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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 12, 2024 11:50pm-12:26am MSK

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fish day, and they also gave us 100 g from the front . i used to always either refuse or exchange it for sugar, then i decided to drink to the victory, right? that day, the officer-soldiers staged a festive fireworks, shot like crazy, from pistols, rifles, at ... machine guns, rocket launchers, until the cartridges ran out, it was the happiest day of my long life, how long has it been since you held a book in your hands.
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we turned over page after page, greedily devouring every word. of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. in books the thoughts of past times live on, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present, belarus.
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this cannot be called either a full-fledged feeling or a phenomenon, this is a much deeper concept that includes many factors, it is not transmitted genetically, we... clarified with our scientists, but it can definitely be brought up in a person, in an updated constitution in our country, its manifestation is no longer an obligation, but a duty, as well as preserving the historical memory of the heroic past of the belarusian people. this is all, as you probably already guessed, about patriotism. in the next half hour, we will study this concept together, understand how it is formed and how it helps society become united and strong. after all, in this
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matter, as it turned out, science is also nearby. in the studio ekaterina beretskaya, hello, look at the program. love for the homeland, for the people, for their traditions. let's understand patriotic terminology. at what circumstances, the concept of patriotism arose and what became its object over time. and where is the true love for the motherland, and where is the manipulation? the word patriotism appeared long before our era in ancient greece, and it comes from two words, translated as compatriot and homeland. today , the concept of patriotism and patriot is interpreted slightly by different dictionaries. in different ways,
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for example, the dictionary-reference book, political science, says that patriotism is an emotional attitude towards the homeland, expressed in readiness to serve and protect it from enemies. in the cultural dictionary, the word patriot is interpreted as a person who expresses and realizes in his actions a deep sense of respect and love for his native country, its history, the cultural traditions of its people. in ozhikov’s dictionary you can read the following lines. patriotism is devotion and love for one’s fatherland, for one’s people; in the ethnographic dictionary, patriotism is a complex phenomenon of social consciousness associated with love for the homeland, fatherland, one’s people, which manifests itself in the form of social feelings, moral political principles of life and activity of people.
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when researching the concept of patriotism, you can find a variety of information, which, oddly enough, is presented under the guise of science; there are often cases of gross substitution of concepts when nationalists openly call love for the homeland. our stages of history, when the tribe, clan, primitive social system, the concept of patriotism already had significant significance, and in many ways even more than today, why? because what is attachment to the earth, the earth is
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a sacred place, ancestors are buried there, there their spirits live there, the spirits of the gods live there, a person makes sense only in connection with his native land, and the religious factor is very significant. the most important thing is that the most terrible punishment is not even the death penalty, it is exile, because outside the clan, outside the tribe, outside this land , a person no longer means anything, as a rule, he died, died a very terrible death. if we go further, the period, for example, of antiquity, patriotism is already associated with citizenship. both aristotle and plato, they first of all describe the citizen. a who is a citizen in the ancient greek pole?
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it turns out that there is such a confusion, even among philosophers of the same period, let’s say, the united states of america that was still being formed at that time took a slightly different path, they took, adopted quite a lot of ideas of the great french revolution, but when
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the great french revolution began to decline , many ideas began to be abandoned, the americans just began to cultivate them, there is virtually no national factor here, it is impossible to rely on it, because it... not the americans themselves, but all this is cultivated over time, because values, well, it takes a fairly long period of development of time for them to turn from some kind of knowledge of understanding into deep psychological feelings of conviction. and patriotism is not
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just that we know that we must love our homeland, then when this is our psychological characteristic, which predetermines our actions, which predetermines the choice we make, and we do not make it based on knowledge, therefore it is enough a lot of time passed before now the whole society shares this point of view, and especially the united states of america.
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another aspect is this. loyalty to the armed forces is very actively cultivated to the fact that serving in the army is prestigious, fighting is prestigious and the like, yes, even in some anthems this takes place, by the way, while the system of patriotic education itself is in different directions is unique, but in the west, for example, in the same united states of america, the flag and anthem, starting from de...
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are more tenacious, they are more significant, yes, rather than what we are already building in the form
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of a political system, thank you very much for finding time for our program, and we continue and do not miss in the final part of the program, the psychology of a patriot, is everyone capable of truly loving their homeland? what role does the family play in patriotic education and how to raise a true patriot today. great program report. children's curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute
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a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready for meeting our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions, the younger generation, how are you different at work from yourself at home, it seems to me, solely by appearance, i’m not turning into some kind of grum in a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you, extreme?
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the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we we met her in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here, we really liked the people, they were very friendly, good-natured, then the natural component was important to me, that the nature here is beautiful, i still live 25 years in belarus, but no one perceived me as a stranger, look. in the project a look at belarus on our tv channel. we continue to analyze patriotism from a
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variety of angles, and it’s time to find out what it is from a psychological point of view. connect with us. hello ekaterina, patriotism is the highest moral feeling, it is formed even among people; for this , a higher moral feeling is needed through difficultly determined social conditions, rules and mood in society. the structure of the highest feeling of patriotism necessarily includes the concept of what it is and value judgments. how to relate to this set of emotions that a person experiences, and of course, this is only accessible to a mature personality, a baby is not born with a sense of patriotism, just as he is not born with his speech skills skills, he forms them, when speech is formed, we have a higher moral feeling, including patriotism, of course,
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we need textbooks, of course, the simplest ones, let’s take, for example, teaching mathematics in... primary school, patriotism includes, for example , analysis of the demographic situation and how we can solve it, when people are already 20-30, and also 40, and they don’t have children yet, and we have a six-year-old child and a seven-year-old, and he is learning to read, write, count, he has a problem in the family there was one child, a son, and then another daughter was born, how many children are there in the family, then the psychological question, what will you name your children? what will you name your son and your daughter, and the child writes the answers, what has formed, but we move on, but there were two, there are three left, four, and how many children, what did you name them, and the child is happy, we give him the highest score, and he understands, but he even feels, he has already started a family at the age of six, this is
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a game, but this is ideological education, it is not boring, it is not scary, that without ideology there is not a single person. thank you nadezhda for the online interview, there are no more questions left for you. facts from scientific pedagogy. the most favorable period for introducing a child to the national culture, it is from this, as we have already found out, that patriotism begins to form, this is early childhood. about the complex pedagogical process, the result of which is the birth of a true patriot in our next material. this flask lay underground in the forests of karelia, it was found by the vidlitsa frontier search party a year ago, excavations carried out.
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we see in translation mosquito cream, this is what was given to german soldiers, along with a convenient thing that could be used to clean up, shave, wash, smear mosquito cream on yourself, and why very elegantly beautiful, taking a cup in my hand, maybe drinking coffee from it, maybe tea, i ’ll turn it over. 1941, bavaria, swastika, i'll show you what the cup looked like inside. there is
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an assumption that this silver, in the remains that we are seeing, is after all, it was also a trophy item found in the forests, like the plate, it was specially used as a covering so that, god forbid, the germans would not become infected. soldiers, and even more so officers, in contrast to the one flask with which ours fought, and this is about the strength of spirit, about a beautiful bottle with plates, about elitism and, in general, about the ideology of the fascists. the objects that fall into our hands not only make us wake up, they do not give us peace until the moment we come to a result. what i now...
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decipher, he was called up in lyakhovitsky, born in 1919, we were able to do this by the rvc of the baranovichi region, in the forty-first year, he died in battles in karelia. this is a hero we must find together with the children and teachers who understand the significance of everything we are talking about today. children listen to this with bated breath, and the main realization comes, an understanding of how, when, under what conditions our ancestors fought for their land. this museum was created to make every student feel ...
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the story of a child's family, a story that such an album usually represents went through the fate of an entire generation, it must be said that the guys really got into it.” relates to this work, because in this album we can see exactly what was left to them as an inheritance from their great-grandparents. as
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teachers note, military-patriotic education is not a one-time event, it is a system. in may 2022 , presidential decree no. 160 was issued on the development of military-patriotic clubs. it was he who gave development and gave impetus to this direction.
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a club called lynx, located in military unit 34/12 in minsk, today there are 18 of them at the base of the internal troops, you can get into the club from the age of 10, until the age of 14 children study at a basic level, then they move on to an advanced level, the days when i am in our club, i have a lot of emotions, joy, again -i’m learning something new, it’s amazing. what are your favorite activities? drill training, shooting, assembling and disassembling weapons? i’ve been at the club since the very opening, the impressions are very positive, we have new classes every time, the instructors come up with something new to attract us and interest us somehow and so that we have a craving for classes. forward, change store, empty.
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children in clubs find friends, and in general, as teachers say, they change, further from the private, similar interests, views, one unrewritten history for all, we approach the general and global ideology of our state. the lack of a well-developed state ideology sometimes creates an ideological vacuum in states, which is filled by other ideologies; unfortunately, they can sometimes contradict
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national security goals. in this part the republic of belarus is a unique state because we have adopted a state ideology at the state level in which patriotism occupies a very serious place. the events of 2020 have shown that patriotism is not transmitted on its own from generation to generation. it needs to be cultivated in ourselves, then supported in our children, always remember that any emptiness, even in the information field, will be quickly filled, but, unfortunately, not with what is needed. who in their right mind a couple of years ago could have come up with such an idea about revising the total of the second world war, about reconsidering the role and significance of the soviet people in the victory in the patriotic war, but as it turns out, the wind blew from the overton windows, and what seemed categorically unacceptable began to gradually enter our lives. although there is the nuremberg trial, which, by and large, answered
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all the questions. all the forces of the state are assigned to them, already in this matter we, adults, should remember that we need to educate not children, but ourselves, because children will still be like us. patriotism does not mean only love for one’s homeland is much more, it is an awareness
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of one’s inalienability from the homeland. and an integral experience with her of her happy and unhappy days. this is what alexey nikolaevich tolstoy spoke about patriotism more than a century ago. his words have not lost their relevance to this day; the topic of patriotism itself has become even more relevant in recent years. why? today, we also tried to figure this out together with scientists, because even something so important for the country is very personal for every belarusian. near. like patriotism, as it turns out, so is science the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around
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the clock, don’t switch. stop, taken off. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers worldwide. have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental.
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sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, you.
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welcome to our workshop, this workshop is already here. here is a school of craftsmanship, not art, art is all artificial, and we also work with children here,
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they create here with me, this is real, you know, these are two different things, i live here, well, i sometimes go to the city or where, but i ’m here now, lately my wife and i have been here we’ve been living here for 2 years in a row, but i’m here all the time every day. it’s like my life, it calms me down, now even the world’s leading psychologists recommend in our digital era to have a potter’s wheel at home, it reads information, it reads it from a person, in general the earth lets go, the earth itself is magical healing, it is alive, if only the earth was not. nothing would grow on it, this clay itself is from kreva, it is from the margon region, on its own, well, with experience, but they talked about it before, it contains copper oxide, oxide copper, he himself relieves swelling,
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tumors, relieves bruises very well, even if you hit him hard, he will offer, relieves the swelling completely, but in the roofs, there are not such hills everywhere, so that you can come to the roofs and dig everywhere, no, they are certain, a certain depth , you know, when... i’m digging, i myself look at which layer to take, by the way, you can’t even take it there, you need permission from the environmental protection department to take it, then when i bring it in, i have it for at least 5 years on the street lie.


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