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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 12:55am-2:21am MSK

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i love you, lord, how i love you, it ’s me who loves you, hush, seryozhenka, hush, and now it doesn’t matter, i... love you, hush,
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i love, sit, love, sit, love, lord, why? so late, where were you before, well, i always was. only you didn’t know about this, lord, how i love you, how i love you, kindergarten instructor, masha, the student is bleeding again, i’m coming, the german command is turning to you with a noble, humane proposal, you must come out of the dungeon and surrender. for this you are guaranteed
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life and freedom. we know that you are dying from thirst and hunger. every day less and less will be restored. we know. it’s pointless people, stop resistance, stop forays that can lead to nothing but losses, the german command gives you 2 hours to release weapons. without exception, this is
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the last warning.
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where have you disappeared to now, and they are burning in front of me, burning in front of me, the german command is turning to you with a noble and
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humane proposal, you must come out of the dungeon and surrender, for this you are guaranteed life and freedom. give me some tea, as long as you can, i'm waiting, waiting, here, water, here, now water, quiet,
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there's no water, it's not flowing anywhere, because... it's not there, don't think about it, think about what anything, just not about water, because there is none, because there is none, okay, but i’ll bring it to her now, i’ll bring it now.
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masha, masha, what are you doing? come back, masha, masha, masha, back.
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for our son, oh these black eyes, love me, i can’t forget them anywhere, but they burn in front of me, oh these black eyes, walk slowly, follow me... where, where have they gone now you, who are close to you, oh these
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black eyes, oh these black eyes, will destroy me, where have you disappeared to now, they are burning in front of me, burning in front of me, oh these black ones. oh, these black eyes, whoever loves you
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will lose happiness and peace forever, contact the german command. zu hause, was für eine kanone hat der? der
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herr möchte die badewanne für seine dame machen. wenn du die schreiche abwäschst, was meinst du? ja, fallen, voll. das beste paar aus der mondschau dieses sommers.
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demobilization order is registration the card has a direction from the city military commissar , dad, dad, can i fly with you?
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fighter, that's why no, if i had a job, captain, how is it not, i'm a transport worker or a heavy bomber, i'd take it, we don't take fighters, but i have 117 combat missions, 650 flight hours, don't make me laugh, captain, i have in the civil air fleet, co-pilots have 5.00 hours of flight time, and the crew commander has even more, so... put your flight time, you know where, i have a referral from the military registration and enlistment office, i was still there for 5 years after the war, i served there for 5 years you haven't seen russia you understand, i’m a pilot and you’re a paper soul, don’t shout, it’s easier for us to teach a tenth grader how
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to fly in a passenger car than to retrain you, but i went through something like this for the second time, that you never dreamed of? one or what? what's one? i’m the only one asking, did it pass? or was there anyone else nearby? don’t panic, captain, settle in, get settled, move on by the fall, by october we will open six-month ground control courses, what the fuck? me as a fighter pilot in ground service? entrenched here in the offices where you were in forty-three, forty-four, forty fifth, the fighters will say, they always flew
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alone, they were used to risking their skin every minute. and it seems like we can’t be weaned off of this, your risky little things are telling us, we need to keep the passengers alive and healthy and the cargo safe, we can’t take risks in civil aviation, so he says, excuse me, maybe evening school, finish tenth grade, you'll go to college next year, the hospital promised me a little raise. i’ll go to the clinic part-time this year, i’ll take on extra duty, so we’ll stretch it out it’s easy for you to talk about tenth grade, when you didn’t finish ninth, who ’s pulling your tongue, you’ll go straight to tenth, when there are no exams, you’re smart, dad, dad, you don’t need shoulder straps, give it to me,
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dad , well, give it back, give it to dad for his shoulder straps, i’m not old enough to be a captain yet, no, i ’ll give you mine, look, we’ll pin one here, like this, i don’t need these medical shoulder straps, what did you say, i’ll give it to you now for this you know what i’ll do, seryozh, what are you talking about, he’s still little, how can he know everything, wow, well, well, stop it, what, he’s fighting, bad, look at the bar, look where it is?
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that’s all they’ve produced there in 5 years, wow, i’m dying of laughter, what are you talking about, people are leaving with suitcases, they’re carrying junk accordions, and you’re righteous, but god sent your neighbors. and we brought vovka from there, nyusinka, who cares what? oh you, i respect you, well, guys, take a double bed, enough for a suitcase to sleep.
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they didn’t keel the damn thing, hold on, then it ’s not collapsible at all, so, put it, put it, put it, put it, so, seryoga, get off, mash, mash, lift the pabushe here, they put it in, great, the branch is normal, vovka, you bitches are a year old, where are you going, the seat is dirty in just shorts, but put the child’s pants on, or lay out a rag for him, but the pants didn’t work for him, ugh, well, what i told you, i want to steer, aunt nyusya won’t let me, on such a bed you can find a couple more military men, if you look hard enough, of course, but yours is no worse, why can’t
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you bear it, you can’t pull it off with just one, you two are fine, well, i would like to get married, what are you waiting for, hmm, how can serezhenka get married, i even pokhorokkina did not have one of her own; in 1942 he disappeared without a trace. you can sell such a carpet on our beam for 3,000 while seryoga doesn’t work for 3 months , and we can manage without the beam, so if you don’t find work, then come on!
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let's go, let's go, brother, the legs feed the wolf.
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where is the eldest eldest? here, quickly return the container, okay, quickly, the container, it won’t be faster.
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well, how are you new there? seryoga, or what? grab it? it's your business. and i was hired part-time as a procedural nurse at the clinic, so we live, guys,
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wow! please finish the milk, don’t mess around, but finish it, i say, foam, add butter to the potatoes, another one, if you want, i’ll cut the onion, that’s it. you are our breadwinner, you fed us, hey, neighbors, put vovka to bed, come to me, my bad guy showed up from the police, he swears he’s not married, thank you, nyu, seryozha is tired, some other time,
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okay. “oh, come on, come in, i ’ll fry some livers, i bought one of these livers from one khanegi, you’ll lick your fingers, i love cookies, i need you after so that in a minute i don’t see you, my love, it’s really bad, why do you want such loads, but were the loads less there, these loads were familiar to you, or maybe we’ll dance, but it’s time for you to go, go, well, it’s early, but be quiet, well, you’ll get married. ..
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don’t you look at what an arrogant boy he is, he’s still a boor, and i hope he won’t be in the same class as you, and don’t you dare communicate with him, okay? under a truck, and my parents and i were just driving in this truck, listen, my truck hitched something, i saw it, i didn’t see it, are you sick, cats, are you completely crazy? do you understand what you’re doing, why you did it, what’s wrong with you, cat in my soul? since
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the beginning of the world, your image has been captured, he was running around in front of me, cats, cats, you learned it, i just love him, but he doesn’t love me at all, watch the series hugging the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel, we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, do not take ones that are too light. such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef has a dark red color and odor. pleasant, with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know
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what you need. and a huge amount of energy, this is the kind of breakfast that will just help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do something cool... cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, we have our lymph flow is starting, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . masha, hello, show up, yeah, i allocated a traffic jam for the employees. thank you, ivan petrovich, maybe some tea, no, no, i don’t want tea, i need to make two trips today to the neurologist, you unload the load here, and i’ll get a paper, but we ourselves, of course, i would have played with you in a moment, seryozha, go, guys,
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look how much firewood they brought us, let’s unload, oh, wow, vovka would say,
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go a little, seryozh. look for vovka, he’s probably with the soltykovs ran away, but go, and i’m with mick now, okay,
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nyusya, come here, uh-huh, go, go, what, stand here, what? masha, look, don’t yell, they’ll hear the neighbors, then you’ll be ashamed, you’re a little ninny, you can have as many men as you like, but i only have one, and i need to protect him, so don’t blame him, okay, don’t you dare wag your tail more in front of his nose. i understand, i understand, i ’m asking you, i don’t hear you, yeah, that’s good.
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shut up, guy, you’re not at the front, i understand, sevka, not a scientist, oh guys, how wrong you are.
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vasya, the stoves are killing seryoga, my guitarist played with his hand, stood up, and i sang the sunset.
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to all men for the time being, eat,
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hurry, conductor, masha understands that i say goodbye to the girl forever, the conductor is in no hurry, the conductor understands that i say goodbye to the girl forever, so kiss me, hug me tightly.
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forgive me, but if you were killed, i’ve already been killed once, it doesn’t happen twice, everything happens in our lives, well, soon you’ll be able to fight for socialist property again, yes, if necessary, you’ll join in, come on, come on , yeah, well, what do you suggest, stay silent, fool.
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but whoever is capable of more is right, i am a military pilot, discharged to the reserve, i can’t do anything else, don’t yell and don’t make a fuss here. well, okay, if you don’t want to go to college, don’t, go to a factory, go to a driving school, you’ll be transporting people on the bus, yeah, you have to study, right, and i’ll sit at the same desk with the kids and teach homework in the evenings, yes, damn it, damn it, damn you.
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young, healthy, handsome, uh-huh, handsome, just like an oil painting, mom, mom, come here, i’m coming, okay, misha, let’s count, let’s get busy simple arithmetic, if you don’t get it, it gets to me even more than necessary, no, “if you brush it off, it means it doesn’t get it, let’s assume that from the age of 17 they were at the front, what they were taught there, shoot, bomb, blow up, dig in, hurray, for the homeland, everything is as it should be, in forty-five, if, of course, he lived to see may 9, how old is such a kid, 21-23,
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and what did he learn in the war in 4 years, all the same, shoot, bomb, dig, dig in, only better than in '41, because he won the war, keep in mind, misha, he a winner, this is a special psychology, he has orders up to his navel, he is already an officer, the devil himself is not his brother, and we are here on the civilian side of these captains, all our forces are for peaceful construction, and he has no interest in this peaceful construction, shoot they don’t know how, but they don’t do a damn thing, because we took them to valina from the school desk. and they walk through peaceful life in confusion, there’s no need to shoot, i’m busy, there’s no need to shoot, there’s no need to blow things up, there’s no one to dig in, but shout hurray at meetings, and call the president to the motherland, not everyone can do it here either, here
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special talent is required, who do you mean, don’t raise your eyebrows, you’d better think about how to help these guys, otherwise they ’re doing the devil, hanging around the flea markets, sitting in their tea pants, and they have wives, children, and all of us we fought, i, too, as you know, didn’t whistle too hard, but in the four post-war years i put the region on its feet, restored industry, raised housing construction to military levels, or what, restored industry, housing? construction, one i ask, or what? maybe there were other people next to you? sorry, ivan ivanovich, a stupid habit has appeared recently, every night i have the same dream, i taxi to the start on the gas and for
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takeoff, but the car runs, runs, runs and does not take off. i’m already revving to the limit and pushing myself to the limit, nothing takes off, the runway is already ending, but i just can’t take off, i wake up, he hasn’t been able to find a place for himself for 2 months, he’s been wandering around as a workman, and i’m looking at i want to cry for him too, he’s a pilot, he says how wonderful he was a pilot, talented, and a talented person cannot be talented in one thing, he must certainly be talented in something else, it sits only inside him,
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imagine if it were revealed, how wonderful it would be, as if for everyone it was useful, let him... be a driver, the stress is nervous, ours is no less, he is accustomed to technology, well, don’t you understand, but he can’t now sit at a desk with schoolchildren, with yesterday’s, well, that’s right, i mean, we've been in this driving school for 3 months with brats, bend over, but i can learn it myself in our yard in 2 weeks, you think, well, mom, why did you bother me here? safety precautions, what is it? now you will see, so, start, the clutch, softer, softer, softer. so start, first, carefully, carefully , don’t jerk, don’t tear, softer, softer, like a woman,
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yes, yes, what are you, like you’re riding a mare, she doesn’t ride any other way, you let go of the clutch, i i’m telling you, let go of the clutch, let go, but that’s not it, you release the clutch, i ’m telling you, what? the guy went, it's so good what's good, good, oh, yes, where are you going, what's on the laundry, i'll give you the brakes, let off the gas, calm down, where are you going, oh, i'll throw it there, well, slow down, i'm telling you, slow
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down, it's a big deal, wow, hurry up here, where did you get in, oh my god, wow, so that they come for you, yes, nyu, we'll pay you, we'll pay you, why, okay, i'll just show my eye in the park, let's go , dad, dad! i say, slow down, it’s not good,
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it’s slowing down, great tit, great, comrades men, hello, hello, who wants some seeds, come on, it’s not like that, but you work, come on, yes, tighten it up, thank you, how are you doing ? i received a signal that you’ve been driving your car for several days now, you’re only driving it into the park by nightfall, there’s an opinion that you’re shaking, right, right? i’m lying, i’m lying, i’m lying, i’m lying, don’t make a fool of yourself here, vasily kuzmich,
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dusichka, well, can i use the car for another week after my shift, i’ve started renovations in the house, then i need to bring it, but i’m a lonely woman, there’s no one to help , well, what are we talking about, she would have come to me right away. “nyus, i’d like to invite you over someday, maybe you’ll need me again, oh, someone’s coming, well then, vasily kuzmovich, yes at any time, braking distance at a speed of 60 km/h on a dry road surface is 30 m, correct, when wet, 80 m, correct. and your actions when entering a t-shaped intersection, if necessary, make
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a left turn. so, i’ll stop. i let moving traffic pass in both directions, that’s right, i lick from the cab and kiss the policeman. and the signs, some kind of nightmare, what kind of sign is this, this is an arrow, right, and this, this is dad, this is a brick, well, and this, well , this is a black brick,
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well, in general, something like this, thank you, what a great guy, put the car in the shade, you put it, water, water, water, water, panda, was it an autumn day or were all the sad people attacking.
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the world is not bright, sadness is crystal longing, sadness, when we didn’t know you, we loved everything, and for us the veil blossomed, oh those black eyes. i love them, i can’t forget them anywhere, but they burn in front of me, oh those black eyes.
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pass the payment citizens, dad, to the right, bore, leave me alone, to the right anyway, here we go, dad, you forgot that after victory square we were supposed to stop by mom’s, that’s right, yes, well, that’s it, girl, we’ll just stand there.
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dad, first, first, dad, softer, softer, vova, leave me alone, sit down, vovka, that's enough, next stop is the market, hey, where did you turn, yes, what is this, yes, what is this, oh,
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city hospital, stop required. and now citizens of the market, dad, what is a stop on demand? well, when someone really needs to stop, he demands, who demanded? and you’re impudent, you demanded it, i stopped, i ’m going to watch this movie for the third time. the first time because of the headlight, with an electrician, the second time with as a bodyworker, when seryoga was sawing into our house, remember, and now for the third time, my poor thing, why are you working so hard, you were just
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talking about sins about it, he’s terribly ancient, but he came to his senses after that incident, and it heals like a dog to me, the way they sit, where will they go, how dare you do one thing there, well, they ’re casterley for me too, bless you, that’s also true, they could have easily sewed them on, such a crowd. grishenka, why did you come in uniform, you would have put on a holster, you would have brought a machine gun, but i wouldn’t have time to change clothes after the movie, you wouldn’t department until 24 hours, excuse me, excuse me, from your very first payday we will also buy you a new civilian suit, stop, citizens, wait, wait, my, sit on the bench, and we’ll be here in a minute, come on, quickly, come get me , sit,
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take off your clothes, what? why, blueki, i’m taking off my jacket, don’t be afraid that you won’t scare me with anything like that, put on, put on, my husband’s suit, i put it on once in the forty-first year when he went to the prison with me. everything that is asked to be taken care of, in principle
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, everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is build bridges, maintain this thread of connection between two... jubilant countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then the west is now a bad thing, if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory, this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everything... we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil and the devil, just to win, so our path is long, but this is a conscious choice.
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the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. look, those brats have flown away, your eyes are on your ass or where, and why the hell is there a sword for a stab? no, look at what an arrogant boy, he’s also a boor, besides, i hope he won’t be in the same class as you, and don’t you dare communicate with him, clearly, ninth grade, we’ve got new additions, i graduated from the medical academy when i found out that you married, 2 i've been throwing up tears since i was a year old, and i saw you yesterday, and that you kicked the ball under a truck, and we were just with our parents.
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try it on, he and i seem to be the same, we were the same in figure, turn around. pashinka, pavlik,
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my god, what is this, pashinka, pashenka, forgive me, pashenka, where are you lying now? you are my only one, wasn’t i waiting for you, didn’t i remember you, pasha, nyusya, what are you, nyusya, pasha, pasha, my dear, pasha, where are you, pasha, dear, dear, you are my beloved, where? it's you,
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no, no, let it be. seresha, tell her to marry me .
2:00 am
hey captain, excuse me citizens, just a second. i wish you health, as a wife, boy, thank you, it’s good, but you’re living, well, now it seems normal, come on, i see that, well done, i’m talking about something else, i mean, what’s your address, and the cossacks are 13, let’s go, passengers are worried, i’m on my way, sorry, the schedule is strict, go, go.
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where did we turn, and now we made a stop at the city hospital, and seryoga, the city hospital. what time do you finish today? at 16:00, very good, that means i wasn’t mistaken, she said, they came to see me today with vovka, she took him somewhere to a state farm 40 km away, and will bring him back to you in the garage, yeah, good, because there’s not a single free second, she was invited, well, now i said, to krisha’s parents. that's it, yeah
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, that's it, look, or something, something like this, and i'm waiting for you at six, come, while you return the car, while you wash, i'm waiting for you, come, yeah, run, masha, what ?
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oh, you ask, why, why, we had lunch in our canteen, dad, i ate the second two, at least for a day live like this,
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that's it, let's finish dancing, for the chair, for the chair. the battery has arrived, the battery is a beast, thank you, vasil kuzmich, you really helped out, seryozha, for the table, please, for the birthday girl, now we’ll just figure out the music, if you want more, they served it sadly, don’t you like it, yes, excuse us , come on, let vasily kuzmich say... a toast, he is my biggest boss, well, a toast, well , of course, first of all, to our dear birthday girl, to our little one, to her happiness, health, etc., and of course, to everyone
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present, for the fact that now we are all together, and there is no such thing between us, boss, not boss. get there, it wasn’t always a tourist , for example, you both returned from the front, alive, healthy, quietly, or do you think we didn’t know how the officers lived, or why, excuse me, the girls received orders, they loved me ,
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i can’t forget them anywhere, but they burn in front of me, oh those black eyes. they came to defend you, the drunken bastard, but where are they now? where are they, i ask you, remember the scum, if you even open your mouth one more time, listen, get out of here, mash, and
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spit on him.
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i’m not tired, no, you, you know, sometimes it seems to me that we don’t exist at all, that someone invented us, the two of us, and we ourselves already invented vovka.
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welcome to the flying club, captain.
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well, come on, captain, start the holiday, yes,
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i heard that you died, nonsense, but it seems like you were all killed in this one? well, as you can see, not everyone, i don’t know, but it was about you
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that they said that you don’t pay attention, you never know to the trepidation, it’s strange, very strange, here you’re right, it’s really strange, sometimes i’m even surprised myself.
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the german command addresses you with a noble, humane proposal: you must come out of the dungeon and be published, for this you are guaranteed life and freedom, we know that you...
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when we didn’t know with you, run and long eyes, love me, you can’t turn back, but they are burning.
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just like you were holding the book in your hands, shaking one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin, and leaving your ears. creative works, the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva
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cooked up, hogged on old books, bytstsam enchantment. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24, pchala - geta mayo, geta ўsya may zhyz.
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but also the gifts of nature, people come here to pick berries such as blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, those who
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are not interested in picking berries and mushrooms, just relax, enjoy nature, breathe fresh air, spend time, fishermen can go fishing, for that reason.
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the first lads got into the boat, get home quickly, this is a matter of the director and regulated us, the lads will get into the boat, so for shkirmotsya keeps going, girls at a time, it took 3-4 hours to get home after school , you’ll get there several times, you’ll be hungry several times, after graduating from college... i worked at a collective farm apiary as a beekeeper, the apiary was also located on the banks of the stviga river, i’m 23 years old.


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