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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 3:20am-4:51am MSK

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these students have already become the best in the final games. now they have a new task - to become the most eroded tenth grader. countries
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very soon one of them will win this title. let's meet the tenth graders and the super finalists. alexander melnikovich, gymnasium number three named after korzh in the city of pinsk and teacher-organizer anna vasilyevna simonova. daria gubanova. secondary school number 218 in minsk named after ifrasinia of polotsk, class teacher-teacher of the belarusian language and literature svetlana fedorovna. novel manushin, gymnasium number 51 of the city of gomel, teacher of chemistry and biology vasily vladimirovich semenyuk. vasily melyukh, gymnasium number 2 of the city of soligorsk and teacher of additional education, creativity center for children of youth of the soligorsk region, lyudmila leonidovna steshits. vladimir ilyenko, gymnasium of the city
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of gantsevichi, class teacher, computer science teacher, tatyana anatolyevna gurman. alexey gavrilyuk, secondary school number 3 of the city of ivanovo, deputy director for academic affairs, oleg mikhailovich maksimovich. bogdan stepanov, gymnasium number 41 of the city minsk named after serebryany, physics teacher yulia petrovna prel. margarita mardvinova - timkovichi secondary school named after kuzma.
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i have one more person left to introduce, this is our scientific expert, ekaterina dukov, head of the department of methodological support for mathematical and natural science education at the academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. hello guys, congratulations, you are super finalists, you are winners, i wish you a bright game today, interesting questions, correct and...
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guys, good luck, show your super game and catch your wave. vasya, start the first round. we are starting the first round. let's remember his rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. the eight players with the most points advance to the second round. the first question of the first round: is it true that. the function is called monochromatic for increasing intervals or descending time! angelica, what do you think? i answered: yes, because intervals of increasing and decreasing are called intervals of monotony. accordingly, if it is either an increase or a decrease, then they can be called monochromatic. what do you think is the first wrong answer? he can knock it down, he won’t,
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the first one won’t knock it down, i think no, okay, but you said about monotony, monotony and monotony - it’s kind of the same thing, because the prefix mona means one. that's how you reasoned, well, remember your thought, gleb, how did you reason? well, i was also confused, yes, the logic was similar, well, it just seems to me that most likely this is correct, it seems, too, yes, here they are, they are all logicians, they decided that if mono and one are the same thing, then monotony and monotony are also the same thing, who can remember the exact formulation, bogdan, well, a function is called monotonic on some interval if it... increases all the time or decreases all the time, and accordingly, well, monotonously is the wrong option, because definitions they mean that they are different and you pressed the no button, but bogdan did his best and answered the first question correctly, at these intervals the function is called monotonic,
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the correct answer to our question is option no, attention, the second question, it’s true that paetychny collection dudka belaruskaya, which was released in 1891...
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looking at the screen, here is the belarusian pipe matey borochka, the correct answer to our question, option no. third question: is it true that the autonomic nervous system has two divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic. time! sasha, what do you think? i honestly don't know. because i don’t know biology well, so my nervous system is on edge, and i’m not sure, and how did you answer? i replied that yes, well done, intuition is also not the last thing, yes, especially in the first round, it’s better to have a positive answer than a negative one, vladimir, this is absolutely true, in
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the nervous system the autonomic ones secrete sympathetic parasympathetic departments, the parasympathetic is aimed at inhibiting processes , sympathetic to their acceleration. understand well, maybe you can tell us what the autonomic nervous system is? the autonomic nervous system is a system that is not subject to the consciousness of the central nervous system, what does this system do, what does this system control, what controls the work of the skeletal muscles of the internal organs, well , that’s it, the question is answered with an asterisk, the question is answered without an asterisk, cannot be taken away, cannot be added , the correct answer to our question, option, yes, the fourth question, is it true that the body with respect to which...
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there are no such and a good choice, what can i tell you, it is called the body of reference, such the body is conventionally accepted as motionless, that is, this is our zero point of coordinates and all other calculations have already started from it, the correct answer to our question is option no. fifth question: is it true that the landscapes of belarus belong to the class of plains? time. roman, how do you think your geography is? well, i believe that this is true, because the territory of our country is predominantly flat, there are no special elevations and no lowlands. well done, raman, great, we reason, everything is correct. well,
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roman, they say belarus has a lot of swamps, there are many lakes, does this have any effect? don't think. maybe someone knows where the belarusians are? 0.5, to be precise, but in general your train of thought is clear, why do we need hydrochloric acid,
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what does it do there, it’s an acid, it’s dangerous, no, it dissolves most salts, metals, and also helps digest fats, creates an acidic environment for the breakdown of proteins, pepsin works in an acidic environment, well, it also helps us fight bacteria that can enter our body with food, the correct answer to our question is option: no. seventh question: correct is it possible that this painting depicts jagan sebastian bach? time! margarita, what do you think? well, i chose the answer: no, it seems to me that if not bang, then who? i can’t say, i can’t say, it’s definitely not bang, well, it’s definitely not bang, no,
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johann sebastian bach looks like this: here he is, johann sebastian bach, the correct answer to our question, option no. eighth question: is it true that the original title of the novel is the hero of our time, grigory pechorin. time! well, the hero of our time is from... well, i think that
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the work was called differently, i can’t guess, if you don’t remember, no, why differently, why not a hero of our time, in my opinion it sounds, well, in my opinion the work was called differently, at the beginning of the idea itself. alexey, what was your answer? alexey doesn’t know either, i remember that the hero of our time is not the first. he did not copy pushkin and onegin to such an extent, it was pushkin who called onegin onegin,
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but not here. lermantov was originally entitled by one of the heroes of our century, only then the work received its true name, a name that has survived to this day. the correct answer to our question is option no. the ninth question, pay attention to the screen: is it true that the memory of the parts of the folded story is double-cropped? time?
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explanation as a conclusion from the first part, then a colon is placed, as you absolutely correctly noted, there is a contrast here, therefore , a ter is placed between the two parts of this complex sentence, the correct answer to our question is option no. tenth question: is it true that complex sentences consist of only two parts? time. angelica, what?
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you say? my answer is no, because complex sentences can consist of more than two parts, because without this there would not be a mixed, mixed connection between sentences, for example, non-union and subordinate, and so on, that is, you mean, that two is the minimum, that’s right, that is, not only two, but two is like the beginning, then there can be more more more. well, the correct answer to our question is no. eleventh question: is it true that the committee for saving the revolution, created in minsk in 1917, supported bolsheviks. time! alexandra, what do you think? i don’t remember this part
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of history very well, but it seems to me that yes, because... i believe that the committee for saving the revolution did not support the bolsheviks, so who? as far as i know, he supported the petrosoviet number one, so no matter how the bolsheviks were not in the petrosoviet, yeah, that stood, everyone except the bolsheviks, except the bolsheviks, yeah, and you answered, no, no, answered
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correctly, yes, well and we will deal with the details after our program. same not entirely his, this committee was created with the aim of preserving the power of the provisional government, not the bolsheviks, the correct answer to our question is no option. twelfth final question of the first round: is it true that the last name of peter i is romanov? time! romanov or not romanov, that is the question, alexey, questions that i know do not elicit an answer, but here, i answered option no, but now i already doubt it, okay, if not romanov, then who? the rurikovichs, and maybe the gadunovs, the gadunovs, the gadunov family came
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once they asked the kryurikovichs to visit them, will the romanovs come in or not, won’t they come in? no, no relatives either, after that they elected mikhail romanov to the throne, and i don’t remember, well, in general, after him there was already the romanov dynasty, it lasted until the overthrow of the imperial power in russia, this all happened in the 17th century , and peter i already ruled in the 16th century, which means it is quite possible that he was a romanov.
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the romanov dynasty dates back to tsar mikhail fedorovich, as i understand it, you just a... said the one elected to the russian throne 3 march 1613, the very beginning of the 16th century. the correct answer to our question is yes. let's compare this first round, the first round of the super final game, with the first round of the qualifying game. which of these tours did you find the most difficult? yaroslav, how did you play? i want to say that this round was also quite difficult and i had to think a little very carefully, but i hope that... i will make it to the second round. vasily, how did you play? plus or minus, just like last time, the excitement is a little less than in the first game, or not? also the same, the same, well, ok, angelica, is that you? see yourself in the second round, we will see you again, i honestly don’t know, because this time i answered fewer questions than last time, what is the reason for this, maybe logic failed this time,
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logic, well, i somehow i tried to build a logical chain if i didn’t know the exact answer, so now somehow everything was a little worse, thank you for being guided by logic and not intuition, well, then we won’t guess, put forward some... here it is the eight players we will meet in the second round of the super final intellectual show, i know, at the bottom of the list,
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well, you are familiar with this mechanics, alas and ah, but the players to whom we will say goodbye here now, guys, thanks for the game, all the best, the previous one... the game went well, i took first place, now to see myself in last place, well, of course it’s funny, i just stood there on this tour and let everyone down, i actually feel funny at myself, there were such easy questions about peter i, about the revolution, about monotony, but i didn’t answer, i could have easily go to the second one when i saw, actually myself, painted orange, i most likely already understood that due to confusion and inattention i... was already at the bottom of the questions that were piled up right on the spot, well enough, i was simply confused, my logic let me down, and even to those questions , to which i knew the answer, i was confused in my own
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reasoning, somewhere there was not enough luck, somewhere in the speed of reaction, in principle i am satisfied with the result, we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands. estimate their weight, do not take too light ones, in such fruits either there are no kernels at all, or they are dried out, the minced beef is dark red in color, the smell is pleasant, with a slight milky aroma, a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood, today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but it seems to me , sometimes you can pamper yourself, let’s get started, if you have a difficult day ahead of you, and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise our hands up
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we raise our legs and do this cool cockroach exercise, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel. what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront . china and belarus will work together as peace-loving states and peoples striving for common security. let’s start everyone with ourselves, so i want to reach hearts so that it becomes better, everyone should become better here in belarus. belarus. and china, without hesitation, came to the point of view that the day
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of national unity was established in belarus, there is strength in unity. the belarusian path of development, it is real, humane, there is a future ahead of us, a project, say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . we are starting the second round, let’s remember its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer brings the participant two points, four players who scored the most. a thyroid gland, b pituitary gland, c -
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adrenal glands. time! gleb, what do you think? well, i answered b, but to be honest, i’m also not particularly sure of my answer, because well , what they produce, in my opinion, is adrenaline, and to be honest, i don’t know what to produce, but where is the thyroid gland anyway? , the thyroid gland is located here. the pituitary gland is located here, well, in the brain, on the renal glands above the kidneys, accordingly, well, it’s logical, so you answered option b, but please record it, yaroslav, what do you think? well, i believe that cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands, and what kind of cortisol in general, what is it, i honestly can’t say right now, i can’t remember, daria, cortisol is a stress hormone, they produce it, and i answered that the pituitary gland too pituitary gland, i was mistaken, what a pity,
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yes, yes, yes, pituitary gland, that is. inertial, b, non-inertial, c - in both. time. vladimir, what do you say? i chose answer a because, as far as i remember, uh, all of newton's laws are very much tied to the inertial frame of reference. at the time
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when they opened. it was always believed the earth is an inertial system, what then is the difference between non-inertial and inertial, well, what’s going on there that a whole new system has been allocated for this? i can’t say for sure, okay, maybe someone can answer this question, sasha, what do you say, physics is also difficult for me, but i don’t know how you answered, i would answer not non-inertial, not inertial, well , i will try very simply: an inertial system is a reference system where the law of inertia is valid, in which all free bodies move in a linear motion, evenly or rest in peace. not an inertial system, a system moving with acceleration relative to an inertial system. the correct answer to our question is option a - inertial system. third question: in the photo is the palace complex of the sopek family, which one? region
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of belarus it is located: a grodno region, b- brest region, c- mogilev region. time. roman, i proceeded purely from logic, that topega, well, to me it sounds like some kind of polish surname, in fact, i chose the region, which... from poland is grodno grodno well, it borders on breska and also borders on the grodno region , yeah, but what is this complex even called, well, except as a complex of the sopek family, it has a name, gleb, i wanted the bresse region, it seems to me that this is a kosovo castle, but what am i - i doubt it a little, well , it seems to me that perhaps it will really be bresskaya, or maybe grodninskaya, well, they were definitely in the west of belarus, i answered,
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that bresskaya, bresskaya, you are from the brest region, i remember everything correctly, the more offensive it will be for you to find out that the correct answer to our question is option b: brest region, and the ruzhansky castle is located in ruzhany, well, as is clear from the name of the castle. fourth question: if social networks offer to watch your video to a large number of users, then you, option a, got into trends, option
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b - you got into the rivers, option. we're on topic. time. sasha, what do you think, let’s reason with you, well, i chose option b, you got into the rivers, rivers are recommendations, that is, you are recommended to someone, that’s why you ended up in the rivers, well, trends, what didn’t please you trends, fashion, trends, well , these are trends, you can just follow them, but get straight, sasha, you follow the trend, i don’t really, i don’t follow them, you end up in rivers, no, i don’t even try. margarita, how did you answer? i also answered option b, too, they know, you see, they are everything, for children the topic is distant for us teachers, for them it turned out to be very familiar, we need to think here, even not in
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this situation much often we learn from children, we got in the rivers, recommendations, that is, your videos are promoted. who's on that platform, where it is uploaded, some little people take it, pick it up and take your video, where in the recommendations, yes, yeah, and your videos end up in the recommendations, i don’t film, why, i don’t know, clearly, alexandra, as i understand it, you regular recommendation, no, no, i don’t run social networks either, but i can explain the difference between trends and recommendations, please, trends are something that is popular and that they are trying to do. number of people, just to get into the recommendations and for their content to be viewed by a large number of viewers, so that these are very close concepts, but depend on each other, that is, we can say that trends are the cause, and recommendations are already
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the consequences, compliance, and even the desire to comply with these trends, that is , some fashion trends, to do what is currently on agenda, in other words, the correct answer to our question, option b. get into the rivers, get into recommendations, where the platform itself will recommend your video to its other users and visitors. fifth question: yellow-green gas with a pungent odor is 2 and a half times heavier oxygen, the molecule consists of two atoms. what simple substance are we talking about? a - argon, b - ozone, c - chlorine. time. yaroslav, let's talk. well, since argon is an inert gas, it means that only one atom will predominate there. azone consists of three atoms, chlorine, respectively, consists of
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two atoms. how could chlorine be used? may be? unfortunately, it was used in the first world war for poisoning. civilian soldiers . that is, as a weapon. yes. alas. under normal conditions, chlorine. yellow-green gas with pungent odor, it is poisonous. during the first world war, as you rightly put it, yaroslav, unfortunately, chlorine was used as a chemical warfare agent. the correct answer to our question is option c. fleet. six question. what is the name of the cycle of piano pieces by the german composer robert schumann? a carnival, b - masquerade, c - ball. time. alexandra, i’m going to be very embarrassed now, because i went to music school, but
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i don’t remember the answers to this question. well, you went to a music school there, more than i'm sure it was somewhere, but a long time ago. i really hope that alexandra responded to the carnival; i would be happy to attend it with her, in venice, yeah, yes. yes , maybe you already knew then that you would get to the super final of the intellectual show, i know, and there were more important things to do, oh, i don’t even know how to say it, it’s just that when i graduated from music school, it was worse than the history exam, as you answered, and yet, i answered mascarat, mascarat, yes, i didn’t get it, i didn’t get it, sasha, i chose the carnival, i was just choosing between masquerade and carnival, and somehow carnival, carnival became closer to me. the cycle of piano pieces by the german composer robert schumann is a cycle that consists of short pieces depicting participants in a carnival, a festive event on the eve of lent. the correct answer is option a. carnival.
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seventh question: the comedy dog nasenye was created by this famous playwright: a) maliere, b. lope devega, c william shakespeare. time. have you read orgarit, maybe watched it, i don’t know. something familiar, but i chose more logical, if famous, and of the only ones known to me here , william shakespeare, i chose him, oh, unfortunately, she was mistaken, it’s such a pity, like here we are just now, i heard shakespeare from them, so i’m taking it, it’s a shame, they seem like everyone is very famous, it’s known to me, it’s known to you, okay, let’s say, gleb, i answered. but i don’t think that shakespeare, because perhaps i would then
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have heard that shakespeare took it, because you write shakespeare, well, i’m just saying that some of his stuff was written by juliet, hamlet, king lear , tella all others, that is with him, i have more to do with him, it’s more historical, as if things are in his plays, and the dog nasenye is about animals, well, like something everyday, i don’t know, either read it, or need to watch it, watch a movie, watch a movie most gorgeous, i understood that he would argue like this, so it was immediately clear to me that gleb would choose maliere, he chose the bastard, and what did they choose, i chose maliere, as if it sounds, so, we have shakespeare, we have maliere, is there anyone who chose lopada vega, sasha, did you choose, yes, than were guided, i don’t know, but i removed shakespeare because it seemed to me that shakespeare writes more dramatic works. or something like that, but the comedy
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i thought was someone else, i thought between molière and devega, this is one of the most famous works of the spanish playwright lope devega, the correct answer to our question is lope devega's version, question eight: internal angle of a regular polygon is 160°, what kind of polygon is this... so deep in your subcortex that when you heard 160°, you immediately realized, well, yes,
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octagon, this is an octagon, the correct answer to our question is option b. ninth question: which conjunction is adversative? a or whether, b - too, c - however, time. vladimir, let 's go over, maybe all the unions, all the unions, i can't go over, i can't, so the regime is good, i understand, let's go over only the one we need, so, the adversarial unions, from the name you can understand that they contrast one part of a complex sentence with another, yeah, according to the meaning , only option c is suitable here, however, it he was very smart, but he still took out a loan, a great example, yes, that’s right, well
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, either, or, this is a dividing union, although in general, as for me, the word separating contradicts the word union, but oh well, dividing a conjunction, also a connecting conjunction, however, an adversative conjunction, the correct answer to our question is option c. tenth, final question of the second round: which of the following is characteristic of the policy of war communism? option a equalization principle of remuneration, option b) permission freedom of trade, option of reducing the tax in kind, time. alexander, it seems to me that you have the answer to this question. i chose the introduction of the log, i definitely won’t remember everything. characteristics of war communism, but i’m
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90% sure that the in-kind tax was there, and even after this policy was canceled , the nep was introduced, the new economic policy, the in-kind tax was also canceled, this is what i remember, did they remember, we’ll figure it out a little later, novel, you’re scaring me, the option is the equalizing principle of payment, because communism sought, well, not to separate people into rich, poor, make a single class, how to get rid of money in general later, so that people would be conscious and work for themselves, and option a, option a gleb, don’t be shy about ts., so what? about the tax, ah-ah-ah, also about the tax, you see, well, i was sure, yes, here it is, that free trade will be, it’s not at all, it’s not communism at all, well, i have uh, and what is trade, well, yes, this is capitalism, and this is because i, well, that is a food tax, and during
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military operations, i think that just for food they went for military appropriation, but it could have been a tax, well, that’s how it seems to me, then let’s... make it clear so that once and for all everything becomes clear. allowing free trade, introducing a food tax, all this is characteristic of nepa, the new economic policy. but the equalizing principle of wages is precisely war communism. the correct answer to our question is option a. the second round of the super final of the intellectual show has passed. i know. how do you like this second round, how it played. sasha, how do you like it? it didn't play well because the start was unsuccessful in a row. not three wrong answers, what went wrong? i don’t know, the topics are not mine. do you see yourself in the third round? i doubt. margarita, will we meet you? i doubt it too, i doubt it very much. yaroslav, did the second round end as well for you as the first? i hope it
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ends well. i still want to get into the third round. alexandra? i won’t even build theories, i was somehow confused, or something, even in... in the second round, well, in general, some i’m already in such a state of melancholic upset, but at the same time, well, i don’t expect anything, that is, in general, you don’t care anymore, and gleb, it doesn’t matter to you, probably, because somewhere i probably scored 20 or 22, approximately according to my calculations, i don’t think it’s possible to advance to the third sur this way, it seems to me that attention to the screen, yaroslav 24, alexandra, vladimir, gleb, that was enough for him. here are the four participants in the third round and the four players who, alas, we will have to say goodbye to, guys, thank you very much for the game, my congratulations on the super final, but goodbye for today, i understand that if
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it weren’t for a limited time, if i... for lessons at school, i would answer them, because in general, well, something like that close, familiar, excitement just played a role, i’m a little tired, but overall i ’m happy with myself, because this is a super final, i’ve already come quite far, i like to think about it and i’m not upset, of course i was aiming for more, but it worked out how did it turn out, i am very grateful that such things exist interesting projects that give me the opportunity to show myself from this side, to the whole country, so i’m glad that i got here and made it to the super final. i ’m quite pleased with my result, as if i had initially set myself the goal of at least getting into the second round, because this is already a super final, that is, i already won super in the first round, my little dream has come true, and i’m not upset, because there’s a lot ahead of me the final stage of the republican olympiad is still awaiting, at which i also hope to take a prize. to be honest, i expected
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myself, perhaps even more, but i’m not upset in any way, because i understood that this was still a super final. that the questions here will be more difficult, obviously, i’m glad in principle that i was here, and i want to wish good luck to those who are now in the studio, i suggest we take a musical break, we have on stage the super finalist of the show x factor belarus, nastya kravchenko. outside the window, the weather is just like that, even lazy cats are walking on the roofs, there are clouds in the sky, like sugar vadas in the yard, guys are gathering, i’m too lazy to get out of bed, i forgot even i don’t
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believe what day of the week it is, alyoshka is a hooligan, because i ’m not at home, mom, it’s glowing. time is out the window, let me sleep a little more, maybe i’ll dream again that i fell in love with a prince, girls, princesses are waiting for their princesses, as long as he doesn’t make a mistake under my window, lyoshka is waiting for me, red-haired caulk doesn’t look like a prince, ah alyoshka, and you still don’t give up, well, my mom, dad don’t... tell you to go for a walk, i’m in a dress with polka dots, you trip me up, but you can’t win my heart like that, no you give me passage in any weather, you wait for me. i've been under the sleeping bag all day, and i won't go out, although it seems like i like you too,
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the sun is shining, i'm in the mood, let me sleep a little more, maybe i'll dream again that i fell in love with a prince, girl, princess, you're waiting for your princesses, as long as you don't make a mistake under my... the cats are waiting for me, leshka, the redhead of napata doesn't look like a prince, the sun is telling me that i should get some sleep, maybe it will cross me again for what? that i fell in love with a prince, girls, princesses are waiting for their princesses, no matter how mistaken, under
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my window, leshka is waiting for me, the red-haired kanapata does not look like a prince, they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from syria. i came here to study, i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, i had no one left there, everyone went elsewhere, everyone found something for themselves here, these masks took part in several shows, which we first organized here in our village, then i also organized the opening of such a creative space in the city of lidi, there i also had a fashion show massor. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i love the series
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subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything. what is beautiful nature here? i feel exactly at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children to feel here too, just like home and home to remain here. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. belarusian doilitstva, which is important for you to jump and master. kalons, geta not columns, such pelasters, yana ўіplі ў scenes, but і protruding dastatkova actina, the eyes of the getag abavyazkova zachepіtstsa. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. paselishcha is what it became.
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put aside the questions and answers and chat a little. vladimir, please remind us for our tv viewers what the result of the qualifying game was for you? i left
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the third round with a score of 26 points. how did you feel when you left home after the qualifying game? of course, there was resentment for myself third round, i didn’t answer almost a single question, so i was very upset, but then... this is a pretty good result, especially for a person who came to this program for the first time, so soon i was very happy, the speed let me down, or maybe it was knowledge, after all, probably knowledge, there wasn’t enough knowledge, because there were a lot of questions: sports, art and music, but vladimir still had chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, and somewhere computer science. vladimir, you did some work on the mistakes, improved your art, we improved the architecture, prepared for the super final, yes. i think that i have prepared quite a lot, that is, vladimir, if in the middle of the night they wake you up like this, shake you and show you the castle, you
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will answer with 100% accuracy which one, of course not with accuracy, but most likely... most likely i will answer, but about the ruzhany castle, you were not mistaken, remind me, i was mistaken, but, but i read, yes, of course, how this preparation went on independently, the whole school helped, he still prepared on his own, no one else exempted him from classes, but some schools are exempt, but ours, unfortunately, are not, but i hope, i really hope that his self-training will be enough to overcome this hated third stage, the hated one. but still very interesting, yes, at the same time, of course, what is the maximum plan for today’s super final, what do you expect from it, of course, victory, first place, of course, you are ready to make absolutely every effort for this, yes, alexey, who was the leader in your last game, he was eliminated today after the first round, do you think this fact will cheer you up a little vladimir, maybe he came to take a rematch, now he will have new
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strength, new breath, i... think that he is more upset that alexey dropped out in the first round, but he came for revenge, that’s probably , still in front of him, yeah, so i think that everything should work out for him, we believe in vladimir, we wish him good luck in this not simple, treacherous, but interesting third round. now let's talk to sasha. what was the result of the qualifying game for you? the game ended with a score of 29 points, and i left after the third round.
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joy for the child, and for her success, because this is a lot of work, well, all the adults who listened to the questions, because we can’t answer, perhaps, everything, yes, of course, of course, and children, they are smarter and better than us, how was the broadcast, which was already on television, i watched the part with my parents at home, then i watched the training, in the evening i watched with the rest of the family, sasha, well, how are you on the other side of
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the screen, i am happy what can i... to school, but nothing has changed, like they assessed your game, and they said that i was great, that’s it, that’s it, yes, some niceties, the day off is tuesday, no, why did the school react so modestly, or did she act modestly herself, sasha, you know, she reacted modestly, i’ll come and ask this question, did you see any of your competitors here from the last qualifying game, yes, of course, they are still here and who is this, leo, is this your main
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competitor, well, are all the competitors here? here, as they say, the spoons were found, but the sediment remained, this is a competitor from the very qualifying tour and what do you see as gleb’s strengths, in speed, in a large amount of knowledge, in what do you see your strengths, i don’t know, in knowledge of languages. sash, i really hope that not only languages ​​are your strong point, i really hope that you also worked on confidence, we will see the fruits of this work in the third round. good luck to you. gleb, what was the result of the qualifying game for you? well, that time i won with a score of 45, quite good, let’s say he was pleased with himself, he was pleased with himself on the one hand, but on the other hand gleb clearly understood this the thing is that out of the five questions that he chose in the fourth round, he answered only two, and we, yes, we had a dialogue on the topic of the fact that
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gleb, you understand that in the super final of this... even faster pressing the button, it still won’t work, as it presses, it presses so much that it has grown, it has grown, which means that, firstly, secondly, i’m listening to my colleagues now and i understand that i am very grateful to the teachers of the gymnasium, because all the conditions were created for gleb to prepare for the super final, and what conditions, what conditions, in fact, for the last week he was released, thirdly, the teachers reacted positively to the fact that, well, let’s say, he would need.
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with the one on tv? well, there’s no tv, because i just decided to go to the park, i decided to fight the weirdo, because i knew that masya would watch tv, they went to grandma’s, in the end i waited until they left so that i could be with you sleep peacefully at home alone. does it have something to do with the fact that you just didn’t want to see yourself on the other side of the screen? well, among my family, most likely yes, i just watched it myself, then on youtube separately some fragments of what i wanted there already alone in the city, and how do you feel? it’s normal, he’s euphoric now that he has these twenty-two points, but how...
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in the qualifying game i took first place, the result was 48 points. are you satisfied with yourself? yes, could you do better? i think so. do you remember your mood, what mood you were in when you returned home? of course, i was very tired, but i was in a cheerful mood. yaroslav is always critical of himself and his knowledge, but that evening he was pleased, we were driving, discussing, remembering questions, remembered the answers. have you watched the program with your participation? already on tv, yes, and like you, of course, i will still work on myself, and what exactly gave birth to this idea, that you need to work on yourself, you need to watch your speed, you also need, of course, to gain
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new knowledge, in the super final for the guys with first places, it’s probably more difficult, because they want to hold the bar, in what mood yaroslav went to the super final, to win, just to win, just to win, it’s clear that he is worried, but he is composed. he's ready to fight further, i believe in him, that at school they said what this monday was like after the program aired, they were happy, of course, at school, the schoolchildren also supported, the teachers praised, at yaroslav’s request we did not talk about our success, we were on the day broadcast, they wrote in the chat that anyone who wanted could watch the program, i know, they kept the intrigue, yes, in the end we received such a flurry of emotions, our teacher said that she cried when she watched. transmission, why? with delight, with delight? all week children came to my geography lessons so prepared, so i popularized geography, that is, he became a positive example for others, definitely, our guys
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are an example, for others to become a little better, we wish them good luck in the third round, let them get their act together, let them use their tactics and of course same knowledge and erudition. vasya, let's start, the third round. we 're back in the game. let's start the third round, let's remember its rules. in the third round , the presenter asks 10 questions, the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer, a correct answer earns him three points; in case of an error, the right to answer passes to other participants. the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. the first question of the third round: name the author and the work, the ending of which was illustrated in this way by the soviet artist sava grigorievich brod. yaroslav, this is gogol's work, the overcoat, absolutely correct answer, gogol's overcoat, bravo, surprised eyes, well done, yes, well done, because we thought about it, second question, name the type
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of bone connection, yaroslav, cross, alas, no, not cross, klep, let it be parallel, no, and not parallel, alexandra, well, since the bars. will be consistent, no, this is not him. vladimir, there are two options: either you have an answer, or you don’t have an answer. semi-movable joint of bones. semi-mobile, yes. why didn’t you press the button earlier, i wondered, but then i pulled myself together and, as i remembered, it was semi-movable, bravo, the correct answer. the third question, and this is a video question, attention, this monument to the legendary football player, the best goalkeeper in history, lev yashin, is located in moscow, next to the club's home stadium, yaroslav, well , i think it's dynamo moscow, football.
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106, yes, alas, no, sasha, 124, 124, no, you see how important it is not to rush here, there is a very fine line between speed and the correct answer, because, it seems to me, vladimir is now in a more advantageous position, vladimir, again, two options, there is an answer, there is no answer, now there is no answer, there is no answer, with the same question we turn to the teachers’ room, i’m sure they have already managed to do the math there, maybe even make some tea, do we have the correct answer, have we managed do you think that there was silence, everyone was counting
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and had time to count? 165, 165, i don’t know if they used a formula or just took it and counted, but this is the correct answer: 165. fifth question, and this is an audio question: name the composer, the author of this romance, attention, evening sound. evening ringing, how many, boom, boom, he calls, vladimir, i believe that the author is lermontov, yes, the composer, composer, composer, the great, famous russian
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composer lermontov, they were in a hurry, vladimir, no, yaroslav, there was takujava, no, sasha, let it be tchaikovsky, this is not tchaikovsky, klep, fryderyk chapen, no, this is not him, maybe they will help us in the staff room, but lyudmila dmitrievna has a version, this is alyabyev, this is alyabyev, this is the correct answer to our question alex.
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what would remain would be what was left. gleb, bravo, points to you. seventh question. here is one of the oldest models of a defunct device. what is it called? klep? perpetual motion machine. perpetual motion machine. yes, that's him. it's a pity, it would be great. if only such a thing were possible in reality. eighth the question is a question from the chest. we have a small flour confectionery product in our chest. its name is translated from french as “
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crescent moon”, it’s no coincidence, the product has exactly that, vladimir, of course, a croissant, don’t be afraid that you were in a hurry, not at all, well, let’s check, oh, yes, this is the best thing about not eating a croissant , the ninth question with the letter: dimir is great, yes, happy, what, he is already, he is already, he is already super, transparent and ghostly, of course, great, vladimir, bravo, points go to you, tenth final question, which irish writer and poet was depicted in this painting
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by henri toulouse track, yaroslav, charles dickins, no, dickins was not a poet, uh-huh, vladimir, perhaps edgar allan poe. no, bread, maybe it’s byron, he seems to be british, but maybe i lived in ireland for some time, and then, no, it’s not him, sasha, no answer, yeah, we’ll ask the same question in the teachers’ room, maybe , you found out, there is an option, please, you said, don't be shy, you said, oscar white, oscar white, that's the answer to our question, well well, with the result. at 32 points, the fourth round is over, vladimir, like this, after waiting a few questions and answering the last, you have secured your place in the fourth round, the second golden ticket is drawn by the player
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who scored 30 points, and this is yaroslav, yaroslav, congratulations. yaroslav and vladimir, we will meet with you in the fourth round of the intellectual show, i know, sasha, gleb, alas, but this is the end of your struggle, thanks for the game, guys, i congratulate you, the super final has passed, well, let's begin what kind of glebes , emotions, here...
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somehow enough is enough already rastislav markovich was worried, share your emotions, because you were worried, i saw that you were worried, everything is fine, gleb is handsome, he is his third place, karens is third, fourth, here too, that’s not why you should be upset, that is that’s all, let’s say, they are the smartest tenth graders in the country, okay, but nevertheless you say this with such a downcast look, i won’t tell you now, i didn’t want him to win, of course i did, of course we wanted victory, it's true, but let's just say third place is worthy, it’s good, it will be quite pleasant for him, his parents, the gymnasium, and even in the fourth round there were
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guys who were able to guess, were able to find it, that is, you know, as if it were an accident, if it it was there somewhere, it’s a shame they lost the button, there are no accidents in the third round. accidents happen anywhere, but the question is that gleb didn’t answer something that he really didn’t have time to remember, didn’t have time, well, he could have, yes, but he could have, and so everything is fine, everything great, i’m glad that you are happy, this is the most important thing, so i congratulate you on a good result, this is a super final, sasha, tell me what went wrong for you in the third round, because somehow, yes, we haven’t heard we you, i most likely just didn’t have time, because there were questions to which i knew the answer. what are these, for example, well, for example, the same croissant, perpetual motion machine, yeah, you were upset, you wanted to be first in the super final, or you are satisfied with your result, just like gleb, but i’m not the same to be upset, i didn’t expect such a result from myself, of course, i want to win,
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but you need to understand your strengths, but nevertheless , gleb, the winner of the last game, is now sitting here with you, so we can say that the result is good, really, lyudmila dmitrievna , that's of course. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, you are a historian, yes, i have one technical education, the other is a historical education. but they decided not to teach, to immediately make a museum, so that whole classes could learn the secrets of good
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mood, i don’t know if it’s necessary to put on a second killer whale for beauty, let’s be afraid, you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, girls, boys, he told me about roman patricians, and i told him how to sew beautifully, and you just like a needle, so god, this is just a work of art, and there are also many interesting educational stories, hello for the day, thank god.
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in those days, girls from wealthy families wore such coins as jewelry, but it’s easy to become part of a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture. initially, volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river and it was on this river that the city was located. subsequently named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka, vyya”, which is literally.
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we are starting the fourth decisive round. let's remember his rules. in the fourth round , participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly , receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game. the correct option earns him 2 points. vladimir, you have 32. you choose the first category, i choose biology. what is the relationship between
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the amount of food consumed and the body’s energy expenditure in accordance with the principles of healthy nutrition called? no answer. alas, yaroslav, there is an opportunity to earn two points. energy balance. this is energy balance. bravo. yaroslav, you have the move, choose a category, geography, what is the name of the process of population reduction in the country due to narrowed reproduction of natural or migration decline, negative population dynamics population, so demographic aging, alas, no, vladimir, natural decline, no, if. geography in the teacher's room there is in the teacher's room a geography teacher please
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depopulation depopulation one thing may not be very simple and yet a word that very succinctly characterizes all this. vladimir, chemistry. what two elements are included in the composition of such a mineral as cinnamon? sulfur and mercury? sulfur and mercury are them. bravo, yaroslav, choose. history of belarus. near which urban village in the molodechensk region did nikolai gostello perform his legendary feat? radoshkovich. this is them, yes, the radashkoviches. good pace, vladimir, keep it up. russian language. what type of subordination is in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses? described by such a scheme vladimir no answer yaroslav
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parallel you have no subordinate clauses refer to the main thing common to them. sentence or to one word in the main part and are the same in meaning: homogeneous subordination, that’s what i would like to hear: homogeneous subordination. yaroslav, russian literature, you will wake me up at dawn carry out without... confusing you will go out, you will never forget me, you will never see me, this romance from the rock opera by alexei
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rybnikov, juno and ovoz has become one of the most frequently sung musical fragments of the work. his words are the poem saga, who is its author? william shakespeare, let's say, is an interesting answer. no, it is not him. vladimir, perhaps lermontov. no, this same question is being sent to the staff room, please help us. i think we can help. yes, it seems that this is voznesensky, this is andrei voznesensky, this is the correct answer to our question. vladimir, architecture. which french architect formulated the five starting points of modern architecture? raised on building pillars, flat roof garden, open interior layout,
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ribbon window, non-load-bearing façade wall. there is no answer, yaroslav, join the game, androm mazhinov, no, lec corbusier or charles edouard, gris, uh-huh, yaroslav, belarusian literature, which is the name of the first yanka kupala poems written in belarusian language?
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diagonally. elephant or officer? let's stop the elephant. this is the correct answer. yes. yaroslav. this is your last try. mathematics. fill in the missing word. if a rational expression does not contain division by an expression with variables, then it is called a skip rational expression. logical rational expression, logical rational expression, alas, vladimir, simple rational expression, no, well, if a rational expression does not contain division into an expression with variables, then it is called an entire rational expression, here is the correct answer to our question, all 10
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categories fourth final round played out what is left for us. to find out who is the absolute champion among tenth graders, look at the screen. vladimir, we congratulate vladimir first, and yaroslav too, don’t be upset, 40-36, this is the result with which our game today ends in favor of vladimir. yaroslav, you did everything you could, it was a pleasure playing with you, thank you very much, all the best. yaroslav, i ’m glad to see you in the teacher’s room, because i really wanted to talk to you, well, tell me, in the first round, let’s analyze, you were the leader, yeah, 12 questions, answered everything, in the second round
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the leader, what went wrong, third, fourth, as if you know, you lost interest, wilted, what, what... happened, i think that in the third round there was not enough speed, speed still, it wasn’t enough, yes, in the fourth, what was missing, the questions were difficult with the fourth, apparently panic still prevailed, there was panic. hesitated, yaroslav, the winner, of course, today they are all on the court the best of the best, winners, and for us, for everyone, but
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you and i have an open gestalt, this table tennis, you and i will definitely meet and definitely play, okay, i’m glad to see your smile, congratulations, again, good luck, see you later, thank you, and i ’m going to the main court to congratulate the winner of the super final, vladimir. the super game is over, it's time to congratulate the awards. the winner of our project and his teacher are thanked by the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. this wonderful bouquet is for you. thank you very much. behind. four rounds of the super final game, i know the winner’s name has already been included in history of our program. and in the next broadcast of the intellectual show we will find out the name of
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the remaining winner of the super finals. this will be one of the eleventh grade students. see you later, bye! is it true that prenuclear organisms are otherwise called eokaryotes? sophia, let's talk! i'm very embarrassed!
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given to the good land, with all our words we are wading, we are a remarkable free land, glory to our land, blessed name, glory to the people of the fraternal union. our beloved mother is sold, our forever belarus, our beloved mother, homeland
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, live forever, not belarus, but a country.
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our sad, sleepy paths, our mountains are clear and clear, fear of work is holy, joy is holy, our earth is layered, our bright name is, the words
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of the people. persian union, our beloved matsi, bradi, ponech yours, deeds, our beloved, matsi, vrodima, all could, be'. belarus! belarus remembers a history that cannot be rewritten, woe to the heirs of the tribunal of the century.
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welcome from london, where does it lead? migration link from rishi sunak's office. the greenhouse at the metropolitan museum of gardeners metgal was showered with a wave of stylish reviews. you look around the planet, we're on the air tv channels in belarus 1 and belarus 24. in the studio of daria tarasov. hello. belarus remembers in the first person and will always be grateful to the heroes who gave us a great victory. time has chosen us.


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