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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 10:50pm-11:50pm MSK

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the route was built on the belarus 244 tv channel. what’s wrong with your hand? fell, fell, beat her, one bastard. semyon alekseevich, what's the difference? there is a big difference, and there is nothing to be ashamed of here, anyone can have this problem. where
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can you find him now, it was at sea, if one of the locals, i would have him with my own hands, you tell me this, vadyukha, what kind of guy went today, beat one, abandoned the other with his child, where do they come from? these freaks? i don’t know, i honestly don’t understand how you can do this to a woman. especially with this one.
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well, look at us, what kind of robbers we are, what kind of robbers we are, they almost stole a vase from me, but i took it by mistake, natasha was lying on my things, that’s what everyone says. these accomplices have finally arrived, natasha, tell this crazy woman that you asked us to come get your things, what kind of crazy person is there, who are crazy people here? vadima, where are you from, you were passing by, lyudmila ivanovna, these are not thieves, i asked them to take the things myself, wait a minute, who are you? natalya andreevskaya, natasha, yes, why didn’t they warn me? this is the missing one tenant? yes, that means no one...
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robbed anyone, we need to look at this, wait, wait, well, without me, i was up to my neck, well, good, we have to go, wait, who will pay me, lyudmila ivanovna, well we agreed with you, the money in the box is for rent, well, but for... moral damage, compensation, but for some reason i didn’t get a heart attack when i found these in my apartment, this is you for insulting our honor and dignity, you will pay the money, lyudmila ivanovna, excuse me, let’s go, uh-huh, come on, natasha, goodbye, two of us, let's go, well, let's go, let's go, anyway.
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reception room of the head doctor, i’m listening to you, igor romanovich, no, what should i tell him? okay, okay, goodbye, hello, hello, my name is alla, i will work in the manipulation room, it’s very nice, larisa, it’s very nice, and this is for you, but so to speak, for getting to know each other, oh, actually i don’t eat candy, i beg you, yes, who eats them, we all take care of our figure, that’s right, bolovso with coffee. do you drink coffee? yes, well, maybe we can take a break, since the bosses are not there, let’s drink coffee, tell us what the rules are here? kind day, igor, good afternoon, why aren’t you at your workplace? why aren’t you on your honeymoon ? what's wrong with him? the honeymoon was cancelled, igor romanoch was in such a mood in the morning that it was better not to catch his eye. how interesting are you, huh? but i
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ran, happily, goodbye, hello! he's an hour and a half late, he's already an hour and a half late, that's it, uh-huh, the bus probably broke down, and why are you still driving around and there's no more work, yes, go ahead, clean the corridor, good morning, sorry for being late, relatives came to visit and was a little late for the bus. and he comes every two hours, you know, at our last job there was a nurse, and so something happened to her relatives all the time, and what ’s surprising is such a coincidence, all these incidents happened to them precisely in her days duty, and don’t worry, this is not my
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case, i won’t be late anymore, well , i hope, we just got paid, i don’t know, help, there’s tanyusha, there i was so swallowed, oh, you understand, i went out for an hour , came back, and she was already lying pale, i or she turns her tongue, it’s all because of her boy, tanyusha, oh, lord, eli’s pulse is palpable, intermittent, tanya, can you hear me, tanya, sedatives, hypertensives and sleeping pills, where did she get these drugs, these are mine, i need to wash out my stomach , marina. run for adrenaline, i think you’ll have to administer an intravenous injection, wait, why are you making such decisions on yourself, you need to call the doctor on duty, just call the doctor with a gurney here, they called you, igor,
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first, remove that idiotic grin from your face. "first of all, at work i'll ask call me by my first name and patronymic, secondly, there is no need to tell everyone that we used to work together, finally, please, stop gossiping with my secretary, i never even gossiped, igor romanovich, i just wanted to get to know her, i i wasn’t even going to tell you anything at all, don’t you really understand, this is my father-in-law’s clinic, here i should have an impeccable reputation, here even the walls have their own eyes and ears. "hello, svetochka, i knew it, you weren’t even ashamed to come here with your girls drag, light, what are you saying,
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stop disgracing me, this is just my employee, and i know this just employee, light, and i just came to congratulate you on your wedding, i’m very..." for you both and my husband, lyosha , he conveys his most sincere congratulations to you, by the way, he and your husband are almost friends, it’s true, igorich, it’s true, you have a stunning dress, sveta, it suits you very well, i have to go, sick people are waiting for me, it’s a pity that i i can’t invite you to visit, after all, there is a chain of command, otherwise i would definitely i met my husband and son, all the best. well, thank god, everything worked out. your happiness samsonova, what happened? you'll play like a doctor someday. i told her, well, you saw what condition she was in? there
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was not a minute to lose. i believe that all junior medical staff should be forced to take an exam on their knowledge of their job duties, and patients should be prohibited from storing medications in their wards. at my last job , they didn’t have any pills on hand at all, the doctor prescribed them, the nurse brought them, the patient drank them, everything and no one was poisoned or self- medicated, you and leonido lvovich will talk about the topic, i’ll talk, don’t hesitate, but pardon me, forgive me, can you tell me where the third ward is, there, thank you, let’s go, i’ll take you, yes, ok, what’s your name, nadya, nadyusha. and my name is sofya palovna, and i am a hereditary actress. natasha, wait, what are you doing? let me help. where should i take it? i don’t know, somewhere under a tree, otherwise it’s stuffy in the house, but i want to sit in the air a little, my head hurts. why a stool, there is a gomag there,
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let's go, let's go, i'll show you. here are the programs, here is zelima in princess turandot. puss in boots, it seems, it seems. all my life among children and now in a nursing home, but believe me, i have absolutely nothing to talk about with these grandmothers, they are not interested in anything other than the sick, but i, i’m young at heart, i need it, i need an audience, courage! new impressions, you understand, i understand, oh, and for me,
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i could still play, play, play, wonderful, vadim, can i have you for a minute, but if only you knew how inimitable i was in the role of the old woman shepaklyak. well lariska, get out, i say, get out quickly, it’s time to plot and
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do their dirty tricks, there, there, look, there ’s sitting such a nasty, disgusting, excellent student, let’s gnaw a hole in his briefcase, i had a tame white rat, so she played with me, performances, you should have heard how the children were leaving, it’s out of joy, out of delight, sitting down, i’ll go, otherwise the sick are waiting there, i’ll definitely come to you, and we’ll sing again, oh, thank you very much, i love you admit. you listened to me so well, but you are in a good mood, thank you very much, thank you, what are you doing?
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i got nervous, you’re a future psychologist, instead of helping a person cope with psychological trauma, you’re jealous like a little girl, and except for me... you don’t need anyone, stupid, okay, i’ll try to help her, okay, help! help, number, number, i remember,
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alive, urgently for an incident, kasir was attacked at the entrance of the precision mechanics plant, a hat made of andatra fur, a water rat, i advise you to show it to one of the specialists of our cooperation, they will tell you where such a hat is could buy or sew, in in general, i gave it to one of my comrades for a while, it suits me, can i take a look at this comrade, but this was still not enough, well... they sent these two hats and nikolai was very happy, and he wore this hat for half a month back, that means he came without a hat, so, since you got me involved in this matter, i decided to confess, are you crazy or something, well, what’s unclear is that when they took the factory cash register, i was there with them too was, watch the tv series problem with three unknowns, on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for ours tv viewers,
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watch the program city of belarus on tv channel belarus 24.
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put, yes, well, how would you start to appreciate me differently, well, well, everything is so bad, nothing, we’ll work together, oh, i had this happen at work, sveta she caught me and igor in the office, she was so jealous, it was such a scandal, are you doing this directly with him, or what, we
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were just talking, that’s all, but the fact itself, the newlywed is jealous of her husband’s every skirt, normal, oh,
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well, great, ah , i didn’t sleep a wink all night, i don’t know what kind of bed i had, i was lying on something terribly hard, and now i have bruises all over my body, let's go. i ’ll change my name for you, thank you, thank you, thank you, here, sov palna, oh, forgive me, please, thank you, check, no, you won’t intimidate, here, like this, like this.
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natasha, where are you going? yes, i'll go for a walk. mishenka fell asleep, and i was already tired of sitting within four walls. well, you chose the time, it’s already getting dark, will you wander somewhere else? yes, i ’ll see the guest off, semyon alekseevich, who knows what could happen? well, let's finish the game later. fine. how is she? tanya, tanya, why did you arrange for us what
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you wanted, then you arranged it, i generally want to live more i won’t, i’ll want more pills for... or he jumped out the window, selfish, you thought about your parents, some boy also found a way to settle scores in life, and you know, i had one friend, and she, at the age of 17, also has to live she didn’t want to, the boy she loved very much married their common classmate, he even invited her to the wedding, but she was in so much pain that she decided to... drown herself, she wanted to go to the river in the morning, well, the current there is strong, and at night she had a dream. i dreamed of a little girl, she asked her: “mommy, don’t do this this, if you die, i will never be
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in this world. what next? well, then she woke up and realized that the guy who left her was not her betrothed at all, and that she had to pull herself together and wait for that real thing.” and you waited, but this is not about me, but she got married, her daughter was born, you’re lying, she didn’t wait, but i’ll wait, i’ll definitely wait, and you will wait , do you hear, please don’t be angry with
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ira, she sincerely wanted to help you, she just sometimes has harsh wording, that’s the kind of person she is, it’s not about irina, you know? for me, remembering this is the same as what is said in an open wound, i understand that 5 years ago i was beaten and robbed near my house, but the worst thing is that people were walking past and no one rushed to help, and for me the worst thing is that you can be beaten, humiliated, even killed, and no one cares. “the only thing worse is the betrayal of a loved one, frozen,
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from life in a divinely universal way.” if only for a moment, be involved, what is this, what is it, are you trying to start a fire? so, come on, turn it off immediately, just a second, let the water boil, no, don’t worry, don’t worry, there won’t be any fire, i ’ve been using this boiler for 3 years already, it’s clear, they didn’t understand, that means, right? what have you done? this is, this is a family heirloom? so, there’s no need for me
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to act out performances here, i’m also an artist of a burned-out theater, so, once again, note that you’re sceptical, you’ll go back to the baggage store, okay? oh, nadyuzh, it smells so delicious, how can i help you, go to the garden for cucumbers, now i ’ll give you a basin, attention, surprise, you i will.
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oh, and i offended my sister for no reason, i hope, forgive me, please, oh well. true, i didn’t want to, i just have problems with vadim, we stopped communicating, and if we communicate, we quarrel all the time, you start these quarrels yourself, i
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can’t help it. i also found a rival, you’re just very tired, you worked a lot, you’re still studying, you need to go somewhere together to relax, you really want to, you quarreled with irina. yes, i’m tired of all this, natasha, no matter how hard you try to smooth everything over, he’ll still find something to cling to, like this, and you know, i’m with we play, i behaved the same way, i always tried to understand him, i didn’t burden him, i didn’t demand, i supported him as best i could, now i think that i should have asked and
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demanded differently. and talk about everything that caught her, my dear, he forgives all the whims, tries to please, but i think that it’s not about her father’s money, that she allows herself to be herself, that you’re standing here, you’re bored, let’s go will you help, or what? let's go to. hello, hello, hello, hello, tamara petrovna, you received your salary, yeah, what's the news, yes, that's it calmly, the metro tire was prescribed, no new patients were reported, and tanya finally
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ate well today, well, good. but what about our artist? sofya palovna? yeah, did something happen to her? what's with her? heart attack. it’s strange, she was cheerful and didn’t complain about anything. lord, how old is she? it's strange that she's still alive at all. i'll go check on her. hello sofya palovna. hello, nadyushenka. how are you feeling? already better. how did this happen? nadenka, you talk to the authorities there about me. i'm a boiler more i won't use it. fine. just don't send me back to the house, please.
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hang on. i don’t understand anything, what does the boiler have to do with it, i just wanted to drink tea, and i feel sorry for the teapot to the point of tears, i got it from my grandmother, and what happened to it with the teapot, then marina broke it, oh! my plinth, i'll check it tomorrow, uh-huh, marina, how can you, you gave a man a heart attack, i was just at sophia palona's, she says you never know what she 'll say, she's a crazy old woman, don't you dare, that 's don't you dare talk to me like that, i i won’t allow myself to be labeled like that. yes, and
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any medical commission will confirm the insanity of this grandmother. nat, are you crazy? you know that leonid lvovich brought her to the place of alka? even if i’m the leader himself, i won’t allow the sick to be abused. come on , what are you going to do with her? will you beat me, or what? said everything. anastasia fedorn, tell me, do i have diapers, i want to iron them, but i just washed them, the wet ones are hanging there, but there are no dry ones, but i didn’t have time to wash them before, you see, i’m busy weeding and cleaning, i’ll wash the dishes now, okay . "mom, for a long time
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you're going to endure this, she 's completely on your neck, come on, ira, why are you clinging to her, huh? you can’t forgive her for refusing your psychological help. oh, dad, you know, you don’t understand basic things. well, okay, she , i don’t know, can’t do her own laundry or bathe her child, but she can stroke her, her right hand is healthy. well, could you wash the dishes, are both of your hands healthy? by the way, i’m not chilling here, i’m collecting material for my course work. oh-oh-oh, they raised a little white-haired girl. yes ok, semyon. yes, there are so many dishes here, lord, thank you, hello, hello, what are you doing without anatoly? why should i
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be with anatole? well , if only a man would help you carry the weights, it’s okay, i can handle it myself, let me do it, i’m your friend after all. anfis, what? when will the store open? phew, otherwise you don’t know! you know, no matter how you come, everything is closed. oh, how hot it is! come on, vadyukh, let's arrange a showdown! let's! oh, i wish i could drink something cold. go to the refrigerator, it looks like there was some compote left there.
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and what happened, but nothing. but what is it that i won’t take it all out of my hands , i can’t take proper care of my child, i’m disturbing everyone here , there’s nowhere to get dressed, but stop it, everything will be fine, you’ll have everything, you’ll have a reliable man, great love. “yes, it won’t be, igor trampled on me, you understand, not a single man will look at me now, unless out of pity, stupidity, you are a very beautiful, attractive woman,
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don’t, vadim, i know that this is not true, true, true, you’re tender, i always want you.” natasha, vadim, come with me, well, finally, you walked through pokrovka to the kitchen, and where is the compote, it’s over, well then , stand up, let’s finish it, dad, i need vadim.
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nadya, okay, natasha, she’s out of her mind, but what were you thinking about, you know, just don’t torture the elephant, okay, you might think that i caught you doing embroidery, but for no reason you didn’t catch us? natasha just felt bad, i felt sorry for her, that’s all, i wish i could give it to you properly, yeah, your family is falling apart, you need to save her, and you, what makes you think that my family is falling apart, and what you think is not visible, fight like a cat and a dog, irka doesn’t walk around on her own, and you and natasha kiss, don’t be stupid, yes, cheese and i have some problems, but you love her, who, well , ira, of course, i love ira.
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let me just say that we have leftovers here,
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they are valuable, we will hang them here, probably as an exhibition, now how fashionable they say it will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we will just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, look at the project i from the village on the belarus 24 tv channel, we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine, the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book. not a cutlet, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from minced pork. let's plunge into holiday culinary traditions, and, of course, we bake easter cake, only here in this area it is not called easter cake.
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watch the food project anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel. you won't do this, will you? what can i do? stop working, sit and watch so that natasha doesn’t fight you off? do not say stupid things. i am not kidding. leave today. what i'll say, yeri? i don't know, think of something. what? don't know. and i’ll see you again with natasha.
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nadya, go away, well, you yourself forced them to leave, and you found where to look for the man? yes, i wasn’t going to take him away from ir, and you weren’t going to kiss him either. i didn’t mean to, nah, but not like that. i’m a bitch, what do you think
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, i don’t know how it happened, i just wanted to feel like a woman again at least for a little while, otherwise after igor i completely gave up on myself, of course, where can you understand how you feel when you so betrayed? well, if you want, i’ll leave, stay, well, where will you go? good afternoon, hello! life, it couldn’t be better,
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something happened, i just came from lvovich, he gave me such a dressing down, our discipline, you know, is lame, the medications are a mess, there are gaps in the reporting, it’s all because of you, it’s just me discipline is lame, tamara petrovna, well, you understand that this is all marina, from a sore head to a healthy one, she doesn’t know what to cling to. he just knows why half of your signatures are missing, and who was an hour and a half late last time, here we are fined, but i spoke to her better? don’t get involved, well, maybe i should quit altogether, i ’ll quit for you, and that we ’ll leave the sick with this histapov’s gray hair, so sit down and don’t show off, well, if i’m setting everyone up, and you don’t set up, that’s it, from today we work strictly according to the instructions and so that the mosquito
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doesn’t undermine your nose, anatoly, and this also concerns you, and i’m already trying my best. hello, are you even cuter than they say about you, everyone, vlad rybnikov, it’s just sowing for you, hello, you’ve been working here for a long time, yes, what kind of work is this, this is hard labor, i propose to make friends in offices, all the way along the corridor to the left, please. please, thank you, it’s better if you come to us, my health, thank god, everything is fine, well, who said that i’m going to treat you, i, so to speak, have no prying eyes, and no one will interfere, for whom you accept me, i actually have a husband, wow, how my eyes sparkled, don’t be offended, i should have at least
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tried, i’m not kidding about friendship, we have such a terrarium of like-minded people here, but if you don’t want from here you... fly through month, although eremeev himself brought you. i have a purely business relationship with him. come on, we've heard a lot about his exploits. by the way, here is a nurse who tried to commit suicide because of him. i don't know. it's a pity, i thought you would share useful information with me. actually, he had one, gave birth to a child from him and almost ruined his wedding. but in order to commit suicide, from this moment... in more detail, well , i don’t know what you’re going to do, and there wasn’t enough money for anything, and now there’s this fine, i need to buy so many things for the target, listen, maybe this let's buy lottery tickets, friend, we'll win,
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great idea, throw away the last of our money, or just be these... rabbits , they tell them they're paid well, it's not funny, no, i'm serious, let them test medicines on us, vaccines, there's nothing for us to do, it seems that the problem has been solved, i called one of my old acquaintances, the owner of a private health center, he says that he needs massages. so tomorrow, nadezhda, let’s go meet eduard mikhalovich, well, i don’t want to leave the hospital, so who cares? offers, but a solid part-time job won’t hurt, won’t hurt, hello, edik, hello, tomochka, hello, here
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comes hope, please love and favor, sit down. tomochka, with all due respect to you, we have a center for a very serious public and we need top-class massage therapists, not so amateur gardeners, we understand this, but you first check her at work, and then you will turn up your nose at work you say, well , basically, we have one client, she’s exhausted all her nerves, the previous masseuse was sick because of her... she’s now a cosmetologist threatens, here you go, if your partner takes a risk, and if she doesn’t like me either, well , if you save us from this creepy woman, i will only be grateful to you, well then we agreed, go ahead, that’s good, yes, that’s good,
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as well. .. your hands are warm, listen, she always screamed like crazy, there is complete harmony here, well, i told you that this girl is golden, but she’s a hypnotist, you just have it, i’ll take it! it’s so good, elda was dragging, tired, nadyusha, hello, my dear, hello, how are you here without me, and how well did you eat, huh? okay, i slept, okay, what's yours? toy, how are things at work, good, eduard mikhailovich gave a bonus, he says,
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thanks to me the number of clients has increased, well, you see, i always told you that you don’t value yourself, you gave a lot, well, i bought mishenka a crib, it’s not like he can sleep in a stroller, yes, yes, baby, my, baby, hi, m, hi, how is... life, good, everything is in business, you know, i would also have gone to work already, but you’ve been sitting here like in a den, well, if you want, i’ll talk to tamara petrovna, i think she won’t mind, why, i’m not going to the hospital, how is that not you’re going, it makes sense, they don’t pay much money there, especially since it’s yours marina is committing atrocities there, if only you could talk to eduard mikhalovich and... well, i’ll try, i don’t know if
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he’ll agree, thank you, alochka, hello, hello, how are you , better than everyone else, and you, mortal boredom, spent a whole hour at the planning meeting iremiev gondel, again out of sorts, why, our dear. got hooked on the coconut again, colors, what, it ca n’t be, but she’s been sniffing and swallowing wheels for several years now, do you think that her daddy has grabbed hold of iremeev, well, his head doctor appointed, uh-huh, thought that he could control the little lady, he was the wrong one, he put it on the wrong horse. leonid lvovich, so tamara, what is this habit of flying in without a bag? they're flying on a broom, and i just walked in and came to swear? marina told me that you are going to
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send her to courses, is this true? true, there is no need to consult with me at all. why should i consult with you? we have only two candidates, samsonova and gusev. but i think that nadezhda deserved more. in addition, she has two medical courses institute. but she refused. and i’ll try it with... good afternoon, i’m natasha, nadya should have warned you, well, yes, i just didn’t expect that
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nadya had such girlfriends in the village, well, i also imagined you a little differently, and how am i reality, better or worse, better, thank you, ah... yes, of course, thank you, listen, are you really from the village? i’m from the city, but the village just tidied up for a while, now it’s very fashionable to get closer.
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well then, go out tomorrow, then see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, it was nice to meet you, see you goodbye, so, well, speak up, kids, today is mishenka’s birthday, come on, well, misha, be healthy, oh! come on, forgive me like a real man, strong, cheerful, handsome, smart, like grandfather tikhan,
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“if you’re like that, everything will be fine, come on, come on, health, come to me, little darling, what’s wrong, oh, well, let’s eat, eat , come on, well, hello, my good, you’re my little one, yes, there is an offer, tomorrow, what made you think, i want to see you, well, you ’re probably busy, what, yes, it’s nadya’s, neighbors’ birthday someone is celebrating, yes you are not can you imagine how tired i am of living in the village, having nowhere to move on misha’s name day. oh, it
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’s this wide, it’s like this, well done, yes, let’s put it like this, okay, see you tomorrow, you’ll come, that’s all, for now, good. good grandson, you are my golden one, tell me, mom, mom, where did she say, mom said,
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mom says, well, where are you going, well, the floor is still there? not dry, you won’t wash yourself all day, leonid lvovich, it’s not for nothing that i waited a whole year for these stupid courses, i went, please tell me, will you support my candidacy? let's go, i just have to know, i have to be i’m sure, but after all, i studied for a whole year, and when you called me, i left everything there and came here, well, it’s not just like that, you know, i should somehow be mine. hello, hello, why aren’t you on duty with me today? does this upset you? no, i just asked. by the way, are you aware that tamara petrovna is planning to retire? and guess who they are going to replace her with? gusev? marina? yes. where did you get this from? yes , i myself heard how she and lvovich agreed.
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oh oh! so it’s true, well, about retirement, yes, it’s true, well, i told you, but the fact that they want to put marina in your place is also true, but what you wanted was to go to courses, and now what, bite your elbows trying to establish relations with her, but this won’t happen, i’ll write an application and go full-time to eduard mikhalovich, he’s been persuading me for a long time. natasha, what are you up to now? i ’m coming to the city tomorrow, i’ve rented an apartment. what did you not say before? well, i
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just rented it today, a good option turned up and it’s not expensive at all. well, how? how is it possible mishenka, he’s very little, you’re at work all day long, if they don’t hire him, and nannies, nannies are expensive in the city, and mishenka will stay here, just like here, well, he ’ll be better off here, the surroundings are familiar, the food is fresh, the air is clean, in general he is nadya, my mother thinks. but this is your son, but i’m not completely, i’ll settle down, i’ll improve my life, i’ll start earning more money, i’ll take him, well, yes, well, yes.
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i went to the front as a seventeen-year-old volunteer in 1943, trampled, but more often crawled from my native mogilev region to... from berlin itself, i was a signalman in an artillery regiment , i don’t know how i survived, on may 2 i was the most advanced, and imagine, it’s simply indescribable, at some point the fascists began to come out of cover, throw their weapons with their hands raised, i was the first to hand them over to my fellow soldiers via communication, guys, victory, bald spots, many did not immediately believe it, a couple of days later the artolk was taken to the suburbs of berlin for vacation,
11:49 pm
there was a german school, gardens, ponds, beauty, everyone was in a joyful mood, victory, i took off my trousers and climbed into the pond , agitated. i disturbed all the fish there, so we huge carp were grabbed by hand and thrown ashore. on may 9, we had a fish day, and they also gave us 100 g from the front. i had always either refused or exchanged it for sugar, then i decided to drink to the victory, so... on that day, the officer-soldiers staged a festive fireworks, fired like crazy, with pistols, rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers,
11:50 pm
until the cartridges ran out, it was the happiest day of my long life. how long has it been since you held a book in your hands?


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