this...
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the west does not see, especially europe in the person of russia , a negotiable party, and russia today is not ready to make any compromises or concessions, this escalation is used to tighten . first the armed forces, in order for a military conflict to begin in europe, you first need to deploy weapons and deploy the appropriate contingent, then they will sort it out with the politicians; peoples have never made a decision to start a military
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conflict. people will always be prepared, they will be given water in the ears, whatever, there will be provocations, there will be a trigger, then the politicians will make a decision, and those politicians who do not want to make a decision will be eliminated, as our judge says, new politicians will be installed, they will make appropriate decisions, accordingly, you need to see the processes from above, and what is the process today, we are accumulating weapons at the borders, we are building the appropriate infrastructure, and there is something to fight with, and the longer this conflict drags on, plus we cut off economic relations, plus we cut off diplomatic. dugin and let his ideas proceed in a peaceful manner, and i will wish him only all the best. andrei evgenevich, well, i’m ready to bet, i’m purely about whether or not to comment on anything here, if not, let’s go to the next topic, i just personally know alexander gelovich and have known him for more than 10 years, of course he’s not a fanatic it’s not, there was no lunge towards the club, and you stuck it to mine,
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you just said.
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in principle, everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when a diplomat whose mandatory the function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of connection between the two conflicting parties, today these diplomats, on the contrary , are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then the west is now a bad thing, if
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you are not lost, if you know who yours is... watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . let me remind you that the commander-in-chief recently checked the readiness of our air force and air defense. the conditional targets were discovered by radio technical troops and then destroyed by anti-aircraft missile forces.
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i coped with the task and let us emphasize once again, we use military force for purely defensive purposes, this is directly stated in the military doctrine, updated and approved at the recent supreme national assembly, and there is also another important message: the use of military force is considered only after the possibility of using political-diplomatic, legal, economic, information, ideological and other measures in the interests of ensuring military security and defense, but we keep our gunpowder dry and listen to the state secretary. based on the emerging military-political situation, primarily around the republic belarus, we continue to improve the combat readiness of our armed forces. the most effective way is sudden inspections, which are carried out in conditions as close as possible to real combat situations. in accordance with the instructions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, other troops and military formations, forces capable of using
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tactical nuclear weapons will be involved in the inspection. there are iskander operational-tactical complexes and su-25 front-line attack aircraft. for driving a signal transmission system for the use of this type of weapon has been deployed using forces and means. given. the very fact of the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on our territory should make them understand, but they did not understand what we were talking about now, the emotional background is rising, and people are simply being fooled against this background. so what do you think? i will continue what
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my colleagues said, this is that the special services work when there is a need for them, and we act very purposefully, very clearly, so that when... from these dangers, from these challenges, threats and we are acting, and the complex and system of measures that are being implemented, the head of state also said about it, is that we are strengthening border security and attracting various forces
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and means, including military contingents, brigades to reinforce the border guards, we, together with the russian federation has at the moment... already begun preparatory measures in order to prepare for the use of nuclear weapons, but not in order to use them, but in order to, as an element of deterrence, in order to cool down hot heads, because words have no effect on them, therefore actions are needed, and these concrete actions are coming, the president is clear, let’s listen to the speech during the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of victory day, if someone uses weapons against us, we will respond, moreover instantaneous... we will not draw any lines, we are not russia, thousands, thousands of kilometers away, you can draw lines there and expect something, you can’t capture mother russia right away, and belarus, as
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the last war showed, within a month it stopped exist, now there will be more faster, then no, so no lines, no, any aggression and the response will be instantaneous. many today are talking about nuclear and other weapons that this lukashenko will use, will not use, and so on. listen, this is a weapon of deterrence, this is a weapon of defense. no one will go on the offensive with these weapons. draw a conclusion from here. but the worst thing is that in the understanding of the west, the third world war. is not something abstract and is presented as ordinary and completely acceptable, but it is unlikely that ordinary people need it, both here and in europe. it was one
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one of lukashenko's most peace-loving speeches. andrei evgenievich is absolutely correct in saying that when we talk about tactical nuclear weapons, training, or their methods of deterrence, this is de. aimed at de-escalation, our citizens need to understand, the head of state said this very clearly, that belarus is very clear about its place in the world, about its military capabilities, firstly, we have no territorial claims to anyone , i do not consider belarus direct participant in the conflict, because we do not derive any benefit for ourselves from this conflict and have no goals for territorial claims to anyone, i believe that we...
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attention, and the use of tactical nuclear weapons, and i want to draw weapons again in europe is included in washington’s scenario, so you understand, that is, this does not scare them until we demonstrate an immediate threat to washington, and i spoke about this during one of the meetings with srigorvich in the big hall, that so far washington has not london will also feel an immediate threat to itself that we are ready to use the most serious weapons against them if they continue...
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these criminals and traitors who, under
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the guise of local battles, will come here and begin to organize what they organized in belgorod in other areas of russia, naturally we must have capable armed forces, internal troops, this is normal, but on a global scale , washington, any escalation up to the use of tactical nuclear weapons will be to organize, and today it is necessary to designate, puskov said correctly, a war with nato, not a war with nato with conventional weapons, the population of the nato bloc is several times larger, if we take china into account. is several times larger than the population of the russian federation, the economic potential is several times greater, this is reality, prolongation of the conflict will lead to exhaustion, why do you always lose to the casino, because the casino has more money, that’s all, that’s why they set up a casino for us here, but the instruction is these are human lives, yes nikolayvich, you know, i would like to continue the topic of testing the forces that we have on our territory, including nuclear ones, we must pay attention to the fact that such training constantly comes and happens. in europe, the corresponding warheads
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of the united states are located there, there is a structure of use, there is an air component, there are other components, and these trainings take place on an ongoing basis, at that moment, these warheads are now located on our territory, respectively, it is necessary to prepare forces and means that know how to use them, this training is precisely aimed at deciding yes ... they will be considered as a real player in
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the political arena, but at such a moment i would also like to draw your attention, because we have a component - this is a missile nuclear weapons and which aircraft carriers can carry, we train both of these components, we train them not in order to strike at someone, but it was just said what forces there are in europe, just now it was said that training is constantly taking place near our borders. look, there really are enough provocations,
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as they said that they only understand the language of force, right now the nato statefast defender exercises are going on, more than 90,000 officer soldiers from 31 countries, about 100 planes and helicopters, 133 tanks, more than 500 armored personnel carriers, all in close proximity to borders of belarus and russia, the achilles pitanata, the suwałki corridor, where lithuania and poland border, many are sure that the teaching is only a cover to gain a foothold in the area. noted the head of the belarusian army, sergei olenik, that some of the foreign military units that are sent for training remain there for permanent deployment. this is the situation. yes, i only wanted to go to the part.
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will the consciousness of the british and germans be influenced? this is an asymmetrical response. i think, yes, the americans and the european union themselves are talking about their vulnerabilities, well, let’s say, an attempt to ban tik tok in the usa, a raider takeover of tik tok, what is this? this means that the american government, the current biden regime, has signed that he cannot control the 170 million subscriber space across...
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to the baltic society, societies in the countries of germany, great britain, through which, including the peace-loving policy of the president of belarus, can be communicated without censorship blocking.
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pushed it unclear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile. you can't leave the european ones. the polish government, of course, is our enemy, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two countries, in fact, at war can it’s quite possible to do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people, balance is. the middle, at the opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism, this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. igor turai's author's project propaganda, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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we continue, french president macron said. which does not exclude the entry of western troops into ukraine if russia breaks through the front line, if kyiv makes a request. the arguments are the same: if russia wins, in the next second there will be no security either in romania, or in poland, or in lithuania, or in our country, says macron. the leader of the democrats in the us house of representatives, hakim jeffries, continues the idea. on cbs, he said that we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if this happens, there is a significant loss. doesn’t want to support ukraine for some reason, refuses to consider russia an enemy of the united states, you know, let’s
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i’ll probably start this topic, i’ll start it from a completely different angle, maybe even a little unexpectedly, yeah, all these statements, these are their statements, this is, in general, a broadcast to the world of those thoughts that representatives of countries have for decades, centuries ... their point of view was imposed on their world, but one of these same representatives, joseph barel, who literally a week ago finally revealed the sacramental secret of the whole of europe and the world. the usa has ceased to be a hegemon, these are his words that he expressed to great britain, man, which takes a completely, well, clearly unfriendly position towards.
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pressure or struggle in the political sphere, in the economic, in the social, in the informational
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sphere, the extreme component is military, that is, all these first four components have been exhausted, the western countries, which could do whatever they wanted and how they wanted, finally understood, it dawned on them that time had passed, time was lost, they were constantly mulling over this problem. that we will decide whatever you want, they are already late and the last argument of the kings is war, these are troops, realizing that today ukraine is deciding the future of the entire western world, they are coming to the last line, we will send troops there, we will use all available weapons, which is what is being done today, we talked about this a year ago, a year and a half ago, that is, we have come to the border that ... require radical measures to be taken, and the most important radical measure is not war, but peace, well, look, you just said about
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kings, and for some reason i thought that we shouldn’t forget about the englishwoman, who not only knows how to do shit, but and what not to take away, play for a long time, british foreign minister david cameron came to the ukrainian capital for negotiations on a hundred-year partnership with kiev, while some found this a reason for sarcasm, saying why they didn’t promise friendship for a thousand years, others saw a clear one.
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journalism even collected seven of macron's latest statements regarding the deployment of troops. which directly contradict each other, then we introduce, then we don’t introduce, then we will interfere, then we categorically will not interfere, but - macron broadcasts to europe, and to the united states of america, which will now have their own a year and a half, at least, probably for 4 years, a severe internal political crisis, that i, france, i, france, yes, am ready to take responsibility not only for the entire european union, because france is on the continent. this is a country with real sovereignty, actually possessing its own nuclear weapons,
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its own troops, including outside the borders of france, the same foreign legion, yes. his words will be forgotten, here are investments, serious investments in war, in tragedy, in death, they,
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unfortunately, will remain, i also spoke about this the president of belarus, how... after the war, because any war ends, how after the war relations between our slavic peoples are restored, yeah, yes, i consider these statements to be a continuation of neo-colonial policy on the part of great britain, my colleague said absolutely correctly, this is necessary please note that the share of the united states in the world economy is falling, the share of the g7 countries in the world economy is falling, if we begin to compare with the share of china, brazil, india, the russian federation , etc., then naturally there is a balance...
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central asia will soon be remembered, etc., and the south-north caucasus, all this will work for us in the coming years, we need to inspire local and regional conflicts in order to weaken them. and unfortunately, today here, ukraine, germany, a number of other countries of the european union, in principle, everyone is.
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washington’s big role here, influence on the intra-european agenda, and i will once again emphasize as a red thread, our task is to introduce the parties so that they see each other as an agreement-capable party, we must using all possible methods and demonstrating strategic and tactical deterrence, and introducing the information field to the parties so that they begin to see each other as parties capable of agreement, we must withdraw
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the parties from the conflict, and not lead the parties. escalation, thank you, aleksandrovich, now vadim has prompted this idea that we started with a pole who ran across, in general, every next question of ours, your answer led to the fact that the lithuanians will be behind the poles, the lithuanians will be behind latvian, then europeans, why, because in addition to the prospect of a nuclear catastrophe, there are other stories, so we really touched on edenpin, he came to the frenchman, he came to the vonderlein course, how she ended up, the man who is at the helm of the european.
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and he does not have the economic prerequisites for maintaining his hegemony, this is obviously clear to everyone, therefore his main strategic line is...
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the three named players, great britain, france and the usa, showed that nothing century-old in the world happens , i mean vietnam, the british occupation, they said, that we came there for a century, flew out like a traffic jam, the occupation of france, flew out like a traffic jam, and the entire united states of america, could not do anything with the people of vietnam and their struggle for independence and freedom, suffered a terrible defeat, including in the internal information war , when the american people themselves...
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people, except for outright freaks and crazy people, who would not regard this victory as the greatest event in our history, an event that allowed us
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not only to preserve the belarusian people in history, in general, as a subject of history, but allowed us to speak on behalf of the truth of justice throughout the world, because we liberated it.


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